Solo Conversationalist
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- Mar 17, 2022
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- Page Two Hundred & Forty-Nine

(❈)----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ELIZABETH DARCY aka LIZZIE ⋮⋮
------ ❖ DATE — 112018-----------❖ LOCATION — the flat-----------❖ COMPANY — eric
The common room was finally clean. Her bedroom was tidied up and, save for the wardrobe, showed no signs that more than two people slept in there. Lizzie was satisfied with her work and as she looked over her room one more time, she felt prepared to welcome and play hostess to her family when they arrived. Which, if Emma was to be believed now, would be in half an hour. Good. That gave her enough time to shower and change.
“Gonna get ready?” Olivia asked as she left the common room with what looked and smelled like a fresh cup of coffee. Lizzie looked down at her towel and change of clothes then nodded. “Okay, well make sure you take care of that love bite Eric left you before your dad sees it,” her flatmate then said before she walked down the hall back to her room. Lizzie quietly watched her walk away, a little confused. A what? What the hell was a love bite?
A hickey. That’s what a love bite was. Lizzie let out a short laugh as she stared in semi disbelief at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. She could not believe both Eric and Olivia right now. They were together for the last two hours and neither one of them thought to mention that she had a hickey at the base of her neck this entire time. But at the same time, the strange looks Olivia gave her earlier while they were talking over breakfast made so much sense. Lizzie shook her head and sighed. It’s been so long since she last had to treat and conceal a hickey from her family.
The hickey left Lizzie deep in thought as she showered. She couldn’t deny any longer that things with Eric have been moving...well..inconsistently? There were days when she thought they were doing fine as a newly happy couple in the beginning stages of their relationship. They were cute and cuddly and just overall obsessed with each other. Like high schoolers in the midst of puppy love. And then there were moments like earlier when it was impossible for either of them to take their hands off of each other. Even now, Lizzie could still feel Eric’s hands on her body and no amount of hot water could wash that away. She got lost in the memory of every touch and kiss he left on her that morning. That was the first time he ever touched her like that and it made her crave him even more than she already did.
There were a couple approaches Lizzie could take to hide the love bite on her neck. Unfortunately, with the threat of her family coming any moment, she didn’t have much time to ice the spot. If only Olivia hadn’t spent that morning lecturing her about introducing Eric to her dad, maybe she could have given her a heads up sooner so she could ice it a bit. Any other remedies she knew would have to be saved for another time as well. Which meant concealer or a scarf. Thankfully, she had both. And thankfully it was now cold enough in London to merit a scarf indoors.
In an effort to keep the hickey as hidden as possible, Lizzie opted to keep her hair down and mostly over her shoulder. Surely that plus concealer and a scarf would do the trick. There was only one way to find out.
Lizzie heard her family before they even made it to the front door. Even for a Sunday, it wasn’t often that cars drove down the street. So when she heard two cars stop just outside her bedroom window, she stood up from her desk and pushed back the curtain enough to peek outside. There they were. Her father and sisters just climbed out of the first car when the second pulled up right behind them. She watched them watch as Emma climbed out with Owen right behind her carrying Liam in his arms. Lizzie took a deep breath then let the curtain fall. She abandoned the manuscript on her desk, having attempted to read it when she saw that they were fifteen minutes late from their last announced ETA. As she walked down the hall towards the front door, she adjusted the scarf once more to ensure that it covered the base of her neck. Apparently not even the concealer she applied was enough to lessen her paranoia.
All the stress she felt the past few days vanished completely when her family was standing right in front of her. It was her dad that noticed her first after she opened the front door and walked down the walkway. He smiled and she mirrored it back to him as she went into a quick sprint over to him. Her sisters all cried out happily as she leapt into her dad’s arms for a tight hug. It’s been three months since she saw her family in the flesh, and it showed.
“Wow, this house is a lot smaller than I expected it,” was Izzy’s first comment after Lizzie brought her family inside. “And there are five people that live here?”
Lizzie, busy trying to listen to a now excited little Liam, looked over at her sister and shot her a look. “Hey, it works out in the end. And we all get along!” she defended. Even so, she briefly remembered her own reaction when she first saw the flat last August and suddenly became too aware of how narrow the hallway actually was with eight people there. “Come on, I’ll show you guys around.”
