Solo Conversationalist
- Joined
- Mar 17, 2022
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- Page Two Hundred & Forty-Nine

(❈)----▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀----ELIZABETH DARCY aka LIZZIE ⋮⋮
------ ❖ DATE — 091818-----------❖ LOCATION — lizzie's bedroom-----------❖ COMPANY — eric
“Oh…” Well, this was quite the awkward situation. Lizzie stared at the empty space where the Chinese takeout boxes used to be when she last saw them that morning. She felt slightly embarrassed, and also mildly conflicted. Eric said he preferred the leftovers. And yet, they were actually not even an option. Should she go back on her offer and just order the sandwiches? But, she didn’t even know what he liked from the cafe. Nor could she remember what he ordered the last time they had gone together. Should she wing it and order him something that she hoped he would like? Would it be rude to ask him now while he was in the shower?
Actually, wait, she did have one option that could work.
“Hello? Lizzie?” answered Olivia after two rings. In the background, there were a couple other voices tossing various pastel colors like they were in some kind of auction. A moment later, she overheard what sounded like a door closing and suddenly the extra voices were gone.
“Hey, did I call at a bad time?” Lizzie asked, sandwiching her phone between her ear and her shoulder as she closed the refrigerator. She really should have checked that the leftovers were still there before offering it to Eric.
There was a silent pause on the line. “Not really. I just finished an appointment so the team is brainstorming some. Are you at the flat now?”
Lizzie nodded, then realized Olivia wasn’t there with her. It was a bad habit of hers and she has often been called out on it when caught. “Yeah, I am,” she finally responded. She moved away from the refrigerator to lean against the kitchen island. “Actually, that’s why I called. Eric’s here and I was thinking of ordering sandwiches from the cafe for, like, a late lunch/early dinner type thing. He was still asleep when I got home, so I’m assuming he’s been sleeping since he got here and hasn’t eaten today?”
There was another silent pause, but Lizzie couldn’t figure out what her flatmate was doing on the other end of the line. “Does he know you’re ordering sandwiches?” Olivia asked suddenly. The tone was slightly off compared to her previous statement and it made Lizzie feel a bit uncomfortable. It was as if she was being interrogated or something.
“Not exactly. I asked if he wanted the leftovers Angel brought back or to order sandwiches. He said he wanted the leftovers.” She went on to explain the current situation; that Eric was taking a shower right now and she could not ask him for his order.
Eventually, Lizzie had Olivia convinced. As she scribbled Eric’s order onto a piece of scratch paper left on the kitchen counter, she wondered why it seemed like such a journey to get anything out of Olivia when it came to Eric. When it involves the other flatmates, Olivia was quick to offer the information and often with a touch of humor to it. However, if she asked her anything about Eric’s life or interests or just about anything about him while she wasn’t in the room, there was a bit of a tug from her. It was strange. The next thought she had after this realization was how she was not going to be telling this to Jade...not yet at least. Her best friend was already against Eric as it is. She didn’t need to add any more fuel to that flame.
After she ended her call with Olivia, Lizzie pushed aside the strange feeling she had for her flatmate and opened up the Deliveroo app she had recently downloaded to quickly place their order. She didn’t know how much time she had left until Eric was finished with his shower and wanted to make sure the food would at least be halfway ready by the time he came back. In the meantime, while she waited for the status of her order to update, she left her phone on the dining table then went to her bedroom to change. She might as well change out of her work clothes too since Eric was doing it.
Now dressed in a pair of running shorts and her oversized UCLA hoodie, she returned to the common room while tugging her long hair back into its usual ponytail. She took a quick glance at her phone to check the status of her order. Oh, looks like it’s been prepared already and now it’s just a matter of waiting for someone to pick it up and deliver. The cafe must not be too busy right now.
Once again, she left her phone on the dining table to make her way back toward the double doors. She peeked her head into the hallway and looked over at the closed bathroom door. After a few seconds, she came to the conclusion that Eric wasn’t done with his shower yet. Not that she quite blamed him. After an overnight shift at the hotel plus sleeping for much of the day, she wouldn’t mind a long shower either.
