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The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons. Join Now!!!))

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RE: The Maid Manor

MasterOfWhispers said:
The site he saw before him was something marvelous within his emerald colored eyes. His own passionate lust burned as much as Nani's own lust have. He braced himself in more ways then one. As he lowered herself in the graceful motions worthy of a priestess, there was one single thought that came raging through the recesses of his mind. It was worth it. . As she began to slowly torture him with the slowly gliding her hips against his all he could think of it was worth it. AS the head of his magnificent cock pushed in slowly into her wet wet pussy all that he could think of it was that it was worth it. His hands reached out and grabbed and pinched her nipples to half pleasure and half punish this red head for throwing him into throes of torment. His lustful eyes gazed up at the miko as she began to tighten and loosen around his his cock in nice smooth beats. He was going to cum soon but of course not with out a fight.

His mind focused and his eyes went out of focus for one brief moment. In his minds eye he saw the crimson dildo lying right on the floor in the center of the little play spot where Pike had earlier tormented and lovingly beat his little servant. He imaged himself grabbing the dildo and walking towards the bed. As he focused those thoughts, the dildo began to float up in midair as if it was picked up by a phantom or ghost of long past. Pike's control over his own telekineses seemed to have increased the more time he spends fucking Nani. With swift though in him mind and a motion of his hands, the object of much much pleasure began to find itself gliding across the room and into the hands of the Master.

He smiled up at Nani as she continued with her torment, and groaned louder as she began to add more varitions to her dance like movements. When he felt the dildo finally rest in his hands he began to echo the miko's own words "You brace yourself."

With a fast swing of his hands he laid the vibrator gently again on her clit as she impaled herself with Pike's cock. If her aura was pink before this was only going for certain pleasure the girl. He flipped the switch on as the electric noises of the vibe began to sound and the floods of pleasure would soon ensue.

Nani continued to grind her hips against the psychics, living the way his cock kissed the entrance of her cervix, threatening to penetrate fully.It sent shivers up her spine, making her body tremble.Closing her eyes, hands braceds on his thighs, head tossed back, she licked her lips and continued with the onslaught.Her hips moved and grinded, a sensual dance in which she was graceful in.She was oblivious to her surroundings, only concentrating on making this man cum many times as well as making herself, which she was close to.Nani moaned, mouth parted, lips formed into a small 'O' shape, heavy breathes leaving her mouth.She was on fire, her body slick with sweat a bit, her pussy slick and wet and continued to be as she fucked Pike nice and close.

Right when she raised her hips up, she felt someething cold press against her clit.She looked at before she could even be surprised, Nani moaned, feeling the fast vibration of the dildo."F-Fuck..."she gasped and soon enough she came.Her body quivered, hands moving and settled on his stomach now as she rode off her orgasm.Looking at Pike, her eyes were dazed, trance like almost."N-Naught...Master.....using such a thing on me.You made me cum."she said, giggling a bit.As much as she loved the vibrator agaisnt her, it was time for him to cum to an extent.Taking the vibe, she waved it."my turn to be naughty."she said and raised her hips off him,cock popping out of her.She turned around and was now straddling him backwards, ass in good view for him.Taking his cock deep inside one more, she ran her tongue all along the vibe, then slowly ran it up his thigh."I wonder if your balls would appreciate a nice vibration."She said and gently glided the vibrator along his sack, seeing them vibrator along with the dildo.Riding him hard now, she fucked him fast, all while she kept the vib pressed against his balls.
When Shyriii moaned, so did Yukimo, when she saw her Mistress shiver, so did she.When Keane continued to assault her Mistress's sweet, slick pussy, Yukimo continued to tease and finger herself hard, rubbing against her more sensative of spots.Her breathing became shallow a bit and at times, she moved about in her seat, getting a bit more confortable.The sight was beautiful.The way Shyrii's face changed in expression.The way her voice and breathe changed in pitch.Her body was already slick with sweat and so was Yukimo's.She blushed when Keane looked to her.He knew what she was doing and he only winked, making yukimo cum almost right then and there, but she held herself.

She was close.Her stomach was tightening, her pussy throbbing.She coudln't take much more.She wanted Mistress Shyrii to cum first and so she asked."Please....cum..Mistress.I wanna see you cum.I wanna see...your lovely body shudder in pleasure."She said, slipping a leg off, foot touching the floor, her other leg still tucked under herself.Her tail still covered that in which she was doing to herself.She was close to cumming.But she held herself, wanting her Mistress to do so first.
RE: The Maid Manor

Shyrii loved his aggression on the clit when he was down between her legs and sure didn't disappoint. He surprises her with a tongue shoved deep into her when the demoness least expect it and nibbles a little on the moist lips that she present to him. The way he makes her feel should be illegal—she just about caused the rooms be evacuated with the screaming she let out. He alternated between the up and down licking and the circles around her pussy lips for a long time. She didn't want him to ever stop; it felt so damn good. Her pussy was on fire.