With Liam still holding her hand, Lizzie gave her family a quick tour of the flat. From the hallway, she told them which bedroom belonged to which flatmate then showed them her bedroom. Considering how small the bedroom was for eight people, her family took turns coming inside. As expected, Eric’s wardrobe was brought up for questioning. But by then, Lizzie had an answer to give: there were two girls staying in this room after all. Surely the renters didn’t expect one wardrobe and a dresser to fit all of their clothes. Her sisters and dad understood. After all, she shared a room with Izzy up until she moved to LA for college.
Owen still hung back in the hallway, apparently not comfortable nor interested in going into the girls’ bedroom. Liam already lost interest, too excited at the sight of Eric’s birthday balloons hanging out on Ricki’s side. Yes, she placed them on her roommate’s side to cover up that they were actually for Eric’s birthday. But because the balloons caught her nephew’s attention, she assured Emma, Owen and her dad that it was okay for him to have one balloon so long as it wasn’t the 2 or the 5.
From the bedroom, Lizzie took them to the common room. They all filed in, taking up space wherever they could and that was where they remained. Lizzie did her best to play hostess for her family whether it was serving them drinks or keeping up whatever conversation she got pulled into. With Liam now preoccupied with his newly acquired balloon, it was now her dad that remained at her side. He assisted her whenever he could. Before long, he was back on his fatherly duties, checking in on how she was doing at school and work and making sure she had enough money to pay for food and the like. In regards to the latter, she ended up in a small debate with him when he took his wallet out to give her monthly allowance and insisted on giving her more. But there was no winning against him and she pocketed the extra money while he excused himself to go to the bathroom.
They were in the flat for about an hour when Jane suggested that they go out to eat for a late lunch. Lizzie already had a great place to take them that was just walking distance from the flat. They only had to suffer the cold for a few minutes as they walked to the cafe down the street.
It was during their lunch when the topic of Thanksgiving dinner was brought up. Now that they were all together they could decide on a restaurant for Thursday night. Lizzie presented the list of possible places for everyone to talk over. As Jane and Emma took the reins on this conversation and pulled up the Yelp pages for each restaurant, Lizzie thought about how she almost put the restaurant at Eric’s hotel on the list. At the time it seemed like a good idea. It was sort of halfway between the flat and their Airbnb and she knew that the food was good. But, after her sisters started pestering her to invite Eric to join them for Thanksgiving dinner, the restaurant was crossed off the list immediately. In the event that Eric does end up coming to dinner, the last thing she wanted was for them to find out they were eating at the restaurant her boyfriend worked at. God only knows what her sisters would do with that information.
They were all still discussing restaurants when Lizzie looked up from helping Liam drink his juice box to find Izzy staring right at her from across the table. “So he’s coming to dinner right?” her sister asked in a whisper as she leaned closer.
No words came out of Lizzie’s mouth when she opened it. There was nothing she could say on the matter. First off, she still hadn’t told Eric about it. And second, she hadn’t told her sisters that Eric didn’t want to meet their dad. Neither of those excuses would get her out of this conversation she was forced into. In the end, she simply shrugged her shoulders as she grabbed Liam’s juice box and placed it back on the table.
“What does that mean? Is he coming or not?” Izzy tried again.
“I haven’t asked him,” Lizzie finally admitted.
Her sister scoffed which caught Mary’s attention and now she involved herself in the conversation. Her sisters reminded her that she promised to tell Eric about the dinner a week ago. The dinner’s four days from now and she needs to make the reservation soon. And Mary pointed out that their dad needed to know about the plus one like right now. He was paying after all.
That was what Lizzie hoped they wouldn’t bring up. She sighed as she turned to look over at her dad. He was looking over Jane’s shoulder while she and Emma narrowed down the restaurants some more. With the pressure and weight of Mary and Izzy’s eyes on her, Lizzie knew she had no choice now. They were expecting her to follow through on her promise, even though she still has not told Eric about it. As much as she wanted to choose never, she knew she had to do it now.
“Hey Daddy?” Lizzie said, her voice shaking slightly. She watched as he turned away from his older two to look at her, his youngest. The minute she locked eyes with her dad, she felt the panic swell up inside her. Her fight or flight response kicked in and she wanted to fly as far away from this moment as possible. Her emotions conflicted with each other. On the one hand, she still wanted Eric to meet her dad. On the other, she suddenly found herself in her boyfriend’s shoes, and he must be terrified at the idea of meeting him. How could she put Eric through such a difficult situation? It’s not like he ever had to go through a “meet the parents” type of meeting before. Would he even be prepared?