Their food arrived some ten minutes later. It was the benefit of living within walking distance from the cafe, but being terribly lazy. Actually, that was the same conversation she and the delivery man had as he handed over the sandwiches and she gave him a rather generous tip. After all, he really traveled a couple minutes just to deliver sandwiches. It was the least she could do. It was also apparently very American of her to tip this well. This whole “tipping not required” thing was definitely something she needed to start getting used to...for now.
By the time Eric returned to the common room, Lizzie had taken their sandwiches out of the to-go bag and placed them in front of the same seats they had occupied the other night when Ricki’s dad dropped by for dinner. Lizzie watched as Eric joined her at the dining table then registered that, no, they were not having the leftovers like he had decided on before his shower. She giggled then explained the situation and asked if this was okay. The fact that his face lit up at the sight of the sandwiches told her enough, but it didn’t hurt to get some kind of verbal response just to be sure.
As she watched Eric eat his sandwich, Lizzie couldn’t help wondering if he had simply been polite earlier when he decided on the leftovers. It wasn’t like this was the first time she had bought him food. Plus, they were friends now. Buying friends food was no big deal. After all, Olivia did it for Eric all the time. If her flatmate could do it, surely she could as well. In fact, it could be argued that they were probably a little more than just friends; although the actual label of what they are is currently unknown.
She still had about a third of her own sandwich left when she looked up and noticed that he had finished his. It made sense. If he was sleeping since he arrived at the flat, this must have been his first meal of the day. Lizzie didn’t say anything out loud, of course. Instead, she continued eating and waited for them to continue catching up with each other.
However, Eric shifted the conversation to a rather important topic: Harry Potter. Lizzie’s interest peaked at the mention of the second movie. She looked up just as he was sipping his water, registering the suggestive look he was giving her. Before he could verbally ask if they had the time to continue their gradual movie marathon, she felt the edges of her lips curl upward into an eager smile. Honestly, even if she had a ton of work to do, she would drop everything to watch Harry Potter...with him. Or any movie really. Just about any excuse to spend time with him would make Lizzie free her schedule to do it. Manuscripts and reading assignments could wait. There was only so much time she had with Eric in a week and she wanted to always take advantage of it. It was for this reason that Tuesdays were now her favorite day of the week.
After she finished the last of her sandwich, she took the trash she and Eric collected off the dining table to toss it in the kitchen. Behind her, she heard him shuffling about, probably to clean up whatever little workstation he had set up that morning before falling asleep. Briefly, she recalled seeing his notebook open to a page with some of his handwriting scribbled on it. But she had been too busy being mesmerized by how peaceful he looked while sleeping to really read what had been on said page. Then again, she probably wouldn’t have without asking permission. She had already snooped through one of his works in progress. There was a point when she could fight back her curious nature, especially when it came to the guy she liked.
Lizzie joined Eric in the living room just as he popped in the disc for Chamber of Secrets, two new bottles of water in her hands. She placed both of them on the coffee table then took the spot to the right of Eric on the smaller couch. Unlike before, it didn’t feel too awkward sitting so close to him. Whether he felt the same or not, this was good. This had to be good. This meant that they their relationship (or friendship really) was evolving. This theory was only confirmed as she nestled into a comfortable position against him with her left shoulder gently rubbing against his arm. The only thing that could have made her nervous about this was when he moved his arm right after. But the moment after, he placed said arm behind her across the back of the couch. Not around her. Baby steps.
Once the movie started, Lizzie forced herself to focus on the television. She wanted to watch the movie after all. But it wasn’t until the Weasley brothers flew up to Harry’s barred bedroom window in the flying Ford Anglia did her attention completely abandon the screen. Instead, she focused on the sudden gentle tug of the fingers on her left hand. Upon looking down, she saw that Eric’s long fingers loosely clung to hers. She smiled and her heart raced with excitement. But she kept her cool as she used her free hand to tug her ponytail over one shoulder. With this move, she grasped Eric’s hand a bit more. At least so that they weren’t merely holding hands with just their fingers.
Honestly, the moment Eric instigated that physical contact - even if it was just a little - Lizzie could care less about the movie. After all, she had seen the Harry Potter films plenty of times, she could recite the first three films by heart even in her sleep. Eric was all new. Every experience with him was fresh and exciting and she felt at the edge of her seat even if she appeared perfectly relaxed. Every minute spent with him even if it’s just watching a movie or eating a sandwich together, brought her a sense of joy she hadn’t felt in so long.
