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The Circus ( LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

Ezra was looking over towards the voice and saw that Kyle was there, although was quickly taking a few steps backwards to avoid the Black King's sword striking her, not even seeming to flinch at that point in time.
"We came to get a fellow lord back that is falsibly being imprisoned here." one of the others spoke in a dark voice. This had Ezra just seeming to roll her eyes at them in annoyance.
"He didn't deserve to be imprisoned. He isn't the evil one here." The man spoke before accusing Ezra of being the mastermind behind it. Bringing up the fact that she had been imprisoned herself for a reason.
"I imprisoned him for stealing souls are you going to say that I am evil?" Kyle let more of his power lose and he would notice that the weaker of those there were falling due to the sheer amount of pressure he was placing on them
"Lets not cause more damage to my realm. I already have an aggressive dragon that wants to get free and tear me apart right now." Ezra was commenting although seemed calm as could be before she was looking towards the other lords that had shown up. With that she was actually flicking her hand and they were just vanishing.
Kyle looked at Ezra before walking over to her and after taking a couple deep breaths touched her face lightly “I wouldn’t damage your realm Ezra as that is beyond rude
Ezra was just looking over at Kyle for a moment as he came over and soon enough he seemed to be reaching out to touch her face. "No intentionally but I know how you are when you get upset enough. I am the same way. Not that it wouldn't take long to repair."
"so I have seen" Kyle nodded his head lightly and then looked over his shoulder when he got an alert that a human was about to die "do you want to come with to collect a soul?"

While Kyle was talking to Ezra the new head house keeper was speaking with Kayden about staffing and if they were to move Selena into his rooms as the two were now married. Carol was the only one at the moment to know that the could was married as she had seen and heard Selena flip out after learning what being married was and what in entailed, she had also watched as Selena locked herself in her room as she tried to hide form her new husband
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"No no... I am not going to force her to move into my room with me at all. We will give her that offer as well as we will offer to move her into a larger room once again; but I am not going to force it at all." Kadyn was speaking after a moment in time, just shaking his head some.
Carol nodded her head "we can do that but at some point you two will have to share a room even if it is just when other nobles are visiting"
Kadyn was just looking over before he spoke, "We were already forced to get married, I am not going to force her to share a room with me. Visiting nobles be damned."
"I am aware my lord and I understand how you feel but even if it is just for show and we stick a second bed in here during that time it is somethign that she will need to adapt to unless once everythign is over the king cancels your marriage" Carol wanted to slap the man but she held back
Kadyn was just looking over for a brief moment in time before he spoke, "I shall take it up with Selena first. If she feels comfortable doing that then we will do that, if not then... fuck the other nobles." No he was more looking out for Selena and her interests. He didn't care what the other nobles had to say - even if they were married didn't mean that they had to share rooms. He knew a few married couples that didn't share rooms and that was just their personal want.
"very well as for her clothing what should we do all she has are her work uniforms" Carol would be more then happy to take her shopping or if Kayden wanted he could take her shopping
Kadyn was looking over before he spoke, "Lets take her out shopping so that she can pick out some of her own clothes. I would go with but... I think another woman going with would be better. A woman would be able to give her better advice on clothing. I shall talk to her about the whole room situation and see what would make her more comfortable. Whether it be just sharing a bed with me in my room, moving another bed into my room to share that way, just moving into a new room closer to mine, or staying where she is." No he was going to give her choices. He wasn't going to take her choice of freedom away.

Ezra was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "Sure I'll come with, I have nothing to do right now." With that she was giving a shrug before pulling her hair up into a tight ponytail to keep it out of her face.

As this was all happening, Sielle found herself just wandering around Lucifer's palace, with another maid guiding her at the time. The woman was soft spoken and just explaining to her about the various rooms, and giving advice on certain areas to avoid. More because they were dangerous or it was usually off limits to others unless they were Lucifer or somebody he specified. Although as they were wandering they found themselves suddenly being approached by a very loud and brash noble, which was instantly making them seem very uncomfortable about being near him. The maid was moving to stand between the noble and Sielle, already knowing about how he reacted towards woman.
Carol nodded her head lightly "I will make plans with her for tomorrow and Ill make sure she gets a good variety of clothes"

Kyle opened a portal to take them to where he needed to collect souls from

Lucifer was walking and talking with his aid when he came upon the girls and noticed the nobel "I don't recal allowing nobles to wander the halls of my castle freely"
The aide just seemed to stop so that he could stay out of the way at that point in time. The maid was bowing when she saw the king then glancing towards the noble who seemed to be acting more high and mighty than the king.

Kadyn was nodding his head before he was heading off so that he could get some things sorted out and taken care of that point in time.

Ezra was following after him so that they could be going.
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