“Um…” He was staring at her now, the smile on his face slowly giving way to curious concern. She unintentionally started stalling for time. But she was stalling for too long. She had to say something. Right. Now. Before her dad’s eyes and her sisters’ staring became too much to handle. “Would it be okay if I, um, invited a friend to dinner? Like a really close friend of mine?” She didn’t need to look at Mary or Izzy to know they were shooting her a look. She may have been vague, but at least she wasn’t lying. Eric is technically a close friend after all.
She really hoped that her dad would say no. Give some excuse that they came all the way to England to celebrate Thanksgiving with her, as a family. Why bring a friend that wasn’t family? If he said no, then she would officially be off the hook and not even have to worry about telling Eric about dinner. She could say to her nosy sisters that she did her best and better luck next ti–“Yeah, that’s fine, honey.”
Behind her dad, both Jane and Emma smiled at her victoriously. They obviously had the same exact thought that Mary and Izzy probably had. Now she definitely needed to invite Eric to dinner.
The nerves over the prospect of inviting her boyfriend to Thanksgiving dinner didn’t go away after lunch. It still boiled in the pit of her stomach as they walked back to the flat. While the rest of her family talked and laughed and enjoyed their time together, Lizzie hung back trying to push aside the sudden fear that plagued her. She couldn’t understand why she was so afraid now. Just a few hours ago she was telling Olivia that she wanted to introduce Eric to her dad. Now, the very thought of bringing him to Thanksgiving dinner made her ill. There was no way she and Eric can be ready for this meeting in the next four days. Eric was barely ready to meet her sisters! Oh god, Lizzie was gonna be sick.
Lizzie tried not to think about Thursday for the remainder of her family’s visit. They stayed at the flat for another couple hours, sitting around the dining table to talk and catch up some more while Liam sat in the living room area watching Peppa Pig and playing with his new balloon. Halfway through their bonding time, Olivia made an appearance and was immediately introduced to the family. She even stayed a little while her sisters asked her questions about what it’s been like living with Lizzie. Luckily her flatmate knew not to mention anything about Eric and him moving in. But Mary’s “oh you’re that Olivia” sure as hell threatened to bring that up.
Lizzie was beyond exhausted mentally and physically when her family left around five. But despite the desire to take a nap, Ricki and Malcolm were home now and very curious to hear about the visit. At least that was all they wanted to hear about. Luckily her concealer stayed on well enough that even when she finally took off the scarf, the hickey from this morning remained unseen.
The rest of the night was spent relaxing after that long and stressful afternoon. She did, of course, schedule the reservation for Thursday night for the restaurant her family decided on at the end of lunch. And yes, she made the reservation for a party of nine. That was also how Olivia found out Lizzie was going to invite Eric after all. This day just did not seem to want to end. And it wouldn’t until Eric was back home with her.
It was evident that Lizzie intended to make a habit out of waiting for Eric to come home from work on Sunday night. It wasn’t because she was still paranoid that he wouldn’t come home. No, she trusted that he would. She wanted to stay up and wait for him because even if it would be near one in the morning when he got back, she wanted him to be the last thing she saw before going to bed. Especially since she would be going to bed alone the following night. That was just too much time apart for her to be okay with. So when Eric snuck up on her while she was in the middle of watching a movie with headphones on, she wasn’t even mad that he startled her. All the stress from today melted away at his touch and the feeling of his breath on her neck. She closed her eyes and exhaled a long breath. Finally, the universe gave her what she wanted and all was once again right in the world.
Despite her better judgment, Lizzie chose to not tell Eric about Thursday when he got home. It just didn’t seem like the right time...even as she recapped her family’s visit to him. They stayed in the common room for another half hour. Lizzie made Eric tea to help him cool down from what appeared to be another exhausting shift at the hotel. That was another reason why she did not mention Thursday. She did not dare add any more stress onto his shoulders right before bed. But...soon. She’d tell him soon….
