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The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons. Join Now!!!))

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RE: The Maid Manor ((First post Updated 3/10/11 -- Please Look))

Ebony snapped her fingers, ordering a few workers to get the food out and check it to make sure none of it had spoiled in any way. If anything was wrong or they thought was wrong, they were to record it, how much it weighed and what it was. Loosing food was more expensive then anything, since thats where the money mostly went, the food. Looking back at the female, Ebony bit her tongue, not wanting to admitanly agree with the girl in saying that yes, she was short but either way, one would still need a step stool to reach the fans. She ordered someone to bring a step ladder and to hurry.

"I hope you can deal with this soon. If so, be expected to be payed handsomely for this little job."She said, giving the woman a hint that when a good job was done you were greatly rewarded in many ways.

Turning, she saw one of the maids enter with a step ladder, opening it and setting it next to Aislyn."Alright, everyone leave her be. You. Keep a hold on the stool, the last thing I need if for my new maintance person to die from a broken neck."Ebony stepped out of the mildy warm cooler, though did not leave. Instead,she stayed and watched, while everyone else went back to there business in cooking.

While everyone hustled about her, taking food, fetching ladders, and whatnot, Aislyn walked over to the control panel and switched the whole unit off. It wasn't actually refrigerating anything, so why leave it on? She laid out a few screwdrivers, rags, and wrenches of different sizes near the step ladder, and tossed her coat haphazardly onto the floor of the unit. Her body was a lot lankier than it first appeared under the jacket, especially since all she wore was a white tank-top that hugged a few of her meager curves just enough to show her form, but still had plenty of room left to be loose-fitting. There were even a few grease stains on the shirt that were almost faded away, scars of battles fought against other broken machines.

A rag hung out of her mouth as she quickly undid the screws on the fan unit, unscrewing with one hand while her other caught the screws for later. Once the plate was unfastened, she held the screws out to her apparent assistant holding the ladder. The unit screeched a little as she pushed it aside, switching the screwdriver and rag into reversed positions, wiping the leaking liquid that she saw on the fan unit and ceiling, then sweeping the rag up inside the ceiling to wipe at the mess that the cooling unit had made. "Dehrs za fash-aight ahn mah bahg. Geh et." She tried to pass a bit of a command with the screwdriver in her teeth. Thankfully, the assisting member of the crew figured it out and handed her a flashlight, for which she traded the screwdriver.

She turned it on and got a better look at what she was doing, fumbling about until she found the source of the leak. Since the crack in the piping was leaking a liquid, it was easy to find. A bit of wiping with the rag, and she brought out the tube of sealant from earlier. It was a thick gray paste that she spread onto the crack like a wad of gum, using her hand to smooth it out, cranking on the stuff until it flattened and spread around the pipe. It was a temporary solution, but it'd buy plenty of time to get a replacement unit. A bit more wipe-up and she brought down the dirty rag, actually leaving the fridge to toss it away and wash her hands. When she finished with that, she replaced the fan unit and turned the whole fridge on. The fans hummed to life and a slight cold twinge began flowing through the unit again.

"You're going to need to replace the cooling unit. There was a crack in the pipework. It's sealed up for now, and it could work for a few months... But the sooner we replace it, the better. If you do have the replacement parts, it'll be easier to install it when we can get something to keep the food cool while I work. It'd probably take an hour or two. Wouldn't want to spoil any food..."
RE: The Maid Manor ((First post Updated 3/10/11 -- Please Look))

Lustfull_Sin said:
Cherish just sat back and listened as the sisters bickered and argued here and there. Fortunate to say, she and Ebony never bickered in such a way. All they would do was say a few words and part way. Vampires weren't really much for arguments...depending on what they were actually. "I'm glad you liked the tentacle pill.....One time I used that, plus one to give me a monster of a cock."She laughed."Oh to de-man a male. It was rather fun. Not only did I fuck a few females, but I hammed my delicious cock in an obedient little submissive male elf. He was sooo delicious."She mused, grinning happily.

"As for my workers...well one is sitting her next to me as you can see."She smiled at Avie, patting the woman's thigh."I also brought my bitch of a body guard, Manine. She's payed to act as security guard. If any of you ladies need a rough woman in bed, go to Manine, she can be rather rough.....though if you happen to make her submit, then good for you, its a rarity. Its usualy me who does it."She chuckled, finishing her blood and wiped her lip with a napkin.

And speaking of the devil, Manine appeared, wearing a gym teachers outfit, though it was extremely altered. She wore extremly short sweat short, to the point where the curve of her ass showed. The almost wore a small sweater, the zipper half way up to show the black laced bra under. The sweater was low to it showed her well tone, muscled stomach and abs.Manines short black hair was slick back, her deadly red eyes exposed to the world to see. She had a whistled daggling from around her neck and in her hand, she had a wooden sword, just to add to the outfit.She also wore all black, low top converse shoes."You doesn't work for you to talk about me, knowing I can hear you from another room."She drawled, bowing her head to Shyrii and saying hello to the other maids. Manine was impersinating those gym teachers that acted as security at school at times and had those wooden swords to show how threatening they were. In this case, Manine pulled it off quite well.

"I heard the commotion you two were making, rather early don't you think."She said, with a shake of her head. Shrugging, she nodded her head. "Just came by to say hello and to see all was well, enjoy yourselfs ladies."And with that, Manine left to continue her duites.

Cherish shook her head. "The only time that demon is not thinking of work is when she either has a cock in her cunt or anything else to keep her mind occupied."She laughed, nipping at a piece of fruit.

Shyrii, Avie, Yuuki and Vivienne continued to chat with Cherish as the morning continued without any more incident from the two succubi after the human maid slightly threaten to put them in a room with a needy tentacle demon would’ve rape their sexy bodies. For some reason, the maids accidentally entered the room without reason the warning sign posted on the door. Most of the them loved the secretive nature of the demon to let off the steam and filling their pussies with cum.

“You’re forgetting that I’m the Mistress, hmm?” Shyrii asked the dark-haired maid.

“It’s not that you didn’t enjoy your firm body getting ravished by a demon. I watched every single minute of it too, and I didn’t want to spread such thing around the Manor,” Yuuki giggled at the thought as she leaned over to the blond elf. “And I never seen our Mistress cum that many times in one session.”

“Oh do tell, Yuuki? But let’s not embarrass our dear Mistress much longer. I wonder where should we have fun at this point. I sure everyone got their morning wood,” the former princess told the group.
RE: The Maid Manor ((First post Updated 3/10/11 -- Please Look))

Smiling to herself despite her nervousness about being forced to leave, Giselle turned gracefully around and bowed at the waist in respect before speaking after she was standing fully again. "It's reasonable to ask that question considering I just got off a field of battle not two hours ago. No, I don't foresse a need to use my father's blades here and as for where I came from, I came from the plane of Toril, the continent of Faerun to be precise. My name is Giselle Do'Urden, ranger to the goddess Meilikki, and warrior for those that cannot defend themselves. Drow I might appear on the outside, but I can assure you I mean no one any ill here or otherwise."

Hopefully that would be enough considering she had left everything but the clothes on her back at the door without being told to. That and the name Do'Urden tended to open many doors back home, maybe here it would do the same? If not, Giselle was prepared to prove she was as she claimed, though she hoped it wouldn't be needed since she stunk and she was dead tired. Even so, a Drow anywhere was not good no matter their disposition, and so if push came to shove Giselle was reluctantly prepared to leave if that was asked of her.
RE: The Maid Manor ((First post Updated 3/10/11 -- Please Look))

[ Hours later for Morgrim ]

Whoever said heaven was only available in the afterlife was honesty a tormented soul who never had the privileged to enter this haven. Barely registering the fatigue and damage that overwrought the mortal, the paranormal hunter glanced at his surroundings. How could he criticize the design of the room after some fun experiences, by the entities he was swore to annihilate no less. Rising from the bed that played its vital role for all the mischievous acts he performed, Morgrim Warrson slowly approached where the pile of clothes were located last. His appetite returned, however he did enjoy the possibility of working out a business oriented idea with its head mistresses.

Motioning the doors opens, he appeared a tad drained, although that trademark grin refused to dissipate no matter the situation. Time always flied by when engaging in lewd acts. The only subversion to this was his occupational duties that got his blood boiling and most of all spring forth some entertainment. Violence had its uses, making the hunter feel obligated to have a conversation on such a business venture. Pacing around the estate, lecherous eyes cloaked by his shades gazed at the sexy maids that occupied the perimeter.

" I wonder who decided to have a costume party around here, "
he referenced in account of everyone dressed in a naughty school girl uniform.

( That should suffice for now)
RE: The Maid Manor ((First post Updated 3/10/11 -- Please Look))

Silver117 said:
"Yes..very good" Drake moaned and didn't stop 'massaging' her. He loved it when she tried her very best not to scream out loud in sheer pleasure, though she wanted to very badly. He stopped and grinded as she finally came. His cock, completely drowning in her cum as his cock twitched from it. "Mmmm so good. Now let me massage your front" he tells her. He said an much better way to do it for the both of them.

He first pulls out as sat it the end of the bed. He kisses her lips was being straddled, allowing Candy to ride his hard cock. As she did, He starts to moan out and maggage her waist. His hands goes up to her oiled breasts and starts to rub and suck on them. Add more pleasure for the both of them.

Candy sighed in contempment, trying her best to regain as much strength as she could. Hearing that Drake wished to massage her front sent shivers up her spine, but even more when he pulled out of her, making her tingle all over. She smirked and shifted, squeaking when he grabbed her by the hips and forced her to straddle him. His cock slipped inside her in once easy and quick glide and she gasped, feeling it stretch her out abit. With her hands settled on his shoulders, she rocked her hips a bit, her body heating up. "Oh Fuck, this feels so good."She said, moving her hands and rested them on her thighs, shifting her body up and down. Her nipples were getting much needed attention, all the tension building at the tips.

"Suck...suck them more. I feel them tensing a bit."She said, giggling a bit."Mmm, your cock is such a good massager."She mused, licking her lower lip, rocking her hips back and forth, his cock pressing against her clit a bit and rubbing it everytime she shifted her body.

Nettik_Xes said:
While everyone hustled about her, taking food, fetching ladders, and whatnot, Aislyn walked over to the control panel and switched the whole unit off. It wasn't actually refrigerating anything, so why leave it on? She laid out a few screwdrivers, rags, and wrenches of different sizes near the step ladder, and tossed her coat haphazardly onto the floor of the unit. Her body was a lot lankier than it first appeared under the jacket, especially since all she wore was a white tank-top that hugged a few of her meager curves just enough to show her form, but still had plenty of room left to be loose-fitting. There were even a few grease stains on the shirt that were almost faded away, scars of battles fought against other broken machines.

