- Joined
- Mar 17, 2022
- Location
- The Island of Eroda

------ ❖ DATE — 122718-----------❖ LOCATION — common room-----------❖ COMPANY — the scrabble game
He had known this day was coming. Eric had known this day was coming all month long. But no amount of preparation or anticipation was enough to offset the pain that gripped him on December Twenty Seventh…at three in the morning when he woke up to a pitch black room with the only noise being Lizzie’s soft and peaceful breaths as she slept beside him.
His eyes hurt—it felt as though he had not slept at all, which was actually very possible as he had had such a tough time falling asleep which then made staying asleep just as challenging. Eric had been wracked with dread all of yesterday and had only briefly escaped the pain by falling asleep in Lizzie's loving embrace. If only he could have stayed asleep…
Today was the day of his mother’s anniversary—the anniversary of her death. The pain in his chest was so sharp, so heavy—so fresh and raw. Even though it had been five years already, to Eric it still hurt as though he had just lost her yesterday.
It quickly became clear that there wasn’t any point in trying to go back to sleep. Eric’s over-active mind had far too much going on, and the heavy emptiness that filled him kept him grounded in his misery and unable to drift free of the endless pain. He was at a point that not even Lizzie was able to help.
Although to be fair it wasn’t like he tried. Usually her presence alone could silence the noise in his head and brighten the dark in his heart. But this time he felt nothing from her. This time he was too broken to be mended by proximity alone. Maybe if he had woken her up then she might have made a difference. Maybe if he had woken her she could have helped before things got worse. Maybe if he had woken her he could have shared his pain rather than leaving it to fester and burn. But he didn’t wake her. Eric had spent this day alone every year since he laid his mother to rest and he didn’t know how to let anyone else in with him—not even Lizzie.
Despite how dark their room was, Eric could still make out her face peeking out from under their blankets. Her pure and perfect face, unscathed by any of the torture or torment that Eric had been through. But he had seen how he had affected her. He had seen her face scrunched with worry, and hurting from his pain. The last thing he wanted to do was burden her with more of his dark past—and especially not this. The escorting was humiliating, the debt was suffocating, and the recent introduction of his prior relationship with hard drugs was still fresh in the front of his mind. But this—his mother's death was not something he was ready or strong enough to share. He had long decided he would take it to the grave, not even Olivia would learn of what really happened that day.
He couldn’t be here any longer, Eric’s breath was shaky as he slowly and carefully climbed from the safety and comfort of their bed—taking care to not wake his love as he fled. The temperature of the room was painfully cold as it hit his bare chest, knocking out what little air his lungs had left and leaving him feeling as though he were drowning. Eric was gasping for air as he blindly felt around for his abandoned Disney jumper and quickly pulled it on.
Still shivering, he quietly slipped out of their bedroom and into the equally dark hallway. It wasn’t until he reached the common room that Eric finally turned on a light and watched as his breath visibly escaped his lips in a small cloud. Was it really that cold? But rather than moving to grab a blanket or to go heat up water in the kitchen for tea, Eric just stood stock still by the light switch as his eyes fell on the coffee table in front of the couches.
The crumpled wrappers from Lizzie’s cupcakes and their Scrabble game was left out unfinished and awaiting their return; between his work schedule and their hyperfixation on each other, they hadn't gotten very far in the game but Eric was undeniably winning.
Scrabble was the only thing in life that Eric could ever win at. It was a game of outwitting luck: you get your letters at random and have to make the most of it. Only his skills did not transfer over to the real world. In life Eric had drawn all the worst possible letters and try as he might he had been unable to make anything from them. His highest scoring word in all his twenty five years of life was ‘Lizzie’, and the double z definitely helped his points there. All the rest of his words were five letters or less: death, debt, drugs, abuse, rape, loss, money—Eric had no control over his own life and his brilliant mind couldn’t do anything about it. But maybe that was part of why he enjoyed playing Scrabble so much. It wasn’t just the mental challenge, but it was that he could finally feel in control of himself. He could manipulate those seven tiles of letters to his benefit and play them in all the right places to make the most of his situation.
Scrabble was fun, and easy for him. But staring at the board now it was hard to remember what fun even felt like. Everything was so difficult for him now compared to sharing the couch with Lizzie while they played his favorite board game. The only difficult part then had been concentrating on the game itself when Lizzie sat across from him. But nothing else had been on his mind compared to now when literally his entire world was weighing him down.