"Oh, god. . ." the sinful succubus whispered hoarsely.

She began to roll her hips as he plunged his hot tongue inside of her fiercely and sucked her swollen clit. Finally without warning she started to feel the orgasm coming to a head. She grabbed the top of Keane's head and yelled at him that she was going to cum. She let out all of her juices into his mouth. As she was about to cum, he continued to lick and finger her. Shyrii screamed as loud as she had in as long as she could remember. Soon enough it was all over and she wanted him more. Her eyes were wide in attention towards the foxgirl, waiting for her to cum hard like she did. "Go ahead and cum, Yukimo."
RE: The Maid Manor

Anne walked down the stairs, her clothes back on and a smile on her face. Her previous master had been... amazing. The way he'd pleasured her was simply astounding, and she was pretty sure she'd done the same for him. The teasing, making her beg... It drove her wild. That was the sort of Master or Mistress that she loved to service, they took control yet made her feel good as well. They made her love this job, along with her fellow Maids and their Mistress.

She returned to the Tea Room, seeking someone else to assist. A guest asked her for some tea and food, and she obliged, heading off to the kitchen to get it for them.

[[Decided to bring her back, since Kal left a while ago.]]
RE: The Maid Manor

((No worries Kill.I won't hold that against you.I would have done the same thing.)))

Yukimo moaned, closing her eyes as she fingered herself faster and faster.Hearing her Mistress moan in pleasure was enough to get her body hot and ready.Her pussy contracted and loosened around her fingers, telling her that her body was so close to exploding.She would already see herself, having her Master between her legs and llicking her nice and clean.That image made her tremble in a good way.

Opening her eyes part way, she saw the Mistress shiver and then, she let out a cry of bliss.She came, oh how wonderful Shyrii looked cumming.Her body spasming, her legs shaking.Yukimo's breathe caught, then she began to breathe heavily.When her Mistress told her cum to, oh she was.A few more times in rubbing herself, Yukimo let out a soft, cry, her leg, which was under her, slipped out, both feet pressing against the carpet, her tails flicking as she came.Her orgasm was light, but enough to get her dazed.She breathed through her mouth, as her juices gently coated her fingers.Relaxing now, she slipped her hand away, resting it on her thigh as she tooka moment to catch her breathe.

She said nothing.Hell, she had nothing to say.All she wanted though was for her Master and Mistress to keep pleasuring each other befor her eyes.
RE: The Maid Manor

As Shyrii came, Keane lapped at her until her orgasm finally subsided, catching every drop of her nectar he could with his hungry tongue and mouth. Finally he pulled away from her, licking his lips to get another taste of her from them he began to rise to his feet, kissing her briefly to let her taste herself on him. He then glanced toward Yukimo and smiled sweetly, echoing Shyrii's last words. "Mmm...yes, Yukimo...go ahead and cum."

As he heard the sexy fox girl cry out in ecstasy, he offered an approving grin, pulling away from Shyrii only briefly to walk over to Yukimo, where he knelt for a moment and leaned forward to kiss her, letting her get the taste of her Mistress from his lips. After a few moments of letting his tongue wrestle with hers, he pulled away and whispered in her ear, his hand trailing down her body to dip into her sex with his fingers before withdrawing them and raising them to his lips, then pressing them to hers after getting a sample of her juices. "Mmm...I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, Yukimo. Now I'm going to finish pleasing your Mistress...and then, I want to share you with her." Nibbling at her ear playfully, he pulled away and stood to walk back to the succubus.

Pausing in front of Shyrii, he looked her over for a moment, licking his lips once more in anticipation. Without saying a word, he took her by the hand and led her toward where Yukimo sat, pushing her forward and onto her knees in front of the lovely fox. He then placed a hand on her back and gave a nudge to make her lean over and put her hands down, her face right in front of Yukimo's glistening pussy now as he placed himself behind the succubus.

