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The Circus ( LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

Sielle was just giving a small nod of her head before she was speaking in a soft voice, "I hope that the lady that is keeping the Lord at bay isn't struggling much."
Sielle was just giving a nod of her head before she was pushing some of her hair out of her face. No she felt like now was a good time for them to get going.
Sielle grabbed at his hand before following after him so that they could get out of there, just waving at Monty.
Sielle was leaving with Lucifer to return to the palace, and as soon as they got back they seemed to be getting greeted by some of the servants.
Lucifer greeted them and when one of his aids came up to him he looked at the head maid "Lady Sielle is my guest and is to be given the upmost respect and care I am charging you with that care" The maid nodded and confirmed that she would do as instructed
Sielle was just looking over for a moment before she was speaking in a soft voice, "O....Oh.... I....I am no Lady.... And I.... What can I do to help. I can do laundry... I can cook, clean...."
the older woman looked at her shocked "oh no my dear you are the kings guest so there is no work for you to do if there is anything you would like to learn I can make arraingments"
Sielle definitely didn't seem comfortable at all being considered the guest to royalty. How did guest even act... how was she suppose to act? She knew nothing about being a lady. "O....Oh no.... T...There is no need for you to teach me anything, M...My Lady...."
this had the woman nodding her head "I know exactly what to do come with me" the woman moved behind Sielle and pushed her off in the direction of Lucifers room so she coudl get her cleaned up and then go over some o f the basics on what a guest was
Sielle seemed a bit startled at being pushed along but ended up going with her, a rather frightened look on her face. "I.... D....didn't mean to speak back.... P...Please don't punish me...." she spoke in a low voice, trembling a bit from head to toe. No she had never seen this woman before but the head maid would definitely be able to tell that Sielle had gone through something traumatic.
"its ok dear I am not going to hurt you I am going to give you a bath and trim your hair and then we are gonna get you in some clothes that don't bag on you and while you eat I am going ot start giving you some edicate lessons and if you need a regular education as well then Ill do that too." the woman chuckled "Lucifer left you with me because he trusts me firstly because I am a succubus and no one comes between me and the child I am caring for in this case you and second I was his nanny when he was growing up so i have a gentel hand"
Sielle was just flinching away before she was going into a low bow - a very submissive and obedient slave bow in apology, just apologizing to her in a soft voice for accusing her of being a terrible person.
the woman sighed and then helped her stand "I am aware of what happened to you, you don't need to apologize to me your fear is natural"

while his old Nanny was tending to Siell Lucifer listened to his aid while being informed of the plot to force Kiara and Kayden to marry into families that allied with the crimson lord. Wanting to keep them both safe Lucifer decided he would act and while it might anger his friend he hoped that they would be understanding. When Lucifer walked into his office he noticed that his spell to keep his office secure was tamped with and he noticed a spell allowing others to listen in on his conversations but not see what he was doing. Lucifer then sent for Kayden, Kiara, Selena, and Caleb. while he waited for them to show up he created to marriage certificates one for Kayden and Selena and one for Kiara and Caleb.
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Sielle was just giving a small nod of her head before she spoke in a soft voice, "I....I a...apologize..."

Kiara had been busy in the infirmary when they got the summons, currently tending to a heavily injured guard at the time. Kayden was going ahead at that point in time and was just looking towards Lucifer, just bowing for a moment. "Kiara will be here shortly. She got a little tied up in assisting with an injured guard."
the old woman chuckled and then hugged her "its ok my dear Lucifer told me everything so you don't have to apologize to me"

Lucifer nodded his head lightly and looked over when Selena and Caleb walked in to his office. he could tell Selena was confused and would be even more so after he was done
Sielle was just giving a small nod of her head.

Kayden was just leaning against a wall and soon enough Kiara seemed to be appearing although she definitely didn't care that her clothes were a bit covered in blood and she had some blood on her face. Nope had finished up what she had needed to do and left right away.
Lucifer didn't care that she was covered in blood either and once they were all settled he handed them each the appropriate paper and said to sign hit tone of voice made it clear he was not to be questioned or disobeyed. yes he had what they were signing and yes he knew they would be pissed but his own temper was simmering just below the threshold and if someone tested him there was little anyone else could do.

Caleb took the document and signed it with out question and watched as Selena did the same granted her name was printed as her Siren instructor was teaching her to read and write but it was still valid.

the head maid took Sielle in to the kings room and ushered her in to the bath room so she could rest and relax in warm water while the woman did her work
While the other two were signing it, the twins were actually taking the time to look over it for a moment in time. In the end Kayden just seemed to be signing it without any questions asked at that point in time - just finding it pointless to try and argue. Kiara on the other hand.... it should have been expected that she was going to have something to say about it. "The hell is this." was all Kiara could say after a moment in time, not even touching the pen to sign it. Not until she got some answers, even with Kayden trying to just get her to sign it.

Sielle was just looking around for a moment in time as she followed after her, being careful not to touch anything or dirty anything. Once in the bathroom she was just looking around for a bit before she was going over to turn on the bathtub although just seemed to turn it onto the cold setting.
it was Caleb wo moved and spoke extremely softly in to her ear "just sign it trust me you will lose no freedom from me but he must act fast or you will lose everything you have worked for" Caleb was a telepath on top of being a dragon and then two had conversed while they had waited for Kiara to join them all.

this had the adding some hot water to it "it will be warm not scalding I hate hot water but warm is comforting" she smiled lightly at Sielle
Kiara was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was folding her arms across her chest before she was speaking, "I will not be signing something I don't know what it is."

Sielle looked a bit startled before she spoke in a soft voice, "I....I didn't know I was allowed to take a warm bath...."
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