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New Student at Superhero High (KiraMusani x Frozen Princess)

After shaking hands, Diana nodded. "Totally. More than you realize actually. It was total culture shock for me four years ago. My island I'm from is realitively only the size of Metropolis. Everything is done in the Grecian style, and I mean ancient Greece, and we all wear the ancient Greek dresses that you would call togas, and I wouldn't change it for anything. Now imagine being transported from the first century to the twenty first century. I was pretty much just as overwhelmed as you are... If not more so. Would you like to see it? I have to wear it when I go home, as it's still the instyle there." She smiled.
Alina nodded.
"That would be nice, I have no idea what you are talking about so seeing it might help me understand. I was never really taught much history stuff." She admitted.
Diana led Alina back to her dorm just next door and it would be like Alina was transported back in time as far as most of the decor was concerned. Things that looked like they belonged in the Grecian area of a museum were scattered about and pictures of a seemingly ancient Greek city hung on the walls. There were some of her friends, too, and the decorations, including a vase looked almost new, instead of a few thousand years ago. "The pictures are buildings of my homeland of Themyscira and this..." She held up a toga like dress, "would be what we wear there." She fiddled with her lasso, hooked to her hip, as she watched Alina, trying to be both hostess and on alert. Cheetah wasn't off premises yet, as Cover Girl was just released by Brinker, after lessons in being a good mom, as well as what was expected from the head dorm matron.
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The toga, couldn't find it without it being on her.
Alina looked around her eyes widening as she saw all the interesting, and to her, brand new imagery.
"Wow, your home looks beautiful and so open, and colorful, so amazing... and these things they are pretty too wow. Is everything pretty where you come from? You, the island, the stuff, this umm, clothing, though hard to tell without anyone wearing it." Alina suggested a hand on her chin.
Diana nodded, "That urn you're looking at, is basically a picture story of Erato. She is the goddess muse of music, song and dance. That's why you see her with that instrument. It's a lyre." She then blushed as Alina called her pretty. After clearing her throat uneasily, she said, "Thanks. And I come from a race of warrior women called Amazons. Although I took the name Wonder Woman for my hero name, my Mom is the original Wonder Woman." She smiled and laid the toga out on the bed. "We look about the same body size, would you like to try it on?"

Before, Alina could answer, Cheetah pounced, grabbing Diana's rope and tying her up with it. "Your turn to be compelled to tell the truth, Princess! Are you really in love with Steve Trevor or someone else?!"

Diana gasped, and struggled in vain before collapsing to her knees. In tears, she said, "Windy! Windy MacEnroe! I have a huge girl crush on her!" She then bowed her head in shame.

Cheetah cackled meanly, still holding tightly to the golden lasso of truth.
Alina jumped up as Cheetah burst into the room. She stood there and watched what happened, trying to process if this was a normal thing or something, but as she saw her new friend in tears she was certain that this was not a regular interaction between two students.

"Hey! She does not like that!" Alina yelled and stepped between them, pushing her away, though Cheetah would only feel like she was pushed by a regular girl, no proof of powers of any sort.
Cheetah didn't even hardly move. She did smirk at Alina and showed her hand, pressing the center of her palm to pop her claws out. She didn't really need to; it was just one of her many forms of intimidation. She slashed at Alina with the full fury of her feline rage, hissing at Alina as she did. Velocity came in next and said, "Diana, Quincy asked me to... Oh. Never mind. Cheetah issues."

Not knowing Alina wasn't being touched, she full on tackled Cheetah in a takedown any football coach would be proud of.

Diana would learn that Windy wouldn't need the lasso of truth as she flat out said it as she headbutted Cheetah at a very quick motion, causing them both to see stars. "How DARE you truss up my beloved Princess and make her cry.... Owwww, I need to stop doing that..."

Cover Girl grabbed Cheetah by the scruff of her neck. "I hope you're packed as I'm going to relish throwing you out, villainess! Alina, are you ok? Can you get Diana untied?" While still holding Cheetah in a way that made her immobile, and with her tongue partially out, Cover Girl hit her call radio which would activate the entire PA system. "Amber? I need you to report to Girls' Dorm... " She looked to Diana, and then sighed. "Wonder Woman's room. I think it's W or X."

"3W." Diana mumbled. Cover Girl heard her.