Taking his cock in hand, he rubbed the head against her slit slowly, sliding it up and down against her to tease and build her anticipation for him before finally pushing it forward, parting her pussy lips as it sank into her. When he found himself buried to the hilt, his hands moved to Shyrii's hips as he began to rock his own, guiding her movements against him. After a few moments of this, and giving her time to adjust to him, he pulled back a little, then gave a thrust forward, rocking her body and pushing her face toward Yukimo's exposed sex. Repeating the motion, Keane fell into a rhythm that was building momentum with each stroke, impaling the succubus on his long, thick cock as her body was rocked in front of the fox who was open and exposed to her, getting a nice close up of the action.
RE: The Maid Manor

Shyrii screamed as Keane's cock impaled her streaming pussy. She felt her body rocking towards him, taking as much as she could inside of her. Her cunt was always welcome of his huge cock as he was one of the better fuckers she had. She loved the way his thick shaft fucking in and out of her. And judging by the smell hovering in the room, she wasn't the only one that was.

The succubus raised her head once more, her screams of pleasure echoing in the room around them, her cunt tightening once again in orgasm around him. "Ahh! Fuck!" the mistress screamed, shoving herself as far down his hard shaft as she could as he slammed up inside of her, cumming at the same moment. She always loved it came all over his fucktool; it made her feel strangely connected to her customers and staff on an emotional level.

She gasped and groaned as she felt the familiar feeling of his cock swelling up inside of her. She turned her head to look at him, a seductive smile on her lips as continued to have his way.

As she sucked one nipple, her hand snacked its way over to the other breasts where she took hold of it and massaged it, pressing it against the fox girl's body before her hand squeezed it gently. Her thumb then went over the nipple, flickering against the rock hard nub that seemed to swell even further. Shyrii pulled away from this to say, "Mmm... someone likes this... Look how hard your nipples are..." Her nostrils flared as she breathed deep, "And you are wet... extremely wet..." She purred, leaning down with a smirk to suck and lick the Yukimo's womanhood, lapping it up like a kitty.
RE: The Maid Manor

After her orgasm, Yukimo saw that she had been the slight center of attention.Blushing pink, she watched as her Master came over and leaned down, placing his soft lips against hers.She sighed, tasting the Mistress's sweet nectar on his tongue and lips, moaning at how delicious it was.She couldn't help, but groan when he pulled away, loving his slick tongue against her.But when he whispered in her ear, she closed her eyes shivering.She shivered and moaned when he gently touched her, her eyes opening to see his now wet finger slipping in his mouth, then placed before her own.Her tongue slipped out and she ran it along his finger, tasting herself."I'm glad.....that you are giving me..such a lovely show."She said, smiling.

Yukimo watched, seeing Keaned gently ease Shyrii on her knees.Having her legs still spread open, the Mistress was able to see how glistened her sweet folds were.Looking at Keane, she watched as he settled himself behind the Mistress, then, he thrusted his hips, no doubt his cock burrying all the way to the hilt inside of Mistress Shyrii's lovely pussy.Yukimo couldn't help, but let out her own soft little moan, as if it were her being penetrated.He rammed his hips over and over again, Yukimo looking from him to Shyrii, seeing her face mere inches from her folds."M-Mistress...."She sighed, crying out almost when her nipples were touched.

She mewed a bit, her ears flickering.Her tails even twitched as well, all seven of them.Legs trembling, she spread them farther apart, her hands gently easing over and touching a few strands of her Mistress's hair."S-So....wet.Your..tongue..Mistress.Its so wet and hot."she said, bucking her hips a bit when she felt that hot tongue gliding against her sensitive little clit.
RE: The Maid Manor

Keane felt Shyrii as she came around his hard member, savoring the delightful quivers that ran through her body and the sounds of pleasure she made in response. The fact that he had now been responsible for giving both of the Mistresses of the Manor nice, hard orgasms wasn't lost on him, and only served to stroke his ego a bit, as well as arouse his desire. " seems the Mistress is enjoying herself quite a bit, Yukimo. Did you hear her cum for me?"

That would be far from her last orgasm if he had his way, and Yukimo would experience all the same pleasures as her Mistress. For now, though, this was what she had requested. She wanted the visual stimulation she had been so long denied, and he would happily provide it for her, enjoying himself thoroughly in the process. There was no denying how wonderful the succubus felt impaled on his tool, and he wouldn't let a moment of that pleasure go to waste for any of them.