It has been a while since she last had a legitimate crush. She forgot about all these sensations.
Around the end of the Diagon Alley scenes, Lizzie could sense that she was more comfortable on the couch with Eric. After a quick adjustment, she moved to rest her head against Eric’s shoulder. This was also when she noticed that he had been running a finger along the cloud tattoo on her middle finger.
Then, suddenly, Lizzie could feel Eric’s grip loosen. What she did next happened out of instinct. Or maybe it was because she just did not want a chance for their physical connection to break. But as she felt his grip loosen, she tightened her own around his fingers. She still hadn’t realized what she had done even after he spoke for the first time since they started the movie.
Has she visited King’s Cross Station since her first trip? Lizzie watched as the boys discussed their options now that the platform had been closed. She actually had to think about it for a moment. It had been awhile since that first trip, but considering how often she thought about it, it sometimes felt like it happened yesterday. “No, I haven’t,” she finally answered with a small pout. “I’ve either been hella busy since that first time, or I just never had the opportunity to be in that area. But now that you have me thinking about King’s Cross, I probably will sometime this week.” Lizzie returned her attention to the screen...but only for a moment.
Suddenly, Lizzie sat up straight on the couch then turned her body so that she was completely facing him. This, of course, fully broke their hand holding. But that was okay. They could continue their hand holding afterward. A smile was once again spreading across her face. “If you’re free this week, we should meet up and go together?” she quickly added. “Find some other place nearby that is not Nando’s to eat at after.”
If Eric had a problem with talking during a movie, he didn’t openly express it. His initial resulted in an opportunity for them to continue talking to each other. While the movie still played in the background - occasionally, they would pause their conversation to watch an interesting scene - Lizzie’s attention mostly stayed on whatever Eric was telling her. The potential plan to meet for a King’s Cross visit part two opened up the conversation to discuss weekly schedules. Now that Lizzie’s schedule was finalized between work and school, she could confidently tell him when she started and ended her days. She was thrilled to hear that they ended around the same time if they didn’t count his rehearsals. So they definitely had plenty of opportunities to meet up in the city before returning to the flat.
It should also be noted that, after Eric’s King’s Cross question, Lizzie had not returned to her previous position on the couch. Instead of the gentle hand holding from before, Lizzie had completely taken Eric’s left hand in her own while grabbing the right arm that had been on the back of the couch to wrap around her shoulders. In addition to that, she also laced the fingers on her right hand through his to ensure that his arm remained around her throughout the rest of the movie.
Never once did she think her actions were odd or that she was overstepping her boundaries. She had seen what they had done during Ricki’s birthday. She remembered dinner at the flat with Ricki’s dad the other night. This was innocent, but still enjoyable. And it felt so right.
By the time Harry had reached the Chamber of Secrets, Lizzie’s had switched positions twice beside Eric. Right now, she was cuddled up against him with one leg draped around both of his, her right arm around his waist and her head snuggled against his chest. She did, however, make sure to keep with the hand holding they had started since they began the movie. Only this time, it was her left hand laced around his right hand, which was still wrapped around her. Conversation died down a bit once things started picking up in the film. They still talked occasionally, but it wasn’t the main attention grabber like before.
“What do you think about the whole Lockhart drama?” she asked, watching as Ron clubbed Lockhart with a rock. “Like, there is no way Dumbledore missed that he was a fake all along. I know it’s supposed to be some kind of minor plot twist, but...it’s just...Dumbledore is not that dumb, right? Like, could he really have been fooled for that long?” She lifted her head up ever so slightly to adjust her position on his chest, tucking her chin to her chest a bit so that she could better see the screen.
It was sometime between Lizzie’s Lockhart question and Harry’s battle with the basilisk when the faintest sound of a door closing traveled down the hall to the common room. Lizzie lifted her head up, avoiding hitting Eric with the top of her head as she did so. She waited to see if there would be any follow-up sounds or to conclude that maybe she had imagined hearing things. Turns out it was the former of the two options because seconds later, she could hear two voices getting closer. Another few seconds later, Angel and Malcolm appeared at the double doors. Behind them was a familiar face, but Lizzie couldn’t quite figure out how she recognized him.