A rag hung out of her mouth as she quickly undid the screws on the fan unit, unscrewing with one hand while her other caught the screws for later. Once the plate was unfastened, she held the screws out to her apparent assistant holding the ladder. The unit screeched a little as she pushed it aside, switching the screwdriver and rag into reversed positions, wiping the leaking liquid that she saw on the fan unit and ceiling, then sweeping the rag up inside the ceiling to wipe at the mess that the cooling unit had made. "Dehrs za fash-aight ahn mah bahg. Geh et." She tried to pass a bit of a command with the screwdriver in her teeth. Thankfully, the assisting member of the crew figured it out and handed her a flashlight, for which she traded the screwdriver.

She turned it on and got a better look at what she was doing, fumbling about until she found the source of the leak. Since the crack in the piping was leaking a liquid, it was easy to find. A bit of wiping with the rag, and she brought out the tube of sealant from earlier. It was a thick gray paste that she spread onto the crack like a wad of gum, using her hand to smooth it out, cranking on the stuff until it flattened and spread around the pipe. It was a temporary solution, but it'd buy plenty of time to get a replacement unit. A bit more wipe-up and she brought down the dirty rag, actually leaving the fridge to toss it away and wash her hands. When she finished with that, she replaced the fan unit and turned the whole fridge on. The fans hummed to life and a slight cold twinge began flowing through the unit again.

"You're going to need to replace the cooling unit. There was a crack in the pipework. It's sealed up for now, and it could work for a few months... But the sooner we replace it, the better. If you do have the replacement parts, it'll be easier to install it when we can get something to keep the food cool while I work. It'd probably take an hour or two. Wouldn't want to spoil any food..."

Ebony watched from the outside as the human worked. She was fast and deliberate, not fooling around or wasting time. She took charge, ordering the assistant that was helping her. Ebony rather liked this girl and would indeed be useful around the place. The girl would be well payed as well as given nice long day offs or weeks if she ever needed them. For Ebony, if ever a maid needed a vacation for no reason, she gave it to them, so long as she knew when they would return and where they were going and needed to know whom they were going to be with so that way they can call the manor incase an emergency occured.

When the girl finished, the maid moved the ladder, cleaned anything that was spilled and went on her way. Ebony entered, looking up at the fans. When they were turned on, it took a while, but finally, cold air blew, circulating around the cooler."Unfortunate to say I don't have such parts, for I wouldn't have known which would be needed. You are the first maintance person I have ever had, so all that will be charged in your hands. I'll provide the funding for anything that is to be needed when it comes to fixing anything here."She smiled."I commend you on a job well done Aislyn. You didn't dally about or take your sweet time. I love that in a woman...well...all woman."She smirked."Now that this has been fixed. Shall we go to the Fitness Room. I think its the sauna that needs repair and the AC unit in the gym area."She said and turned. She motioned with her hand for the workers to restore the food to there proper place, making sure nothing cross contaminated with anything else.

Looking back, she saw Aislyn gather her things in that bag of hers. If need be, Ebony would get the girl new or more tools, whatever she needed."Come. The Fitness Room isn't far."She said and turned once again, heading for the kitchen doors and stepped through them, moving away from the small reception area and towards a set of double doors near the large stair case. She pushed one, going down a long hall way until she reached the other end. Another set of swinging double doors and Ebony pushed through them, revealing the large gym she had. On one side was the Sauna and pool and the other was the showers. "Which do you want to do first. The AC unit for the entire gym, or the heating using for the Sauna. Both are located in different areas, since i know its best to keep such units away from each other, just in case."

Sinful Bliss said:
Shyrii, Avie, Yuuki and Vivienne continued to chat with Cherish as the morning continued without any more incident from the two succubi after the human maid slightly threaten to put them in a room with a needy tentacle demon would’ve rape their sexy bodies. For some reason, the maids accidentally entered the room without reason the warning sign posted on the door. Most of the them loved the secretive nature of the demon to let off the steam and filling their pussies with cum.

“You’re forgetting that I’m the Mistress, hmm?” Shyrii asked the dark-haired maid.

“It’s not that you didn’t enjoy your firm body getting ravished by a demon. I watched every single minute of it too, and I didn’t want to spread such thing around the Manor,” Yuuki giggled at the thought as she leaned over to the blond elf. “And I never seen our Mistress cum that many times in one session.”

“Oh do tell, Yuuki? But let’s not embarrass our dear Mistress much longer. I wonder where should we have fun at this point. I sure everyone got their morning wood,” the former princess told the group.

Cherish perked up, her ears twitching. "What? Shyrii you devil's child. A male managed to make you submit. I can't believe my ears."She faked a sniffle."To think, you were such a sadist. Now you touched the masochist side. Oh Shyrii....I...I'm so proud of you."She wiped away fake tears, hearing the girls giggle."Maybe I should have a go at this male who made you submit and perhaps cry like a wanton whore found only in the depths of Japan..or somewhere around there...maybe its Germany I'm thinkins."Waving her hand int he air."Anyways. I'm thinking of bringing back two other guards of mine."She looked at Avie. "You remember Lou and Big M. Not sure what those big, burly bastards are up to, but no doubt they would love to hang here."She looked at Vivienne and Yuuki."Maybe you two would enjoy them. Ever had your body ravished by nothing more then mist. Its rather fun. Like having a dozen hands all over your bodies, touching all of you at the same time."She grinned."Its rather exciting. Thinking about those males gets my skin tingling."She laughed, brushing a few strands of her hair from her face.

While the girls chatted, a tall, slim figure with long black hair appeared into the room, his red eyes scanning the crowd, checking to see all was well. Shade had been with a female patron who needed to get used to being in such a place and her did the favor of reassuring her that nothing bad would ever happen to her while she was here. Having quickly dressed into the proper costume, Shade, one of the male maids, was walking about in a black Japanese uniform, his top uniform open, revealing the white shirt under. A few buttons were undone to give him a bad boys kinda of look. With his long hair and devilish red eyes and dark skin, he did look bad, though he was sweet. Smiling, he saw his Mistress, Shyrii, as well as his fellow maids, but he didn't recognize the two new faces. With a smile, he walked over, bowing."Good morning Mistress Shyrii, Yuuki, Vivienne. Pleasurable morning is it not."He said and raised, smiling and looked at Cherish and Avie. "Ah, I have not had the pleasure. I am Shade, one of the male servants here."he said, bowing.

Cherish grinned, eyeing the male. "Hmmm, well aren't you proper. I'm Cherish, another Mistress to this place. And this here."She pointed to Avie. "Is Avie, another maid that has been added. Pleasure to meet you Shade."

He blushed, looking at Cherish, then turned to look at Avie. He could tell she was a succubus and no matter how many times he told himself not to swoon for one, he always did, especially towards Shyrii."A pleasure, Mistress Cherish. Miss Avie."

Vergil1989 said:
Smiling to herself despite her nervousness about being forced to leave, Giselle turned gracefully around and bowed at the waist in respect before speaking after she was standing fully again. "It's reasonable to ask that question considering I just got off a field of battle not two hours ago. No, I don't foresse a need to use my father's blades here and as for where I came from, I came from the plane of Toril, the continent of Faerun to be precise. My name is Giselle Do'Urden, ranger to the goddess Meilikki, and warrior for those that cannot defend themselves. Drow I might appear on the outside, but I can assure you I mean no one any ill here or otherwise."

Hopefully that would be enough considering she had left everything but the clothes on her back at the door without being told to. That and the name Do'Urden tended to open many doors back home, maybe here it would do the same? If not, Giselle was prepared to prove she was as she claimed, though she hoped it wouldn't be needed since she stunk and she was dead tired. Even so, a Drow anywhere was not good no matter their disposition, and so if push came to shove Giselle was reluctantly prepared to leave if that was asked of her.

Manine raised a brow. She heard that there were many different planes in this universe, though she didn't bother to learn all of them, that or visit many. She did here of the plane of Trolin, though never had set foot on it. She didn't know much of the plane, since, being down in hell, Hell, was Hell for this human inhabitant plane. Hell could be called and be pictured differently in others planes. The name didn't ring any bells, but what she classifed herself did, though looking at the female, Manine felt no malevolence, no hate or danger." You don't look like you'll be a problem. I think its safe to say that you won't be a problem."She smiled, reassuring the woman."Its a pleasure Giselle. I am Manine. A Hellspawn. In this plain that is what I am called or seen, nt sure what I might be in your plain."She shrugged. "I'm from Hell, though reside here now. I'm the personal guard here for the manor, so any shit that goes down, I personally handle it."She smirked."I can smell the battle and blood on you. Come. I'm sure you want a nice bath as well as fresh change of clothes. If you need any clothes to be washed, let me know. I'll have a maid clean them for you. And don't worry. The maids here are skilled at cleaning every type of cloth and armor and the what not."

Manine looked at the maid behind the long stretched counter."Give me a key for one of the available rooms."She said, the maid blushing as she handed Manine a key. Not bothering to say thank you, Manine looked back at Giselle."I can tell you wish to claim your blades again. Will get those as well , along with whatever clothing you need washing and whatever you will wear."Manine.....was one of those picky friend pickers. If she didn't like you, she didn't. But something about Giselle rubbed Manine the right way. Maybe because seeing and knowing that this woman was a battle hardened warrior made Manine miss the good times where she ran about Hell, killing small demons and devils who were causing problems for Lucifer.After leaving, all she had was kicking asses at Cherish's Club.Now here. Maybe this woman would to her the favor and spar. Yes, it wasn't right to do such a thing with a patron who wish to relax, but hopefully the female would humor her just once.
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))

First maintenance person hired by the place? Seriously? She tried not to show much of a reaction, but she felt her eyebrow arch in the surprise. Most people would have a vital position covered at least contracted out before a business began. Well, that misfortune got her a job, so it wasn’t all bad. Still, surprises abound in the place. “So a sauna and a whole gym room… Gym will take precedence. The sauna is a place to relax. Gyms need cold air to help prevent people from passing out from heat stroke.” It was as simple as that. Cold, basic logic.

Aislyn had to admit that she wasn’t HVAC certified, so AC was likely not something she’d be able to fix easily. But then again, she hadn’t worked on a refrigeration unit either. By comparing it to a radiator, she’d managed to make due, but she had less of an idea with an air conditioning unit. Hopefully it was something simple. Simple and easy to fix, like a frayed wire. “How long have you been without a maintenance crew? Figured that in a place like this, things break.” Aislyn asked, as they walked off towards the gym. It'd be another ceiling crawl most likely. Maybe she should have taken the step ladder with her.
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))

Enveloped in probably the atmosphere of wanton moans that vacillated within the confines of his demented conscious, his conceatration was mostly severed for the most part. Thoroughly examining the paper containing assignments of various creatures to vanquish, curiosity settled into his mind on whether or not the ballsy Lycanthrope could serve a purpose beyond killing an inferior entity. A profligate in essence, this did not shame the mortal in all the acts he performed on and off duty. It was essential to enjoy himself, rarely seizing the opportunity despite the skills he commanded. Drinking heavily a flask of whiskey, his eyes peered at all the delicious selections he had to fuck mercilessly.