"Mmm...Mistress," he cooed as he adjusted himself to get better leverage before resuming his hard, heavy thrusts into Shyrii. "Your pussy...feels so good...soft and tight...mmm." She was comparable to Ebony, and he felt the need to let her know how delightful she was, though he didn't feel the need to actually mention the other Mistress to her directly. He was no fool and knew she wasn't exactly pleased that her counterpart had gotten to him first, but he would gladly see to the needs of either whenever they desired. His thrusts had gained momentum now, sinking his long, thick cock deeper into the lovely succubus, all the while keeping his gaze locked seductively with Yukimo's, licking his lips with the silent promise that she would soon experience what her Mistress was feeling as Shyrii continued to tease her with a very talented tongue.
RE: The Maid Manor

Lustfull_Sin said:
Nani continued to grind her hips against the psychics, living the way his cock kissed the entrance of her cervix, threatening to penetrate fully.It sent shivers up her spine, making her body tremble.Closing her eyes, hands braceds on his thighs, head tossed back, she licked her lips and continued with the onslaught.Her hips moved and grinded, a sensual dance in which she was graceful in.She was oblivious to her surroundings, only concentrating on making this man cum many times as well as making herself, which she was close to.Nani moaned, mouth parted, lips formed into a small 'O' shape, heavy breathes leaving her mouth.She was on fire, her body slick with sweat a bit, her pussy slick and wet and continued to be as she fucked Pike nice and close.

Right when she raised her hips up, she felt someething cold press against her clit.She looked at before she could even be surprised, Nani moaned, feeling the fast vibration of the dildo."F-Fuck..."she gasped and soon enough she came.Her body quivered, hands moving and settled on his stomach now as she rode off her orgasm.Looking at Pike, her eyes were dazed, trance like almost."N-Naught...Master.....using such a thing on me.You made me cum."she said, giggling a bit.As much as she loved the vibrator agaisnt her, it was time for him to cum to an extent.Taking the vibe, she waved it."my turn to be naughty."she said and raised her hips off him,cock popping out of her.She turned around and was now straddling him backwards, ass in good view for him.Taking his cock deep inside one more, she ran her tongue all along the vibe, then slowly ran it up his thigh."I wonder if your balls would appreciate a nice vibration."She said and gently glided the vibrator along his sack, seeing them vibrator along with the dildo.Riding him hard now, she fucked him fast, all while she kept the vib pressed against his balls.

"FUCK!" Bellowed this dark haired lust ridden man. The vibrator sent shivers throughout his entire body. He wanted to hold himself back further from cumming but this miko's little action combined with the vibe, pushed his mind and body to the chasms of ecstasy. Pike felt the smooth yet intense twitch of his cock as his seed began to enters within Nani's sweet wet pussy. He drew more air to his lungs as cum seemed to flow out of him like a river of rapid proportions. It was a long time coming, and to the psychics credit, he held out for a very long time. The psychic motioned Nani to slow down for a moment. Though the vibrator was still on his balls, Pike wanted a breather to reflect on the amazing little music he and Nani made together.

"Shit... oh fuck, haven't fucked like that in ages. Complexity worth it.... ready for round two?" Pike mused, his smile turning nearly demonic.

The next actions he took had shown that Pike really wanted to take this love making to the next level. Thrusting his his up, he forced Nani to fall on her front with her ass in the air. "mmm been ages since I did this." Slowly, he began to tease her Clit, twirling it around his finger like he twirls buttons or coins. When her body heated up once more, he slowly contined his teasing pushing in and out the outside. After what must have been five minutes of this little game, he forced his cock inside her wet sex, letting his squeeze his rod like a vice.

The next few moments were like the banging of drums. First going in and out. Impaling and withdrawing of his hard huge spear. However, he began to pick up the pace, even more sweat appearing on his body as. The smell of sex was in the air. "Shit FUCK! that's amazing mmm you feel so good." Pike moaned. Amidst the height of their passion, Pike decided to make things more interesting thanks to a little toy they both used earlier. Taking the red dildo he began to tease every part of her body as he used his other hand to hold the Miko in place to fuck her. He once again settled on her clit, but not for long. The dildo began to glide slowly to where the most action was out; Pike's cock against Nani's pussy. "mmmm wonder which other holes you'd like to take this in?" Pike teased.
RE: The Maid Manor

Crackle smiled and looked back at Fate and they're seven hatchlings. He winked at her and flapped his wings hard. Carrying a mother and thier seven new hatched children took a small toll on his body but he had insisted that they visit so that Ebony could see her god children. Plus he knew the maids were going to oooh and aww over them. These kids were going to be spoiled.
RE: The Maid Manor

"Thank… you… Keane," the Mistress moaned out, panting for breathing after he stopped ramming his cock inside of her pussy, but that also stopped her from licking Yukimo's wet pussy. She threw her head back with a loud cry of pleasure as he thrust into her hard and fast. She was loving how fast he could go and she moved her legs wider so it made things easier for him to thrust into her. The sounds of their flesh meeting was loud in her ears and she felt his fingers dig into her shoulders a bit, causing pain to radiate out from her shoulders.