He choked hearing his love’s honey sweet angel voice call his name, and all at once his lungs forced several coughs in an attempt to expel as much of the toxic smoke he'd just inhaled. He was outside now, and had been for a while but he hadn’t heard her come up behind him—what time was it? But as Eric turned to face her the confusion in her expression told him she was just as surprised as he was. Lizzie was quick to press on, asking what he was doing out here.
Well, obviously he had been smoking. But he knew what she meant. It was cold, early, and outside of his routine to be out here alone. However Eric’s answer didn’t address any of that, he didn’t miss a beat as he threw the ball right back in her court, ”Why’re you up so early love?” He busied his nervous hands with putting out what was left of his cigarette and another short cough escaped to battle the tickle in his throat that came from speaking for the first time this morning.
Eric tried to pour all of his focus into Lizzie as she explained that she was planning to go swim. He was desperate for any distraction from his own thoughts, but at the same time he found it very difficult to focus on…well anything, and that must have been clear to Lizzie as she wasted no time in circling back to him and why he was out here—more specifically asking if something was wrong.
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”
He had replied too quickly, and there was a heavy pause that first made it feel as though he had said the wrong thing. But experience told Eric that she was patiently waiting for him to elaborate on his own terms, ”I’m—“ However when Eric lifted his eyes to meet hers, the genuine concern creasing his love’s perfect face had him swallowing back the automatic denial response he had nearly pushed her away with.
The biggest lie and most overused excuse in the world: I’m fine.
He wasn’t fine. He was far from fine and he knew she knew immediately just from these few minutes they’d had together. She was so quick to read him and it left Eric in a conflicting state of feeling vulnerable yet safe. Vulnerable in that there was no hiding from her. This would be the year he couldn’t just ignore today and tell her he was fine like he did everyone else. And while that honestly terrified him, it was also comforting to feel seen for once—to have someone else notice that he in fact wasn’t okay and choose to try and do something about it.
But Eric’s eyes couldn’t hold her gaze the way he normally did, and as they glanced away to alleviate the pressure he could feel his heart rate climbing with anxious anticipation. All of a sudden it felt like the entire world was on his shoulders. Like he had to do this. He was backed into a corner with no way out and his throat was closing in on itself with each passing second of silence, ”I—“ His courage was fleeting and left him as soon as he tried to look at her again.
This wasn’t fair. They had done this dance so many times at this point and Eric was very much aware of his avoidance and reluctance to share. She had accepted everything he had told her thus far. She knew of his upbringing, of his mum’s drug addiction and subsequent passing, she knew he had struggled to survive under crippling debt and was essentially forced into servitude for Howard’s business. Hell—she knew of his era of sex work and the traumatic experiences that had scarred him! But this….this was too much. This was the tipping point that Eric was fully convinced would send her in the other direction. It was hard enough to see the way she looked at him with such sadness everytime a piece of his past came up, but Eric wouldn’t be able to handle the rejection he was sure would come about if she knew this truth. He would become such a disappointment to her. She would be disgusted with him. She would leave him…like everyone else.
Eric had been awake for so long at this point that it didn’t take long for his anxiety to spiral beyond reason and in the end he just further pushed Lizzie away by promising to tell her later. And the immediate relief that came from knowing he didn’t have to tell her—or at least not right now—was such an addictive high. His walls were up and guarded and he felt safe being able to keep everything locked inside. And most importantly: Lizzie wouldn’t leave him. Yet…
”Love it’s cold, let’s go inside.”
Things between them the rest of the morning felt off. Awkward and distant despite both their attempts to resume normality. It took a little bit of pleading, insisting and convincing, but in the end Eric succeeded in getting Lizzie in his car so that he could drop her off at the pool. But despite the car’s little heater working overtime to warm them, the air retained a certain chill from everything currently left unsaid between them.
But rather than returning home after dropping her off, Eric left straight to the hotel. He couldn’t remember the last time he had driven to work, it wasn't that far a journey anymore with his Oyster card. But today he wouldn’t be going straight home after and so he was thankful to have an excuse to drive. Though it was a miracle he made it at all considering how distracted he was. Their goodbye kiss lingered on his lips teasingly so. There had been an almost soft hesitation to it. A strange mixture of loving care and obligation, like if they didn’t go through with it then everything would be ten thousand times worse. And her touch was left tingling on his skin and her words ringing in his ears: “Don't shut me out again.”
