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The Circus ( LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

Kiara was currently just leaning against the wall of a hospital that she was in, just staring up at the ceiling at the time. No she was waiting for the doctors to finish a consultation with a patient at that point in time. Although it wasn't long before she found herself jumping a bit when a man was appearing before her and claiming that he was the god of death and was inviting her to Purgatory to rest and recover. Hmm.... perhaps that was a good idea but she couldn't just leave at that point in time. No she had to help the child that was in the room behind her first. "After I am done helping the child in this room. Their heart is failing and his parents are losing hope. But.... I'm going to fix it all."
Kyle looked into the room and chuckled "You don't need to little one he is not destined to die" Kyle then looked at her "a heart will become available to him tonight and he will make it through the surgery with out fail there is another child in this hospital who was born without a brain their are a match while the doctor is speaking with these parents another is getting consent for organ donation"
Kiara was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she questioned, "So who sent you here? My brother worried for my safety, or Lucifer, whom I really don't want to talk to right now."
"I came of my own accord and I have permission from her majesty to bring you into her realm" Kyle then held out the bracelet "if you wish to come you will need to wear this"
Kyle opened and portal in to Ezra’s sitting room “after you please do avoid touching me I would be very upset if you got killed be cause you touched me by accident”
Kiara just looked around a bit then looked at the woman that was within the room and was just waving a bit before she was commenting, "We have met before. A pleasure to see you in good health." Ezra was just waving before she spoke, "No better than you right now."
Ezra was just flickering her eyes towards him before she spoke with a grin, "I'm a glorious mess and I know it. And it is worth it." With that she was gesturing for one of her maids to come over and show Kiara off to a room that she could stay in.
“Yes you are but for someone who has already died can you please refrain from giving me a heart attack getting hurt” Kyle looked at her lightly from where he was standing glad that his clothes hid his wounds
Ezra just looked at him for a brief moment in time before she questioned, "Hurt? What are you talking about?'
“You were out cold for over three days Ezra I would call the hurt as you couldn’t be woken up” Kyle stared at her from where he was standing
Ezra was just looking at him before she was giving a grin and just strolling towards him. "Oh was the God of Death worried for somebody?" she questioned in playful voice.
"touching me would destroy your soul since I am not collecting it" Kyle smiled and when she got too close he moved away from her so as to not risk touching her

Selena looked at Kayden when they arrived at her room but she refused to open the door as she didn't want him to see how small the room truly was "what did you mean by married"
"You already know that I am able to touch you. I've touched you before." Ezra was commenting in a soft voice after a moment in time before giving a small shrug.

Kadyn was looking at her before he was explaining what marriage was.
"it could have been a fluke I won't risk you your one of my closest friends" Kyle honestly felt like it was just a one off at the time

Selena stared back at him her eyes wide and she let out a small squeak
"I doubt that it was a fluke." Ezra was commenting after a moment in time before she was pushing some of her hair out of her face. "Lets get your injury tended to."
"they will heal" Kyle was overly cautious as he was over six millennia old and he had had several people die from touching him while trying to help him
Ezra was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was just waving a hand, not wanting to argue it at all. She was however looking away, seeming a little distracted as she looked off into the distance for a brief moment in time.
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