But soon never came. Not on Monday before she left for school or right before Eric left for rehearsals. Not during the few hours at the beginning of his overnight shift they spent messaging each other. And definitely not Tuesday morning as she got ready for work. Just like the fear of the hickey being seen despite the concealer and scarf doing their job, the realization that the dinner was now two days away and she still hasn’t told Eric was stressing her out. But it wasn’t like she could finally sit him down and tell him, they had other pressing matters to attend to. Whether it was more important than preparing Eric for Thursday was still up for debate….
When Lizzie arrived at the flat on Tuesday after work, she was surprised to find that Eric was awake. Although, she thought it was so cute when he appeared at the end of the hall from the common room and greeted her in almost the same fashion she typically would. As soon as he wrapped his arms around her, Lizzie could focus on nothing else other than how much she missed him. It’s been almost twenty-four hours since they were together and the exhaustion she felt carrying on without him showed.
“Here,” Lizzie said as she handed Eric the small paper bag she had with her, “I didn’t think you would be awake when I got home, so I bought you a sandwich from the cafe. Just in case you haven’t eaten lunch yet?” She followed Eric back to the common room. No surprise to her, his new blanket was spread out across the longer couch and the coffee table had a couple notebooks out. One day Eric will stop proving Olivia right and actually sleep in their room after an overnight.
After a bit more time spent relishing in their happy reunion, Lizzie left Eric in the common room while she freshened up and changed out of her work clothes. When she returned to his side, she was now dressed in leggings and her Disney sweater. She also had a hot face towel pressed against her neck. After two days of icing the hickey, it was apparently time to put heat on it to get the blood flowing. “So,” Lizzie started as she took a seat beside Eric on the couch. “The big day is tomorrow. And, my sisters would like me to tell you that they are very excited. They told my dad and Owen that they’ll be going shopping so that they don’t end up tagging along. They’ll probably be at the ABC, like, half an hour before we get there to devise some kind of plan of action or something.” Lizzie rolled her eyes amusingly as she tossed the damp towel on the coffee table.
“Until then, I am offering my services to help you be better prepared to face them.” Lizzie sat back on the couch with a bright, reassuring smile on her face. “Anything that you need to know about my sisters that you think might give you some type of upperhand. Or maybe a refresher on whatever the hell I told you about them before that maybe, like, slipped your mind. Or we can come up with some kind of strategy against the whirlwind that is Izzy Darcy.” At this point, she was partially joking.
But as she laughed at her attempt at being silly, she noticed the look Eric was giving her. “Babe, relax. It’s going to be fine! They’re going to love you, I promise!” She leaned in to him and did her best to kiss his worries away.
“Gonna get ready?” Olivia asked as she left the common room with what looked and smelled like a fresh cup of coffee. Lizzie looked down at her towel and change of clothes then nodded. “Okay, well make sure you take care of that love bite Eric left you before your dad sees it,” her flatmate then said before she walked down the hall back to her room. Lizzie quietly watched her walk away, a little confused. A what? What the hell was a love bite?
A hickey. That’s what a love bite was. Lizzie let out a short laugh as she stared in semi disbelief at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. She could not believe both Eric and Olivia right now. They were together for the last two hours and neither one of them thought to mention that she had a hickey at the base of her neck this entire time. But at the same time, the strange looks Olivia gave her earlier while they were talking over breakfast made so much sense. Lizzie shook her head and sighed. It’s been so long since she last had to treat and conceal a hickey from her family.
The hickey left Lizzie deep in thought as she showered. She couldn’t deny any longer that things with Eric have been moving...well..inconsistently? There were days when she thought they were doing fine as a newly happy couple in the beginning stages of their relationship. They were cute and cuddly and just overall obsessed with each other. Like high schoolers in the midst of puppy love. And then there were moments like earlier when it was impossible for either of them to take their hands off of each other. Even now, Lizzie could still feel Eric’s hands on her body and no amount of hot water could wash that away. She got lost in the memory of every touch and kiss he left on her that morning. That was the first time he ever touched her like that and it made her crave him even more than she already did.
There were a couple approaches Lizzie could take to hide the love bite on her neck. Unfortunately, with the threat of her family coming any moment, she didn’t have much time to ice the spot. If only Olivia hadn’t spent that morning lecturing her about introducing Eric to her dad, maybe she could have given her a heads up sooner so she could ice it a bit. Any other remedies she knew would have to be saved for another time as well. Which meant concealer or a scarf. Thankfully, she had both. And thankfully it was now cold enough in London to merit a scarf indoors.