The succubus' eyes were closed in pleasure as he fucked her, her ears twitching and her tail flicking back and forth beneath her, brushing against his thighs as she gripped the sheets beneath him. For a bit she wondered if he had taken something to give himself such stamina but his next thrust cleared her mind as she moaned again and tightened around him.

All Shyrii was aware of was Keane ramming into her over and over again, filling her with his turgid shaft time and time again. With her hair away from her face, it made it easier to see that her features were a little more exotic and sinful-like in a way though they were still delicate and gentle. Her ears kept swiveling around and twitching cutely on their own, doing their best to catch as many sounds as they could. With the way the man was fucking her, her breasts could be seen bouncing wildly while on touching Yukimo's legs a bit. She bucked her hips and tightened around him some more with another moan and she squirmed again, her hands clutching the fox girl's legs while she licked at some of the juice that was leaking.
RE: The Maid Manor

MasterOfWhispers said:
"FUCK!" Bellowed this dark haired lust ridden man. The vibrator sent shivers throughout his entire body. He wanted to hold himself back further from cumming but this miko's little action combined with the vibe, pushed his mind and body to the chasms of ecstasy. Pike felt the smooth yet intense twitch of his cock as his seed began to enters within Nani's sweet wet pussy. He drew more air to his lungs as cum seemed to flow out of him like a river of rapid proportions. It was a long time coming, and to the psychics credit, he held out for a very long time. The psychic motioned Nani to slow down for a moment. Though the vibrator was still on his balls, Pike wanted a breather to reflect on the amazing little music he and Nani made together.

"Shit... oh fuck, haven't fucked like that in ages. Complexity worth it.... ready for round two?" Pike mused, his smile turning nearly demonic.

The next actions he took had shown that Pike really wanted to take this love making to the next level. Thrusting his his up, he forced Nani to fall on her front with her ass in the air. "mmm been ages since I did this." Slowly, he began to tease her Clit, twirling it around his finger like he twirls buttons or coins. When her body heated up once more, he slowly contined his teasing pushing in and out the outside. After what must have been five minutes of this little game, he forced his cock inside her wet sex, letting his squeeze his rod like a vice.

The next few moments were like the banging of drums. First going in and out. Impaling and withdrawing of his hard huge spear. However, he began to pick up the pace, even more sweat appearing on his body as. The smell of sex was in the air. "Shit FUCK! that's amazing mmm you feel so good." Pike moaned. Amidst the height of their passion, Pike decided to make things more interesting thanks to a little toy they both used earlier. Taking the red dildo he began to tease every part of her body as he used his other hand to hold the Miko in place to fuck her. He once again settled on her clit, but not for long. The dildo began to glide slowly to where the most action was out; Pike's cock against Nani's pussy. "mmmm wonder which other holes you'd like to take this in?" Pike teased.

His moan, which was filled with utter ecstacy was sheer bliss. Nani continued to ride him hard, feeling his body quake and twitch from under her as he no doubt came nice and hard, deep within her.She continued to drag the vibrator along his sack, seeing them twitch a bit. Feelings hands on her hips, she slowled her pace, smiling as she looked over her shoulder."I'm glad you enjoyed yourself Master. And a Miko never gives up when it comes to a promising challenge such as this."She said, grinning."Hope you can continue onto round three."she mused a bit.

Turning her head, she was about to dismount, only to feel his hips buck up, causing her to fall fowards.Hands catching herself, she was on her hands and knees,with her Master kneeling behind her. Blushing, she looked over her shoulder, pussy twitching,waiting to feel that delicious cock once again.But instead of getting his cock, she got his fingers. Head pressing against the sheets, she cried out in bliss, her hips bucking against his hand. Her clit was throbbing and though no matter how much he teased and rubbed, her clit would not stop with its ache."Oh Fuck...M-Master..."She gasped, spreading her knees apart a bit more. She was close to cumming again, those fingers of his like magic.

Just as she was about to explode, his hand slipped away.Whimpering, she was about to snatch at his wrist, but instead felt something smooth probe at her lips."Fuck, yes, yes, yes."She said and threw her head back when he thrusted into her."FUCK YES~"She screamed, mouth opened. She bucked her hips, hands gripping onto the bed sheets, nails pressing against her palms through the cloth.She heard the vibrator, and soon another moan left her mouth. He teased her nipples, and navel.Her neck and along her back.When he got to her lower back, Nani smiled, settling her head on the matress, reaching back and spread her as cheeks aparts."Here Master. I wanna take it here."she said licking her lips.
Yukimo continued to watched as Keane continued with his onslaught towards her Mistress's lovely, soaked pussy. Raising her leg a bit, she pressed the heel of her foor against the edge of the chair, opening herself up even more. The way her Mistress licked her was amazing as well as she couldn't wait to have a piece of her Master.Closing her eyes, she moved her hands, groping her own breasts, squeezing them, pinching the nipples a bit."S-So...good..."she whispered, blushing a bit.

