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The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons. Join Now!!!))

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As she got more aroused, Mai's moans became louder and louder. She was a bit disappointed when he stopped, but not for long. She shivered when she felt his lips on her skin, traveling down her body. She watched him, removing her skirt and panties, revealing her pussy, wet from her arousal. When he got down, licking and kissing the sensitive flesh, pleasure filled her body and she moaned loudly. Mai grabbed his head, holding it against her crotch as she enjoyed the sensations he gave her.
He felt her hands on his hair, refusing to let him up. She didn't have to do that, he wasn't planning on stoping anyway. "Mmm delicious..." he said as he continued. His tongue teased her sensative clit to make her screams of pleasure echo all around the room. He then added a few fingers in her to increase the pleasure. "I won't stop until you cum" He told Mai as his fingers thrust in her faster.
Feeling him teasing her clit and fingering her pussy made her moan even more, nearly turning them into screams. Mai was so horny that she nearly thought that she would burst and she knew that her climax wasn't far anymore. Feeling wave after wave of pleasure flowing through her body, Mai closed her eyes, preparing for what soon would happen. Finally, it was too much for her and, with a loud cry, she came, her juices running out of her pussy. As her orgasm subsided, she smiled at Alex, panting a bit. Then she sat up and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"That was wonderful," she said. "But now, I should give you the same favor."

Kissing him again, Mai removed his jacket and shirt and let her hand roam over his bare chest, enjoying the feeling of his skin. Slowly, she let a hand wander down, lightly brushing over his crotch.
Nettik_Xes said:
"I've seen vampires, cat-girls, and demons... Doesn't seem too unlikely that ghosts could exist too." She started to hear the little titters and chuckles, something flowing around them with a malign presence. Not horror-movie evil, just not beneficial. And as pieces snapped and fell to the ground, Aislyn couldn't help but sigh softly in a small bout of frustration. After all, SHE had to fix that. "I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop breaking my machines." Well, not hers per se, but they were her charges now that she was the maintenance crew for the whole facility. "I don't know what you've done to make a heating unit spew cold, but you're clearly beyond simple mechanical knowledge." She tried to pin the location of this said ghost of the machine.

"At least come out so you can tell us what it is you want."

"Just becauseyou believe in one thing, doesn't mean you'll believe in another. "She said as a few of the cables moved about the floor. She stepped on it and heard another giggle."Dammit. Clarice and Clarence, appear before me now."She demanded, hearing even more laughing."These damn ghostly children. They died around 1827. They were young. They managed to find there way here to my manor twenty years ago and I scared them away. Now they've returned to play."She told Aislyn, giving her a gist as to who they were dealing with.

Suddenly above them a little girl with curly blonde hair and a pink dress appeared, her body aglow and seethrough.

"Oh Miss Ebony, we missed you and wanted to play."

A little boy appeared, with a little sailor hat and outfit, smiled down at them, joining his sister."Yes, we missed you alot. You were fun to play with."He said and giggled with his sister.

"You werne't playing, you were causing troubles for me and you woudln't let me finish this manor. Now leave or I'll get a holy priest to send you to Hell where bad children go."
"Go right ahead baby." Alex said as it was his turn to be pleasured. He felt the cool air hit his body as his shirt was oof. he kisses her back with the same amout of passtion. His muscles twitched as her soft hand toyed with his chest traveling downward. "You're going good..." he whispered. to Mai as he teased his body more. He gave a light moan as his crotch was touch. He un zipps his pants for her and allowed her to do the rest.
Mai chuckled a bit as he unzipped his pants.

"You can't wait for it, huh?" she said. "Well, I can't blame you after what you did to me..."

