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New Student at Superhero High (KiraMusani x Frozen Princess)

Crystal was the one to ask although both Jean and Ivy had their mouths open. "Why in the bloomin' blazes would that give ya anxiety? Ya have lots more free time t' do you things. Like read. Ya still got tomorrow and after three Monday thru Friday. Well, yeh, nah. Homework. Bout the only thing regarding school that ain't apples... Still. Ya would have 21 days to finish the book, an' ya can even re-up up to three times as long as it's not reserved for someone else."
Alina Rubbed the back of her head at the reply.
"I don't know... I'm sorry is that not right? I suppose I can try and feel less anxious if it is that bad"
She didn't know why she felt anxious, perhaps it was previous expectations of her that made her develop that reaction.

Kitty and Diana just looked at Ivy, after all, wasn't it, her job to help Alina adjust to this life?
Ivy closed her mouth since the Aussie basically shot off hers. Even Windy was giving her the raised eyebrow stare.

"Nah, think yer anxiety is just misplaced. Waitin' for the other shoe t' drop kinda."

Ivy then gave Crystal a look of Do you mind?!

Jean cleared her throat and probably was speaking for both herself and Kitty when she said, "Ivy. YOU are the senior that's supposed to be helping Alina. Crystal. Button it. Let Ivy do her job." She then looked at Alina. "None of us want to see you stressed, if you want, we can all sit here quietly and let you gather your thoughts." She stared at each one of the other girls in turn, forgetting she wasn't dorm president anymore now that there was a real matron and assistant on duty. Both of them, adults.

Ivy sighed and put an arm around Alina. "It's actually normal to have anxiety around new people and surroundings. It's also your decision as far as checking the book out. I'm not much on some library rules, but that's why there's Bookworm. He can be a bit intimidating, but he's no one to fear, especially for legitimate questions. If you're not sure, ask him if you can ask a dumb question."

Crystal blinked. "Ya off yet bean, Ives? Oh. Ah, yeh, luv.... He usually don't mind someone askin' that before askin' the other question actually on their mind. Usually puts both student and Bookworm in a more tranquil state." She nodded.
Kitty and Diana both felt there were enough girls helping her and let the others handle it.

Alina nodded between Ivy and crystal as they spoke, and to Jean when she spoke.
"Thanks, I think I will be fine, I am just not used to all this. Deadlines and stuff make me anxious more than books. I don't like to feel rushed. I also don't like too much attention from lots of people. I think you are all just trying to help so thank you." She looked down at the book.
"Maybe just the one for now and I'll see how things go. and umm, I don't need time, I would like it if we just moved on please." She asked feeling timid.
Ivy, Crystal and Jean all nodded. Windy lost her glare at Ivy and returned to her Etiquette book. "Think that's best, too. You want to sit here a little longer or sightsee the school grounds or head back to the dorm. We can even make a stop at your mom's room if you want since she's the dorm matron and you can ask her about those bars."
Alina shook her head.
"I do not want to bother her, maybe we should just go back to the dorms, or is there something else I should see today?" She asked.
Pardon an' I may be out woop-woop meself, but, ain't that yer decision t' make, luv, an' not Ivy's? Ya shoulda been tellin' her, "take me here, or there, or yon, 'longs it's onna property.ya shoulda been draggin' her around, by 'er nose if need be."

Ivy sighed as Jean grabbed Kitty's hand and gave it a loving squeeze so Kitty or she didn't tear Crystal a new one. "Crystal's kinda got a point, it just could have been said less gruffy. These two weeks ARE all about where YOU wanna go since the tour. Well, on property, but it's a large campus. A square mile of land, I think. Maybe tomorrow we could go to the picnic area which is where we practice camping, there's a hall of famer like museum full of mementos, I know you haven't seen that, and you've only been outside the famous bell tower and not in it... Going to our dorms does sound best, that'll give you time with your Amazon Traditions book, or go through your student handout and look for things you haven't seen yet. Maybe we can meet some of your teachers before you see them Monday."

"Now there's a bloomin' right good idea!" Crystal smiled before she screamed out in pain, causing Bookworm to look over with a frown. "You yippin' dingo, Jean! Wha's th' bloody idea stompin' on me foot?!" Crystal, with beaded tears in her eyes, said a lot quieter than her yelp had been. All Jean continued to do was give Crystal a smug smirk. Crystal continued muttering, "Gonna have one beaut ova bruise, just know it..."