Feeling something soft press against her leg, she opened one eye a bit and smiled, seeing her Mistress's large, soft breasts press and rub against her leg.Releasing one of her own breasts, she leaned forward, reached down and pinched Shyrii's perked nipple."Mistress has such lovely pink nipples. I can't wait to please you Mistress."She said, tugging on the hard little pink nipple."Master.."she looked up."Make Mistress cum again. She looks beautiful when she comes."Smiling, she slipped her other hand, moving Shyrii's head a bit, raising it, then gently sliped her thumb in her Mistress's mouth, rubbing gently at her tongue."Cum Mistress.. Please...cum."She begged almost, rubbing her thumb back and forth.


Fate had been surprised by how quickly the eggs had hatched. She made Chris go out and buy swaddles and baby carriers. She held onto three while slowly flying back here, while Chris had to take the other four. The littlest one, Yoorie, her precious daughter, was still fast asleep in her arms, while the other boys were wide awake, though not make much noise."I don't see the Mistress..."She said, looking around. She waved to a few fellow maids, some stopped and coming over to see the babies. Some of the patrons even stopped and congradulated her as well as pat Chris on the back for a job well done.
RE: The Maid Manor

Chris smiled and nodded. He noticed that a lot of patrons seemed to be in the tea room tonight so he decided to check to see if it was Mistress Ebony. When it only turned out to be Yukimo and Shyrii and another patron he sighed. He wondered where the lovely mistress could be so he just sat down in the lobby. He took a small glass of cranberry juice and kindly warded off several advances from some of the maids. Sorry ladies I'm married and happily so." He made a show of jesturing to Fate and visiably winked at her to make her blush.
RE: The Maid Manor

Anne bowed as she served some drinks to some patrons, one of them getting a little frisky but not wanting to push. Anne left him with a lingering kiss and headed back, passing by the entrance and spotting that Fate had returned with her new husband. She gave a squeal and hurried down. Another maid had told her that was what the commotion was earlier, while she was with a client. Everything had worked out though, and their eggs had hatched! "Oh my Fate, they're so cute," she said, giving her fellow, well, former fellow maid a hug and smiling warmly as she looked to the baby dragonlings.

[[Yay something for Anne to do XD]]
RE: The Maid Manor

((Yukimo, Shyrii and Keane are in a private room not in the tea room XP))

((And yes, somehting for Anne to do. Sucks I don't have more people up in here.))

Fate could only blush, smiling when Chris denied offers. She wouldn't have mind, it would give him a means to enjoy himself, since other maids were like that towards her as well. When she heard a familiar squeal, she turned, no to fast and smiled when she saw Anne."Anne~♥"She said, hugging her dear friend in returned. Fate showed off her babies, especially her little girl."There cute aren't there. Its a pain to feed them all, but I love them so. Now I know why human females get so happy when they have so many babies. I feel the same way."She said, looking to Anne."You seems happy as well. Are things going well here at the manner."
RE: The Maid Manor

It was nice to see the fallen angel again. Anne was so happy for her after hearing that she'd fallen in love and married a patron, though missed her. "They are too cute, aren't you," she said, cooing and 'aww'-ing at the babies. Especially the daughter, she was a beautiful creation. "It's been very well here. The last Master I had was very, very good. Mostly it's been business as usual," she said, faking kisses to the young ones then looking back up to the girl. "What are their names?"
RE: The Maid Manor

Chris smiled and he got a mean idea. Using his claws he climbed silently along the walls and ceiling until he was behind Anne. He recalled coming across the beauty once and thought her a nice female. Chris snarled playfully then pounced on Anne. He chuckled heartily as he scooped her up in his arms and hugged her. Hello old friend how are you?" Crackle saw that one of the younglings was scampering off so he excused himself and scooped up the curious boy and laughed at the little adventurist. As I was saying how are you Anne?"
RE: The Maid Manor