Although an individual who preferred martial combat, it never meant that usage of firearms and blades were not alternatives to make the hunter's blood boil with numerous ways to eliminate a target. Revealing a customize silver sawed off shotgun , it was tempting to raise a little anarchy in his state of boredom. A play on his behalf, Morgrim did not desire to combatant this many beings in one setting. Why when their bodies were better put to the test via some good old fashion love making. Emptying the bottle without realizing the time, he contemplated exactly what he could do, disappointed the women were not stopping to attend him. His vulgarity would encourage him to whip out his cock, but intimidating each one was not required. Humming to himself with an ominous tune, he leaned against a wall and inspect the women with lewd thoughts running through his veins.
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))

Lustfull_Sin said:
Cherish perked up, her ears twitching. "What? Shyrii you devil's child. A male managed to make you submit. I can't believe my ears."She faked a sniffle."To think, you were such a sadist. Now you touched the masochist side. Oh Shyrii....I...I'm so proud of you."She wiped away fake tears, hearing the girls giggle."Maybe I should have a go at this male who made you submit and perhaps cry like a wanton whore found only in the depths of Japan..or somewhere around there...maybe its Germany I'm thinkins."Waving her hand int he air."Anyways. I'm thinking of bringing back two other guards of mine."She looked at Avie. "You remember Lou and Big M. Not sure what those big, burly bastards are up to, but no doubt they would love to hang here."She looked at Vivienne and Yuuki."Maybe you two would enjoy them. Ever had your body ravished by nothing more then mist. Its rather fun. Like having a dozen hands all over your bodies, touching all of you at the same time."She grinned."Its rather exciting. Thinking about those males gets my skin tingling."She laughed, brushing a few strands of her hair from her face.

While the girls chatted, a tall, slim figure with long black hair appeared into the room, his red eyes scanning the crowd, checking to see all was well. Shade had been with a female patron who needed to get used to being in such a place and her did the favor of reassuring her that nothing bad would ever happen to her while she was here. Having quickly dressed into the proper costume, Shade, one of the male maids, was walking about in a black Japanese uniform, his top uniform open, revealing the white shirt under. A few buttons were undone to give him a bad boys kinda of look. With his long hair and devilish red eyes and dark skin, he did look bad, though he was sweet. Smiling, he saw his Mistress, Shyrii, as well as his fellow maids, but he didn't recognize the two new faces. With a smile, he walked over, bowing."Good morning Mistress Shyrii, Yuuki, Vivienne. Pleasurable morning is it not."He said and raised, smiling and looked at Cherish and Avie. "Ah, I have not had the pleasure. I am Shade, one of the male servants here."he said, bowing.

Cherish grinned, eyeing the male. "Hmmm, well aren't you proper. I'm Cherish, another Mistress to this place. And this here."She pointed to Avie. "Is Avie, another maid that has been added. Pleasure to meet you Shade."

He blushed, looking at Cherish, then turned to look at Avie. He could tell she was a succubus and no matter how many times he told himself not to swoon for one, he always did, especially towards Shyrii."A pleasure, Mistress Cherish. Miss Avie."

“Hello there Shade. I’m hoping you’re treating the customers well?” Shyrii asked the male servant. “And Cherish, my little sister will be the Fourth Mistress of the Manor. Even though she may not be as upright as me, her ways can bring out darker desires to others in a safe way.” Shyrii smiled for a moment as she looked at the others. “Back on the subject, you say as if it was the first time that I got involved in physical sexual abuse, Cherish. It’s a long story, my dear. I’ll tell you about it when we go you down to the secret area in the basement. Ebony and I had to keep him separate from the public eye. His stamina is outstanding still. The way he fucks and cums, some would say it’s rape without reservation. Have not I done what I did when I ‘tame’ that demon, no woman would’ve been safe from his wicked desires across those lands.”

“At least he’s showing you some gratitude with his 15-inch boner,” Yuuki said a smile.

“Yukki!!” Shyrii face was flushed red in embarrassment.

“My apologies, Mistress. It was just too good to keep to myself. Unfortunately, some maids decided to go there with some female patrons for some late night fun. Women by day and sluts by night.”

“Gosh,” Vivienne shook her head in disbelief. “Maybe I should drag you done there to have your pussy pounded by him since you only gave him blowjobs thus far. It would be nice to hear your say in your sweet voice, ‘Oh yes. Pound my pussy nice and deep with your cock.’”

“Only when we have free time,” said the Japanese girl. “I cannot believe you spied on me, Vivienne.”

“You’re so bad Yukki. It’s amazing that you went from traumatized girl to bad girl in matter of months through my big sister’s training.” Avie looked at her best friend with a smile on her face and said, “It’s been while since I saw Lou and Big M. They do have a unique way to bring a woman off without shoving their cocks. Gosh I miss them so. You two maids should try them some time.” Avie looked at Shade and he looked so dreamy with his school uniform, but those eyes had the young succubus hypnotized. “I can stare at those eyes all day,” she said with a dreamy sigh.

“Don’t even think about cumming you naughty sis,” the pink-haired Mistress said with a smile. “He does have that effect towards the women at times.

“I’m still recovering from that early morning fuck, Shyrii.”

“Okay,” Shyrii told the grey-skinned sinner as she gave the male maid a kiss on the cheek. “So handsome as always.”
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))

"Yes they are sweetie, we can't have that" he teased and sucked on them herder. He nipped both of them to increased the pleasure as his hips rocked his with hers faster and faster. He was so happy that she was enjoying this as much as him he could stop his movemoents, even if he tried. "More, more...My cock is tese again...I gonna cum soon" he said to her. His hands gripped her ass and he starts massaging and spanking it. He helps her ride his cock faster and faster to the point where he was reaching his limit. "One come one more big loadddd!" he moans out and finally releases his hot spunk deep into her womb. He gasped and pasts as he holds on to her.
RE: The Maid Manor ((First post Updated 3/10/11 -- Please Look))

Chuckling as she shook her head of silver gray hair, Giselle smiled at Manine despite the fact that the aura she detected around this woman was indeed demonic, and her admission confirmed the half Drow's magical senses. Being sensitive to magic, even though she had not been born in the dark caverns and tunnels that made up the massive maze of the Underdark, she was still sensitive to things like that. "I don't need my father's blades on me all the time, although I will freely admit I feel better with them on my hips. Still, I came here to relax, and to relax with others, and I don't think carrying around two beautiful but deadly scimitar blades is a good idea myself. I will admit however, that I wasn't expecting a demon here, but I'm sure that others won't be expecting a Drow, well, half Drow, to be here either. Normally, demons where I come from are chaotic and evil beings, paranoid and unwilling to play nice, let alone work for anyone save their own evil intentions in pursuit of more personal power and gains. You on the other hand Manine, I sense no such ill will either, and so I am thankful for your warm welcome. I'd be"

Nodding her approval, Giselle was indeed in need of a bath, although the look that Manine was giving her told the warrior that she might just wish a fight between them. It did intrigue her to see another warrior much like herself, and maybe after she had refreshed herself a bit, she'd take the demon up on her unspoken request. "Yeah, I need a bath after the fight I was in. Evil fiends from the Shadowfell decided to pop up in the cultural heart Faerun back on my home plane. Shadow beings mostly, akin to zombies and other foul undead beasts. Holy magic was their undoing, but regular fireballs, and other such spells do work as well. But anyway, beside all that, I can tell from the look in your eyes that you wish to test your mettle against my own. I find myself interested to entertain such a fight, but I do wish to recuperate and partake of what this place has to offer first if that's ok. As for my clothes and armor, this does need a little work since it was dented a bit from a heavy claw smash from one of the bigger bastards that attacked the city and cleaned thoroughly before the stink settles in permanently. If you'll lead the way to the baths, I'd be most grateful." She said, taking the key and tucking it away in her belt pouches for now.
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))

Nettik_Xes said:
First maintenance person hired by the place? Seriously? She tried not to show much of a reaction, but she felt her eyebrow arch in the surprise. Most people would have a vital position covered at least contracted out before a business began. Well, that misfortune got her a job, so it wasn’t all bad. Still, surprises abound in the place. “So a sauna and a whole gym room… Gym will take precedence. The sauna is a place to relax. Gyms need cold air to help prevent people from passing out from heat stroke.” It was as simple as that. Cold, basic logic.

Aislyn had to admit that she wasn’t HVAC certified, so AC was likely not something she’d be able to fix easily. But then again, she hadn’t worked on a refrigeration unit either. By comparing it to a radiator, she’d managed to make due, but she had less of an idea with an air conditioning unit. Hopefully it was something simple. Simple and easy to fix, like a frayed wire. “How long have you been without a maintenance crew? Figured that in a place like this, things break.” Aislyn asked, as they walked off towards the gym. It'd be another ceiling crawl most likely. Maybe she should have taken the step ladder with her.

Ebony thought of the question and gave a slight little shrug."For about...well..twenty years. That's how long I have had this establishment up and running and nothing has broken .....until now."She sighed." Truth be told, whenit comes to beings like me, its hard to find people who are useful and trustworthy. That and its hard to hire humans who intend to freak out over small things like a demon or troll coming down the hallway."she chuckled."But there is no excuse. I should have put maintance as top priority and such, but when it comes to running this place along with help of now three other woman-"She shrugged again.

"Here. The AC unit panel is over here."She said, leading Aislyn towards an Employees Only door,pulled it open and led her in. Only two doors were found in this small room. A Utility closet and the AC Control Panel. From the AC control room, a hard, screeching sound was heard, as if something was being grinding against something else. Metal against metal perhaps."That doesn't sound so pleasant."She simply said and slipped a key out. It was a skeleton key, useful, since she hated having a shit load of keys on her.Slipping it into the door knob, she turned and unlocked the door and pulled it open.

The room was a little hot, and the grinding sound was even louder. A bit of smoke or burning could be smelled. "It wasn't like this I know that for sure and no one told me about the condition. Seems it just started to get like this."She said and saw the power switch, went to it and flipped it off, the sound stopping, but not the smell. "So....see whats wrong."

