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The Maid Manor ((In need of workers and patrons. Join Now!!!))

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RE: The Maid Manor

Crackle Irondust said:
Crackle gave Fate all the cum she wanted plus more. That's it honey take it all!" Everyone cheered as the stage became soaked and slippery. Oh gods baby you feel so damn good!" Crackle pounded and pounded as his new wife accepted him. Honey your going to lay the eggs in about a hour." He shuddered and kissed her spine. All the fucking has sped up the ovaliation." Crackle roared and all the cum in the head of cock emptied into Fate. Ahh that feels so good!"

Unable to pick her head up, she rested it on the stage floor, moaning as he pumped more and more into her.Her stomach grew and grew, his cum fillinf her up, but she also felt her babies growing as well.Placing a hand on her tummy, she blushed and smiled, then looked over her shoulder, straight into her husbands eyes."I..I don't...want see me..birth.Not here, not infront of them."She said looking at him with pleading eyes."I..I want be..between you and me.Our special moment."she said, thrusting her hips harder against his.
RE: The Maid Manor

Lustfull_Sin said:
She grinned."Good.I love a good angel in my bed, especially when they are bound and teased until the cum all over themselves."She chuckled at the thought of having Keane bound to her bed and she administering torturing teases to his cock and body, until she came all over his cock, balls and thighs.She licked her lips already wanting it to happen, but before she could even suggest it a young hellspawn male maid came up to her, whispering in her ear.She drew her brows together and sighed."Well, speak of my sister, the devilish woman is on the phone for me.It might be a while so...."Yukimo was being walked over, her hand held by the witch that communicated with her with her mind."Ahh, well here is the fox of the night."she said, waving the witch over.

When they both appeared, Yukimo could only look straight ahead, her ears twitchin as she picked up sounds all around.From within the room, to out in the lobby, she could hear with no fault.The witch smiled, her emerald green eyes on Ebony, though she bowed and smiled to Keane."Yanrie, this here is Keane.He will watch Yukimo and use her for company alright.Please..endow him with the gift of thought alright."
She stood and kissed Keane on the lips."Enjoy her..........please."She whispered and pulled away, leaving the three and walked off, leaving the Tea Room.

The witch, Yanrie looked at Keane, then simply raised her hand and snapped her fingers."It is done."She simply said."Yukimo, before you is Mistress Ebony's patron, Master Keane.Enjoy yourself as well as him alright.Call upon me if you need anything."standing Yukimo infront of Keane, the witch looked at him for a moment, then bowed low and left, leaving Yukimo for Keane's use.

Yukimo simply blushed and was about to raise her hands and blushed red, forgetting that the male before her does not know sign language, so she talked to him with her mind."Good evening Master, how fair you this evening."She said , her voice sound that of Old English.And she said evening, for she assumed it still was.

"I can understand sign language," Keane informed Yukimo with the sound of a smile in his voice as he guided her to sit by him, still clad only in his robe, which was open in the front. "But respond to me however you're more comfortable," he added. "I am Keane. And that was a beautiful performance." His voice held a touch of tenderness and compassion as he spoke, only confirming that the fallen angel was a creature of many aspects.

"I understand you do not get to find yourself in the company of patrons often, and the Mistress seems to think you could use some release. I want to hear what you think, though." He held onto her hand, stroking the top gently with the fingertips of his other hand as he watched her for several moments. She was quite beautiful and exotic, and it was beyond his comprehension why some patrons would be more blind than she was to turn their noses up at her.
RE: The Maid Manor

rage0976 said:
"I can understand sign language," Keane informed Yukimo with the sound of a smile in his voice as he guided her to sit by him, still clad only in his robe, which was open in the front. "But respond to me however you're more comfortable," he added. "I am Keane. And that was a beautiful performance." His voice held a touch of tenderness and compassion as he spoke, only confirming that the fallen angel was a creature of many aspects.

"I understand you do not get to find yourself in the company of patrons often, and the Mistress seems to think you could use some release. I want to hear what you think, though." He held onto her hand, stroking the top gently with the fingertips of his other hand as he watched her for several moments. She was quite beautiful and exotic, and it was beyond his comprehension why some patrons would be more blind than she was to turn their noses up at her.