She kissed him, pushing her tongue into his mouth, while she pulled his pants down, freeing his hard cock. As she continued kissing him, she wrapped a hand around it, gently moving it up and down the length. Then she broke the kiss and knelt on the bed, her large breasts hanging freely. Still holding the cock in her hand, she moved her head down and licked a few times over the tip, smiling up at him. Finally, she took the length into her mouth, her tongue running over the hard cock and began to suck on it.
Alex blushed and chuckled at her response. "I'm happy that I was able to please you this much. And I was giving you a head start." he tells her and let her do the rest. He loved how her kisses were nice and soft ans she begins to travel down his body. He shivered as he felt her teasing his cock. Pumping it up and down along the shaft and notcing her lovely smirk. He gripped the bedsheets as Mai licked his cock. it twitched and throbbed as she continued. Another moancame out once her mouth entered. "So goood..." he moaned as she sucked on it.
Steadily, Mai sucked on the throbbing cock, moving her head up and down the length. Occasionally, she took it out and teasingly just licked the sides or kissed the tip, before she takes it in again. Hearing his moans was quite arousing for the catgirl and she quickened the pace at which she sucked him off, enjoying the feeling of the hard cock in her mouth.
He loved it, he loves how it felt in her mouth. Some pre cim escaped into her mouth as she quickened her pace. His arms were long enough to pet her lovely cat ears. "Good, good...keep it up" he tells her as he pets her faster. His hips moved more as he sucked on it good. "I know you want it Mai...come on, ride my big cock" he said and grinned. He was horn as much as she was, all that was left was to fuck and fuck good.
As she heard that he wanted her to ride him, Mai let go of his cock, which was wet from her saliva. She sat up again and embraced Alex, pressing her breasts tightly against his bare chest. After giving him another kiss, she moved her head to his ear.

"You are right," she whispered. "I want to feel it deep inside me."

Then, she grabbed his hard cock and lowered her body on it. When the tip rubbed against the wet entrance, soft moans escaped her lips, which got louder the more the length went into her pussy. As it was very wet, the cock went easily in, until it was completely in her. Smiling at him, Mai slowly began to move her hips, riding his cock, moaning loudly at the sensations.
"Just becauseyou believe in one thing, doesn't mean you'll believe in another. "She said as a few of the cables moved about the floor. She stepped on it and heard another giggle."Dammit. Clarice and Clarence, appear before me now."She demanded, hearing even more laughing."These damn ghostly children. They died around 1827. They were young. They managed to find there way here to my manor twenty years ago and I scared them away. Now they've returned to play."She told Aislyn, giving her a gist as to who they were dealing with.

Suddenly above them a little girl with curly blonde hair and a pink dress appeared, her body aglow and seethrough.

"Oh Miss Ebony, we missed you and wanted to play."

A little boy appeared, with a little sailor hat and outfit, smiled down at them, joining his sister."Yes, we missed you alot. You were fun to play with."He said and giggled with his sister.

"You werne't playing, you were causing troubles for me and you woudln't let me finish this manor. Now leave or I'll get a holy priest to send you to Hell where bad children go."

"Sudden belief in one thing can make it easier to lose one's disbelief in others. I've suspended beliefs for now, seeing as how I keep discovering new things that by all means should not exist according to the 'rational' world." She watched as the two ghostly children were made to appear before them, being real, world-effecting apparitions. This was certainly beyond her technical skills. But it was something to think about. Werewolves could very well exist as well. Gremlins. Oni. And dare she think it, there might actually be a spoon.

"They seem harmless enough if we can motivate them to not break the machines." She started thinking, letting them bicker softly about playing and exorcism. From what she knew from legend and such was that ghost had unfinished business, or something tying them to the world. An exorcism therefore, was the equivalent of saying 'fuck you, GTFO.'