Her voice repeatedly infiltrated his thoughts throughout the day, but not even Lizzie could dam his flooding river of depression, not this time. Yesterday he had managed to distract himself at work with a muse for a new song he had started writing. But today all his motivation had been steamrolled into the ground and not a single creative thought circulated in his head. It was just dark in there. Guilt and regret repeatedly hitting old wounds till they opened and the pain just grew more and more as the day went on.
By the time Eric’s shift ended, he wanted so badly to reunite with his love; he was craving her comfort. Only it turned out that Lizzie would not be home, as he read through a text she sent alerting him that she would be late getting home. It was as he stepped outside the hotel that Eric realized he hadn’t told her of his own plans yet either. The entire reason he had wanted to drive to work today.
Eric was quick to type up a reply that he too would be late, but just as he hit send a coworker called his name to say bye and pulled his attention away—in turn Eric automatically out of subconscious habit locked his iPod. By the time she left he glanced back down to the black screen in his hand. Lizzie hadn’t replied. There was a part of him that yearned for a response from her before leaving, his anxiety needing constant connection and reassurance. But the rest of him just felt…nothing. Like his entire world was slowly sinking through quicksand and no matter what the outcome was inevitable so why bother putting in effort to stay afloat? Lizzie was busy and so he was alone in this, just like he was every year.
Since he had driven to work this morning he was able to get to the next item on his agenda in no time. He was soon seated in a reclining chair, his work shirt unbuttoned with one arm out of the sleeve resting palm up on the arm rest. At his side, his friend was hard at work laying down the outline of an eagle while the tattoo gun in his hand buzzed away.
Eric’s eyes were fixated on his arm, watching as the new lines ran over the words that had been across his forearm for a few years now. Things i can…
Things he could do, on his own, by his own free will: nothing.
His eyes then glanced to his still sleeved left arm knowing that that was where his second tattoo would go, to cover up the second half. Things i can’t…
Things he could not do: seemingly everything.
Because of how his life had played out, Eric was trapped in this neverending debt, drowning in his unprocessed grief, and fighting himself over his own addiction.
Lizzie had single handedly become the most important person in his life. She had proven time and time again that she was willing to put up with everything life had thrown at him. And Eric had tried over and over again to accept that as truth and let her in. The only thing he wanted in life was her love but so many times now something had come between them and proven he didn’t deserve it, didn’t understand it, couldn’t handle it—he needed more of it.
She had never responded to his message. He had checked his lockscreen a couple times earlier while his friend was setting up, and while Eric wanted to be patient and understanding that she was probably busy with her own plans like she had said, he still couldn’t help but feel impatient and needy. He couldn’t wait to get back to the flat to be reunited with her—but he also didn’t want to go back. It was easier to breathe away from home. His chest didn’t hurt quite so much after dropping Lizzie off this morning. His thoughts didn’t race and repeat and relive past experiences. Outside of the flat he just didn't feel. He was numb to the pain, both emotional and the physical of the needle repeatedly piercing his arm.
The alcohol had also helped with that.
By the time he came home with both forearms covered in seran wrap, Eric was fairly gone. His usual bright eyes were glossy and empty—devoid of any real emotion. He wasn’t so far gone that he could not make rational decisions, after all he had managed to drive home in one piece, but it was just enough to visibly confirm that yes, he had been drinking and was still under enough influence that the pain hadn’t crept back in yet.
He paused as the front door swung open before him. Partly as though contemplating if he really wanted to go inside, partly waiting to hear Lizzie bounding around the corner to greet him. A huge smile on her face, the excitement in her voice. Her arms wrapping around his neck as he bent down to her level to match her energy in his kiss—but even after stepping inside and closing the door behind him Lizzie still had not appeared.
Was she not back yet? Their bedroom door was shut but that didn't necessarily mean anything. She could be inside trying to keep warm. Maybe talking with someone back in California. Or maybe she really wasn’t home yet. It was pretty late though…whatever, Eric didn’t care—no, actually that wasn’t true at all. Eric cared very much. But he wasn’t mentally or emotionally in a place where he could feel that. Where he could act on something so selfish as seeking her out for his own comfort.
He wanted nothing more than to be enveloped in her love, but he didn't deserve that and so as a form of self punishment he turned away to isolate himself in the common room and collapsed onto the sofa. Every year today felt like the longest day of his life and it was so draining. Eric couldn’t feel that yet, but he would no doubt crash soon enough and tomorrow would be when all the pain, regret and exhaustion set in.