Sinful Bliss said:
“Hello there Shade. I’m hoping you’re treating the customers well?” Shyrii asked the male servant. “And Cherish, my little sister will be the Fourth Mistress of the Manor. Even though she may not be as upright as me, her ways can bring out darker desires to others in a safe way.” Shyrii smiled for a moment as she looked at the others. “Back on the subject, you say as if it was the first time that I got involved in physical sexual abuse, Cherish. It’s a long story, my dear. I’ll tell you about it when we go you down to the secret area in the basement. Ebony and I had to keep him separate from the public eye. His stamina is outstanding still. The way he fucks and cums, some would say it’s rape without reservation. Have not I done what I did when I ‘tame’ that demon, no woman would’ve been safe from his wicked desires across those lands.”

“At least he’s showing you some gratitude with his 15-inch boner,” Yuuki said a smile.

“Yukki!!” Shyrii face was flushed red in embarrassment.

“My apologies, Mistress. It was just too good to keep to myself. Unfortunately, some maids decided to go there with some female patrons for some late night fun. Women by day and sluts by night.”

“Gosh,” Vivienne shook her head in disbelief. “Maybe I should drag you done there to have your pussy pounded by him since you only gave him blowjobs thus far. It would be nice to hear your say in your sweet voice, ‘Oh yes. Pound my pussy nice and deep with your cock.’”

“Only when we have free time,” said the Japanese girl. “I cannot believe you spied on me, Vivienne.”

“You’re so bad Yukki. It’s amazing that you went from traumatized girl to bad girl in matter of months through my big sister’s training.” Avie looked at her best friend with a smile on her face and said, “It’s been while since I saw Lou and Big M. They do have a unique way to bring a woman off without shoving their cocks. Gosh I miss them so. You two maids should try them some time.” Avie looked at Shade and he looked so dreamy with his school uniform, but those eyes had the young succubus hypnotized. “I can stare at those eyes all day,” she said with a dreamy sigh.

“Don’t even think about cumming you naughty sis,” the pink-haired Mistress said with a smile. “He does have that effect towards the women at times.

“I’m still recovering from that early morning fuck, Shyrii.”

“Okay,” Shyrii told the grey-skinned sinner as she gave the male maid a kiss on the cheek. “So handsome as always.”

"Oh, my apology then. It would be pleasant to have Avie as another Mistress. Even more wickedness shall be wrought upon this manor."She smirked, looking at Shade, seeing the Helldemon eyeing Avie like a sexual treat, ready to be licked.She looked at Yuukie and Vivienne."A 15 incher you say."She grinned."Oh my, maybe I should have a good at this devilish monster."She laughed, clapping her hands together."Oh, we should make it a Mistress day. All the Mistress go and have a go at him and with each other. Won't it be grand."She eyes Avie."Don't worry, I'll be sure to give you all the attention, since you love it."She licked her lips to enphasize."

Shade blushed and blushed more at Shyrii's sweet kiss."Uhh..w-well, its an honor to make both of your aquaintances my MIstress.He said, bowing his head once more in respect, but when he straightened, he once again looked at Avie, his lips curving in a sweet smile. His phathomless eyes staring at hers, imaginign her naked and writhing with need for some reason.

Cherish saw the way Shade looked at Avie and Avie at Shade. Raising a brow, she looked at Shyrii and smiled. "Neh, Shyrii, ins't there a special iniciation that one must go through upon becoming a Mistress."She said grinning, since winking would give it away to what Cherish was saying."Avie has to get her pussy eaten out and last a good thirty minutes without cumming."She eyed Shade."And Shade shall be the one doing the eating."She grinned, seeing Shade blush.

"B-But....uhh...I-I.."he stuttered, turning red."I-If that is what...Mistress desires...then I shall do it."he said his eyes going from Avie's to down where her lap was, trying to see through the dress and at what he would be tasting.

Cherish smiled and looked at Shyrii hoping the woman would play along, since there was no iniciation. Cherish just loved to mess with Avie.

Silver117 said:
"Yes they are sweetie, we can't have that" he teased and sucked on them herder. He nipped both of them to increased the pleasure as his hips rocked his with hers faster and faster. He was so happy that she was enjoying this as much as him he could stop his movemoents, even if he tried. "More, more...My cock is tese again...I gonna cum soon" he said to her. His hands gripped her ass and he starts massaging and spanking it. He helps her ride his cock faster and faster to the point where he was reaching his limit. "One come one more big loadddd!" he moans out and finally releases his hot spunk deep into her womb. He gasped and pasts as he holds on to her.

She bites her lip, her hips rolling and rocking, his cock rubbing and thrusting deep and hard inside of her."Oh fuck, yes, yes. Fucking right there."She said, grabbing his hair and grips its hard, her nipples sucked and licked viciously by his mouth."So close, so close. "She said, trembling all over her.She shook her head, unable to take it anymore.When he mention another load, she moaned herself and arched her back, taking all of his spunk while cumming as well, her pussy gripping around his cock nice and hard, sucking at his dick to get all that delicious cream."D-Drake, oh fuck yes, Drake."She said, kissing him hard, her tongue thrusting into his mouth back and forth, fucking it almost.

Vergil1989 said:
Chuckling as she shook her head of silver gray hair, Giselle smiled at Manine despite the fact that the aura she detected around this woman was indeed demonic, and her admission confirmed the half Drow's magical senses. Being sensitive to magic, even though she had not been born in the dark caverns and tunnels that made up the massive maze of the Underdark, she was still sensitive to things like that. "I don't need my father's blades on me all the time, although I will freely admit I feel better with them on my hips. Still, I came here to relax, and to relax with others, and I don't think carrying around two beautiful but deadly scimitar blades is a good idea myself. I will admit however, that I wasn't expecting a demon here, but I'm sure that others won't be expecting a Drow, well, half Drow, to be here either. Normally, demons where I come from are chaotic and evil beings, paranoid and unwilling to play nice, let alone work for anyone save their own evil intentions in pursuit of more personal power and gains. You on the other hand Manine, I sense no such ill will either, and so I am thankful for your warm welcome. I'd be"

Nodding her approval, Giselle was indeed in need of a bath, although the look that Manine was giving her told the warrior that she might just wish a fight between them. It did intrigue her to see another warrior much like herself, and maybe after she had refreshed herself a bit, she'd take the demon up on her unspoken request. "Yeah, I need a bath after the fight I was in. Evil fiends from the Shadowfell decided to pop up in the cultural heart Faerun back on my home plane. Shadow beings mostly, akin to zombies and other foul undead beasts. Holy magic was their undoing, but regular fireballs, and other such spells do work as well. But anyway, beside all that, I can tell from the look in your eyes that you wish to test your mettle against my own. I find myself interested to entertain such a fight, but I do wish to recuperate and partake of what this place has to offer first if that's ok. As for my clothes and armor, this does need a little work since it was dented a bit from a heavy claw smash from one of the bigger bastards that attacked the city and cleaned thoroughly before the stink settles in permanently. If you'll lead the way to the baths, I'd be most grateful." She said, taking the key and tucking it away in her belt pouches for now.

Manine smiled, which in turned made a few mades gasp and sigh."Guess you caught me in answer my unspoken request.I thank you. Maybe when you've enjoyed yourself for a few days, then will have a little spar just to release some of the steam a man or woman cannot release."She laughed. Looking back to the maid she spoke."Retrieve this females clothing and weapons and see to it that everything it cleaned, sharpened and well taken care of."She commanded and watched the maid scurry off."Here. I'll take you to one of the larger baths for you to enjoy."And with that Manine pulled away from the counter and went to lead Giselle towards the grand stair case, though did not ascend, but isntead, went towards a door to the right, pushed it open and led Giselle through it.

"I used to be paranoid when I didn't' have my favorite scythe in my hands.My Mistress Cherish said that such a thing would cause mayham and it did. I settled and skilled myself with hand guns and other of the such variety."She smiled."I think guns became my favorite weapons of choice, but having a blade in my hand and slicing through an opponent."She sighed."The feeling is even better."Reaching another hallway, she turned to the left, walking down still, passing one large door and headed for another."I think this bath shall suit you well. It did me."When she reached the end of the hall, she grabbed the knob, twisted and pushed, revealing a Rain forest.The temperature was humid, perfect for the plants. Large trees, grass and bushes surrounded the room, flowers of many colors decorating the greenery. In the center was a large steaming pool and water falling down a small little rock fall."Beautiful isn't it. Mistress Ebony has a thing for making all the rooms here different. Come-"She motiong with her hand."-the showers are over her. Once you get yourself clean, you can soak in the pool."
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))

He panted alot. He was compeletly out of breath. He beautiful bunny has completely drained him of everything. It was hard for him to turn, so he just slides down onto the bed. He held her tightly and kissed her lips. "I love you so much Candy." He tells her as he kisses her once again. This feeling was great. It was like a dream in which he refuses to wake up from. He rubbed her back and and gave a long sigh. "Candy...would you wait for me if I were to leave?" he asked her.
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))

Ebony thought of the question and gave a slight little shrug."For about...well..twenty years. That's how long I have had this establishment up and running and nothing has broken .....until now."She sighed." Truth be told, whenit comes to beings like me, its hard to find people who are useful and trustworthy. That and its hard to hire humans who intend to freak out over small things like a demon or troll coming down the hallway."she chuckled."But there is no excuse. I should have put maintance as top priority and such, but when it comes to running this place along with help of now three other woman-"She shrugged again.

"Here. The AC unit panel is over here."She said, leading Aislyn towards an Employees Only door,pulled it open and led her in. Only two doors were found in this small room. A Utility closet and the AC Control Panel. From the AC control room, a hard, screeching sound was heard, as if something was being grinding against something else. Metal against metal perhaps."That doesn't sound so pleasant."She simply said and slipped a key out. It was a skeleton key, useful, since she hated having a shit load of keys on her.Slipping it into the door knob, she turned and unlocked the door and pulled it open.

The room was a little hot, and the grinding sound was even louder. A bit of smoke or burning could be smelled. "It wasn't like this I know that for sure and no one told me about the condition. Seems it just started to get like this."She said and saw the power switch, went to it and flipped it off, the sound stopping, but not the smell. "So....see whats wrong."

That... was horrible. That grinding noise immediately brought a surprised and lightly panicked look to the girl's face. Her tools were out even before the AC was off. And there was a fire extinguisher in her hands as soon as she found it. She took off the panel for the machinery after checking for heat (no sense in getting burned.) When she popped it open, a billowing cloud of smoke came out. Fearing the worst, she pulled the pin and fired a few short bursts into the machinery.

As the smoke cleared, it didn't seem to be burning anymore, whatever it was. The lack of power helped with that, as it was probably an electrical fire. Pulling out her flashlight, she began digging around inside. A valve had gotten stuck open from an obstruction, and the gears that rotated it were stripped from trying. The intruding object was wrapped hard around the axel and it was all she could do to cut it free with a pocket knife. The smoking had come from the servo control panel, which was pretty much fried now, if the smoke hadn't meant that already.