In an effort to keep the hickey as hidden as possible, Lizzie opted to keep her hair down and mostly over her shoulder. Surely that plus concealer and a scarf would do the trick. There was only one way to find out.
Lizzie heard her family before they even made it to the front door. Even for a Sunday, it wasn’t often that cars drove down the street. So when she heard two cars stop just outside her bedroom window, she stood up from her desk and pushed back the curtain enough to peek outside. There they were. Her father and sisters just climbed out of the first car when the second pulled up right behind them. She watched them watch as Emma climbed out with Owen right behind her carrying Liam in his arms. Lizzie took a deep breath then let the curtain fall. She abandoned the manuscript on her desk, having attempted to read it when she saw that they were fifteen minutes late from their last announced ETA. As she walked down the hall towards the front door, she adjusted the scarf once more to ensure that it covered the base of her neck. Apparently not even the concealer she applied was enough to lessen her paranoia.
All the stress she felt the past few days vanished completely when her family was standing right in front of her. It was her dad that noticed her first after she opened the front door and walked down the walkway. He smiled and she mirrored it back to him as she went into a quick sprint over to him. Her sisters all cried out happily as she leapt into her dad’s arms for a tight hug. It’s been three months since she saw her family in the flesh, and it showed.
“Wow, this house is a lot smaller than I expected it,” was Izzy’s first comment after Lizzie brought her family inside. “And there are five people that live here?”
Lizzie, busy trying to listen to a now excited little Liam, looked over at her sister and shot her a look. “Hey, it works out in the end. And we all get along!” she defended. Even so, she briefly remembered her own reaction when she first saw the flat last August and suddenly became too aware of how narrow the hallway actually was with eight people there. “Come on, I’ll show you guys around.”
With Liam still holding her hand, Lizzie gave her family a quick tour of the flat. From the hallway, she told them which bedroom belonged to which flatmate then showed them her bedroom. Considering how small the bedroom was for eight people, her family took turns coming inside. As expected, Eric’s wardrobe was brought up for questioning. But by then, Lizzie had an answer to give: there were two girls staying in this room after all. Surely the renters didn’t expect one wardrobe and a dresser to fit all of their clothes. Her sisters and dad understood. After all, she shared a room with Izzy up until she moved to LA for college.
Owen still hung back in the hallway, apparently not comfortable nor interested in going into the girls’ bedroom. Liam already lost interest, too excited at the sight of Eric’s birthday balloons hanging out on Ricki’s side. Yes, she placed them on her roommate’s side to cover up that they were actually for Eric’s birthday. But because the balloons caught her nephew’s attention, she assured Emma, Owen and her dad that it was okay for him to have one balloon so long as it wasn’t the 2 or the 5.
From the bedroom, Lizzie took them to the common room. They all filed in, taking up space wherever they could and that was where they remained. Lizzie did her best to play hostess for her family whether it was serving them drinks or keeping up whatever conversation she got pulled into. With Liam now preoccupied with his newly acquired balloon, it was now her dad that remained at her side. He assisted her whenever he could. Before long, he was back on his fatherly duties, checking in on how she was doing at school and work and making sure she had enough money to pay for food and the like. In regards to the latter, she ended up in a small debate with him when he took his wallet out to give her monthly allowance and insisted on giving her more. But there was no winning against him and she pocketed the extra money while he excused himself to go to the bathroom.
They were in the flat for about an hour when Jane suggested that they go out to eat for a late lunch. Lizzie already had a great place to take them that was just walking distance from the flat. They only had to suffer the cold for a few minutes as they walked to the cafe down the street.
It was during their lunch when the topic of Thanksgiving dinner was brought up. Now that they were all together they could decide on a restaurant for Thursday night. Lizzie presented the list of possible places for everyone to talk over. As Jane and Emma took the reins on this conversation and pulled up the Yelp pages for each restaurant, Lizzie thought about how she almost put the restaurant at Eric’s hotel on the list. At the time it seemed like a good idea. It was sort of halfway between the flat and their Airbnb and she knew that the food was good. But, after her sisters started pestering her to invite Eric to join them for Thanksgiving dinner, the restaurant was crossed off the list immediately. In the event that Eric does end up coming to dinner, the last thing she wanted was for them to find out they were eating at the restaurant her boyfriend worked at. God only knows what her sisters would do with that information.