"I have an idea..." She knelt down near the kids, looking them each in the eye in turn. "How about you stop breaking my machines. I don't really like the extra work, and it's ultimately coming out of Ebony's pocket to fix what you two are doing. So... In return, I'll play with you two. At least, when I'm not on duty. I need to keep these machines fixed and in tip-top shape, if playing with you kids will keep them running, I'll just consider it part of my duty."
"It will be" he whispered back and returned the kiss. He sees her ready herself to take the plunge. His tip against her folds made him shiver as she lowers herself into him. It felt nice and tight once all the way in. He moaned with her as she begins riding his cock. Alex move his hands on to her hips. He helps her bounce up and down until it reached her breasts. he squeezed and kneed them forcing her to go faster. He rocked his hips as well since he was enjoying this a whole lot.
Moving her hips up and down, she feels his cock moving along her, rubbing against the inner walls of her pussy. She moaned louder and louder as the pleasure went through her and her arousal rose. Her large breasts bounced with her as she steadily rode his cock, until Alex began to squeeze them. Mai moved her hips faster and in unison with his own movements. She felt that it wouldn't take her long until she reached her orgasm, too horny was she and too pleasurable was it.
His hips continued to move with hers, adding more pleasure to this already enjoyable ride. She wanted more, he gave her more...a whole lot more. His cock could already feel her juices flowing as she braces herself for another orgasim. His cock touched all her good spots inside her causing the moans to increase in volume. His hands soon touched and held her ass to help her bouce faster and faster. He need her to cum. He wanted a turn to fuck her good as well.
Her moans getting louder and louder, Mai felt her pleasure and arousal rising. It was nearly unbearable by now and she moved her hips even faster as she rode him. Finally she couldn't take it anymore. Embracing Alex tightly, her breasts pressing firmly against his chest, she came, screaming out the pleasure she felt. Her juices flowed out of her, over his cock and onto the bed, as the orgasm took over her body.
Giselle couldn't help but lean her head back, giving her praises to Manine through her heated moans of pleasure. The feeling of Manine's tongue on her ear gave the half Drow a reason to gasp a little, her skin on fire from what was happening, and she was enjoying every second of it. Feeling the demon's thigh go higher, Giselle shuddered visibly, her arousal climbing fast as the woman fondled her breasts and rubbed her sex with her soft thigh. "It's...been a couple...decades...since I've let...anyone touch me. I had...three boyfriends...all of them...broke things off...for one reason or another. Another reason...why I came here was to...feel this...sensation again." She moaned, turning around a moment later and enjoying the feel of Manine's breasts against her own as they kissed, Giselle giving as much as she was receiving from the Hellspawn.

Breaking away with a shuddering gasp, Giselle's brown eyes glazed over as she felt close to a release. "Don't...stop....Manine. I'm close." She pleaded, hoping she wouldn't be one to deny her the release she so craved. If so, there would be the little matter of returning the favor. If she didn't deny her though, Giselle was prepared to return the favor of giving Manine release as well.
Nettik_Xes said:
"Sudden belief in one thing can make it easier to lose one's disbelief in others. I've suspended beliefs for now, seeing as how I keep discovering new things that by all means should not exist according to the 'rational' world." She watched as the two ghostly children were made to appear before them, being real, world-effecting apparitions. This was certainly beyond her technical skills. But it was something to think about. Werewolves could very well exist as well. Gremlins. Oni. And dare she think it, there might actually be a spoon.

"They seem harmless enough if we can motivate them to not break the machines." She started thinking, letting them bicker softly about playing and exorcism. From what she knew from legend and such was that ghost had unfinished business, or something tying them to the world. An exorcism therefore, was the equivalent of saying 'fuck you, GTFO.'

"I have an idea..." She knelt down near the kids, looking them each in the eye in turn. "How about you stop breaking my machines. I don't really like the extra work, and it's ultimately coming out of Ebony's pocket to fix what you two are doing. So... In return, I'll play with you two. At least, when I'm not on duty. I need to keep these machines fixed and in tip-top shape, if playing with you kids will keep them running, I'll just consider it part of my duty."

"Don't humor them."Ebony said with a sigh. The last thing she wanted was for these children to be in this manor and to see things they weren't suppose to see."Aislyn, come here."He grabbed the girl by her upper arm and hauled her up, taking her to the corner."You two stay where you are."She said seeing them smile and begin playing patty cake.

"Picture this. If you keep these little ghostlings here, ghostling children who have never seen sex such as what goes on here, do you truly think that wise."She said, giving the girl a moment to think."Imagine. You are alone with a nice gentleman, so close to orgasm and these little ones just pop out from the walls and say 'boo', you woudln't like that and my patrons wouldn't want to be interupted by ghosts."She looked back at the children."Why have you returned anyways?"

The children stopped there playing and looked at each other for a moment, then at Ebony and Aislyn."We.....we wanna go home...with mama and papa."Said the little girl, sniffling.

"No one can see us and people wanna make us go away."The little boy said.

Ebony frowned."That's all. You wanna go home. And you decided to gain attention by breaking my things.

THe little ones nodded.

"You should have just asked me in the first place, instead of causing trouble."Looking at Aislyn, then at the machines, she thought of something."Look. If you can fix what you broke, then I'll get someone to send you back to your mother and father okay."

The little ones smiled."Thank you."They said in unison and then, bits and pieces of the sauna machine were returning to there places, the thermostat as well and with a simple click, the machine was up and running.