"Well... We're going to need new circuitry here. The spray wasn't too healthy. And I think it was fried before anyway from trying to open the release valve." She assessed, pulling out the offending object and trying to piece it together. The light blue thing only made her blink. How? Was the only question in her mind.

"H-how do you get panties stuck in the AC unit? Just... How?"
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))

Nodding her approval, Giselle couldn't help but smile as her brown eyes lit up at the prospect. As of late, she hadn't had much of a chance to practice her skill against an evenly matched opponent, and so it would be fun to see where this went. For now though, she did plan to relax and recharge her energy a bit before doing anymore fighting. Walking with Manine, the half Drow's sensitive ears picked up on the many conversations and other things that went on here, making her more than a little curious to see what the asking price was for any of the services given in this place. "I've never heard of such a weapon as the ones you described. However, a scythe I know, although it's an unusual choice. Even so, I know the feeling all to well but I am not paranoid about leaving them behind when it's asked of me, so long as I get them back of course. I actually had them stolen once, surprisingly enough. Long story short, I did a little of my own enchanting after I got them back and now if I so chose, the entire sword belt with my two blades will appear with but a simple mental command." She chuckled, deciding it would be better to not use that particular command so as not to freak the maid out that had been ordered to get them and her clothes.

Once they reached the baths, Giselle's brown eyes took in the beautiful scenery and she sighed in no small amount of bliss since this felt right, despite the fact they were inside. The illusion of being in a real forest did give comfort though, and that much could be seen from the warrior's face. "I think this will do quite nicely. Thank you Manine. curious though, how much will all this cost? I have plenty of money, mostly in jewels from the mines of Mithral Hall, so I don't know how much that will equal in whatever this world uses as currency." She hated to ruin the moment, but Giselle didn't want to end up not having enough as she pulled a bag off of her belt and taking a few of the said jewels out of the bag that were actually bigger than the brown leather pouch could hope to contain, suggesting it was a Bag of Holding. An extra-dimensional pocket contained within allowed her to hold a considerable amount of things in a small space. If asked she'd explain how it worked, but for now it wasn't important.
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))

Lustfull_Sin said:
"Oh, my apology then. It would be pleasant to have Avie as another Mistress. Even more wickedness shall be wrought upon this manor."She smirked, looking at Shade, seeing the Helldemon eyeing Avie like a sexual treat, ready to be licked.She looked at Yuukie and Vivienne."A 15 incher you say."She grinned."Oh my, maybe I should have a good at this devilish monster."She laughed, clapping her hands together."Oh, we should make it a Mistress day. All the Mistress go and have a go at him and with each other. Won't it be grand."She eyes Avie."Don't worry, I'll be sure to give you all the attention, since you love it."She licked her lips to enphasize."

Shade blushed and blushed more at Shyrii's sweet kiss."Uhh..w-well, its an honor to make both of your aquaintances my MIstress.He said, bowing his head once more in respect, but when he straightened, he once again looked at Avie, his lips curving in a sweet smile. His phathomless eyes staring at hers, imaginign her naked and writhing with need for some reason.

Cherish saw the way Shade looked at Avie and Avie at Shade. Raising a brow, she looked at Shyrii and smiled. "Neh, Shyrii, ins't there a special iniciation that one must go through upon becoming a Mistress."She said grinning, since winking would give it away to what Cherish was saying."Avie has to get her pussy eaten out and last a good thirty minutes without cumming."She eyed Shade."And Shade shall be the one doing the eating."She grinned, seeing Shade blush.

"B-But....uhh...I-I.."he stuttered, turning red."I-If that is what...Mistress desires...then I shall do it."he said his eyes going from Avie's to down where her lap was, trying to see through the dress and at what he would be tasting.

Cherish smiled and looked at Shyrii hoping the woman would play along, since there was no iniciation. Cherish just loved to mess with Avie.

Shyrii thought about the idea that was requested by Ebony’s half-sister. She didn’t want to torment her young sister that much, but Avie needed to learn hold her orgasms during sex and not be like a wonton slut. With Shade agreeing to lick that succubus out, things were about to get interesting in the Manor. “Looks like that you will have deal with idea of getting that pussy cleaned again. At least you have a helldemon doing the honors, Avie. Isn’t that great?” the Mistress asked.

“It’s going to great,” Avie said with a fake laugh. “I’ll show ya’ll that I’m more than a hussy.” The grey-skinned succubus turned her nose up for moment before she looked at the Shade. “Go on, I want to get this over with before the ladies here embarrass me further. And do your worse with your tongue. I want to feel how good your tongue is.”

“Just do not act whorish, Lady Avie,” said Vivienne. “Or you may not survive the 30 minutes against Shade’s tongue. I lasted 45 minutes against his tongue.”

“I lasted 35 minutes, but it was good enough on my first try. You’re a succubus you should outlast the onslaught more,” said Yukki.

Shyrii smiled as both of her maids boasted their stamina against Shade’s workable tongue against their pussies. “I held on for 70 minutes before flooding him with my juices,” she told them with a wicked smile. Her eyes went over to Cherish and said. “I think for you special initiation, you’ll head down to the Secret Room early and do two things: not cum within 30 minutes and then outlast him. By that, have cum before you do. He will at time ratchet up the intensity levels deeper in the session. And no worries, he’s incapable in making the maids, and patrons here pregnant. Still, he will flood you good. What do you say?” A sinister smile crept on Shyrii’s face, hoping that the young vampiress takes the challenge.

“Mmmmm… this should be really good,” Yuuki said to the group.

“Indeed, Yuuki. Will Cherish prevail? Lucky for her it’s late morning,” Vivienne told her fellow maid.

“Even so, every woman needs a good pounded,” Avie told the maids. Anyways, where’s Huney?”
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))

Silver117 said:
He panted alot. He was compeletly out of breath. He beautiful bunny has completely drained him of everything. It was hard for him to turn, so he just slides down onto the bed. He held her tightly and kissed her lips. "I love you so much Candy." He tells her as he kisses her once again. This feeling was great. It was like a dream in which he refuses to wake up from. He rubbed her back and and gave a long sigh. "Candy...would you wait for me if I were to leave?" he asked her.

She blushed, smiling and kissed him in return. To hear such words, especially by a man such as Drake, it made her heart aflutter. Gently, she slipped off him, her head resting on his cheek, her hand smoothing over his chest.Closing her eyes for a moment, she took this time to recoperate, regaining her strength and relaxing her heart. "I love you as well Drake. Your..more then just a fuck to me Drake, always know that."She said, smiling a bit. When he mentions leaving, her heart almost stopped."Why...would you leave?"She asked a bit worried. Did he have another woman and was going to leave her. If so, then what right did Candy have in taken someones man.

Nettik_Xes said:
That... was horrible. That grinding noise immediately brought a surprised and lightly panicked look to the girl's face. Her tools were out even before the AC was off. And there was a fire extinguisher in her hands as soon as she found it. She took off the panel for the machinery after checking for heat (no sense in getting burned.) When she popped it open, a billowing cloud of smoke came out. Fearing the worst, she pulled the pin and fired a few short bursts into the machinery.

As the smoke cleared, it didn't seem to be burning anymore, whatever it was. The lack of power helped with that, as it was probably an electrical fire. Pulling out her flashlight, she began digging around inside. A valve had gotten stuck open from an obstruction, and the gears that rotated it were stripped from trying. The intruding object was wrapped hard around the axel and it was all she could do to cut it free with a pocket knife. The smoking had come from the servo control panel, which was pretty much fried now, if the smoke hadn't meant that already.

"Well... We're going to need new circuitry here. The spray wasn't too healthy. And I think it was fried before anyway from trying to open the release valve." She assessed, pulling out the offending object and trying to piece it together. The light blue thing only made her blink. How? Was the only question in her mind.

"H-how do you get panties stuck in the AC unit? Just... How?"

Ebony stepped back,w atching as the girl worked. She was fast for a human. She had an extinguisher and doused the bit of smoke that seeped from the panel. Ebony had to wave her hand, keeping the smoke rom reaching her nose and watched as the girl dug around. The grinding stopped and a bit of the smokey smell lingered, but atleast nothing exploded, so that was good.

Waiting patiently, she saw Aislyn pick something out from within the gears and turn."Panties?"She said, snatching the blue material and raised it up, looking at half ripped and chew up silk panties."Who the-"She grinding her teeth, keeping her anger down. Who the fuck would chuck these inside the AC control panel. No one had access here.....only the staff.And chances were a staff personel snuck in here with either another maid or with a patron."Unfortunate to say, it isn't my duty to know all the panties in which my workers wear."She sighed gripping the panties in her fist."How bad is the damage?"She asked, more concerned on the machinery then anything. She would have a little workers meeting...the first one ever, when she got a chance."Tell me what you need and I'll have someone rush out and get what you need, that or call someone."If this happened to the AC panel, she hoped it wasn't the same for the Sauna.

Vergil1989 said:
Nodding her approval, Giselle couldn't help but smile as her brown eyes lit up at the prospect. As of late, she hadn't had much of a chance to practice her skill against an evenly matched opponent, and so it would be fun to see where this went. For now though, she did plan to relax and recharge her energy a bit before doing anymore fighting. Walking with Manine, the half Drow's sensitive ears picked up on the many conversations and other things that went on here, making her more than a little curious to see what the asking price was for any of the services given in this place. "I've never heard of such a weapon as the ones you described. However, a scythe I know, although it's an unusual choice. Even so, I know the feeling all to well but I am not paranoid about leaving them behind when it's asked of me, so long as I get them back of course. I actually had them stolen once, surprisingly enough. Long story short, I did a little of my own enchanting after I got them back and now if I so chose, the entire sword belt with my two blades will appear with but a simple mental command." She chuckled, deciding it would be better to not use that particular command so as not to freak the maid out that had been ordered to get them and her clothes.

Once they reached the baths, Giselle's brown eyes took in the beautiful scenery and she sighed in no small amount of bliss since this felt right, despite the fact they were inside. The illusion of being in a real forest did give comfort though, and that much could be seen from the warrior's face. "I think this will do quite nicely. Thank you Manine. curious though, how much will all this cost? I have plenty of money, mostly in jewels from the mines of Mithral Hall, so I don't know how much that will equal in whatever this world uses as currency." She hated to ruin the moment, but Giselle didn't want to end up not having enough as she pulled a bag off of her belt and taking a few of the said jewels out of the bag that were actually bigger than the brown leather pouch could hope to contain, suggesting it was a Bag of Holding. An extra-dimensional pocket contained within allowed her to hold a considerable amount of things in a small space. If asked she'd explain how it worked, but for now it wasn't important.

