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The Circus ( LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

"please he is already in a bad mood Kiara mainly from people doing stupid shit or trying to, to those he cares for and there are two groups attempting it plus his security spells were messed with and they take more time then he had to fix"

"of course you are if only i could get my hands on the bastard who hurt you so bad" the woman was angry but her anger wasn't directed at Sielle
Kiara was just standing up before she spoke, "I refuse to sign what I don't know what it is. Now if you'll excuse me. I have patients to get back and tend to." With that she was turning to walk away and Kayden was just watching her for a brief moment before he was getting up and going over to her, speaking to her in a soft voice.

Sielle just seemed to flinch away at the anger although she didn't seemed to outwardly cower - which was an improvement. Sure she showed that she was afraid but she was dropping into a submissive bow begging for forgiveness. With that she was undressing and the woman would be able to see some of the scars that she had.
"it is not your fault I am angry dear I could never be mad at you" the maid helped her in to the warm bath and after gettign her hair cleaned she started trimming it while letting Sielle soak

Lucifer was fuming and his anger was only getting worse as time went by this even had Selena going over and hiding behind Kayden and Kiara
Kadyn was just looking at Selena before he spoke in a gentle tone, "Return to the mansion; you have done nothing wrong. This is between Lord Lucifer and Lady Kiara." With that he was just shaking his head at his sister a bit before he was leaving with Selena.

Kiara was just looking at Lucifer before she spoke, "You may be the king. But you should know by now that I don't just bend a knee without knowing what is going on. If this is because of the damn Crimson Lord then.... I invite them to try and come after me. I'll be prepared for them, and I'll continue to be the obstacle that gets in their way." No she was no fighter, this is something that all nobles knew but that didn't mean that she wasn't a dangerous hurdle to overcome.

Sielle was climbing into the tub, slowly, but she was quiet. No she had wanted to say something, had wanted to tell her that it was fine - that she deserved the anger but she didn't.
Lucifer stood and for the first time, his true form was exposed to her, the power that washed over her would be overwhelming "I said to sign it not argue with me" Lucifer was close to losing control and her arguing back was making things that much worse.
"I refuse to sign until you explain." Kiara spoke back in a rather stubborn voice - actively wrapping her own magic around her to protect herself from the overwhelming amount of power. Yet Lucifer would feel her magic waver rather dangerously when she did so. A sign that she was still magically exhausted from when the Crimson Lord had paid a visit to their mansion.
Lucifer glared "no" he couldn't and if she had listened to Caleb she would know why she knew the spells he kept on his office and if they had been tampered with she would know it wasn't safe to do so
Kiara was just giving an annoyed sigh but in the end she was signing the paper and thrusting it into his chest before she was turning and vanishing, seeming to drop off the radar at that point in time. A huge "I'm fucking pissed at you" from her.
Lucifer took both docutmens and sealed them away but not beofre sending copies to Kayden copies that would exspose what he had done. Caleb went to the house to make sure that Selena was ok as she had seem ed rather freaked out
Kadyn had escorted Selena back to the house although was confused when his sister's magic just seemed to drop off the face of the earth at that point in time. Oh she was pissed about something. He was walking next to her when the copies seemed to appear and he was just pausing for a brief moment in time. "Seriously Lucifer... You could explain next time..." he was mumbling as he looked at the papers, walking next to Selena before explaining to her what they had signed.
Selena looked at him with wide eyes and didnt say anything this had Caleb speaking "he couldn't the spells on his office had been tampered with so people would be able to listen in on what was being said being a telepath he could tell me and I agreed to what he was planning" Caleb produced and bracelet and handed it to him "give this to you sister when she shows up next it will let her come and go from my home"
"Hmmm.... I don't know when Kiara will actually come back. She is pretty pissed off, the point that even I cannot track her at this point in time." Kadyn was speaking but was taking the bracelet from him. "He could have explained when he sent us the summons though."