“Oh! You two are here!” Angel blurted out, a wide grin forming on his face. She watched as he looked from the two of them to the television screen. “Wait, didn’t you watch this one already?”
“No wonder Lizzie wasn’t saying anything in the group chat earlier. She doesn’t even have her phone anywhere near her. Her hands are too busy holding Eric,” Malcolm teased along, utilizing a sing song tone at the end. Lizzie felt her cheeks flush. But at the mention of the group chat, she reluctantly pulled away from Eric to grab her phone. It had been silent and face down on the coffee table since the movie started. Waiting for her was a short conversation between her other flatmates about how Angel and Malcolm were bringing Tom over to watch something. Oh, right. Tom the “free Uber driver” from Ricki’s birthday celebration.
“Um, the movie's almost done,” she told them. Of course they knew the movie's almost done. “Then the TV is all yours.”
Once the guys left the double doors to hang out in their room, Lizzie glanced over at the movie before turning to look at Eric. “Well, there goes the option to start the next movie,” she joked with a small smile. “But it looks like you’re also getting kicked out of your workstation.” She looked toward the double doors in the direction of the boys’ bedroom as a thought ran through her head.
“If you want,” she started slowly while turning her head back to look at Eric. “You can stay in my room until they’re done with the TV. Or until you have to leave? Ricki doesn’t get off work until eleven, so she probably won’t be home until after midnight. Just in case you wanted to do some work in your notebook for a bit.” She didn’t explain how she had seen the open notebook earlier figuring he would guess that much.
The movie finished soon after she had voiced her suggestion. While Eric took the disc out of the player and grabbed his things, Lizzie walked over to the boys’ bedroom to let them know that they could take over the living room. Angel, Malcolm and Tom were slowly leaving the room by the time Lizzie led Eric out of the common room to her own bedroom.
There was a split moment as Eric came in that Lizzie wondered if she should keep the door open or not. It wasn’t like they were going to do anything really. But she figured if Eric actually did want to get some things done for...whatever it was that he was working on, she guessed that cutting out as much noise as possible would help. Angel was known to be quite loud when it came to watching television. With that in mind, she slowly, but with a little reluctance, closed the door to her bedroom shut.
“The bed or the desk, you can take whichever. I’ll just work on getting through this manuscript in the other,” Lizzie said to Eric now.
Actually, wait, she did have one option that could work.
“Hello? Lizzie?” answered Olivia after two rings. In the background, there were a couple other voices tossing various pastel colors like they were in some kind of auction. A moment later, she overheard what sounded like a door closing and suddenly the extra voices were gone.
“Hey, did I call at a bad time?” Lizzie asked, sandwiching her phone between her ear and her shoulder as she closed the refrigerator. She really should have checked that the leftovers were still there before offering it to Eric.
There was a silent pause on the line. “Not really. I just finished an appointment so the team is brainstorming some. Are you at the flat now?”
Lizzie nodded, then realized Olivia wasn’t there with her. It was a bad habit of hers and she has often been called out on it when caught. “Yeah, I am,” she finally responded. She moved away from the refrigerator to lean against the kitchen island. “Actually, that’s why I called. Eric’s here and I was thinking of ordering sandwiches from the cafe for, like, a late lunch/early dinner type thing. He was still asleep when I got home, so I’m assuming he’s been sleeping since he got here and hasn’t eaten today?”
There was another silent pause, but Lizzie couldn’t figure out what her flatmate was doing on the other end of the line. “Does he know you’re ordering sandwiches?” Olivia asked suddenly. The tone was slightly off compared to her previous statement and it made Lizzie feel a bit uncomfortable. It was as if she was being interrogated or something.
“Not exactly. I asked if he wanted the leftovers Angel brought back or to order sandwiches. He said he wanted the leftovers.” She went on to explain the current situation; that Eric was taking a shower right now and she could not ask him for his order.