In the meantime he would sit here alone in the dark and try to get a hold of himself because while having no control over his life was one thing, feeling out of control of himself was downright scary and Eric didn’t trust himself to not fuck things up if he tried to just resume life like he hadn’t just gone through the worst day of his life for the fifth year in a row.
His eyes hurt—it felt as though he had not slept at all, which was actually very possible as he had had such a tough time falling asleep which then made staying asleep just as challenging. Eric had been wracked with dread all of yesterday and had only briefly escaped the pain by falling asleep in Lizzie's loving embrace. If only he could have stayed asleep…
Today was the day of his mother’s anniversary—the anniversary of her death. The pain in his chest was so sharp, so heavy—so fresh and raw. Even though it had been five years already, to Eric it still hurt as though he had just lost her yesterday.
It quickly became clear that there wasn’t any point in trying to go back to sleep. Eric’s over-active mind had far too much going on, and the heavy emptiness that filled him kept him grounded in his misery and unable to drift free of the endless pain. He was at a point that not even Lizzie was able to help.
Although to be fair it wasn’t like he tried. Usually her presence alone could silence the noise in his head and brighten the dark in his heart. But this time he felt nothing from her. This time he was too broken to be mended by proximity alone. Maybe if he had woken her up then she might have made a difference. Maybe if he had woken her she could have helped before things got worse. Maybe if he had woken her he could have shared his pain rather than leaving it to fester and burn. But he didn’t wake her. Eric had spent this day alone every year since he laid his mother to rest and he didn’t know how to let anyone else in with him—not even Lizzie.
Despite how dark their room was, Eric could still make out her face peeking out from under their blankets. Her pure and perfect face, unscathed by any of the torture or torment that Eric had been through. But he had seen how he had affected her. He had seen her face scrunched with worry, and hurting from his pain. The last thing he wanted to do was burden her with more of his dark past—and especially not this. The escorting was humiliating, the debt was suffocating, and the recent introduction of his prior relationship with hard drugs was still fresh in the front of his mind. But this—his mother's death was not something he was ready or strong enough to share. He had long decided he would take it to the grave, not even Olivia would learn of what really happened that day.
He couldn’t be here any longer, Eric’s breath was shaky as he slowly and carefully climbed from the safety and comfort of their bed—taking care to not wake his love as he fled. The temperature of the room was painfully cold as it hit his bare chest, knocking out what little air his lungs had left and leaving him feeling as though he were drowning. Eric was gasping for air as he blindly felt around for his abandoned Disney jumper and quickly pulled it on.
Still shivering, he quietly slipped out of their bedroom and into the equally dark hallway. It wasn’t until he reached the common room that Eric finally turned on a light and watched as his breath visibly escaped his lips in a small cloud. Was it really that cold? But rather than moving to grab a blanket or to go heat up water in the kitchen for tea, Eric just stood stock still by the light switch as his eyes fell on the coffee table in front of the couches.
The crumpled wrappers from Lizzie’s cupcakes and their Scrabble game was left out unfinished and awaiting their return; between his work schedule and their hyperfixation on each other, they hadn't gotten very far in the game but Eric was undeniably winning.
Scrabble was the only thing in life that Eric could ever win at. It was a game of outwitting luck: you get your letters at random and have to make the most of it. Only his skills did not transfer over to the real world. In life Eric had drawn all the worst possible letters and try as he might he had been unable to make anything from them. His highest scoring word in all his twenty five years of life was ‘Lizzie’, and the double z definitely helped his points there. All the rest of his words were five letters or less: death, debt, drugs, abuse, rape, loss, money—Eric had no control over his own life and his brilliant mind couldn’t do anything about it. But maybe that was part of why he enjoyed playing Scrabble so much. It wasn’t just the mental challenge, but it was that he could finally feel in control of himself. He could manipulate those seven tiles of letters to his benefit and play them in all the right places to make the most of his situation.
Scrabble was fun, and easy for him. But staring at the board now it was hard to remember what fun even felt like. Everything was so difficult for him now compared to sharing the couch with Lizzie while they played his favorite board game. The only difficult part then had been concentrating on the game itself when Lizzie sat across from him. But nothing else had been on his mind compared to now when literally his entire world was weighing him down.
He choked hearing his love’s honey sweet angel voice call his name, and all at once his lungs forced several coughs in an attempt to expel as much of the toxic smoke he'd just inhaled. He was outside now, and had been for a while but he hadn’t heard her come up behind him—what time was it? But as Eric turned to face her the confusion in her expression told him she was just as surprised as he was. Lizzie was quick to press on, asking what he was doing out here.