As this was happening, the handmaiden to Ezra was making her way towards where Kyle was at before she spoke in a low voice, "My lord, I came to inform you that Lady Ezra is awake. I also want to make you very aware that she is in a weakened state still with putting up that barrier to stop that man from getting free as easily."
"he was protecting you both do you really think you sister would have showed up if she knew he was going to marry her off even if it is only to protect her?" Caleb doubted it and he had a feeling she would have taken off

Kyle looked at her and nodded "show me to her my power is neutral so I can lend her some and it will attune to her" Kyle wanted to make sure that she was safe granted he was dealing with his own injuries but she didnt need to know that
The handmaiden was looking at the man before she was speaking, "I believe that you should worry about your own injuries. I can smell the blood, clear as day." With that she was gesturing for him to follow after her. Although after a short bit of walking, they actually found themselves coming upon Ezra who seemed to be standing in the hallway with her weapon of choice in her hand and there was a body on the ground. It wasn't somebody from Purgatory however it seemed - no it seemed like it was somebody who had been sent by one of the lords aligned with the Crimson Lord. "My Lady?" the handmaiden questioned which had Ezra looking over, wiping a bit of blood off of her cheek - more like smearing it more. "Oh.... I didn't realize that we still had a guest here. Anyways... Lets be sure to send this body back to the one that sent it here. I'm that the Black King wants his property back." Ezra was humming as her weapon was vanishing from her hand.

Kadyn was looking over before he spoke, "She would have been more open to listening and less against the idea if she had known the truth. She hates being forced to do stuff, and getting married wasn't something that had been on her list of things to do. Not yet anyways."
"I am aware that is the case but would she have rather been kidnapped and possibly raped until pregnant and then forced to marry it is basically what these bastards were planning and I dont blame her for being pissed but I do worry for you wife she looks ready to pass out" VCalebe motione dot Selena who had become rather pale as everything started to sink in

Kyle waved off the maids concern and when they came accross Ezra he spoke "I am starting to think you need more guards"
"And who is to say that even though she is married to you.... that that isn't something that could happen. She did just go off on her own." Kadyn was commenting after a moment before going over to Selena to escort her to her room.

Ezra just looked over before she was cooing, "Who needs guards. I'm capable of protecting myself. Besides... the only reason this man got in here is because I allowed him to enter. I wanted to see who was allied with the Crimson Lord nowadays."
"if she is pissed I hope she is in hiding but if they do harm her I get to eat them" Caleb smiled and then chuckled when Selena balked at his words

"several families if what i am hearing is right it got bad enough that Lucifer tricked Kayden and Kiara in to getting married as well to protect them" Kyle had found how angry the woman was entertaining
Ezra was just looking over before she spoke, "Oh....Being forced into marriage is still a thing. I guess I suppose that I am technically dead now and not having to deal with that." With that she was pushing some of her hair out of her face.

"Oh I doubt that she is hiding. She is probably heading to a hospital to let off her steam by helping those around her until she cannot." Kadyn was commenting.
Caleb chuckled " as long as she is safe I do not care where she goes" Caleb then waved before heading off so he could get a room ready for her

"i think it was more to protect them then anything but I haven't gone to ask as it is not wise at the moment
"Hmmm.... Until she collapses because she will push her magic to the brink and then some." Kadyn was commenting. Nope he knew his sister way to well.

"Why is it not wise? What isn't wise?" Ezra was questioning after a moment in time.
"going to the demon realm the fact that someone tried to force his to favored people in to relationships that would leave them as nothing but slave and to top it off his spelles on his office were tampered with so he is a little pissed the the first over the second is the main culprate for his mood right now"

Caleb looked at him "I can't track ehr so there is little i can do to help"
Ezra was just looking over for a moment in time before she was speaking, "Not sure that forcing people that you care about to marry each other is the route to go."
"probably not but he was infuriated and not thinking things through if you ok with it I would like to go and collect her and bring her here to recover she has used a lot of her power and since she is a living being I can track her" Kyle wouldn't force her to come but he figured resting was better then working till she dropped
Ezra was just looking over before giving a shrug then spoke, "I have no qualms about it at all." With that she was taking off a bracelet that she was wearing and was handing it over to him before she spoke, "Give this to her. It'll keep her safe from this place since she is somebody who truly shouldn't be here."
Kyle nodded his head and then vanished from their site appearing before Kiara and greeting her "greetings Lady Kiara I am Kyle the god of death and if you are willing to go I am offering you an invitation to Purgatory to rest and recover"
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