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The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons. Join Now!!!))

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Nyarly said:
Mai smiled when he reached his own orgasm and filled her body with his cum. She was panting a bit, having just had a second orgasm. When he pulled his cock out, a mixture of his cum and her juices rand out of her pussy, staining the bed. The catgirl giggled a bit when she heard him. He was without a doubt satisfied, but also seemed a bit tired. She returned the kiss, teasingly licking over his lips and gently caressed his chest as she lay near him.

"I'm glad that you liked it," Maid said. "I hope, I could relieve your stress a bit."

"Yeah, but only a bit" he chuckled. Sure he was satisfied, but he was that completly worn out. Like chapters in a book he was redy to continue on until the end. It was then he had a plot for his next book. A great book staring Mai. He grinned and continued to kiss her. "Mai, I was wondering, would you like to continue being my maid?" he said as he gently teased her breasts. "I would love it if you do."
Mai was glad to hear that. It was nice when she could make others feel better. Even when they have to tire out first, she thought nearly chuckling. The catgirl kissed him back and sighed softly when he played with her breasts, hearing him out.

"Hm... That sounds nice," she answered his question. "But what exactly do you mean?"
"Well, I have some desires that could help me relieve more stress. Of course I can also help you with yours if needed," he explained. "You see, I'm an author. I write adult novels for a living. For quite a while I've haven't got any ideas for my next story, but maybe you can help me out along with continuing this pleasure." He said as his fingers slide down to her pussy and starts fingering her.
Realizing the staff was busy, Trek Tiredly lifted his packs and reclaimed his pouch of platinum. Maybe another time, or he could find another place.

A shame, the staff here was gorgeous, knowledgeable and ready to please those whom they could.

Nodding, he hoisted a pack onto his broad powerful shoulders and prepared to depart.
The catgirl listened to him intently. His offer sounded very nice and she got quite interested. The prospect to serve as inspiration for adult novels was quite exciting. In more ways than one. Mai gasped as she felt his finger and ground her hips a bit against it.

"Now, that sounds really nice," she replied smiling. "I would love to... help you out..."
He smiles and kisses her lips as his finger goes faster and deeper inside her. "Thank you Mia, I know you'll be a great main character. So tell me how shall I pleasure you for the next chapter?" he said and gently sucked on her breasts.
Moaning softly, Mai enjoys the feeling of his finger diving deep into her pussy. She hungrily kiss him, her caressing his naked chest and held his head close to her chest as he sucked on her breasts.

"Well... I don't know if you feel ready for it yet, but if you don't mind maybe we should try out a more... public place. Like one of the baths."
Like it was nothing, Alex clearly had a chapter running through his mind. "One of the baths you say? I'd love to." he tells her. He begins to kiss bak up her body until it connects with her lips again. Letting his tongue play with hers as his fingers feeling how wetter she was getting. "I think I wouldmind if we fucked publicly." he whispered in her cat ear before teasing it with his tongue.
Locking her tongue with hims, she played with his tongue, letting out muffled moans as she felt his fingers inside her. She was happy to hear that he was willing to do it publicly. When she first came to the manor, she was very shy about it first, but soon she got used to it and even enjoyed it to have sex in the presence of other people. She gently pushed Alex away a bit and gave him a quick kiss.

"Then we should go, there will be enough time to do that when we are there..."

Mai was too excited to wait here longer. She got dressed in her school uniform and, when Alex was dressed too, took his hand again and left the room. She led him down and outside to the hotspring bath. Smiling at him, she lightly rubbed her body on his.

"I hope you don't mind that it is outdoors. It's my favorite bath, you know..."
Alex nod as he got dressed as well. His shirt was opened up and his shoes were off as he followed Mai down stairs. His eyes widen seeing the hotspring bath outside. "Beautiful location. I never thought a manor would that this... he thought as he continue to look in amazement. This was definately going into his next book. It was enough to make him forget they were outside or that there were others there as well. Hef elt her hot body grinding against his and shook his head. "I don't mind at all. I'm starting to like this chapter more and more." he said as he grinds back and kisses her. His hands firmly squeezing her ass as he couldn't wait to go in with her.
Leading the woman into one of the Sauna rooms, Ebony entered and looked around, the steam wrapping around her body and making her sweat a bit. The room the same size as any Sauna room, with benches on either side of the wall around the steaming altar where the rocks were settled. High above the ceiling was a small tube that extended out, hovering over the rocks. It automatically dropped a few drops of water onto the rocks to create the steam, beats having to have someone constantly going back and forth in placing water themselves. Right now, the thing was set for every ten minutes, better so one doesn't over heat or sweat as much."Come now, Aislyn, why bother convering. I have already seen all of you."She said over her shoulder and move forward, turning and settled herself on one of the benches.

