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The Circus ( LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

Sielle was just looking a bit startled and then ashamed as she looked down and spoke in a soft voice, "N....No... I.... I was never taught...."
"well no you will be I have taught Lucifer everything he knows as i was his nanny so I will teach you as well" the woman beamed at her as she found nothing to be ashamed of
the woman opened a small portal and pulled out work books that covered letters both for ancient demonic and for English "we will start with the basics for two languages"
"i will walk you through everything so don't worry we can go as fast or as slow as you need" the woman then motioned for her to join her hat the table so that they could get started
Sielle was nodding before she was walking over to sit at the table, so that they could get started on learning.
the maid started with english as the demonic language could be difficult but she wanted to see how well the girl learned and if her mind craved knowladge
Sielle seemed to be learning the letters easy enough although when they jumped into learning actual words - that is when she seemed to struggle some with reading them. And it was obvious that she was still traumatized from making mistakes in the past. Every time she wasn't sure how to say a word or mispronounced a word, she seemed to be flinching a bit - although not even necessarily out of fear of the head maid. She knew that the woman wouldn't hurt her - it was just more natural at that point in time.
the maid took her time and they worked slowly going over the words she struggled with until she mastered them. this woman was a saint to the staff because it seemed like she never got mad when someone made a mistake and she didn't so long as one learned from it and Sielle was learning and gaining what she had been denied
After a few hours, Sielle had definitely gained a lot of knowledge in the short time although it was obvious that she was getting a bit flustered now. Perhaps time to end the lesson for a short bit. Too much information was being absorbed and she wasn't sure how to process much new information at that current point in time. A younger maid had also come looking for the head maid to tell her that they were needing her assistance in the kitchen. "The stove stopped working again. We tried to fix it but we don't have your magic touch at all." the younger maid was speaking after a moment in time. Nope not for lack of trying at all - even with learning how the head maid did things, they weren't able to replicate it.

As this was happening, it seemed like Kiara had woken up from her cat nap in Purgatory and had decided to go home for the rest of the night. Who would have figured that enroute home she would find herself being caught by that of the Black King and some of his men. Poor woman hadn't even had the chance to even reach out to her brother before she was being grabbed by them and taken away to the man's mansion. Kadyn had been sitting in his office talking to Selena about the rooming situation when he had felt his sister appear and then just as fast as she had appeared, she seemed to be gone.
"I'm sorry Selena. We can finish this conversation in a moment but.... I felt Kiara return but now she is just gone again. I'm just going to go have a few guards take a look for her." he was speaking.
Selena nodded her head "It's ok she is your sister so if you want to join the search for her go ahead Ill use my room tonight and we can talk tomorrow" Selena wouldn't stop him from finding his sister as she knew the two were close and she didn't want to see their bond break because he was tending to her rather then his sister.

Caleb also felt her return home but he then felt her get moved to a new location. their mistake would be scaring her as Caleb didn't take kindly to people touching his wife if they weren't family so that pool was rather small. when she was doing her work as a healer Caleb would handle it in the best way her could which would be to shrink and ride her shoulder if she let him.

the head maid nodded and then spoke to Sielle 'lets get you to Lucifer so I can go deal with the stove in the kitchen"
Kadyn was just commenting, "Oh it seems like Caleb is going to take care of it." Nope he was going to stay out of the way if that was the case - not getting in the way of a dragon going to find his mate. Nope. With that he was looking towards Selena before he spoke, "Alright so there are a few options for you. And this is all your decision. You can remain in your current room if you want. You can move to a different, larger room closer to my room - there are three different rooms that you can pick from. Or you can share my room with me; either you can share my bed or we can get another bed in the room if you aren't comfortable doing that."

Kiara was definitely startled and in a little pain after being more or less tossed onto the ground by the Black King upon arriving at his throne room. Yet it wasn't long before she was finding out why she was there - and that was the man was telling her that it would be the best idea for her to take his proposal. Literally telling her that she had to marry him. "I don't think so...." Kiara was speaking and was quickly throwing up a barrier around herself to block him from striking her.

Sielle was just nodding her head before she was getting to her feet.
Sielle listened to him explain her options but she was confused on when he meant by share his bed as the girls often talked about their sexual experianced she had no way to know that he was refereing to just sleeping and not having sex with him.

the black king would soon find himself starting down the throat of a very angry dragon who had crashed through the males roof taking out his sceiling as well. Caleb stood over Kiara growling more then ready to eat the amel if he tried soemthign stupid.
"I am refering to just sleeping in the same bed as me." Kadyn was adding after seeing the confused look at that seemed to have.

Kiara was just watching for a brief moment in time and watched as the Black King seemed to take a step away, realizing his folly.
"oh Ummm can I have a little time to think please" Selena didn't want to come off as wanting to sleep with him but she also didn't want to seem as if she didn't appreciate what she was being given

Caleb looked at her "are you ok my dear" Caleb was being overly friendly with her but if he wanted the male to back off so that he didn't need to eat him this would be the way to go.
Kadyn was nodding before he spoke, "Of course you can take some time to think. Take all the time you wish. Also the head maid is wanting to take you out shopping for some new clothes. Why don't you go with her sometime today or tomorrow. Get yourself some new clothes, or whatever else you want."

Kiara was just looking for a moment in time before she spoke, "Yeah I am. More startled than anything."
Caleb bobbed his large head and then turned it back to the male before speaking "care to tell me why you kidnapped my wife from her brother's home and brought her here?" Caleb was pissed and Kiara would be able to tell

Selena nodded her head lightly "ok Ill go and see her" Selena then stood up and headed to find the new head maid
The Black King was just looking over for a moment before he spoke, "Orders are orders."

Kadyn was just stopping her before handing her a card so that she could buy whatever she was wanting.
"and laws are laws do you know what happens to a man when he takes a dragons mate" Caleb smiled showing all of his teeth as dragonic law stated if someone stole a dragons mate they were allowed to eat the person who did so as a warning to others to never try it again.

Selena took the card and then thanked him before she hurried off
Kiara just looked for a moment before she spoke, "Caleb... Lets just go. We will leave him for now. I want to see him realize the fully of following the Crimson Lord... when he falls."

Sielle walked into the room where Lucifer was at with the head maid.
"I would rather eat him but I will do as you wish" Calbe shifted so that he wasn't standing over her and then settled down so she could climb on to his back

Lucifer looked over and smiled at her "hello Sielle"
"Lets just get out of here for now." Kiara was speaking as she was walking over to climb up onto his back so that they could get out of there, not wanting to remain there any longer.

Sielle was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "H....Hello...."
"can do where would you like to go" Caleb stood up and then spread out his wings and took off so that they could get out of there.

"I heard you were being taught how to read" Lucifer smiled at her lightly
"Lets just go home." Kiara was mumbling after a moment in time.

Sielle was just looking over for a moment before she was giving a small nod, "I... I was trying..."
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