They were all still discussing restaurants when Lizzie looked up from helping Liam drink his juice box to find Izzy staring right at her from across the table. “So he’s coming to dinner right?” her sister asked in a whisper as she leaned closer.
No words came out of Lizzie’s mouth when she opened it. There was nothing she could say on the matter. First off, she still hadn’t told Eric about it. And second, she hadn’t told her sisters that Eric didn’t want to meet their dad. Neither of those excuses would get her out of this conversation she was forced into. In the end, she simply shrugged her shoulders as she grabbed Liam’s juice box and placed it back on the table.
“What does that mean? Is he coming or not?” Izzy tried again.
“I haven’t asked him,” Lizzie finally admitted.
Her sister scoffed which caught Mary’s attention and now she involved herself in the conversation. Her sisters reminded her that she promised to tell Eric about the dinner a week ago. The dinner’s four days from now and she needs to make the reservation soon. And Mary pointed out that their dad needed to know about the plus one like right now. He was paying after all.
That was what Lizzie hoped they wouldn’t bring up. She sighed as she turned to look over at her dad. He was looking over Jane’s shoulder while she and Emma narrowed down the restaurants some more. With the pressure and weight of Mary and Izzy’s eyes on her, Lizzie knew she had no choice now. They were expecting her to follow through on her promise, even though she still has not told Eric about it. As much as she wanted to choose never, she knew she had to do it now.
“Hey Daddy?” Lizzie said, her voice shaking slightly. She watched as he turned away from his older two to look at her, his youngest. The minute she locked eyes with her dad, she felt the panic swell up inside her. Her fight or flight response kicked in and she wanted to fly as far away from this moment as possible. Her emotions conflicted with each other. On the one hand, she still wanted Eric to meet her dad. On the other, she suddenly found herself in her boyfriend’s shoes, and he must be terrified at the idea of meeting him. How could she put Eric through such a difficult situation? It’s not like he ever had to go through a “meet the parents” type of meeting before. Would he even be prepared?
“Um…” He was staring at her now, the smile on his face slowly giving way to curious concern. She unintentionally started stalling for time. But she was stalling for too long. She had to say something. Right. Now. Before her dad’s eyes and her sisters’ staring became too much to handle. “Would it be okay if I, um, invited a friend to dinner? Like a really close friend of mine?” She didn’t need to look at Mary or Izzy to know they were shooting her a look. She may have been vague, but at least she wasn’t lying. Eric is technically a close friend after all.
She really hoped that her dad would say no. Give some excuse that they came all the way to England to celebrate Thanksgiving with her, as a family. Why bring a friend that wasn’t family? If he said no, then she would officially be off the hook and not even have to worry about telling Eric about dinner. She could say to her nosy sisters that she did her best and better luck next ti–“Yeah, that’s fine, honey.”
Behind her dad, both Jane and Emma smiled at her victoriously. They obviously had the same exact thought that Mary and Izzy probably had. Now she definitely needed to invite Eric to dinner.
The nerves over the prospect of inviting her boyfriend to Thanksgiving dinner didn’t go away after lunch. It still boiled in the pit of her stomach as they walked back to the flat. While the rest of her family talked and laughed and enjoyed their time together, Lizzie hung back trying to push aside the sudden fear that plagued her. She couldn’t understand why she was so afraid now. Just a few hours ago she was telling Olivia that she wanted to introduce Eric to her dad. Now, the very thought of bringing him to Thanksgiving dinner made her ill. There was no way she and Eric can be ready for this meeting in the next four days. Eric was barely ready to meet her sisters! Oh god, Lizzie was gonna be sick.
Lizzie tried not to think about Thursday for the remainder of her family’s visit. They stayed at the flat for another couple hours, sitting around the dining table to talk and catch up some more while Liam sat in the living room area watching Peppa Pig and playing with his new balloon. Halfway through their bonding time, Olivia made an appearance and was immediately introduced to the family. She even stayed a little while her sisters asked her questions about what it’s been like living with Lizzie. Luckily her flatmate knew not to mention anything about Eric and him moving in. But Mary’s “oh you’re that Olivia” sure as hell threatened to bring that up.