"Right. Third floor. 3W, Amber, and bring Quincy and a security guard." She frowned. "Scratch the security guard. That's right. Dorm matron IS the security guard. Just you and Quincy. Velocity gave herself another concussion." She looked at Alina, "Can I trust you to keep Windy at least awake? This cat needs put out." She glared at Cheetah, who for the first time actually looked scared.
Alina stood there and watched as the girl drew her claws and swiped at her, but she didn't even flinch. Had the claws made contact it would have felt like she was trying to scratch superman fresh from a trip from the sun, possibly even chipping or breaking them, depending on her commitment.

Alina started to raise her hand to react but stopped as she saw her aggressor tackled, and instead did as asked and untied Diana.
"Is the rope causing you pain?" She asked in a rather plain tone.
"Oh and me? She was unable to harm me" Alina replied delayed, likely due to the stimulus of the situation.

Amber meanwhile was unable to reply but did as asked and ran to get Quincey, though could not yet message anyone as she had not been given the tools or permission. She however would arrive with haste.
Diana shook her head. "I'm just embarrassed. The only time my golden lasso causes pain is if you lie. Then it feels like you're being squeezed really hard. It did cause me discomfort to admit to my crush." She looked over to Windy, sitting spread-eagle on the floor, shaking her head while holding it. As soon as she was released, she went over and hugged her fellow heroine. "You brave silly girl. Why do you keep headbutting people? You're only hurting yourself. And I love you, too." She helped Windy get to a chair and sit down. "This is Alina, my next door neighbor. She's going to help you while I get you some water." She looked at Alina and grabbed an ewer while setting three glasses out, "I think we all need some." She went to the hall restroom to fill the ewer.

By the time Amber and Quincy got there, Cover Girl was still literally holding Cheetah by the scruff of her neck with one hand, and holding Cheetah's suitcase with the other, literally marching her to the front gate, lecturing her as she went.

Diana had returned and filled the three glasses, as Quincy waved the penlight in Windy's eyes, who complained about the brightness.

"Then stop using your head as a battering ram, dammit." She nodded to Alina, before looking at Amber. "Yep. Courtney called it. She gave herself another concussion." She then looked at Windy. "I'm warming you in front of these witnesses, Windy, to stop headbutting the bad guys or you're going to knock yourself sense-LESS. Do. You. Understand. Me? Find a better way to detain them before you turn yourself into a vegetable! And before you're 21 at that! Grab your water, you're coming with me to the infirmary. Again."
Alina just watched the interaction between Diana and Windy. Almost like she was studying them, though as soon as Diana offered for her to held Windy she approached and sat beside her.
"Do you not dislike pain? We're you not aware this would cause you discomfort?" She asked curiously, seeing how she saw Windy do this to herself, plus what Diana had said to confirm her assumptions.
"Also, is this headbutt an affective move to incapacitate someone? I am in need to learn how to combat someone more effectively in hand to hand combat. Would it not be better to aim your head for the bridge of their nose for the best blunt force trauma?" She continued to bombard her with questions, keeping her active and conscious at least.

Amber saw Courtney and smiled as Amber was out of breath.
"You- are really fast... I suppose you want me... With the victims?" She asked for clarification as she lagged behind Quincy, not being as athletic.
Once she got confirmation she continued toward the room.

Amber made it to the room just as Quincy was leaving for the infirmary, she looked in the room and her and Alina met eyes, giving a small wave toward each other before Amber left with Quincy asking questions to confirm her injuries and their severity.

Alina meanwhile stayed quiet for most of it after her turn to look after Windy had finished, though once everyone else left she looked to Diana.
"Are you not trained in hand to hand combat?" She asked rather bluntly.
Windy sighed. "No... Ow... I don't like pain... Dahh-ock, dim that thing! I know it causes discomfort, and usually the villain or villainess is in more pain..." She sighed as she seemingly got it from three sides. "Ok. I get it. Stop headbutting. Sheesh. Well... Unless I am tied up, and yeah. Then, Nose. Aim for the nose. Thanks, Alina." As she arose and grabbed the glass of water, she sighed again as she was led out by Quincy.

Quincy explained to Alina. "That is actually the least effective way to incapacitate someone. You could actually do more damage to yourself than the other person. She then nodded to Amber. "Yes. Windy gave herself another concussion. The biggest red flag was the complaining about the brightness of my penlight. You saw how she squinted AND tried to jerk away, right? I won't know the severity until I get back to the infirmary and Hank runs the tests. I have a meeting with Charles at ten that I can't cancel again," She looked directly at Windy, who gulped.

"Awww, c'mon doc, those last two weren't really fully my fault!"