Vergil1989 said:
Giselle couldn't help but lean her head back, giving her praises to Manine through her heated moans of pleasure. The feeling of Manine's tongue on her ear gave the half Drow a reason to gasp a little, her skin on fire from what was happening, and she was enjoying every second of it. Feeling the demon's thigh go higher, Giselle shuddered visibly, her arousal climbing fast as the woman fondled her breasts and rubbed her sex with her soft thigh. "It's...been a couple...decades...since I've let...anyone touch me. I had...three boyfriends...all of them...broke things off...for one reason or another. Another reason...why I came here was to...feel this...sensation again." She moaned, turning around a moment later and enjoying the feel of Manine's breasts against her own as they kissed, Giselle giving as much as she was receiving from the Hellspawn.

Breaking away with a shuddering gasp, Giselle's brown eyes glazed over as she felt close to a release. "Don't...stop....Manine. I'm close." She pleaded, hoping she wouldn't be one to deny her the release she so craved. If so, there would be the little matter of returning the favor. If she didn't deny her though, Giselle was prepared to return the favor of giving Manine release as well.

Manine smiled, getting hot herself thanks to such lewd moaning the Drow was making."Oh I won't stop. I won't torment you."She ran her tongue along the woman's neck, then scraped her small fangs along the skin, moaning at the taste of the woman. Slowly, she moved her hand and with a finger she pressed the woman's pierced clit, circling it and rubbing it all while the woman rode her thigh like a wanton.

"Cum for me Giselle. I wanna hear those nasty moans echo off the walls and trees."She said, running her tongue up to her ear and nibbled the lobe, sucking it a bit, before pulling away and kised the Drow hard, thrusting her tongue in and out of her mouth.
"Don't humor them."Ebony said with a sigh. The last thing she wanted was for these children to be in this manor and to see things they weren't suppose to see."Aislyn, come here."He grabbed the girl by her upper arm and hauled her up, taking her to the corner."You two stay where you are."She said seeing them smile and begin playing patty cake.

"Picture this. If you keep these little ghostlings here, ghostling children who have never seen sex such as what goes on here, do you truly think that wise."She said, giving the girl a moment to think."Imagine. You are alone with a nice gentleman, so close to orgasm and these little ones just pop out from the walls and say 'boo', you woudln't like that and my patrons wouldn't want to be interupted by ghosts."She looked back at the children."Why have you returned anyways?"

The children stopped there playing and looked at each other for a moment, then at Ebony and Aislyn."We.....we wanna go home...with mama and papa."Said the little girl, sniffling.

"No one can see us and people wanna make us go away."The little boy said.

Ebony frowned."That's all. You wanna go home. And you decided to gain attention by breaking my things.

THe little ones nodded.

"You should have just asked me in the first place, instead of causing trouble."Looking at Aislyn, then at the machines, she thought of something."Look. If you can fix what you broke, then I'll get someone to send you back to your mother and father okay."

The little ones smiled."Thank you."They said in unison and then, bits and pieces of the sauna machine were returning to there places, the thermostat as well and with a simple click, the machine was up and running.

She found herself being dragged away and lectured on what may be seen around the area. She honestly hadn't thought of that in such a way. They were ghosts, and she'd assumed they'd been here often enough to know. Although, the notion of ghosts popping out and yelling boo in the middle of sex was an amusing idea. For the one on the outside anyway. "I assumed the kind of knew. They've obviously been around far longer than they appear. I figured they'd have figured out what sex was by now. But the jumping out is a bit of a concern. Just figured if they could expend their energy elsewhere, they wouldn't bother business."

Ebony then gave them their ultimatum, which they heartfully agreed on. And just like that, parts were back in place and fixed. Their fubaring was reversed and everyone could have a good day. Except Aislyn, who was one-upped by a pair of incorporeal children who could do things to machines that defied logic and purpose. "Don't like the idea of being replaced by a pair of ghost children..." She muttered, watching as the sauna was back to normal in no time flat.
Giselle couldn't believe how lucky she had been today already as she moaned and panted from what Manine was doing to her. Her sex was positively dripping by now, her juices mixing with the hot water that was coming from above. The leg between her thighs was somehow more enjoyable than anything she'd had before now, and Giselle let her arms wrap around Manine's back, holding her close as the demon ran her tongue and fangs across her flesh. Kissing the woman again, Giselle finally let go as she broke away again after having her tongue sucked on, gasping for a breath that wouldn't come as Manine pushed the stud in her clit about, only adding to her orgasm. Her knees going weak, the only thing holding up was the fact she was holding onto Manine's body.

