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The Circus ( LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

Ezra was just wandering off after a moment in time before she was seeming to fade away to take care of something.
"and risk killing her no I wont do that i care too much for her to risk losing her" Kyle looked at the handmaiden "I met your queen when i needed someone the most I was going insane and that is a killing blow for a death god she grounded me and made things better for me in so many ways"
The handmaiden looked over for a brief moment in time before she was speaking in a soft voice, "You worry too much. Besides.... something deep down tells me that you two are meant to be."
Kyle chuckled not because he found her words funny because it would serve him right if she were as he already loved her but didn't risk saying anything
The handmaiden was just looking over before she questioned, "Have you ever been able to touch another being before?"
"twice before now but after three times they both died and painfully so, you queen has touched me three times I fear what would happen if she were to touch me for a fourth" Kyle closed his eyes as he tried to ignore the pain
The handmaiden was just questioning, "Did it feel different touching her?" With that she was studying him before something seemed to appear in her hands and she was offering it to him. Just a small vial with a potion in it that would help him heal.
"her touch is warm while everyone else is cold" Kayle took care but took the vial from her before asking if it was applied or drank as he didnt want to assume
"Drink it. And I would think that her touch being warm versus cold is a sign." the handmaiden spoke as she was carefully handing it over to him before she was giving a bow and retreating.
Kyle nodded and then drank the potion before closing his eyes once more to think on what the woman had said. after a bit sleep claimed him and he slept in the chair unawakre of his surroundings at the time
He was safe enough within the palace of Purgatory. The handmaiden placing a couple of guards outside of the room for his protection, while she was going to check on Ezra, not at all shocked that the woman had pushed himself to a point of exhaustion with everything she had been doing.
Kyle rested but his powers flowed freely and several people would become uncomfortable because of it as it would give off the feeling of death looming other them
Some of the denizens of Purgatory seemed bothered by it but the guards that were there ignored it, not even bothered by it whatsoever. No they just continued with their task at hand, keeping people out of the room. As he rested, as was Ezra, the woman just curled up in her bed at that point in time.
When he woke up he would find that the room was empty other than the handmaiden who seemed to be organizing a few things.
"Oh good morning." The handmaiden was speaking after a moment in time before she was gesturing to a tray near him. "I would suggest remaining in your room right now. Some of the Crimson Lords allies decided to invade Purgatory to demand that he be returned, that we are wrongfully holding him - they are picking a fight with the wrong person."
"I more meant until the intruders leave. Lady Ezra has hit a level of beyond pissed off at that point." the handmaiden was commenting after a moment in time.
The handmaiden was chuckling before she was commenting, "They are in the throne room." She lead him that way but didn't enter the room at all, no she could feel the dark energy that radiated from the room.
Kyle followed her to the throne room and before entering her summoned his cloak and scythe. Once attired properly Kyle enter and his voice rang out “ what fools dare question my decisions”
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