Anne continued basking in the cuteness of the babies before giving a light shriek as she was suddenly lifted and hugged. She gasped before seeing it was Chris, then smirked and giggled. She gave his arm a light smack before returning the hug. "Hi Chris, it's nice to see you," she said. Fate was certainly lucky to have him, so nice and caring of his new family. She giggled again as she watched one of the little ones try to escape, nodding and letting him go after the boy. "I've been very well, better now that I get to see you guys. Your children are adorable," she said with a smile, looking to them once more. "How have you been?" she asked, her gaze returning to him.
RE: The Maid Manor

This is Crackle. He is named after his great grandfather." Chris smiled and kissed Anne on the cheek as he held his son. Work is good, Fate seems happy and I love her so much." Chris looked to Fate and the love in his eyes lit the world up. It was light that even Mistress Ebony could bask in. He sighed and watched his wife chatter with the patrons and the maids. He got an idea but kept it to himself because he didn't want to upset Fate. He had wondered whether she might enjoy a three-way.
RE: The Maid Manor

Anne smiled and nodded at hearing the little boy's name. "Well he's a cutie just like his brothers and sister," she said, playing a little with the baby. She hoped they would bring them back often, she would love to see them as they grew. "I'm happy to hear things are going so well. Fate is so lucky to have found someone," she said, giving a warm smile to both of them. "Like I told Fate, the manor is doing very well, business as usual really."
RE: The Maid Manor

Sinful Bliss said:
"Thank… you… Keane," the Mistress moaned out, panting for breathing after he stopped ramming his cock inside of her pussy, but that also stopped her from licking Yukimo's wet pussy. She threw her head back with a loud cry of pleasure as he thrust into her hard and fast. She was loving how fast he could go and she moved her legs wider so it made things easier for him to thrust into her. The sounds of their flesh meeting was loud in her ears and she felt his fingers dig into her shoulders a bit, causing pain to radiate out from her shoulders.

The succubus' eyes were closed in pleasure as he fucked her, her ears twitching and her tail flicking back and forth beneath her, brushing against his thighs as she gripped the sheets beneath him. For a bit she wondered if he had taken something to give himself such stamina but his next thrust cleared her mind as she moaned again and tightened around him.

All Shyrii was aware of was Keane ramming into her over and over again, filling her with his turgid shaft time and time again. With her hair away from her face, it made it easier to see that her features were a little more exotic and sinful-like in a way though they were still delicate and gentle. Her ears kept swiveling around and twitching cutely on their own, doing their best to catch as many sounds as they could. With the way the man was fucking her, her breasts could be seen bouncing wildly while on touching Yukimo's legs a bit. She bucked her hips and tightened around him some more with another moan and she squirmed again, her hands clutching the fox girl's legs while she licked at some of the juice that was leaking.
Lustfull_Sin said:
Yukimo continued to watched as Keane continued with his onslaught towards her Mistress's lovely, soaked pussy. Raising her leg a bit, she pressed the heel of her foor against the edge of the chair, opening herself up even more. The way her Mistress licked her was amazing as well as she couldn't wait to have a piece of her Master.Closing her eyes, she moved her hands, groping her own breasts, squeezing them, pinching the nipples a bit."S-So...good..."she whispered, blushing a bit.

Feeling something soft press against her leg, she opened one eye a bit and smiled, seeing her Mistress's large, soft breasts press and rub against her leg.Releasing one of her own breasts, she leaned forward, reached down and pinched Shyrii's perked nipple."Mistress has such lovely pink nipples. I can't wait to please you Mistress."She said, tugging on the hard little pink nipple."Master.."she looked up."Make Mistress cum again. She looks beautiful when she comes."Smiling, she slipped her other hand, moving Shyrii's head a bit, raising it, then gently sliped her thumb in her Mistress's mouth, rubbing gently at her tongue."Cum Mistress.. Please...cum."She begged almost, rubbing her thumb back and forth.

Keane was relentless in his pursuit, seeking to push Shyrii over the edge while Yukimo bore witness and built anticipation for what she would be receiving when her turn came. Hearing the fox girl urging her Mistress to cum for her only caused him to increase the momentum of his thrusts as he sank his cock deep inside the succubus' pussy time and again. His hips made loud slapping sounds each time they collided with her shapely ass, his body rocking hers wildly as his lust was driven to greater heights. He was clearly enjoying watching Yukimo as she watched them, grinning wickedly as his eyes remained locked on her.

Reaching forward to grab a handful of Shyrii's hair, he tugged her head back a bit to keep her mouth up for Yukimo to enjoy the pleasures of her tongue, as well as to give himself a bit of leverage for his thrusts. Licking his lips, he savored every sound of pleasure she made, grunting and growling softly as he felt himself being pulled closer to his own ecstatic release. He was taking her with him, however, when he went. Leaning over a bit for a better angle, he held tight to her hair with one hand while the other slid beneath her to start rubbing her clit with his fingertips while his long, thick, hard cock continued to bury itself deep in her core, doubling her pleasure in an effort to push her closer to her climax.