Lizzie was beyond exhausted mentally and physically when her family left around five. But despite the desire to take a nap, Ricki and Malcolm were home now and very curious to hear about the visit. At least that was all they wanted to hear about. Luckily her concealer stayed on well enough that even when she finally took off the scarf, the hickey from this morning remained unseen.
The rest of the night was spent relaxing after that long and stressful afternoon. She did, of course, schedule the reservation for Thursday night for the restaurant her family decided on at the end of lunch. And yes, she made the reservation for a party of nine. That was also how Olivia found out Lizzie was going to invite Eric after all. This day just did not seem to want to end. And it wouldn’t until Eric was back home with her.
It was evident that Lizzie intended to make a habit out of waiting for Eric to come home from work on Sunday night. It wasn’t because she was still paranoid that he wouldn’t come home. No, she trusted that he would. She wanted to stay up and wait for him because even if it would be near one in the morning when he got back, she wanted him to be the last thing she saw before going to bed. Especially since she would be going to bed alone the following night. That was just too much time apart for her to be okay with. So when Eric snuck up on her while she was in the middle of watching a movie with headphones on, she wasn’t even mad that he startled her. All the stress from today melted away at his touch and the feeling of his breath on her neck. She closed her eyes and exhaled a long breath. Finally, the universe gave her what she wanted and all was once again right in the world.
Despite her better judgment, Lizzie chose to not tell Eric about Thursday when he got home. It just didn’t seem like the right time...even as she recapped her family’s visit to him. They stayed in the common room for another half hour. Lizzie made Eric tea to help him cool down from what appeared to be another exhausting shift at the hotel. That was another reason why she did not mention Thursday. She did not dare add any more stress onto his shoulders right before bed. But...soon. She’d tell him soon….
But soon never came. Not on Monday before she left for school or right before Eric left for rehearsals. Not during the few hours at the beginning of his overnight shift they spent messaging each other. And definitely not Tuesday morning as she got ready for work. Just like the fear of the hickey being seen despite the concealer and scarf doing their job, the realization that the dinner was now two days away and she still hasn’t told Eric was stressing her out. But it wasn’t like she could finally sit him down and tell him, they had other pressing matters to attend to. Whether it was more important than preparing Eric for Thursday was still up for debate….
When Lizzie arrived at the flat on Tuesday after work, she was surprised to find that Eric was awake. Although, she thought it was so cute when he appeared at the end of the hall from the common room and greeted her in almost the same fashion she typically would. As soon as he wrapped his arms around her, Lizzie could focus on nothing else other than how much she missed him. It’s been almost twenty-four hours since they were together and the exhaustion she felt carrying on without him showed.
“Here,” Lizzie said as she handed Eric the small paper bag she had with her, “I didn’t think you would be awake when I got home, so I bought you a sandwich from the cafe. Just in case you haven’t eaten lunch yet?” She followed Eric back to the common room. No surprise to her, his new blanket was spread out across the longer couch and the coffee table had a couple notebooks out. One day Eric will stop proving Olivia right and actually sleep in their room after an overnight.
After a bit more time spent relishing in their happy reunion, Lizzie left Eric in the common room while she freshened up and changed out of her work clothes. When she returned to his side, she was now dressed in leggings and her Disney sweater. She also had a hot face towel pressed against her neck. After two days of icing the hickey, it was apparently time to put heat on it to get the blood flowing. “So,” Lizzie started as she took a seat beside Eric on the couch. “The big day is tomorrow. And, my sisters would like me to tell you that they are very excited. They told my dad and Owen that they’ll be going shopping so that they don’t end up tagging along. They’ll probably be at the ABC, like, half an hour before we get there to devise some kind of plan of action or something.” Lizzie rolled her eyes amusingly as she tossed the damp towel on the coffee table.
“Until then, I am offering my services to help you be better prepared to face them.” Lizzie sat back on the couch with a bright, reassuring smile on her face. “Anything that you need to know about my sisters that you think might give you some type of upperhand. Or maybe a refresher on whatever the hell I told you about them before that maybe, like, slipped your mind. Or we can come up with some kind of strategy against the whirlwind that is Izzy Darcy.” At this point, she was partially joking.
But as she laughed at her attempt at being silly, she noticed the look Eric was giving her. “Babe, relax. It’s going to be fine! They’re going to love you, I promise!” She leaned in to him and did her best to kiss his worries away.