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The Circus ( LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

Lucifer looked to the maid "please take Lady Sielle back to her chambers for the time being" was Sielle in trouble no but he didnt want her to see what he was about to do

Kyle walked in to the building and discovered it was a school which had the male sighing and shaking his head
The maid was giving a nod of her head before straightening up and leading Sielle away from what was happening.

Ezra was just looking around some as they appeared.
the school was covered in blood but it was unclear to him what happened there "lets find the souls and leave"

Lucifer moved to the male and with a single hit sent the man flying
Ezra was nodding her head before she questioned, "Some kind of mass murder happen here?"

The noble was giving a grunt when this happened but seemed to vanish soon after hitting the wall.
"seems like it I try not do find out what happened unless i can't avoid it" Kyle looked around and soon found the first soul that he needed to collect "such a waste they all had great potential"

Lucifer hissed and ordered the castle locked down that no nobles outside of Kayden and Kiara and their spouses were to enter the building
Ezra was just looking over before she spoke, "I suppose I'm the only one who is curious as to the whats and the whys."

Sielle had retreated with the maid back to the room that she was staying in, although she didn't go to sit on the bed or anything.
"its more because it haunts me if i know" Kyle hated this part of his job if he knew how they died it would haunt him till they were reborn
"This is more than just a mass killing.... This was a slaughter.... What the hell happened..." was all Ezra could say as she was looking around, before actually wandering around to see if she could figure it out.
"Well lets go and figure it out. It is strange that so many are dead." Ezra spoke after a moment. Especially at a school. School shootings happened but never to this level, this was something completely different.
"Jesus..... It is like some plague swept through all of a sudden or something." Ezra was mumbling as she looked around.
"or something do you know if any creatures from Purgatory could be missing?" Kyle would ask Lucifer the same thing shortly but since she was there he would ask her first
Ezra was just looking over before she spoke, "No none of them are missing. Nothing else can leave Purgatory without my permission... that and anything else from my realm wouldn't be able to stand being in the human realm for long. Hour tops."
Kyle nodded and then closed his eyes and connected with all the leaders of the different realms to find out if any were missing a beast after several minutes he spoke " Greek and Norse are missing beasts but they have been missing for some time but the two that are missing are dangerous when provoked"
Ezra was just looking over before she was questioning, "What kind of beasts?" No if she had to go hunting for beasties then she would definitely go hunting; it wasn't going to bother her at all. If anything it gave her something to do.
"Cerberus and Fennrir are both missing" Kyle sighed and wanted to scream as the two could do a lot of damage if provoked and let lose somewhere
Ezra was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was cooing, "Oh I do love those two puppies so much! I always go and visit them and they give me puppy kisses." Strange how somebody would refer to them as puppies but it was pretty obvious that she wasn't all that afraid of them if that is how she was refering to them.
"they are sweet so I am worried that they are missing as you know very well how they can get" Kyle was glad that the two liked her as it would make recovering them easier
Ezra was just looking towards him before she was commenting, "I am very aware of how they get, especially when they are excited. So how about we see if they are in fact here...." With that she was actually summoning out her sword and cutting her own arm some, allowing the blood to well up and drip. It was a scent that the dogs would instantly recognize and come to investigate if they were there, see why somebody they liked was bleeding. Although they would calm down easily enough when they saw that she was unharmed and that she was just with Kyle, somebody else they liked... sometimes it seemed.
Kyle saw her cut her arm and then chuckled "your going to get me squished as they wouldn;t dare pounce on you me they seem to think I am a bed or a toy" Kyle froze when he felt hot breath on the back of his neck "not again" only seconds later Kyle was laying flat on the floor as Cerberus was sitting on him
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