Panting in Manine's right ear, Giselle smiled quite broadly as the waves from her orgasm rocked her to the core and back. That had...been worth the wait. Looking in Manine's face, Giselle kissed the woman deeply this time, thanking her for what she had done already but she had plans to do far more if she'd allow it. "Damn....that went straight to my head....and back. Manine. I....don't plan for that to be the end however...since it's only fair...I return the favor."
Nyarly said:
The maid didn't seem to be shocked about his answer. Of course, why should she? Keiichi felt a bit dumb that he worried about that. But openly talking with her like that eased his nervousness. He felt that he would get along with Yuuki well and looked forward to spend more time with her.

However, she made sure to raise his nervousness again. She was right, of course, there were things he would like to try out. And even though she sweet and had a certain innocence to her, she was pretty seductive, which made her even attractive.

"I'm... not completely sure, to be honest." He had to calm herself down a bit. "What do you like to do, actually?"

Yuuki smiled at him for a few more moments, loving the way he felt anxious around her. It was a sign that the young man can’t want to do all the bad things to her in bed -- or anywhere. Having sex with a patron -- who enters this place for the first time -- inside a private Sex Room was too typical and simple of an act. The blue-eyed maid wanted to buck the trend one time with him. She got a thing as an exhibitionist, showing off her masturbating skills to the patrons of the manor that maid her wild with passion. Hopefully, the young man wanted to do such a thing with an audience.

“I want to have sex with you right here and now in front of these people,” she said to Keiichi as she went down on both knees in front of him, touch his harden cock that stiffed in his pants. “Do not worry about them, they’re doing the same thing with each other. People don’t mind putting on a show for others. Some of the people like it while others are quite curious, wishing to jump in.” Yukki licked her lips as she unzipped the pants. Once done, the maid yanked them and his underwear down, revealing his nice cock that made her coo in delight. She grabbed the guy’s cock and stroked it slowly looking up at him as she reached out and started to massage his balls with her hand.

After getting him completely, the naughty dark-haired girl’s mouth began to take in his member. She pushed the length deep into that greedy mouth, wrapping her tongue once around his cock bobbing up and down on it using a sucking action as she came up and stopped the sucking as she would go back down. “Mmmmm. I loving this so far,” she said. “I hope you’re having fun with my mouth tasting your length.”

Lustfull_Sin said:
Shade used his thumbs to spread her lips open, getting a good glance at the pinkness inside.He pressed his tongue moving across her clit, then ran the tip down along the pinkness, making the letter T. He started at the top inner lip and moved his tongue down,down, down and then curved and licked up, making U.V was simple, moving his tongue down, then sharply up.W was rather fun, moving his tongue down, then up, then down then up again.Doing X was enjoyable and Y was amuzing. Last came Z and he took his sweet time, dragging it along her clit, then zagging then across her lips and he was done with the alphabet."Mmm, Mistress, never knew the alphabet could be so enjoyable."he mused and kissed her engorged little clit.

"Oh, twenty minutes.Almost to the thirty mark. Come now Shade, work her pussy. I wanna see her cream all ove rherself."Cherish laughed.

Shade nodded and looked up at Avie, his mouth hovering over her moist lips.He blew cool air, seeing her pussy twitch a bit.Moving one hand, he teased her inner lips with a finger and without even saying, he thrusted it deeply inside of her, going deep, then withdrawing, only to thrust two fingers now."I wanna see how pretty you look when cumming Mistress."He said thrusting his fingers in and out, nice and slowly, curving them so he rubbed at the special spot that made all woman cry out to there holy or unhole entity.His lips circled her clit, his fangs scraping along the little nub to better stimulate her.