This could be an opportunity for Alina to help walk Crystal back to the dorm, since she was on the third floor too, and actually solicit advice from her, since she was giving so much unsolicited advice. Like ask her questions about her first two weeks and what she did.
Alina looked to and tilted her head at Crystal, giving a smile as she spoke, then looked to Ivy and nodded.
"Oh is that what she was saying? sorry, I have a hard time understanding sometimes, I am not used to how Crystal speaks, but yeah I think I agree."

Kitty squeezed Jean's hand back as Diana simply stayed by Windy.

As Crystal seemed to get hurt Alina looked at Jean.
"Why did you do that? Do you need to be put in a cage again?" She asked placing her hands on her hips. She then turned to Crystal, Want me to help you go back to your room? will it be hard with an injured foot? I have never experienced it but I know that injured legs and feet can make it hard to walk. Oh! I could make a seat for you like how I made the portable cage for Jean." She offered.
Jean glanced at Alina. "We've tried the nice way. Most of that was unsolicited advice. A few times now, she's cut Ivy off before she could tell you something." She then pointed at Crystal with her free hand, "And really, we didn't need Captain Redundant to make an appearance, Crystal. Ivy was actually just giving an idea.... Or rather trying to squeeze one in on you. Come on, Kitty, we need to let the Aussie stew regarding her behavior." She began to rise, but would halt and sit if Kitty asked or even ordered it.

Crystal made a face before shaking it off and looking at Alina. "Yeah, nah, luv, don't need a seat. A bit of a walk about will be nice, certain." Bookworm would be cordial with Alina explaining the book was due back to the library one week after her probationary period would end and even wished her happy reading, but told Crystal to flat out cool it. Especially in the library.

"Aye, mate. Erm. Mr. Wyvern, sir." Crystal was hobbling very little for someone who just had a foot stomped on, by of all people, Jean Grey. She addressed Alina again, "I ain't doubtin' yer abilities, luv, jus' don't think it's necessary. Jean walked on the top of me foot. I walks on the bottom! Dorm ain't that bloody far." Ivy got on the other side of Crystal... Just in case, and got an, "Appreciated, Ivy, luv."
Kitty nodded and held Jean's arm.
"I like this take charge look on you, okay let's go."

Diana took WIndy and left with Kitty and Jean.

Alina nodded and walked with Crystal, not sure if Ivy would join them or not. She also agreed to bring the book back in time.
"Oh okay, I trust you, I really don't have any idea what it is like so I'll take your word for it."
Jean nodded, "I do feel I'm getting some of my fire back... But" she spoke the last part via their personal mind-link, "you're still in charge in the bedroom, my love, and I need it that way."

Windy didn't know what to think, but just followed her Amazon Princess with a nod.

Ivy looked at Alina and pointed her head to Crystal, silently encouraging her to ask Crystal about her first two weeks on campus and in lockdown. After all, everyone had to do it.

Crystal looked between the two. Finally settling on Alina, she asked, "What's she on about?"

Marinette stormed past, headed the same way, apologizing as she bumped Diana slightly. "Sorry, Princess." She offered obviously in tears. Adrien quickly behind her, "Awww, c'mon Ladybug, we've always teased..."

Marinette spun around, tears in her eyes. "Teased, Adrien! Not tormented! I want you to leave me alone for a while! I'm gonna talk to MY student liaison, Rogue, and I suggest you talk to yours! Especially about yanking my damned pigtails! I holler cuz it freaking HURTS! You can't follow me into the girls dorm or GI Joe will getcha. So, just back. Off!" She turned back around and continued storming towards the dorm with Cat Noir just staring after her.

Windy nodded and shook her head. She'd pegged it. This was certain to start a Rougebug match. Ladybug might be spending a lot more free time with Rogue.
Kitty smirked and used the link to respond.
"Of course, baby steps, but that does not mean I don't like this side of you"

Alina shrugged.
"I am not sure, Oh! but she did encourage me to ask people about their first two weeks when you were trapped here, maybe that was it?"

Diana watched and then looked at Windy.
"Rouge sure will have her hands full"
Jean nodded. "Fair enough, my Shadow Kitty." She gave her a kiss on the corner of her lips. She shook her head. "I just hope Marinette doesn't want a non gloved touch, Diana. Rogue wears gloves for a reason." She was glaring daggers at Cat Noir, before giving a harrumph and continuing towards the same place Marinette went.