" heard her, Mistress," he cooed. "Cum for her again." Keane was fully aware he was in control here, though he still enjoyed using the titles for Shyrii, and Ebony for that matter. The irony of the situation amused and aroused him, to be in control of one who was known as the Mistress. Clenching his jaws, he could feel his heart pumping faster, and his hips did so as well to match as he fucked the voluptuous succubus harder and deeper than ever. "And for me...Mistress. For me...and with me."
RE: The Maid Manor

Shyrii squealed happily as her Master started to pound deep into her at incredible speeds. He was rough and strong and she loved every second of it. She loved how much he played with her body and the warm feeling she felt as he squeezed it for all it was worth. The Mistress never even thought this kind of scenario was possible. She never imagined that she'd ever be fucked by someone who's not a Master. The succubus definitely didn't imagine she'd enjoy it this much especially when an audience in place. Keane was everything she had dreamt for in a hot lover and more: massive cock, amazing stamina, and knew how to take control during love. Of course if she was in a righter state of mind she'd realize how messed up her thoughts were .Whenever she started to think clearly the constant pounding from his cock seemed to drive those thoughts out of her. All that was left was a sensual succubus that wanted nothing more than what he was doing to her right then.

With the constant bouncing anytime Mariah tried to speak her words ended up spaced and ditzy. "Do… it…" She said as she clenched harder upon his dick. "Please fill me…" The slutty demoness tried to finish her sentence but the final words just melted into a cry as she spasmed wildly on his cock, cumming for the second time that hour, much more powerful than the first.
RE: The Maid Manor

Zarian walked around the city, his suit case behind him and his hand over his growling stomach.
His last job barely paid for last nights stay at the hotel and he now had to be on his way.
He walked until he saw a brilliant looking mannor and walked up to the gates he pushed gently and watched them open before stepping through and closing them again. "This be the only time the is thankful for mine dhamhiric powers." He laughed silently to him slf as he walked up the walk way to the mannor passing out from hunger half way up the stairs.
RE: The Maid Manor

Fate sighed when she saw little Crackle try to run, well crawl off.He was bigger then the rest, so he was a bit smarter.Already he was willing to escape the his parents grasps, but with Chris around, the little one wasn't able to.Smiling, blowing a kiss to Chris, she looked at Anne."Well this little one here is Serenea, you met Crackle. Hanging on my back is Jaces, next to Serenea is Joeces, on Chris's back you have Oegin, next to Oegin is Eegin, they look alike,so twins, hehe.Then we have Christian. "she chuckled."I wanted one with Chris's name in it, thus Christian. All seven of my darlings are a big pain, but I love them. The twins, along with Serenea are the calmest, but the others suck the milk right out of me.Thank God for baby formula.I thank the human who crated that."Before she could say anything else, everyone seemed to go wild a bit, and it was Ebony who was coming down.
"Ah, Mistress."

Ebony had a groggy looking face, but it went away when she greeted her patrons. Having a little chat with her half-sister wasn't fun.That coniving bitch was always in pickles and always needed loans at times.For a Mafia Boss, Cherish had issues.Seeing a mildly large crowd, she saw a pair of wings, and smiled seeing Fate."Ahh, so you're alright it seems.How are-"she stopped seeing Fate and Chris holding babies, from their backs to their fronts." soccer team it seems."She smirked, looking at the littlelest one.


Yukimo moaned, rubbing her clit fast, as her Master pounded her Mistress's nice pussy.The way her body trembled, her breasts hitting her leg everytime she was pounded into."S-So...beautiful."she gasped, closing her eyes, but only for a moment.She didn't want to miss such a lovely thing happening.If she could, Yukimo could watch this over and over again, cumming along with them."I'm..gonna..cum as well."she said, rocking her hips against her hand, pressing at her sensitive cllit.

Body shaking, her ears twitching, tail flicking from the tip, Yukimo went and joined her Mistress and orgasmed, hips bucking up and off the seat a bit as her juices coated her finger a bit and dripped down onto the cushion.She cried out Master and Mistress as her orgasm overrode along her body, until finally, she dropped onto the seat, breathing hard, her body twitching slightly from the orgasm.
RE: The Maid Manor

Zarian awoke later on still sprawled out on the steps and reached up hitting the doorbell on the manor, and standing against the nearest pillar facing the door using the pillar as a slight support.
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