Eventually, Lizzie had Olivia convinced. As she scribbled Eric’s order onto a piece of scratch paper left on the kitchen counter, she wondered why it seemed like such a journey to get anything out of Olivia when it came to Eric. When it involves the other flatmates, Olivia was quick to offer the information and often with a touch of humor to it. However, if she asked her anything about Eric’s life or interests or just about anything about him while she wasn’t in the room, there was a bit of a tug from her. It was strange. The next thought she had after this realization was how she was not going to be telling this to Jade...not yet at least. Her best friend was already against Eric as it is. She didn’t need to add any more fuel to that flame.
After she ended her call with Olivia, Lizzie pushed aside the strange feeling she had for her flatmate and opened up the Deliveroo app she had recently downloaded to quickly place their order. She didn’t know how much time she had left until Eric was finished with his shower and wanted to make sure the food would at least be halfway ready by the time he came back. In the meantime, while she waited for the status of her order to update, she left her phone on the dining table then went to her bedroom to change. She might as well change out of her work clothes too since Eric was doing it.
Now dressed in a pair of running shorts and her oversized UCLA hoodie, she returned to the common room while tugging her long hair back into its usual ponytail. She took a quick glance at her phone to check the status of her order. Oh, looks like it’s been prepared already and now it’s just a matter of waiting for someone to pick it up and deliver. The cafe must not be too busy right now.
Once again, she left her phone on the dining table to make her way back toward the double doors. She peeked her head into the hallway and looked over at the closed bathroom door. After a few seconds, she came to the conclusion that Eric wasn’t done with his shower yet. Not that she quite blamed him. After an overnight shift at the hotel plus sleeping for much of the day, she wouldn’t mind a long shower either.
Their food arrived some ten minutes later. It was the benefit of living within walking distance from the cafe, but being terribly lazy. Actually, that was the same conversation she and the delivery man had as he handed over the sandwiches and she gave him a rather generous tip. After all, he really traveled a couple minutes just to deliver sandwiches. It was the least she could do. It was also apparently very American of her to tip this well. This whole “tipping not required” thing was definitely something she needed to start getting used to...for now.
By the time Eric returned to the common room, Lizzie had taken their sandwiches out of the to-go bag and placed them in front of the same seats they had occupied the other night when Ricki’s dad dropped by for dinner. Lizzie watched as Eric joined her at the dining table then registered that, no, they were not having the leftovers like he had decided on before his shower. She giggled then explained the situation and asked if this was okay. The fact that his face lit up at the sight of the sandwiches told her enough, but it didn’t hurt to get some kind of verbal response just to be sure.
As she watched Eric eat his sandwich, Lizzie couldn’t help wondering if he had simply been polite earlier when he decided on the leftovers. It wasn’t like this was the first time she had bought him food. Plus, they were friends now. Buying friends food was no big deal. After all, Olivia did it for Eric all the time. If her flatmate could do it, surely she could as well. In fact, it could be argued that they were probably a little more than just friends; although the actual label of what they are is currently unknown.
She still had about a third of her own sandwich left when she looked up and noticed that he had finished his. It made sense. If he was sleeping since he arrived at the flat, this must have been his first meal of the day. Lizzie didn’t say anything out loud, of course. Instead, she continued eating and waited for them to continue catching up with each other.
However, Eric shifted the conversation to a rather important topic: Harry Potter. Lizzie’s interest peaked at the mention of the second movie. She looked up just as he was sipping his water, registering the suggestive look he was giving her. Before he could verbally ask if they had the time to continue their gradual movie marathon, she felt the edges of her lips curl upward into an eager smile. Honestly, even if she had a ton of work to do, she would drop everything to watch Harry Potter...with him. Or any movie really. Just about any excuse to spend time with him would make Lizzie free her schedule to do it. Manuscripts and reading assignments could wait. There was only so much time she had with Eric in a week and she wanted to always take advantage of it. It was for this reason that Tuesdays were now her favorite day of the week.
After she finished the last of her sandwich, she took the trash she and Eric collected off the dining table to toss it in the kitchen. Behind her, she heard him shuffling about, probably to clean up whatever little workstation he had set up that morning before falling asleep. Briefly, she recalled seeing his notebook open to a page with some of his handwriting scribbled on it. But she had been too busy being mesmerized by how peaceful he looked while sleeping to really read what had been on said page. Then again, she probably wouldn’t have without asking permission. She had already snooped through one of his works in progress. There was a point when she could fight back her curious nature, especially when it came to the guy she liked.