"I've seen guns when I was down in Hell, then when I came up here, Cherish taught me how to use them. They're rather fun to use and powerful. Useful as well for if you need to attack something from long distance."She shrugged, setting her wooden sword agaisnt the wall and stretched her arms. Moving towards the showers, which were open, no doors for privacy, she saw how clean and well stocked everything was."We have soap and shampoos as well as towels and robes for you to use."She said and turned, though was surprised to hear the woman mention payment. She watched as Giselle pulled out a small little bag and jewels spread over her hand.

With a sweet smile, Manine pushed the woman's hand away."Keep them. Only give as a means of charity. This manor runs with the money Ebony and Shyrii have and believe me, ancient as they are, no doubt they have more then you. The patrons that come here give money as a means of thanks, just to help keep this place up and running. No need to pay for anything, for this place is like another home to you."She smiled."Keep your jewels. And liek I said. Only give if you wish to thank the women the run this place.Now, enough about payment. I'll join you in the baths. I've been feeling a bit sweaty since I'm forced to go back and forth and all around this place."Moving to a long stretched cushioned bench, Manine removed her sweater, folding it and layed it on the seat. Next came the small top she wore under, revealing she wore no bra under. The whistle was next, then her shoes and socks. She undress as if she were in her own room, not caring if Giselle watched, then again, Manine, for some reason, did want to woman to watch.

Sinful Bliss said:
Shyrii thought about the idea that was requested by Ebony’s half-sister. She didn’t want to torment her young sister that much, but Avie needed to learn hold her orgasms during sex and not be like a wonton slut. With Shade agreeing to lick that succubus out, things were about to get interesting in the Manor. “Looks like that you will have deal with idea of getting that pussy cleaned again. At least you have a helldemon doing the honors, Avie. Isn’t that great?” the Mistress asked.

“It’s going to great,” Avie said with a fake laugh. “I’ll show ya’ll that I’m more than a hussy.” The grey-skinned succubus turned her nose up for moment before she looked at the Shade. “Go on, I want to get this over with before the ladies here embarrass me further. And do your worse with your tongue. I want to feel how good your tongue is.”

“Just do not act whorish, Lady Avie,” said Vivienne. “Or you may not survive the 30 minutes against Shade’s tongue. I lasted 45 minutes against his tongue.”

“I lasted 35 minutes, but it was good enough on my first try. You’re a succubus you should outlast the onslaught more,” said Yukki.

Shyrii smiled as both of her maids boasted their stamina against Shade’s workable tongue against their pussies. “I held on for 70 minutes before flooding him with my juices,” she told them with a wicked smile. Her eyes went over to Cherish and said. “I think for you special initiation, you’ll head down to the Secret Room early and do two things: not cum within 30 minutes and then outlast him. By that, have cum before you do. He will at time ratchet up the intensity levels deeper in the session. And no worries, he’s incapable in making the maids, and patrons here pregnant. Still, he will flood you good. What do you say?” A sinister smile crept on Shyrii’s face, hoping that the young vampiress takes the challenge.

“Mmmmm… this should be really good,” Yuuki said to the group.

“Indeed, Yuuki. Will Cherish prevail? Lucky for her it’s late morning,” Vivienne told her fellow maid.

“Even so, every woman needs a good pounded,” Avie told the maids. Anyways, where’s Huney?”

Cherish laughed."Oh pu-lease. You think me loose and weak. I take up that little challenge and show you."She said, though in her mind, she felt as if she was going to fail within the first five minutes. She'll show them though. Cherish had strong will power and stamina and mind, she can take on anything."Once Avie is finished with her initiationg, will go down there so I can show you how great I am."She said smuggly and looked at Shade."Now, on your needs my love and give this wanton succubus a good licking."

Shade smiled, looking down in embarissment as the woman boasted on how well they were licked and clean thanks to his mouth. He did love licking them. Yukki tasted like strawberries and Vivienne like peaches. If he could have both at the same time, it would be a delicious dessert no doubt.Looking back up, he moved closer to Avie and kneeled before her."I wish you luck Mistress."He said, placing his hands on her knees and slowly pushed her legs open, her dress riding up and showing her thighs little by little, until her cunt was revealed.

He sucked in a breathe, seeing how slightly wet it was and the beautiful pink color that was revealed.Leaning in, she blew cool air in her inner thigh."The time starts now Mistress."He said and kissed her thigh, running his tongue along it, then gently scraped her skin with his small fangs. Just before reaching that special spot, he pulled away, blowing cool air at the last minute and went to her other thigh, doing the same in blowing cool air, running his tongue and fangs, then stopped, blowing cool air over those slick lips."I'll do you what I did to Yukki and Vivienne.The alphabet."He said, smirking, looking up."I will write the letters using my tongue and you have to say them.If you can't say them Mistress, then I will go back and re-do the letter."And with that, he leaned in, slowly running his tongue up along her slit, before pulling away and spread her legs a bit farther.Without announcing, he ran his tongue along one lip, then down the other, pulled away slight and ran it across her lips making the letter A with his tongue. He waited for her to say it before continuing.
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))


Keiichi was sitting in the Tea Room, dressed in a simple white shirt and blue pants, and quietly sipped on his drink. He couldn't help but blush a bit, as he saw the beautiful maids in the room, busy to serve the patrons. It was his first time in the manor, but he wasn't too unfamiliar with this situation, having visited brothels before. However, this was different, since it wasn't a mere brothel but much more and he certainly never saw so many good-looking girls at once. That some of them served the patrons in a rather... naughty way didn't make better.

Still calmly drinking his tea, Keiichi thought about what he should do. He would like to spend the time with a maid, but couldn't really bring himself to approach one. And he had trouble choosing one, anyway. So he just remained in his seat, looking around the room.
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))

Ebony stepped back,w atching as the girl worked. She was fast for a human. She had an extinguisher and doused the bit of smoke that seeped from the panel. Ebony had to wave her hand, keeping the smoke rom reaching her nose and watched as the girl dug around. The grinding stopped and a bit of the smokey smell lingered, but atleast nothing exploded, so that was good.

Waiting patiently, she saw Aislyn pick something out from within the gears and turn."Panties?"She said, snatching the blue material and raised it up, looking at half ripped and chew up silk panties."Who the-"She grinding her teeth, keeping her anger down. Who the fuck would chuck these inside the AC control panel. No one had access here.....only the staff.And chances were a staff personel snuck in here with either another maid or with a patron."Unfortunate to say, it isn't my duty to know all the panties in which my workers wear."She sighed gripping the panties in her fist."How bad is the damage?"She asked, more concerned on the machinery then anything. She would have a little workers meeting...the first one ever, when she got a chance."Tell me what you need and I'll have someone rush out and get what you need, that or call someone."If this happened to the AC panel, she hoped it wasn't the same for the Sauna.
"Unfortunately the damage is pretty high. The circuit board that controls the valves is shot, and one of the gears got stripped. The gear is fixed to a valve axle, so the entire thing will had to be replaced. Aside from that, everything is in working order. But it's enough that the thing is useless. We'll need to order parts from the manufacturer. Has this unit been updated at all since you started this place? I'd hate for them to not have any parts for it due to changing the model." She sighed, delving back inside to assess if there was any more damage. But it was fine aside from the spray. Mostly mechanical. "Manufacturing number A7-F336290E-V6." Quickly, the numbers were ingrained in her own head. Mainly because she half-expected a "What?" to proceed the mentioning of the serial number.

She sighed and put back on the panels, even being so kind as to make an "out of order" sign from a post-it-note and slap it on the machine. Looked like the gym would be operating on fans for a few days while parts arrived by mail. So they'd had leaking coolant in the refrigerator, which was serious business. And panties in the AC unit, which shouldn't have been, but the position where it got caught caused major damage. So she was guessing the Sauna was just melting at this point. Maybe even made out of legos. Aislyn didn't think that lowly of the things that Ebony picked out. It was just that today was one of those awkward days, where everything seemed to escalate. The sauna had to be a total mess at this rate.
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))

Lustfull_Sin said:
Cherish laughed."Oh pu-lease. You think me loose and weak. I take up that little challenge and show you."She said, though in her mind, she felt as if she was going to fail within the first five minutes. She'll show them though. Cherish had strong will power and stamina and mind, she can take on anything."Once Avie is finished with her initiationg, will go down there so I can show you how great I am."She said smuggly and looked at Shade."Now, on your needs my love and give this wanton succubus a good licking."

Shade smiled, looking down in embarissment as the woman boasted on how well they were licked and clean thanks to his mouth. He did love licking them. Yukki tasted like strawberries and Vivienne like peaches. If he could have both at the same time, it would be a delicious dessert no doubt.Looking back up, he moved closer to Avie and kneeled before her."I wish you luck Mistress."He said, placing his hands on her knees and slowly pushed her legs open, her dress riding up and showing her thighs little by little, until her cunt was revealed.

He sucked in a breathe, seeing how slightly wet it was and the beautiful pink color that was revealed.Leaning in, she blew cool air in her inner thigh."The time starts now Mistress."He said and kissed her thigh, running his tongue along it, then gently scraped her skin with his small fangs. Just before reaching that special spot, he pulled away, blowing cool air at the last minute and went to her other thigh, doing the same in blowing cool air, running his tongue and fangs, then stopped, blowing cool air over those slick lips."I'll do you what I did to Yukki and Vivienne.The alphabet."He said, smirking, looking up."I will write the letters using my tongue and you have to say them.If you can't say them Mistress, then I will go back and re-do the letter."And with that, he leaned in, slowly running his tongue up along her slit, before pulling away and spread her legs a bit farther.Without announcing, he ran his tongue along one lip, then down the other, pulled away slight and ran it across her lips making the letter A with his tongue. He waited for her to say it before continuing.

Avie moaned in satisfaction, her head tossing backward and resting hard against the seat. Her leg draped over Shade’s shoulder, her aching pussy being licked out as if he was starved. Her hands gripped lush tits while she pushed him more into her pussy, urging him to eat his fill. “A," she cried out, her senses going haywire now. His tongue was exquisite, licking and brushing, even poking in and out of her sweet demonic cunt. She loved the sweet sexual torture from people. Her toes began to curl a bit, giving the maids something to smile about.

“Has Shade made you crazy yet?” Yuuki asked the young succubus with a wink.

“Not yet, but I’m holding up.” Avie sighed for a moment, trying to get some air into her lungs once more as she waited for the helldemon to continued his alphabet licking.

“That’s good to hear, Miss Avie.” Vivienne voiced her opinion as she looked around and saw some of the people entered the Manor. It was getting to close noon in this place, which should have the maids with plenty to do. “Looks like business will be picking up soon.” Upon further inspection, there’s a cute guy out in the Tea Room waiting for some ‘real’ service. “Hey Yuuki, see the fairly handsome guy in the glasses?”