The fun was getting torturous for the young succubus, and no one can’t blame her for such fact. Shade was magnificent with his cunniling skills, drawing more attentions from the ladies in the outer areas of the Show Room. It was getting marvelous at this point of time; she still need to survive the encounter without cumming thanks her best friend. Up, down and all around, the helldemon’s expect skill almost sent her over the edge again, but she regained her composure. It had to surprise some patrons that a succubus held on admirably well against such circumstance. Even some men were a bit jealous of his oral skills as lick the maid’s or love one’s sweet pussy. Echos of moans ranged out in the Show Room which made the whorish succubus smile. Looking over at her friend she said, “I’ll be damn to cum before any other woman here now.”

Avie was defiantly stubborn at this point, feeling Shade’s lips and teeth brushed her nub repeatedly. Beads of sweet formed on her forehead. Then a finger entered her sinful hole. She looked down at Shade with those red eyes, which became more serene and innocent -- a far cry from the time where she was the one that dominated the action before her and her partner. Today was different for some and she loved the attention. His words sparked more weakness in the body. No one told how beautiful she was during an orgasm. Shyrii always mastered such skill by painting a picture of blissfulness during her orgasms. Avie was cheeky and vixen-like during her, showing off her dominate personality.

When the helldemon’s finger brushed that secret area that all women have, she forced her body to be bent upward. The people continued to flock to the Show Room to witness Avie’s ‘agonizing’ moments in foreplay.

“Seems like you the both of you have some following,” said Vivienne. “There’s no turning back now, Avie. Give the people want that want. Finish in a climax.”

“I can’t, not right now.” Avie whined to the elf. “I need to hang on… for five more minutes. But damn it… Shade.”

“Even a succubus like you can’t resist his tongue.” The former princess wanted to repress her smile as the sexual torture continued with in frenzied pace. “Just give in.”
Keiichi was surprised when the maid said that she wanted to have sex with him right here. He didn't expect her to be so blunt and forward. That increased his nervousness, even more when she went on her knees. He winced a bit as she touched his cock through his pants. Being aroused by Yuuki's appearance and seductiveness, he has already become a bit hard, but now it stiffened faster.

He looked around the room. She certainly was right, there were many other patrons having sex with the maids, not caring that they were seen by others. This put him more at ease. It was obviously pretty normal here, he should have been too bashful to come to the manor in the first place, if he didn't even dare to do this.

"I-I guess you are right," he just answered.

His heart raced as he watched her unzipping his pants and pulled them down, revealing his half-erect cock. He gasped when she grabbed it and sighed a bit when she stroke it, enjoying the sensations she gave her. His cock got harder and harder in her hand and soon it was fully erect. When the maid finally took it in her mouth, Keiichi began to moan. The feeling of her mouth on his hard cock, her tongue moving along it, was nearly overwhelming. He barely cared anymore that others could see them and it seemed that Yuuki was enjoying herself too.

"Yes, you are great," Keiichi replied. "You really like this, don't you? Doing it in such a public place."
She loved hearing him talk to her while she gave him head. It was such a turn on. Just hearing him praise caused her to pick up the pace of her bobbing even more. She was determined to make him cum as soon as possible. While she deep throated him she brought her hands to his balls and began to massage them hard with her soft, small hands. Luckily she was somehow able to get his whole cock in her mouth so she didn’t have to wrap her hands around his cock to please him anymore. She had her lips wrapped so tightly around his cock and she was really taking him deep down her throat. Occasionally it would make her gag but she always shoved him back down her throat, never wanting to stop what she was doing. She was addicted to this. And because she loved this so much that made this even better. It was easy to see that this turned her on. She could probably cum just from sucking his cock. That was how much she loved it. After a few minutes, a married couple walked towards the who dressed as teachers for the occasion was standing next the guy who seemed to taking things in stride.

“Do not fear the pleasure young man.” A middle-aged man in his early-40s with dark hair told Keiichi with a smile on his face. “Embrace it,” he said, trying to give the college-aged man a push in confidence.

“Such a nice young girl sucking you off. How wonderful.” Standing next to Keiichi was the man’s wife who looked in her mid-30s, but her body was still smoking hot for her man to fuck. Her green eyes was locked on man, watching his facial reactions. “Beautiful sight isn’t it?”
His moans got louder and more frequent as she increased the pace. The feeling was just too good and for a moment he thought that he would come instantly. Still, he wasn't far away from it. Keiichi leaned back and looked down on Yuuki, who steadily sucked on his cock and massaged his balls. He admired her skill and gasped as she took it nearly completely in her mouth. The occasional gag didn't seem to discourage her.