She leaned back, hands settled on either side of her hips and her legs partially opened.With her eyes closed, she let the steam relax her and her muscles.Whehter Aislyn was confortable or not, Ebony didn't care.She would soon take advantage of the girl when she least expected it.As minutes past, Ebony grew tired of the silence. Without opening her eyes, she address Aislyn and simply asked."How often to you touch yourself?"She asked out of the blue."Do you stroke your cock first, or finger yourself instead."
"I'm not used to being nude in a public-access place." It was a simple answer, and effective. She covered up because she was not comfortable parading about without at the very least a one-piece swimsuit and a solid colored sarong to make sure thing were kept under wraps. Now what made it worse was that, because she was naked, she was thinking about the very fact she was naked. In a sauna. With another woman. Now in the quiet, she was able to 'enjoy' the awkwardness of being semi-erect again. Worst part was that she knew that the owner before her was not shy about her nudity, having spread her legs some, essentially daring her to look.

And then there was also the most awkward question she could get. About her masturbation preferences. Did she really have to answer? That was a cruel and harassment-worthy question... In a place that cared. "I try not to. Despite what is between my legs, I still consider myself a woman. At worst... I have to deal with the act once a week." She didn't have a great opinion of sexual gratification, mainly due to her treatment at the hands of less than accepting people. And those very few that she had been able to be with intimately had been less than satisfying.
Mai smiled as she heard that Alex liked it. She worried that doing it outside would be too much for him and she was glad that this wasn't the case. Quickly, she removed her shirt and bra, dropping them to the ground. Then she took off his shirt and pressed her body against his, her breasts rubbing on his chest. After she gave him another kiss, she grabbed his pants and pulled them down, leaving him naked like her. Then she took his hand and smiled up to him.

"Well, then we should go in. I would like to give you more... inspiration."
RE: The Maid Manor((Important Announcement*))

Zale walks into the Manor and goes to the front desk he begins to undo his swoards and pistol. He is wearing his suit which is a metal, plastic looking mix that changes colors several times as he moves. It begins to dismatale itself as it comes off(Like the Mobile Iron Man siut). He is wearing a skin tight under armor type shirt and shorts which are quickly replaced by some jean shorts. He rings the bell and waits for the hostes.

Kei smiled as he looked around the Tea Room. There were a lot of patrons who got served by pretty maids, mostly. Not just with food and drinks, of course. Many customers fondled their maids, some half or even completely naked, received blowjobs or got their pussy licked by them or fucked them outright. Or getting fucked by the male or futa maids. In other words, it was a pretty ordinary day, in the least boring way possible. Kei loved his work here. Since he started one and a half month at the manor, every day was very fun. His naughty mind couldn't think of a better work.

Kei was one of the male "maids", which were fewer in number than the females, but nobody, who initially saw him, would guess that and the way he dressed, at the moment in a school uniform in sailor style with a very short pleated skirt, didn't make it any less confusing. With that he served customers with rather "special" tastes. Of course, it did happen that some people, who thought that he was just a very flat-chested girl, were disappointed when they found out the truth. But it's not so bad, there were enough who were happy to be served by him.

But he shouldn't delve into thoughts like that. There was enough to do and several guests, who needed to be served. He made himself ready for work and went from table to table, serving the patrons.
"I would love that. This story must continue," he said and kissed her back. Smiling at her, Alex carries Mai's nude body in his arms to the hotspring. There they saw other partons and maids doing their own thing rather it be relaxing, chatting, or even having sex. Alex held on to her and pets her ears softly. "Mmmm, this is so relaxing." He smiles as her bck was pressed against his chest. His hands goes from her ears to her breasts and begins teasing them. His lips teased her neck and his hardening cock was grinding against her ass.
Nyarly said:
It was obvious that the maid liked what he did. The sheer lust in her voice was impossible to notice. Her moans made him very horny and his cock was fully erect by now. After rubbing it, Keiichi entered a finger into her wet pussy, sticking it as deep into her as he could. He moved it quickly, before he entered a second one, steadily rubbing the insides of her pussy. Letting go of her breasts, Keiichi knelt before her. At first, he just looked up at her, watching her reactions as his fingers went in and out of her. But then, he pulled them out and grabbed her legs, smearing her skin with the juices on his drenched fingers. He leaned in and slowly began to lick over her pussy. Tasting her delicious juices, he licked faster and faster, moving his tongue across the lips and clit.