The blue-eyed maid stood up from her seat and saw him drinking tea all by himself. He definitely needed some company and some fun along the way. “We can’t have lonely customers around. I’ll go ahead and ‘serve’ him. See ya later ladies and enjoy that pussy Shade.” Yuuki waved goodbye to the group and leave the Show Room to meet with the young man.

Shyrii looked at her watch and saw that it was almost lunch time, in which most of the maids recognized right away. She hoped that the chef cooked something good for the afternoon brunch. The succubus mistress haven’t checked the menus lately, so she’ll needed to ask Ebony later about the upcoming dishes.

Nyarly said:

Keiichi was sitting in the Tea Room, dressed in a simple white shirt and blue pants, and quietly sipped on his drink. He couldn't help but blush a bit, as he saw the beautiful maids in the room, busy to serve the patrons. It was his first time in the manor, but he wasn't too unfamiliar with this situation, having visited brothels before. However, this was different, since it wasn't a mere brothel but much more and he certainly never saw so many good-looking girls at once. That some of them served the patrons in a rather... naughty way didn't make better.

Still calmly drinking his tea, Keiichi thought about what he should do. He would like to spend the time with a maid, but couldn't really bring himself to approach one. And he had trouble choosing one, anyway. So he just remained in his seat, looking around the room.

Yuuki took a deep breath as she walked closer and closer to the young Master in the Tea Room. She put on her brightest smile and laced her hands together in front of her, effectively pushing her buxom chest that little bit further and cocked her body to the right in a cute but nature pose. “Hey~” She said in a sing-song voice, accompanied with a small, sweet giggle. Her voice wasn’t too high and wasn’t too low; it was the voice of a high-schooler who was mature for her age, as her curvaceous body and illicit dealings suggested. Though she was sexy schoolgirl outfit, it was something to fit the theme with by her Mistresses.

“Welcome to the Maid Manor. How can I be of service for you?” she asked with a polite bow in the end.
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))

He easily saw the worry in her eyes when he said that. If anything, leaving this place and Candy was the last thing he wanted to do. Saddly, he has his reasons. "Don't worry I don't have another woman on the side. Like I said, no one would ever replace you." He said holding her. "As I said before, I just moved to the city. I do need to find a house first and settle in there." He really didn't want to leave, he was so attracted to her that he wanted Candy to move in with him. "Candy, I give you my word that I will return here if you promise to wait for me."
RE: The Maid Manor((Maid Manor workers posted on first page))

Lustfull_Sin said:
Teal was by far good at keeping control of himself.He so desperatly wanted to just slam his hips towards hom, taking Andol wildy, but no.Andol trusted him and Teal would not ruin it by raping the poor thing.She eased in, slowly still, though stopped when he heard the first hiss of pain that left his partners lips."I said to tell me.."he said, and felt him relax.Teal didn't move, making sure Andolw as ok, then continued.He was almost burried completely.Just a few more and he would be nicely nestled to the hilt.Teal gently ran his hand over Andol's back, trying to get him to relax a bit, to simply enjoy it as best he could.

he moved his hips even more, going at his slow pace, until he heard another hiss of pain."Are you ok.Do you want me to stop?"he asked, concern in his voice.He remembered taking virgins who worked in this manor, all crying and hissing in pain.Some didn't wish to continue, while others forced themselves to basicly man up."your doing great.Tight as hell, but it feels great"He cooed, trying to make his partner feel good.Teal soon reached under and wrapped his fingers around Andol's cock, stroking it a bit, stimulating the pleasure back in his body."Does it feel good?"He asked, stroking him slow, rubbing his thumb over the head.Once he knew Andol was relaxed and pleasure filled, he moved his hips once more, until he was completely burried.Without a word, he moved back, then forth, nice and slowl, going with the same rhythm as his hand, working Andol until he would no doubt go insane from pleasure and bliss.

Andol did his best to relax as the other male contiuned to push inside of him. It really did hurt, but he figured that was because the other was so big, but at the same time... that pain was being replaced by somthing else... small brust of pleasure that came along with the pain. He let out his happy little moan at this feeling as Teal pushed deeper and deeper into his body. When Teal stopped though he was gratful and he looked over his shoulder saying, "Well it wasn't that bad... I thought maybe I would get used to it..." Yet he was gald for the other being more experianced at this and knowing that they would need to hold off on anymore movement for a few mintues. The feeling of just getting used to having the cock in his ass really helped the young man relax, and the larger male would be able to feel it around him... so when he started to move again things where not as bad on Andol... who cooed softly at the feeling of the hand rubbing over his back... Now that felt quite nice to be sure.

"No Teal I am fine, please keep going." Andol was delighted at the others constant concern for him. Which was what helped him to relax so well while they where doing this. Plus he grateful for the praise that the other shower down apon, and he couldn't help, but return it... "Thanks Teal.... I don't think I could have chossen a better person to spend my first time with." Andol was quite gald that he had come here to this brothel. He didn't care what anyone else said, the young man had made the right choice, and he knew that he would probably be back to see Teal many many times after this one. Of course then he was suddenly taken by suprise as the other male began to slowly stroke his own cock... Andol's eyes went wide as he let out a moan of pleasure, that was quite louder than the little whines that had been heard before, "Oh god Teal that feels good." Just to have his virgin cock touched felt amazing, and it was straining to feel more of the other male's touch.

It was not long after that finally Andol could feel the other male's hips pressed firmly against him and all he could do was to smile. He knew now that the real fun would soon began.... and began it did when he slowly felt the other male pulling out... the young moaned at the feeling of having the large dick leaving him. Then suddenly and yet with the same gentleness that Teal had always been displaying, it was pushed back in. He could not help the moans that escaped his lips as the other now pushed in and out of his body, at the same rate as his hand worked his cock... "Ohhh that is... so... fucking wonderful." There was a mix of pain and pleasure in his moaning, but the pain was quickly being numbed away. Leaving only pleasure.
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))

Sinful Bliss said:
Yuuki took a deep breath as she walked closer and closer to the young Master in the Tea Room. She put on her brightest smile and laced her hands together in front of her, effectively pushing her buxom chest that little bit further and cocked her body to the right in a cute but nature pose. “Hey~” She said in a sing-song voice, accompanied with a small, sweet giggle. Her voice wasn’t too high and wasn’t too low; it was the voice of a high-schooler who was mature for her age, as her curvaceous body and illicit dealings suggested. Though she was sexy schoolgirl outfit, it was something to fit the theme with by her Mistresses.

“Welcome to the Maid Manor. How can I be of service for you?” she asked with a polite bow in the end.

As he let his eyes wander around the room, watching all the beautiful girls, Keiichi noticed that one of the maids approached him. Since the manor had currently a highschool theme, she was dressed like a schoolgirl, which fitted well to her apparently young, but developed body. He stared at her nicely-sized breasts, pushed together a bit by her arms, but quickly looked up as she spoke to him. She had a very pleasant voice, that seemed to fit her well. Young but mature.

She was quite nice and Keiichi really liked what he saw. He blushed a bit, but he didn't feel too uneasy.

"Hello," he greeted her back, "if you don't mind, I would like your company." He lightly patted on a seat next to him. "I'm Keiichi, what's your name?"
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))

Giselle pocketed her money, sending the lot to her pack in a secure pocket with but a simple incantation, the pocket in question only she could open. Living as long as she had, she had learned to guard the few things she had. Listening to Manine's explanation about her guns and the baths themselves, Giselle nodded once since she understood most of what she said. "They also sound loud. Still, I can understand where you might fall in love with such weapons. As for the money, if this place is as you say, then I'll be sure to leave a good donation to help keep this place going, that I promise." Giselle replied, having followed Manine to the showers before smiling in approval of what she offered. "I'd love to have you next to me in the bath, Manine."

Watching her undress, Giselle couldn't help but admire the demon's body as it was revealed to her brown eyes. The woman was quite attractive, and the half Drow felt her own desire start to rise as the show progressed. "You have such a good looking body, Manine. I don't know if I'm close to what you possess given the scars I've garnered over my 300 years of existence, but regardless, that won't stop me from enjoying this." She smiled, finding the bindings to her mithril armor and undid them slowly, letting the entire thing fall away slowly and folding it neatly next to Manine's own outfit before slipping out of the black cloth body suit that protected her from the rough metal from irritating her skin. Standing in the nude a moment later, Giselle turned to Manine and nodded for her to get in first, revealing said scars across her back and a few on her stomach. "Arrow, spear, and sword wounds all but healed up save for the small scars that remain." One in particular across her back, right between her shoulder blades was the only one that was big and a little ugly. Dragon claw mark, that had taken a month of painful recovery.
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))

Eavesdropping on all the various activities occurring in the manor, it was difficult to stay reclusive for long. Growing rather envious of those participating in these lewd games, the hunter had to seize the opportunity and perform a little reconnaissance to track the proper prey within the facility. Pacing through the halls nonchalantly, his predatory eyes were tracing upon all the delicious selections to fulfill his sexual appetite. Moans, words of approval, and other sounds lingered in his ear, practically scouting for some available pussy. It was not hard to spot the obscene individual who was dressed to kill and ready to ravage between the sheets. Hearing an enchanting moan unleashed in the atmosphere, he followed to the source figuring maybe an audience was required if they were so bold to partake in such naughtiness in public. What he witness was a male with an impressive tongue, feasting to his surprise another succubus with a few other ladies. One in particular he recognized, licking his sadistic lips before addressing the crowd.

" Quite a show I see. Nice to see a familiar face, shouldn't you be in the fray or were you waiting for round two where we practice on that ass?"

Morgrim teased the pink haired beauty without a shred of decency in his words. Although the company she kept were quite lustful by their own right, the paranormal hunter had his welding goggle covered hues fixated on Shyrii's body. Mentally messing with her was quite entertaining, exhibiting a malicious grin as if to claim silently that he made her submit to his sex organ. Regardless he stood his grounds, allowing himself to be distant in case his perverted fantasies took over and he desired to rape her in front of her friends. With his special abilities, she knew just how aggressive he would be if hungered her flesh in the sexual way.
RE: The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons.Join Now))

Nettik_Xes said:
"Unfortunately the damage is pretty high. The circuit board that controls the valves is shot, and one of the gears got stripped. The gear is fixed to a valve axle, so the entire thing will had to be replaced. Aside from that, everything is in working order. But it's enough that the thing is useless. We'll need to order parts from the manufacturer. Has this unit been updated at all since you started this place? I'd hate for them to not have any parts for it due to changing the model." She sighed, delving back inside to assess if there was any more damage. But it was fine aside from the spray. Mostly mechanical. "Manufacturing number A7-F336290E-V6." Quickly, the numbers were ingrained in her own head. Mainly because she half-expected a "What?" to proceed the mentioning of the serial number.