He was blushing a bit when two people approached them. But by now, he didn't feel too uncomfortable. Especially when they encouraged him to enjoy it, which he really did.

But soon he felt that he couldn't endure it much longer. Moaning loudly, he closed his eyes as he felt his orgasm approaching and nearly screamed when he finally came, shooting his semen in her mouth. He panted a bit as he felt the pleasure and even after it. As his orgasm subsided, he blushed a bit more, feeling more self-aware now.
Yuuki loved sucking Keiichi’s cock. She also really loved how the married couple encouraged him to enjoy the rapture of sex while she gave him head. It made her want to do an even better job. She could tell he really loved it when she touched his balls since he let out a really loud moan when she did that. She kept massaging his balls with her fingers, determined to give him as much pleasure as possible. She didn't really care if he came soon or waited a long time because she loved having his cock in her mouth. She would like to do this for as long as possible. There was no way he would be able to last much longer. She could tell by the sounds he was making that he was really loving what she was doing to him. This made her feel so happy. She loved knowing that she could give him this much pleasure.

The blue-eyed bombshell could tell that his body was tensing up and she knew what this meant. He was getting very close to cumming. She kept her lips wrapped tightly around his cock so that she would be ready when he finally did cum. Luckily she didn't have to wait that much longer. Before she knew it he was shooting his load deep down her throat. She was really glad that some of his cum landed on her tongue so she could really taste him. She didn't want all of his cum to go down her throat right away because then she would never get to taste him. This way she could keep his cum in her mouth and really savor the amazing taste of his cum. She opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue a little so he could see the cum she was keeping on her tongue. She wanted him to know how much she loved the taste of his cum. Hopefully this would turn him on. She doubted he would be up for fucking so soon after cumming down her throat but she knew eventually he would be in the mood to fuck her. Hopefully it wouldn't take that long because she was really dying to get him inside of her.

Yuuki finally had to swallow the cum on her tongue so she could talk to him. She didn't want to swallow it because she wanted to savor his taste forever but she knew she had to. Sadly she couldn't keep his cum on her tongue forever. "Mmm, you tasted so good, Keiichi-kun." She told him with a wide smile on her face.

“That’s wonderful, Yuuki. But you supposed to call the guest by the proper title,” the blonde woman told her.

“Opps!!” Yukki covered her mouth in embarrassment as her face turned deep red as she stood up. The man wearing a two-piece Italian suit lifted up the skirt and then spanked the maid on the ass twice.

“I’m sorry about the display,” said the middle-aged man. “Maids here supposed to call you ‘Master’ when they’re in your presence, no matter the social class.”

“I’m sorry, Master,” the dark-haired teen said in a humbly cute voice.

“I know that you want fuck that cutie don’t you?” the woman asked as she took her handon his cock, trying to keep it nice and hard for the young man. "She'll be nice and wet soon." The blonde gave a light nod to her husband and pulled down on the maid's skirt, followed by the panties to show off the wetness that began to leak between the legs.
Keiichi was still breathing heavily a bit after his orgasm ended. The maid was really great in what she did, which made him look forward. He sure didn't want to stop here.

He looked at the maid, who swallowed his come with pleasure. She even stuck out her tongue, showing him the white cream that he just shot into her, before she gulped it down. Seeing that aroused him greatly and that she visibly enjoyed it made it even better. His cock softened after he came, but he doubted that it would become fully limp now. Too much did she turn him on. Especially when she told him how good his cum tasted.

Keiichi didn't mind that she didn't call im by his "proper title", but he strangely enjoyed seeing her get spanked. He didn't now that he would like something like that. Her sweet, humble demeanor after her punishment was very appealing. He jerked a bit when the woman put Yuuki's hand on his sensitive cock. Now, he knew for sure that it wouldn't go softer. Quite the opposite...

"Yes," Keiichi simply answered the woman. He didn't feel as tense as before. "I... I really want to."

But having just had an orgasm, he wasn't ready for it yet. Of course, that didn't mean that they couldn't have fun. He looked over the maid's body, admiring her beauty. And as much as he enjoyed the view of her dripping wet pussy, there was something else that caught his eye.

"Yuuki, could you please..." He stopped and hesitated a little, before he began anew: "Yuuki, show me your tits!"
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