Well, obviously he had been smoking. But he knew what she meant. It was cold, early, and outside of his routine to be out here alone. However Eric’s answer didn’t address any of that, he didn’t miss a beat as he threw the ball right back in her court, ”Why’re you up so early love?” He busied his nervous hands with putting out what was left of his cigarette and another short cough escaped to battle the tickle in his throat that came from speaking for the first time this morning.
Eric tried to pour all of his focus into Lizzie as she explained that she was planning to go swim. He was desperate for any distraction from his own thoughts, but at the same time he found it very difficult to focus on…well anything, and that must have been clear to Lizzie as she wasted no time in circling back to him and why he was out here—more specifically asking if something was wrong.
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”
He had replied too quickly, and there was a heavy pause that first made it feel as though he had said the wrong thing. But experience told Eric that she was patiently waiting for him to elaborate on his own terms, ”I’m—“ However when Eric lifted his eyes to meet hers, the genuine concern creasing his love’s perfect face had him swallowing back the automatic denial response he had nearly pushed her away with.
The biggest lie and most overused excuse in the world: I’m fine.
He wasn’t fine. He was far from fine and he knew she knew immediately just from these few minutes they’d had together. She was so quick to read him and it left Eric in a conflicting state of feeling vulnerable yet safe. Vulnerable in that there was no hiding from her. This would be the year he couldn’t just ignore today and tell her he was fine like he did everyone else. And while that honestly terrified him, it was also comforting to feel seen for once—to have someone else notice that he in fact wasn’t okay and choose to try and do something about it.
But Eric’s eyes couldn’t hold her gaze the way he normally did, and as they glanced away to alleviate the pressure he could feel his heart rate climbing with anxious anticipation. All of a sudden it felt like the entire world was on his shoulders. Like he had to do this. He was backed into a corner with no way out and his throat was closing in on itself with each passing second of silence, ”I—“ His courage was fleeting and left him as soon as he tried to look at her again.
This wasn’t fair. They had done this dance so many times at this point and Eric was very much aware of his avoidance and reluctance to share. She had accepted everything he had told her thus far. She knew of his upbringing, of his mum’s drug addiction and subsequent passing, she knew he had struggled to survive under crippling debt and was essentially forced into servitude for Howard’s business. Hell—she knew of his era of sex work and the traumatic experiences that had scarred him! But this….this was too much. This was the tipping point that Eric was fully convinced would send her in the other direction. It was hard enough to see the way she looked at him with such sadness everytime a piece of his past came up, but Eric wouldn’t be able to handle the rejection he was sure would come about if she knew this truth. He would become such a disappointment to her. She would be disgusted with him. She would leave him…like everyone else.
Eric had been awake for so long at this point that it didn’t take long for his anxiety to spiral beyond reason and in the end he just further pushed Lizzie away by promising to tell her later. And the immediate relief that came from knowing he didn’t have to tell her—or at least not right now—was such an addictive high. His walls were up and guarded and he felt safe being able to keep everything locked inside. And most importantly: Lizzie wouldn’t leave him. Yet…
”Love it’s cold, let’s go inside.”
Things between them the rest of the morning felt off. Awkward and distant despite both their attempts to resume normality. It took a little bit of pleading, insisting and convincing, but in the end Eric succeeded in getting Lizzie in his car so that he could drop her off at the pool. But despite the car’s little heater working overtime to warm them, the air retained a certain chill from everything currently left unsaid between them.
But rather than returning home after dropping her off, Eric left straight to the hotel. He couldn’t remember the last time he had driven to work, it wasn't that far a journey anymore with his Oyster card. But today he wouldn’t be going straight home after and so he was thankful to have an excuse to drive. Though it was a miracle he made it at all considering how distracted he was. Their goodbye kiss lingered on his lips teasingly so. There had been an almost soft hesitation to it. A strange mixture of loving care and obligation, like if they didn’t go through with it then everything would be ten thousand times worse. And her touch was left tingling on his skin and her words ringing in his ears: “Don't shut me out again.”
Her voice repeatedly infiltrated his thoughts throughout the day, but not even Lizzie could dam his flooding river of depression, not this time. Yesterday he had managed to distract himself at work with a muse for a new song he had started writing. But today all his motivation had been steamrolled into the ground and not a single creative thought circulated in his head. It was just dark in there. Guilt and regret repeatedly hitting old wounds till they opened and the pain just grew more and more as the day went on.