She sighed and put back on the panels, even being so kind as to make an "out of order" sign from a post-it-note and slap it on the machine. Looked like the gym would be operating on fans for a few days while parts arrived by mail. So they'd had leaking coolant in the refrigerator, which was serious business. And panties in the AC unit, which shouldn't have been, but the position where it got caught caused major damage. So she was guessing the Sauna was just melting at this point. Maybe even made out of legos. Aislyn didn't think that lowly of the things that Ebony picked out. It was just that today was one of those awkward days, where everything seemed to escalate. The sauna had to be a total mess at this rate.

Ebony couldn't help, but rub the bridge of her nose, then proceeded to rub her temples, as if unable to believe all this was happening in one whole damn day."The AC unit is only two years old, I had it installed back then. I may be ancient, but I'm not one to dally in the old ways and such."She told Aislyn, incase the human was thinking that Ebony had no clue as to how to live in the modern and new ways."Jesus, all this in one whole damn day.Unbelievable."She muttered, watching as the girl was funny to put a sticky note, showing everyone it was out of order. She was going to found out who the hell fucked in here and thus broke the damn thing."I'll have to send someone to purchase a few fans."She sighed and left, leading the girls out. The gym felt hot, and Ebony was already sweating a bit.

Moving accross the room, she headed for the Sauna and dreaded how that place would feel like. When she reached the door, she took a moment, wondering how it was inside. Hot, blazing, hell on fire.When she pulled the door open, a blast of cold air hit her, making her shiver."What the..."She stepped inside and went to where the Sauna control unit was. It was located on the other side, which meant passing a few of the sauna rooms to get to it. Once there, she saw the thermometer and saw it was about 32 degrees F. "H-How.."She couldn't understand. The Gym was blazing, but the Sauna was now a freaking cooler. Ebony unlocked the door and to her relief, no smoke or burning could be seen or smelled, but she did notice something.The unit itself was rather amazing, working to offer steam and the right temperature. If was offereing steam alright, but cold fog would better describe. Upon the machine was the main thermostat that kept the Sauna was it's supposed to be....but it wasn't there. Instead, it was on the floor, broken, a few wires and pieces scattered around it. "Who....the fuck..insists on fucking in places like this."She said, no doubt thinking it was two or more people having a fucking good time."Tell me you can do something."She said, not even looking at Aislyn.

Sinful Bliss said:
Avie moaned in satisfaction, her head tossing backward and resting hard against the seat. Her leg draped over Shade’s shoulder, her aching pussy being licked out as if he was starved. Her hands gripped lush tits while she pushed him more into her pussy, urging him to eat his fill. “A," she cried out, her senses going haywire now. His tongue was exquisite, licking and brushing, even poking in and out of her sweet demonic cunt. She loved the sweet sexual torture from people. Her toes began to curl a bit, giving the maids something to smile about.

“Has Shade made you crazy yet?” Yuuki asked the young succubus with a wink.

“Not yet, but I’m holding up.” Avie sighed for a moment, trying to get some air into her lungs once more as she waited for the helldemon to continued his alphabet licking.

Shade smiled, loving the way Avie said her A. He continued, running his tongue and making the letter B, then slowly did C and took his time doing D. Her juices were exquisite and he coudln't help, but poke his tongue a few times, tasting even more of this delicious honey that coated his tongue."How are you doing Mistress?"He said, flicking his tongue at her clit, before continuing and doing E, then F and enjoyed himself when he did G.

The smell of her was driving him insane and already his cock strained against the zipper of his pants, no doubt a bit of pre was coating the inside of it. He rocked his hips a bit, pretending to already be fucking this naughty and devilish succubus. Oh he coudln't wait to have a go at her if she would have him. He would love to have a strong femanine hand dominating her and making him moan and writhe under her touch.

Shade didn't know how long the time has passed, a few minutes or more maybe, but he was enjoying himself. A few times, he trailed away from doing the alphabet and simply licked at her, sucking on her folds and running his tongue deeply along her slit, nibbling at her pink skin and grazing her clit with his small fangs, before continuing on with H, I and J was his favorite.

Silver117 said:
He easily saw the worry in her eyes when he said that. If anything, leaving this place and Candy was the last thing he wanted to do. Saddly, he has his reasons. "Don't worry I don't have another woman on the side. Like I said, no one would ever replace you." He said holding her. "As I said before, I just moved to the city. I do need to find a house first and settle in there." He really didn't want to leave, he was so attracted to her that he wanted Candy to move in with him. "Candy, I give you my word that I will return here if you promise to wait for me."

She was relieved, sagging on his body and humming slightly. To hear that he didn't have another woman, made her happy."Mistress Ebony can help you find a can just live here. Work as the music teacher. She wouldn't mind."She ddin't want him to leave, but then again, maybe it was a good thing. She coudln't keep him here and try to protect and him from all the other woman who wanted a go at him."You promise to come back to me. Promise Drake."she said, wanting to be sure, wanted to ber certain that this man would return to her.

Looking up, she pouted, already feeling dread as if something might go wrong."Its selfish of me....but I don't want you to leave."She said, nuzzling his chest and kissing it.

shyone said:
Andol did his best to relax as the other male contiuned to push inside of him. It really did hurt, but he figured that was because the other was so big, but at the same time... that pain was being replaced by somthing else... small brust of pleasure that came along with the pain. He let out his happy little moan at this feeling as Teal pushed deeper and deeper into his body. When Teal stopped though he was gratful and he looked over his shoulder saying, "Well it wasn't that bad... I thought maybe I would get used to it..." Yet he was gald for the other being more experianced at this and knowing that they would need to hold off on anymore movement for a few mintues. The feeling of just getting used to having the cock in his ass really helped the young man relax, and the larger male would be able to feel it around him... so when he started to move again things where not as bad on Andol... who cooed softly at the feeling of the hand rubbing over his back... Now that felt quite nice to be sure.

"No Teal I am fine, please keep going." Andol was delighted at the others constant concern for him. Which was what helped him to relax so well while they where doing this. Plus he grateful for the praise that the other shower down apon, and he couldn't help, but return it... "Thanks Teal.... I don't think I could have chossen a better person to spend my first time with." Andol was quite gald that he had come here to this brothel. He didn't care what anyone else said, the young man had made the right choice, and he knew that he would probably be back to see Teal many many times after this one. Of course then he was suddenly taken by suprise as the other male began to slowly stroke his own cock... Andol's eyes went wide as he let out a moan of pleasure, that was quite louder than the little whines that had been heard before, "Oh god Teal that feels good." Just to have his virgin cock touched felt amazing, and it was straining to feel more of the other male's touch.

It was not long after that finally Andol could feel the other male's hips pressed firmly against him and all he could do was to smile. He knew now that the real fun would soon began.... and began it did when he slowly felt the other male pulling out... the young moaned at the feeling of having the large dick leaving him. Then suddenly and yet with the same gentleness that Teal had always been displaying, it was pushed back in. He could not help the moans that escaped his lips as the other now pushed in and out of his body, at the same rate as his hand worked his cock... "Ohhh that is... so... fucking wonderful." There was a mix of pain and pleasure in his moaning, but the pain was quickly being numbed away. Leaving only pleasure.

Teal could only smile, moving his hips at a slow pace and at the same time, working Andol's cock with the same motion. Having to hear the youth's pleasure filled moans made him feel good, swell with pride at the fact that he was making this man feel pleasure."Your moans are so cute."he said and when he pulled away, he thrusted a bit hard, a gently slapping sound heard."Fuck, that was good."he gasped and did it again, moving away slightly and thrusted back in, another slap heard.

Releasing Andol's cock, Teal settled both his hands on the youth's hips, holding him tightly."Play with yourself Andol. Stroke your cock."He commanded, waiting for the young man to do it."I'm going to go a little faster now, but not so hard. I'll only go hard if you want me to, okay?"He asked, making sure that Andol understood that Teal would do anything the young man asked or begged of him.With a smile, he began to withdraw his hips and thrust them forward, going at a quicker pace. His cock tingled, loving the tight sensation of Andol's sweet little ass."Fuck, your so tight. I love it."He praised, moving his hips faster and almost lost control when he accidently rammed his cock a bit hard.

Vergil1989 said:
Giselle pocketed her money, sending the lot to her pack in a secure pocket with but a simple incantation, the pocket in question only she could open. Living as long as she had, she had learned to guard the few things she had. Listening to Manine's explanation about her guns and the baths themselves, Giselle nodded once since she understood most of what she said. "They also sound loud. Still, I can understand where you might fall in love with such weapons. As for the money, if this place is as you say, then I'll be sure to leave a good donation to help keep this place going, that I promise." Giselle replied, having followed Manine to the showers before smiling in approval of what she offered. "I'd love to have you next to me in the bath, Manine."

Watching her undress, Giselle couldn't help but admire the demon's body as it was revealed to her brown eyes. The woman was quite attractive, and the half Drow felt her own desire start to rise as the show progressed. "You have such a good looking body, Manine. I don't know if I'm close to what you possess given the scars I've garnered over my 300 years of existence, but regardless, that won't stop me from enjoying this." She smiled, finding the bindings to her mithril armor and undid them slowly, letting the entire thing fall away slowly and folding it neatly next to Manine's own outfit before slipping out of the black cloth body suit that protected her from the rough metal from irritating her skin. Standing in the nude a moment later, Giselle turned to Manine and nodded for her to get in first, revealing said scars across her back and a few on her stomach. "Arrow, spear, and sword wounds all but healed up save for the small scars that remain." One in particular across her back, right between her shoulder blades was the only one that was big and a little ugly. Dragon claw mark, that had taken a month of painful recovery.

Manine could only smile sweetly."If I had the power I would remove those scars, but then I wouldn't know the stories to them.Besides-"She stood, starring at Giselle, her eyes longering on a certain places."Your body is beautiful to look at."She mused, stopped behind Giselle, her hand reaching up and her finger gently running along the scar that marred the woman's back.Leaning closer, to the point where her breasts pressed against the woman's back, Manine whispered into her ears and said."I would use these scars as en excuse to learn your body."She simply said and pulled away, stepping into the shower and stood under one of the heads. The water was automatically set, so when Manine turned the knob, warm water showered down, wetting her skin and hair.Slowly, she ran her hands along her stomach and breasts, getting herself nicely soaked, before turning and looking at Giselle."Come. I'll wash you if you like."She smiled, reachin over and grabbed the scented bar of soap, tempting Giselle and daring the dark skinned female to come foward.

Manine was feeling a bit naughyt, brazen and she liked it. The last time she was like this was......well back at the club, so its been a while. Having two personalities was funny. One minute she was a bitch with an attitude, the next, the was a slutty wanton woman who wanted to touch and be touched.

((I should get an award or cookie for quoting so many people XD))
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