Lizzie joined Eric in the living room just as he popped in the disc for Chamber of Secrets, two new bottles of water in her hands. She placed both of them on the coffee table then took the spot to the right of Eric on the smaller couch. Unlike before, it didn’t feel too awkward sitting so close to him. Whether he felt the same or not, this was good. This had to be good. This meant that they their relationship (or friendship really) was evolving. This theory was only confirmed as she nestled into a comfortable position against him with her left shoulder gently rubbing against his arm. The only thing that could have made her nervous about this was when he moved his arm right after. But the moment after, he placed said arm behind her across the back of the couch. Not around her. Baby steps.
Once the movie started, Lizzie forced herself to focus on the television. She wanted to watch the movie after all. But it wasn’t until the Weasley brothers flew up to Harry’s barred bedroom window in the flying Ford Anglia did her attention completely abandon the screen. Instead, she focused on the sudden gentle tug of the fingers on her left hand. Upon looking down, she saw that Eric’s long fingers loosely clung to hers. She smiled and her heart raced with excitement. But she kept her cool as she used her free hand to tug her ponytail over one shoulder. With this move, she grasped Eric’s hand a bit more. At least so that they weren’t merely holding hands with just their fingers.
Honestly, the moment Eric instigated that physical contact - even if it was just a little - Lizzie could care less about the movie. After all, she had seen the Harry Potter films plenty of times, she could recite the first three films by heart even in her sleep. Eric was all new. Every experience with him was fresh and exciting and she felt at the edge of her seat even if she appeared perfectly relaxed. Every minute spent with him even if it’s just watching a movie or eating a sandwich together, brought her a sense of joy she hadn’t felt in so long.
It has been a while since she last had a legitimate crush. She forgot about all these sensations.
Around the end of the Diagon Alley scenes, Lizzie could sense that she was more comfortable on the couch with Eric. After a quick adjustment, she moved to rest her head against Eric’s shoulder. This was also when she noticed that he had been running a finger along the cloud tattoo on her middle finger.
Then, suddenly, Lizzie could feel Eric’s grip loosen. What she did next happened out of instinct. Or maybe it was because she just did not want a chance for their physical connection to break. But as she felt his grip loosen, she tightened her own around his fingers. She still hadn’t realized what she had done even after he spoke for the first time since they started the movie.
Has she visited King’s Cross Station since her first trip? Lizzie watched as the boys discussed their options now that the platform had been closed. She actually had to think about it for a moment. It had been awhile since that first trip, but considering how often she thought about it, it sometimes felt like it happened yesterday. “No, I haven’t,” she finally answered with a small pout. “I’ve either been hella busy since that first time, or I just never had the opportunity to be in that area. But now that you have me thinking about King’s Cross, I probably will sometime this week.” Lizzie returned her attention to the screen...but only for a moment.
Suddenly, Lizzie sat up straight on the couch then turned her body so that she was completely facing him. This, of course, fully broke their hand holding. But that was okay. They could continue their hand holding afterward. A smile was once again spreading across her face. “If you’re free this week, we should meet up and go together?” she quickly added. “Find some other place nearby that is not Nando’s to eat at after.”
If Eric had a problem with talking during a movie, he didn’t openly express it. His initial resulted in an opportunity for them to continue talking to each other. While the movie still played in the background - occasionally, they would pause their conversation to watch an interesting scene - Lizzie’s attention mostly stayed on whatever Eric was telling her. The potential plan to meet for a King’s Cross visit part two opened up the conversation to discuss weekly schedules. Now that Lizzie’s schedule was finalized between work and school, she could confidently tell him when she started and ended her days. She was thrilled to hear that they ended around the same time if they didn’t count his rehearsals. So they definitely had plenty of opportunities to meet up in the city before returning to the flat.
It should also be noted that, after Eric’s King’s Cross question, Lizzie had not returned to her previous position on the couch. Instead of the gentle hand holding from before, Lizzie had completely taken Eric’s left hand in her own while grabbing the right arm that had been on the back of the couch to wrap around her shoulders. In addition to that, she also laced the fingers on her right hand through his to ensure that his arm remained around her throughout the rest of the movie.