"Nevertheless, Hank will run the tests as I can't stand Charles up a fourth time due to a Velocity emergency." Quincy lectured, before turning back to Amber. "I'm pretty sure Hank will be glad for the help, and explain the test results to you." She gave a soft smile.

Meanwhile, Hippolyta had stopped in and informed Hank that her friend, Winter Snow Summer Rain, would be able to see Amber on Monday morning during breakfast, and wanted to get a check up from Quincy after if at all possible. Hank would have to inform Quincy, he had to fill in the 9am schedule on her appointment calendar, which Quincy would be fine with, if he remembers to mention it to her as she heads out to her meeting with Charles, before running the concussion tests on Windy.

Meanwhile, back up in Diana's room, "I know plenty of hand to hand combat, and can even teach you some. Race of warrior women. It's just that the golden lasso is indestructible, and once bound by it, one cannot break free until released. That's why you had to untie me. A shame really about Barbara. She could have been a good hero if she only got over her anger issues and what ever grudges she had against Windy and myself.
Amber nodded and left to meet up with Hank, walking with Windy and helping her keep on her fret and balanced if needed. Once she was there she would make sure that Hank was all caught up on what had happened and what their initial tests on her had seemed to indicate, allowing him to act as he saw fit from that point onward.

Alina nodded, though she seemed to be curious about the effect that the headbutt seemed to be equally damaging to the person doing the attack, despite Windy's claim to the contrary. She made a mental note to try this technique to see how her barrier would react to it, perhaps she can be more effective with it than the usual person due to her ability.

Alina looked to Diana as she replied that she could fight and was quite capable, even able to show her a thing or two as she had come from a warrior race. And that despite her being a victim of an attack had sympathy for her attacker and proclaimed under different circumstances would be a good hero.
"Fascinating, should you not have been able to stop her before being tied up? Though she was quite fast, I didn't react in time either. I would like it if you taught me how to fight like a warrior woman, I am a female after all." She claimed.
"I would also like to attempt one of these headbutt attacks, would that be something I could test with you? Or here somewhere?" She asked looking around.
Diana laughed. "Cheetah's strike is at about 60 miles per hour, Alina. So basically a mile a minute. In comparison, the fastest Amazon was clocked at only half that speed. You do the math. Would I have stood a chance?" Diana didn't mention she was the Amazon that could run an unfathomable 30 miles per hour; three times the fastest known regular human. Just that there WAS an Amazon that fast.

Diana nodded. "If you're up to it, and plan on sticking this thing out, I'd be happy to train you in various Amazon fighting moves. However, I highly advise against copying that foolhardy headbutt move. I don't want two of my friends landing in the infirmary at least once a week. Besides, with Cheetah being exited, and all of her own doing, I doubt seriously you'll need to learn that move anyway."

This would tell Alina all she really needed. Windy was only headbutting Cheetah, at least that they knew of, although it was indicated it was a going thing for her.
Alina had not realized how fast that girl had moved, she figured her guard was just down and she had not reacted properly, but no she was just impossibly quick. No way Alina could move that fast.

Alina nodded.
"I am ready to learn how to fight, I'll need to if I am to be a hero right? And I understand, head butting not good. Though I do not think I will end up in the hospital." Alina assured.
"Oh! I know, are you extra strong? Like are your abilities just fighting or smarts? Or something like that?" She asked not sure what wonder woman was all about.

"So how can we start training? Do we do it in here? Somewhere else? Do you punch me? I try and punch you?"
Diana waved her hands as she shook her head. Although she was smiling, she put one hand on top of the other in a 'T'. "Whoa, Alina, I may be an Amazon, but I think my MOM would have a problem keeping up with your rapid fire questions. Take a breath. Let me answer the last two first. Without one of the two PE teachers or the assistant to both present, sparring like that would be considered fighting, and we'd both be in front of Professor X first, and then have weekly counseling sessions with Dr. Brinker, and be confined to the property. We might not even be fighting, it'll just look like it to others. I am skilled in other things besides hand to hand and intelligence. Diplomacy, sword and shield, speed, I'm not super fast like Kara or Windy, but I get by. Reflexes are pretty quick also, as well as strength. I know various types of martial arts including a few long dead to man's world. I have to get permission though from both our mom's and have a PE instructor as coach. We might also have to be in the gymnasium and using mats or the boxing ring. So... Um... Of those two? That GI Joe and the scientist? Which one is your mom? They both act like one. Anyhoo, you got to ask permission to spar with me from her. I'm MORE than willing to train you if MY mom says okay."
Alina stopped her questions to listen to her new friend, taking a breath as she had requested it.