Crystal nodded. "Miserable two weeks, except for a few of the mates I met. Took lot longer than I expected, to see everything I mean. Much like you, luv, I got here onna Thursday. I went cat shit bonkers fore it was out. Was so glad for Monday and my first day actually learnin'." She shook her head. "Wished my liaison had thought o' what Ivy had. Ida met my teachers the day before, I wouldna been shittin' bricks all Monday. Fraid I'd screw up. Ask questions, Alina luv, with everyone o' yer teachers whilst ya got the chance tomorrow. What they expect in their classes. Now, Indy, Professor Jones, might be the easiest to talk to next t' Quincy. Quincy's a bit o' all right. Truth."

Of course, Alina had already had a taste of Quincy's decent manner, seeing as she was Alina's first adult contact at the school. And of course, due to the little Alina knew about nutrition seeing as she never really got to choose, Quincy had actually insisted on her class as Alina's first science class.
Kitty smiled and returned the kiss with a nod.
"Yeah, though it's not just her hands, a kiss from her can be deadly, not to mention anything a little more, personal." Kitty blushed.

Diana nodded.
"That must be terrible," She said in response to the comments about Rouge.
"Be nice" Diana demanded of Cat Noir before leaving.

Alina nodded along and did her best to translate what she was saying to herself, the accent and some of the words were a bit rough for her but she felt like she managed okay this time.
"Oh umm, yeah, well imagine living like this but even more restricted for your whole life to this point. It is a little frustrating, to say the least." She admitted.
"And yeah I'll be sure to ask questions, I already know Quincy so that helps" She added.

"But tell me what is your favorite thing to do outside of this building?" She asked, curious.
Jean nodded. "Rogue hates it... And Kitty, she kissed me. I just got rendered unconscious. Anyone with a strong constitution will survive." Kitty even knew about that. Sure, Jean only WAS unconscious. As in a coma for 48 hours. Jean pegged something else. Strong constitution would be willpower to live, she had that in spades, but again, even a person with a strong constitution could end up in a coma for a couple of days after a kiss from Rogue.

Crystal shook her head. "Akin t' livin' in th' Outback all summer, tha's December t' March, down under, luv, and only havin' one well t' drawr water from, I'd reckon. That ain't apples. No apples in the slightest." She perked up at the mention of a place to visit once the two weeks were over. "Bloomin' half Metropolis, luv! Water park; restaurants by th' scores with every cuisine 'cross the world ya can imagine, an' then some; there's an amusement park, Ocean City; museums o' various sorts; opera; movie; th' things t' do are endless! I ain't e'en put a dent in me bucket list!"Crystal was overly excited.

Rouge met them all at the door, being escorted by a worried Cover Girl. Rogue was obviously in tears, unconscious Marinette, on the other hand, limp in her arms, and eyes closed like she was asleep, had the largest grin on her face any of the regulars had ever seen on the teen girl. "Dang fool girl, soon's Ah opened the door, laid th' mother of all kisses on me. Ah'd repeatedly warned her what would happen... Gotta get 'er t' th' infirmary. Least she's still breathin' similar t' ya Jean. Y'all excuse us, please."
Kitty nodded.
"Yeah, I said CAN be deadly, not will. Plus you were comatose, not just unconscious and she steals fellow mutants' powers before their life force so we have a better chance of the latter. She even knocked wolverine on his ass once, and that wasn't even a kiss. It's quite frankly not worth the risk... Wait I wonder what would happen if she touched the new girl." She said out loud and rubbed her chin in thought.

Alina looked at Crystal with a blank look for a moment even after she had finished speaking. She had a smile on her face once she finally responded with a slight chuckle.

Kitty exclaimed as she saw them.
"Holy crap we were just talking about this! I mean maybe Windy can run her there quickly?" Kitty suggested, Diana agreeing that Windy should as she could get her there the fastest.
Windy nodded, took the unconscious, but still breathing Ladybug, and raced her to the infirmary. Cover Girl thanked Windy and patted Rogue's back. "Anna Marie, stop it. I've already contacted Charles and he also said to not blame yourself. She practically jumped YOU, by your own admission."

"By that Cheshire Cat size grin on her unconscious face... Reckon she meant to do that." Crystal said, head lowered, "Ya gotta go, that's the way. Smile on yer face. I ain't seen her smile like that ever, any ya other sheilas?"