Never once did she think her actions were odd or that she was overstepping her boundaries. She had seen what they had done during Ricki’s birthday. She remembered dinner at the flat with Ricki’s dad the other night. This was innocent, but still enjoyable. And it felt so right.
By the time Harry had reached the Chamber of Secrets, Lizzie’s had switched positions twice beside Eric. Right now, she was cuddled up against him with one leg draped around both of his, her right arm around his waist and her head snuggled against his chest. She did, however, make sure to keep with the hand holding they had started since they began the movie. Only this time, it was her left hand laced around his right hand, which was still wrapped around her. Conversation died down a bit once things started picking up in the film. They still talked occasionally, but it wasn’t the main attention grabber like before.
“What do you think about the whole Lockhart drama?” she asked, watching as Ron clubbed Lockhart with a rock. “Like, there is no way Dumbledore missed that he was a fake all along. I know it’s supposed to be some kind of minor plot twist, but...it’s just...Dumbledore is not that dumb, right? Like, could he really have been fooled for that long?” She lifted her head up ever so slightly to adjust her position on his chest, tucking her chin to her chest a bit so that she could better see the screen.
It was sometime between Lizzie’s Lockhart question and Harry’s battle with the basilisk when the faintest sound of a door closing traveled down the hall to the common room. Lizzie lifted her head up, avoiding hitting Eric with the top of her head as she did so. She waited to see if there would be any follow-up sounds or to conclude that maybe she had imagined hearing things. Turns out it was the former of the two options because seconds later, she could hear two voices getting closer. Another few seconds later, Angel and Malcolm appeared at the double doors. Behind them was a familiar face, but Lizzie couldn’t quite figure out how she recognized him.
“Oh! You two are here!” Angel blurted out, a wide grin forming on his face. She watched as he looked from the two of them to the television screen. “Wait, didn’t you watch this one already?”
“No wonder Lizzie wasn’t saying anything in the group chat earlier. She doesn’t even have her phone anywhere near her. Her hands are too busy holding Eric,” Malcolm teased along, utilizing a sing song tone at the end. Lizzie felt her cheeks flush. But at the mention of the group chat, she reluctantly pulled away from Eric to grab her phone. It had been silent and face down on the coffee table since the movie started. Waiting for her was a short conversation between her other flatmates about how Angel and Malcolm were bringing Tom over to watch something. Oh, right. Tom the “free Uber driver” from Ricki’s birthday celebration.
“Um, the movie's almost done,” she told them. Of course they knew the movie's almost done. “Then the TV is all yours.”
Once the guys left the double doors to hang out in their room, Lizzie glanced over at the movie before turning to look at Eric. “Well, there goes the option to start the next movie,” she joked with a small smile. “But it looks like you’re also getting kicked out of your workstation.” She looked toward the double doors in the direction of the boys’ bedroom as a thought ran through her head.
“If you want,” she started slowly while turning her head back to look at Eric. “You can stay in my room until they’re done with the TV. Or until you have to leave? Ricki doesn’t get off work until eleven, so she probably won’t be home until after midnight. Just in case you wanted to do some work in your notebook for a bit.” She didn’t explain how she had seen the open notebook earlier figuring he would guess that much.
The movie finished soon after she had voiced her suggestion. While Eric took the disc out of the player and grabbed his things, Lizzie walked over to the boys’ bedroom to let them know that they could take over the living room. Angel, Malcolm and Tom were slowly leaving the room by the time Lizzie led Eric out of the common room to her own bedroom.
There was a split moment as Eric came in that Lizzie wondered if she should keep the door open or not. It wasn’t like they were going to do anything really. But she figured if Eric actually did want to get some things done for...whatever it was that he was working on, she guessed that cutting out as much noise as possible would help. Angel was known to be quite loud when it came to watching television. With that in mind, she slowly, but with a little reluctance, closed the door to her bedroom shut.
“The bed or the desk, you can take whichever. I’ll just work on getting through this manuscript in the other,” Lizzie said to Eric now.