Whatever he was doing her, it was making thing more unbearable -- and pleasurable -- as people to checked out the action. She never had people laying their eyes on her as the star attraction. There were moans of pleasure coming from inside the Show Room, giving the people at the Manor a nice show while keeping the school theme going. Yuuki breath became heavy as the young man removed his mouth from her breasts. She wanted more of that touch that was just heavenly. Her blue eyes then looked down at Keiichi who was down on his knees with her wet pussy exposed for him to see. The maid blushed once more as she lets him admire her dripping sex. When he sent his finger inside her pussy, a long moan escaped her lips. “Masssster,” she cried out as her back arched once more for him, signaling that the maid loved his touches again. Her head turned to the patrons as they talked in approval of the girl’s vulnerability to the young man. Legs were wide for him to explore some more, and he did just that when the dark-haired maid felt his hot tongue licked her pussy. “Ohhhhh goddddd!” she yelled out to the masses, causing the people to applaud Keiichi for his efforts. “Keep going,” she encouraged him.
Silver117 said:
"I would love that. This story must continue," he said and kissed her back. Smiling at her, Alex carries Mai's nude body in his arms to the hotspring. There they saw other partons and maids doing their own thing rather it be relaxing, chatting, or even having sex. Alex held on to her and pets her ears softly. "Mmmm, this is so relaxing." He smiles as her bck was pressed against his chest. His hands goes from her ears to her breasts and begins teasing them. His lips teased her neck and his hardening cock was grinding against her ass.

As he picked her up, Mai giggled a bit and held onto his neck, her right breast touching his chest. She looked at the spring, where already many patrons and maids were, so they certainly wouldn't be alone here. Not that she minded, rather the opposite. Alex put her down in front of himself, his cock touching her ass. She couldn't help but smile as she felt it becoming harder. Having barely any room, her tail rubbed against his body and brushed his cock a bit. Mai giggled when he petted her cat ears again.

"You are really fond of my ears, aren't you?" she said. "A lot of people seem to like my ears and tail..."

She leaned back against him, enjoying him teasing her breasts. She put her hands on his, gently putting a bit more pressure in it.

"And my breasts too... Many love to do certain things with it, at least male and futa guests..."

Sinful Bliss said:
Whatever he was doing her, it was making thing more unbearable -- and pleasurable -- as people to checked out the action. She never had people laying their eyes on her as the star attraction. There were moans of pleasure coming from inside the Show Room, giving the people at the Manor a nice show while keeping the school theme going. Yuuki breath became heavy as the young man removed his mouth from her breasts. She wanted more of that touch that was just heavenly. Her blue eyes then looked down at Keiichi who was down on his knees with her wet pussy exposed for him to see. The maid blushed once more as she lets him admire her dripping sex. When he sent his finger inside her pussy, a long moan escaped her lips. “Masssster,” she cried out as her back arched once more for him, signaling that the maid loved his touches again. Her head turned to the patrons as they talked in approval of the girl’s vulnerability to the young man. Legs were wide for him to explore some more, and he did just that when the dark-haired maid felt his hot tongue licked her pussy. “Ohhhhh goddddd!” she yelled out to the masses, causing the people to applaud Keiichi for his efforts. “Keep going,” she encouraged him.

Keiichi was so focused on pleasing the maid, that he didn't even notice that they were watched by other patrons. When he did, he blushed but he didn't stop. Just a short time earlier, he would probably be unable or at least very hesitant to continue but by now he got more used to doing it in such a public place and he was too horny to just stop. Instead, he even began to enjoy the attention of the obviously very entertained watchers. Their encouragements were ineffective, however, since they were absolutely unnecessary. Yuuki herself, her body twitching under the stimulations, her moans, that left no doubt that she was very horny and her dripping wet pussy, that downright begged for more, encouraged him more than anything else ever could.