Ivy shook her head. "She risked death to kiss Rogue?! Why?"

"That's the million dollar question that even Rogue wouldn't be able to answer." Cover Girl stated, still rubbing the heroine's back. "The only one who CAN, is Marinette. When she wakes up."

"If, Ah mean, Ah dint kiss JEAN like that! Swear Ladybug was tryin' t' suck mah lips right off. That was one o' them watcha call special types. Lovers kiss."

Crystal looked almost ready to need to be caught by Alina. "Rogue? Are ya sayin' first comes pash, than comes a rootin'?"

Rogue shrugged. "If rooting means white it sounds like, darlin', considerin' where her one hand went..."

Jean suddenly released Kitty to cover both Alina's ears. "TMI, Rogue! Damn!"

Cover Girl said sternly, "Okay. Enough. Alina, want to do GI Mom a favor? Go talk to Miss Amber, and tell her, you and Ivy are too young for this discussion." She looked at Crystal and Kitty. "Technically you two are also, but since you, Kitty, and Jean are an actual couple, and your Australian mouth, Crystal, is absolutely filthy, you're the exceptions."

Ivy held up her forefinger. "Actually? I am 18..."

Cover Girl groaned. "Fine. Potty mouth or no, Crystal, YOU'RE excused. You and Alina. Amber. My dorm. Now please. March." She pointed to the partially open door. "Kitty, it's your choice. Stay and be quiet, or join the other two under 18."

(This conversation can be off camera, and focus on only Crystal and Alina, as conversation is to reference a bit of lesbian style fondling)
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Kitty watched as the chaos that was this conversation unfolded, seeing as Jean seemed to have things covered and Cover Girl was there things would get resolved.

Diana had decided that Windy may need backup and left after her after she took off.

Alina meanwhile looked around at all that was being said, trying to figure everything out with a confused look on her face. This look had only become more confused as they started to get into more sexual topics thanks to Rouge, who Alina still didn't really know.
"What? I don't think I am too young, someone just needs to explain it to me." Alina declared not wanting to be left out.
"Why was she hurt when she kissed her? Does kissing hurt!? and where was the hand? I have so many questions!" She declared.
Jean shook her head. "Kitty and I may do things, but they are and belong behind closed doors." She added waving hands, "As south as this conversation is heading, Cover Girl, everyone present isn't old enough for it. Including you. And Marinette, sorry to say, needs a coercion charge slapped on her."

"Jean... I said enough." Cover Girl sighed with a nose pinch.

Rogue had glared at Jean. "Ya've changed since Scott pretty much left ya. Marinette right now has been punished enough, she don't need to face criminal charges, too."

By now even Crystal and Ivy we're starting to get confused. "Anna Marie has a point, Jean. Yer talkin' about someone unconscious, luv, that ain't apples neither. Sides, way yer talkin', sounds like ya don't know Christmas from Bourke Street. Ya've already got Marinette inna divvy van. Yer a bloody dipstick! C'mon ya two, I think Amber will have more sense than ONE of these, at any rate. Bloody oath!" She started walking with her slight limp towards the door Cover Girl pointed to. "I'll explain meself there, Alina. Ain't forgot yer 'what'." She called.

All Rogue could do was shake her head. "Ya just got told off by an Aussie, Jean."

Meanwhile, Diana would find Windy, empty handed, sitting in the waiting room. "That smile is misleading. She's in a bad way, Princess. Quincy and Hank both were talking coma. Marinette is in a coma, Princess." She began crying. "She killed herself!"
Kitty crossed her arms.
"That was a little much Jean, though I agree when she wakes up she should still face some consequences she can actually recall. Also, Alina, this is Rouge, Rouge this is Alina, since apparently, your supervisor does not know how to do her job I did it"

Alina looked just as confused as before.
"I still have no idea what is happening, or what Crystal said... am I stupid or? Wait do I follow her? Oh also, hi Rouge" Alina said extending her hand to grab Rouges.