"I am already in weekly counseling and I am confined to the property as it is." She told her as she heard the punishments they may face for sparring.

"My mother? Like the one that gave birth to me? I don't know, maybe I don't have one. But the scientist I have known since I was little and gave me my name, though I do not know if that means she is my mom. However, Courtney did tell me I can call her mom, and referred to herself as such. She shrugged.
"Knowing that, can you tell me? Maybe it is Courtney I think because she did say for me to call her mom." She added.

"Then all we need to do is ask a few others if it is okay? Can we do that now?" She asked eager to get started.
Diana nodded. "I'd go with the GI Joe Mom since she says you can call her that. Call her and explain what you want to do. I know you're eager to get started, but I don't know if we can get the okays this soon. My mom is busy, and I have Mr. Logan for my PE instructor, I might have better luck with Canary. I'll try to get her, or have her meet us here. As for my Mom... We Amazons have an emotional connection similar to Jean's with her friends, but no where near as sophisticated as her psy-link stuff." She closed her eyes, and after a minute reopened them. "Jean is actually talking to my mom about something, Mom will come when she finished. Remember, Alina, patience is a virtue. It might be tomorrow before anything is set up." She then got on her phone and called Dinah to check on her availability since, knowing Wolverine, he'd probably sent Diana to her anyway.
Alina nodded along and started to think about what she needed to do next, by the time she realized it was called for Courtney she saw her friend on her phone already. One thing she did know was that it was rude to interrupt someone on the phone so she left and got her own before she returned and dialed for Courtney, which she had added to her phone the night before.

Once she answered Alina would speak up.
"I wish to train with Diana, but was informed I must call you first for confirmation."
Courtney acted surprised that Alina didn't know that. "Ummm... Yeah, sweetie, you do. So, first off, which Diana? There's three. Is it your next door neighbor, the Princess of Themyscira, Diana Freeman, or the other A+ student of Logan's, your fellow sophomore Diana who's last name has way too many syllables. Let's just call her Lady Lynx, her hero name. My second question is who will be spotting for you girls? Or is that the other reason you called? I do think the Amazon Princess or Lady Lynx are wonderful sparring partners for you and whomever you picked, I'm sure you'll benefit from them, if you heed what they're going to show you. Sermon over. Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to coach or spot you two sparring until after school, Monday. And you two don't need to be trying anything when you should be in classes." She then stopped and would listen to Alina's answers.

As it turned out, Canary would echo Cover Girl on the time, and would tell Diana to meet in the gym. They would be using the boxing/wrestling ring. All of this Diana would relay to Alina after they both end their current calls.
"Oh, umm Wonder Woman, so Themyscira. And I don't know about the spotting, and no that was the only reason I called, she offered to train me and I said yes." Alina replied thinking that she had answered all the questions she could, once Courtney gave her the go-ahead she would turn to Diana and learn about Canary.

"Oh good, so we can go now?" She asked with a smile, eager to learn to fight.
Courtney was okay with it but still asked, or rather told Alina to be careful.

Diana sighed. "No. We do have to wait until after school Monday. That's what I said." She took a breath. "Black Canary will be our spotter and coach. But she goes back and forth between Mr. Logan and Wildcat in gym classes all day. I know phys ed is required for all new students. Who do you have? Mr. Logan might be a tad hardcore, and Wildcat a bit easier.... But make no mistake, both take physical education seriously."
Alina looked at her schedule and read it before showing it to Diana.
"Oh you are right, so yeah I guess I have wildcat with her as the assistant, sorry, this is all very new for me" she admitted rubbing the back of her head and blushing.

"So if we cannot train what do you want to do? Would you like to do a ritual to become friends?"
Diana nodded and showed hers, folded and worn as she asked for Wolverine before he was officially on staff. "I have Mr. Logan and Black Canary, first thing in the morning before you, see?" She had things on her schedule, being one of the more advanced students, like"Weaponomics" (Lucius Fox), "Forensics" (James Gordon w assistant Det Harvey Bullock), "Criminal Psychology" (Batman w assistant Emilia Quincy) and "Advanced ChemLab" (Flash Barry Allen) The only class the same, was Dr. Jones' "World History.", and it was the same time, too!

"Ritual to become friends?" Diana echoed. "There's no ritual for that, you just become friends. There's blood sisters, but you're not ready for that. We just met."
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