He continued to lick her pussy, going even faster, enjoying the sweet taste. Occasionally he paid more attention to her clit. He licked, sucked and gently bit on it, while he quickly thrust his fingers into her again, then went down again. After a while he spread her pussy with his fingers and stuck his tongue deeper in her pussy, licking as much of the insides as he could. His lips got smeared with her juices and some of it ran into his mouth, which he tasted and swallowed happily.
He smiled and contined to tease her breasts. He could fell her tail toy with him and it only made him grind more and more. "It's true, I simply love them. So beautiful, so unique." Alex said kissing her ears. He grins when she said people love to do certin things to her breasts. "Is that so? Well, you just have to show me a few." he chuckled as he squeezes her breasts and toyed with her nipples.
Zale walks into the tea room and takes a seat. He looks around at some of the maids. He holds his hand out so he can get some tea. He hopes the one he wants hopes that she sees him before another take shis order.(Neria, or Mia)
She could feel his hardening cock clearly against her ass, as he ground against it. Her tail brushing against it seemed to drive, and turn, him on, prompting her to rub it more against it. It wasn't fully erect yet, but it was hard enough.

"I'd love to," Mai replied. "It would be hard to do so like that, though. But if you said on the edge, I can show you it."

While he did so, she submerged to her shoulders in the water and stood up again. The water dripped from her now soaked breasts. She went to Alex and knelt before him, taking her breasts in her hands. Slowly, she put them onto his crotch, his cock trapped between the soft globes. Smiling up at him, Mai squeezed her breasts together, pressing them tightly against the shaft and slowly began to rub them up and down.
Alex nod his head when she asked him to sit on the edge of the hotspring. He lift his body up so it was on the edge. His cock was indeed hard, but not fully erected yet. A confused look went across his face as he saw Mai submerged then come back up. He smiled as she knelt before him. Hos long quite moan came from his mouth as he saw her wrap her soft mounds around his cock and begins to move it up and down.

"Mai...that's so good...your breasts are amazing."

His cock got bigger, and harder the more she did that. He pets her ears and caresses her cheek hoping that she would go faster with her soft mounds.
Mai smiled even more when he began to moan and praised her. It was very nice to hear that he enjoyed it. She could feel how his cock grew between her large breasts. The water on her breasts and his cock made it quite slippery and easy to move. The catgirl increased the speed and put more pressure in her breasts, rubbing them harder on the, nearly erect, cock. Then she leaned down and slowly licked a few times over the tip, teasing him a bit.
He nod and anticipation as she continued. he got harder and harder as she went fast and licked it's head. "It's's fully erect now..." he moaned out to her. At that point, Alex didn't care if otheres were looking or not. He just wanted to pleasure Mai's sexy body. His cock felt bigger then the first time and he smiles because of it. "Good girl now it's my turn." he tells her. He lays down and placed her on top of him. He was facing her pussy as she was facing his cock. Licking his lips, Alex begain licking her wet folds, hoping it would cause her to suck on his cock.
After she just licked the tip, she put it a bit in her mouth, sucking on it. It was completely hard by now, which he confirmed. In fact, it even seemed to be bigger than before. She stopped to suck him and looked up, when he said that it's his turn, wondering what he might do now and was surprised when he heaved her out of the water on top of him. Her body, especially the lower body, was soaking wet and water dripped all over his body and the ground. Mai knew instantly what he wanted her to do, the position making it quite obvious. So it didn't come unexpected when he licked her pussy, wet in more ways than one, but it was very pleasurable and caused her to moan. Leaning down, she grabbed his cock, put it in her mouth and started to suck on it, moving her head up and down.
"Delicious, I so love this taste of a wet pussy." Alex said and continued to lick. As she bobbed her head up and down on his cock, his tongue teased her wantingg clit. He couls see that it had to, no, needed to be touched or tasted. His tongue tickled and teased it while his fingers made it's appearence inside her. It thrust in and out of her pussy, feeling all the jucies and hotspring water leaking out of her. The faster Mai sucked on it, the faster his fingers and tongue went. He could tell she was ready to be fucked, but where: on the ground or in the hotspring. He hoped it would be the hotspring. He always did want to try having sex in the water.
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