Diana sat by her and wrapped an arm around her.
"She will be fine, in some time she will wake up, she is far from dead okay."
Rogue raised an eyebrow. "Rouge (roozh)? Kitty, ya feelin' alright?" She nodded to Alina with a look of an attempted smile. It wasn't a true one considering what had just happened to her and her protege, as well as between them. She placed a gloved hand in Alina's. "Pleasure. An' it's Rogue (rōg), darlin'. Wisht it'd be better circumstances. Naw, ya ain't stupid. Sheila Lasso IS a bit hard to unnerstand, sugah, especially when she goes off like that. Not shur muhself whut she meant about not knowing Christmas from Bourke Street. Sounded like a stab at Jean's intelligence, if that following remark about a dipstick is anything to judge by. That even means idiot in th' South where Ah'm from. Nawleans." A shake of her head. After shaking hands, she looked at Ivy and winked. "So Ivy's showin' ya around?" Turning back to the other two, Rogue again sighed. "Kitty. Think, sugah, when with all that back an' forth would she'd had a chance? It's with whut Ah did with Marinette. Wait for th' dust t' settle 'fore Ah introduced her. Dust was still flyin' when y'all arrived. Mostly yer galfriend an' th' Aussie."

Ivy managed a breath. "Actually I think it best we do catch up to Crystal. That way I'll have a chance to introduce myself to Ms. Amber... A bit better than I did. If I did. I actually don't remember with everything that's happened." She would lead to the ajar door that had DM on the front for Dorm Matron and knocked, waiting for Amber to invite them in.
Kitty slapped her own forehead.
"Sorry, Freudian slip, been studying too much french. And Just before I did, I waited a moment for her. Plus they do need to go after Crystal by the sound of it."

"Oh, Rogue! okay," Alina shook her hand.
"Yeah, why do you wear gloves? are your hands cold?" She asked as they shook then attempted to translate another accent.
"Okay, so I guess we can talk more another time" Alina agreed before looking at Ivy.

"Come in" They heard Amber call out from the other side of the door.
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Rogue nodded as she waved to Alina. She wouldn't mind talking with Alina again and explaining the gloves, unless Ivy or Crystal did it. She made a face and shook her head as she looked at Kitty. "Yeah, gotta agree there, darlin', that big lot of exchange students that Marinette is part of, that just came in, an' Clouseau goes off his rocker pushin' extra French homework on us. Ah already DONE complained t' Charles 'bout it. 'Specially since t'weren't necessary. They're all bilingual. An' easy t' unnerstand. Clouseau's th' one hard t' unnerstand."

Ivy introduced herself as she pushed the door open. "Ms. Amber? It's Ivy. Pamela Isley? And Alina. Cover Girl sent us. Um. I'm... Like sorta the plant girl, I guess." She shrugged not knowing how to really introduce herself.

"'Bout as bad as me, luv, Ms. Amber prolly thinks I got a buncha kangaroos loose in my top paddock after my own intro, truth." Crystal said, laughing. She nodded to Alina. "So. Backin' up to yer what, Alina luv," she then made a sound of a garbage truck in reverse, "I'm assumin', since we was outside in the commons when ya asked my favourite thing t' do outside this buildin', ya meant off grounds. Well, luv, I just blabbed everything there is t' do in Metropolis, cuz I ain't got a favourite yet. Gotta bucket list o' stuff t' do haven't even made a dent in, so, everything's a favourite!" That is, til I decide on one. I'll let ya know, when I know, deal?"
Amber nodded.
"Right you are Alina's chaperone of sorts, well you have your work cut out for you, why don't you join us? I am Amber by the way, nice to meet you" She invited her and Alina in shutting the door behind them.

Alina looked at Crystal with that same dumbfounded smile as usual.

"She basically said, all the stuff she mentioned before were contenders for her favorite thing to do, and she does not yet know what it is, and that she needs to try them all." Amber translated seeing Alina's confused face.

"Oh! I had thought that but was not sure, I think I am getting better at understanding what you are saying, Crystal!" Alina proclaimed excitedly.

"Why don't you all have a seat, any coffee or tea? then we can discuss what happened, and also, both of your roles with Alina here" Amber suggested.
Ivy nodded, asking for tea and since the couch looked big enough (and was) sat on the other corner, opposite Crystal leaning into the corner of the other and against the arm.

"Right ya are, Alina, luv. Always liked ya, an' figured ya t'be a smart sheila! Just needed a bit more coaxin' than ivy coul do." She looked to Amber, "Right bonzer idea, Miss Amber, thanks, tea for me, too." She looked at Alina, "Now that sheila's a right proper jillaroo. She's gonna be a big help t' Cover Girl."
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