By the time Eric’s shift ended, he wanted so badly to reunite with his love; he was craving her comfort. Only it turned out that Lizzie would not be home, as he read through a text she sent alerting him that she would be late getting home. It was as he stepped outside the hotel that Eric realized he hadn’t told her of his own plans yet either. The entire reason he had wanted to drive to work today.
Eric was quick to type up a reply that he too would be late, but just as he hit send a coworker called his name to say bye and pulled his attention away—in turn Eric automatically out of subconscious habit locked his iPod. By the time she left he glanced back down to the black screen in his hand. Lizzie hadn’t replied. There was a part of him that yearned for a response from her before leaving, his anxiety needing constant connection and reassurance. But the rest of him just felt…nothing. Like his entire world was slowly sinking through quicksand and no matter what the outcome was inevitable so why bother putting in effort to stay afloat? Lizzie was busy and so he was alone in this, just like he was every year.
Since he had driven to work this morning he was able to get to the next item on his agenda in no time. He was soon seated in a reclining chair, his work shirt unbuttoned with one arm out of the sleeve resting palm up on the arm rest. At his side, his friend was hard at work laying down the outline of an eagle while the tattoo gun in his hand buzzed away.
Eric’s eyes were fixated on his arm, watching as the new lines ran over the words that had been across his forearm for a few years now. Things i can…
Things he could do, on his own, by his own free will: nothing.
His eyes then glanced to his still sleeved left arm knowing that that was where his second tattoo would go, to cover up the second half. Things i can’t…
Things he could not do: seemingly everything.
Because of how his life had played out, Eric was trapped in this neverending debt, drowning in his unprocessed grief, and fighting himself over his own addiction.
Lizzie had single handedly become the most important person in his life. She had proven time and time again that she was willing to put up with everything life had thrown at him. And Eric had tried over and over again to accept that as truth and let her in. The only thing he wanted in life was her love but so many times now something had come between them and proven he didn’t deserve it, didn’t understand it, couldn’t handle it—he needed more of it.
She had never responded to his message. He had checked his lockscreen a couple times earlier while his friend was setting up, and while Eric wanted to be patient and understanding that she was probably busy with her own plans like she had said, he still couldn’t help but feel impatient and needy. He couldn’t wait to get back to the flat to be reunited with her—but he also didn’t want to go back. It was easier to breathe away from home. His chest didn’t hurt quite so much after dropping Lizzie off this morning. His thoughts didn’t race and repeat and relive past experiences. Outside of the flat he just didn't feel. He was numb to the pain, both emotional and the physical of the needle repeatedly piercing his arm.
The alcohol had also helped with that.
By the time he came home with both forearms covered in seran wrap, Eric was fairly gone. His usual bright eyes were glossy and empty—devoid of any real emotion. He wasn’t so far gone that he could not make rational decisions, after all he had managed to drive home in one piece, but it was just enough to visibly confirm that yes, he had been drinking and was still under enough influence that the pain hadn’t crept back in yet.
He paused as the front door swung open before him. Partly as though contemplating if he really wanted to go inside, partly waiting to hear Lizzie bounding around the corner to greet him. A huge smile on her face, the excitement in her voice. Her arms wrapping around his neck as he bent down to her level to match her energy in his kiss—but even after stepping inside and closing the door behind him Lizzie still had not appeared.
Was she not back yet? Their bedroom door was shut but that didn't necessarily mean anything. She could be inside trying to keep warm. Maybe talking with someone back in California. Or maybe she really wasn’t home yet. It was pretty late though…whatever, Eric didn’t care—no, actually that wasn’t true at all. Eric cared very much. But he wasn’t mentally or emotionally in a place where he could feel that. Where he could act on something so selfish as seeking her out for his own comfort.
He wanted nothing more than to be enveloped in her love, but he didn't deserve that and so as a form of self punishment he turned away to isolate himself in the common room and collapsed onto the sofa. Every year today felt like the longest day of his life and it was so draining. Eric couldn’t feel that yet, but he would no doubt crash soon enough and tomorrow would be when all the pain, regret and exhaustion set in.
In the meantime he would sit here alone in the dark and try to get a hold of himself because while having no control over his life was one thing, feeling out of control of himself was downright scary and Eric didn’t trust himself to not fuck things up if he tried to just resume life like he hadn’t just gone through the worst day of his life for the fifth year in a row.
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