Moving hesitantly, she reached out, touched what she felt was the chairs bottom and seated herself.Fixing the lapels of her kimono, she made sure all was well covered.Reserved she was, since she was rarely asked for, the again, she got used to it.People only admire her for her beauty and dance.With her long white hair and ears, as well as tail, she looked almost like a ghost, though her skin was a creamy peach color.Her eyes, well hidden behind the ribbon was a lovely emerald green.She was merely 5'6 in height and only weighed 120lbs, so she was thin and petite.Trying her best she looked at Keane and hoped she was looking at him...kinda.Brushing her hand on his, she took her hand back and raised both and began to sign to him.

"I'm happy you enjoyed my dance.The speaks to me.I can almost see when I'm dancing.I can picture a scene as the music plays and I simply dance."She smiled, then her smile slowly faded almost to a sad smile."The patrons.I...have no right to speak ill of them Master.Yes I do seek release and the only ones to give it to me is either the Mistress or other maids, but I would love to be used for that is my job."She bit her lip, then signed again."Master....if I may ask.May I-"She hesitated."-may I see you.I wish to feel who you are so I may get a picture as to how you look.Please, if it will not offend."
RE: The Maid Manor

Lustfull_Sin said:
Moving hesitantly, she reached out, touched what she felt was the chairs bottom and seated herself.Fixing the lapels of her kimono, she made sure all was well covered.Reserved she was, since she was rarely asked for, the again, she got used to it.People only admire her for her beauty and dance.With her long white hair and ears, as well as tail, she looked almost like a ghost, though her skin was a creamy peach color.Her eyes, well hidden behind the ribbon was a lovely emerald green.She was merely 5'6 in height and only weighed 120lbs, so she was thin and petite.Trying her best she looked at Keane and hoped she was looking at him...kinda.Brushing her hand on his, she took her hand back and raised both and began to sign to him.

"I'm happy you enjoyed my dance.The speaks to me.I can almost see when I'm dancing.I can picture a scene as the music plays and I simply dance."She smiled, then her smile slowly faded almost to a sad smile."The patrons.I...have no right to speak ill of them Master.Yes I do seek release and the only ones to give it to me is either the Mistress or other maids, but I would love to be used for that is my job."She bit her lip, then signed again."Master....if I may ask.May I-"She hesitated."-may I see you.I wish to feel who you are so I may get a picture as to how you look.Please, if it will not offend."

Keane watched Yukimo as she eagerly spoke to him with her preferred method of communication, nodding from time to time as he understood her feelings, making sure to voice his understanding as well since she couldn't see his head moving. As he watched the lovely fox girl, a smile formed on his lips, simply admiring how eager she seemed about having someone to talk to who could understand her.

"Of course it would not offend me," he told her after she asked to see him, moving from his chair and pulling her to her feet as he stood in front of her. His robe remained open, though he was hardly concerned with it since pretty much everyone here had witnessed he and Ebony together. Taking her hands, he slowly pulled them to his face, resting them on each of his cheeks before releasing her wrists and putting his arms around her to help her maintain her balance with the chair right behind her. "Go on, take a look," he told her with a soft smile.
RE: The Maid Manor

rage0976 said:
Keane watched Yukimo as she eagerly spoke to him with her preferred method of communication, nodding from time to time as he understood her feelings, making sure to voice his understanding as well since she couldn't see his head moving. As he watched the lovely fox girl, a smile formed on his lips, simply admiring how eager she seemed about having someone to talk to who could understand her.

"Of course it would not offend me," he told her after she asked to see him, moving from his chair and pulling her to her feet as he stood in front of her. His robe remained open, though he was hardly concerned with it since pretty much everyone here had witnessed he and Ebony together. Taking her hands, he slowly pulled them to his face, resting them on each of his cheeks before releasing her wrists and putting his arms around her to help her maintain her balance with the chair right behind her. "Go on, take a look," he told her with a soft smile.

She smiled, happy that he understood her dilema.Not pleasing people and not given the chance hurt her and having to dance only made her feel worse.Yes she loved to dance, but her duty was to service and though she took a few patrons who felt only pity, she wanted someone who wanted her for her, not for pity.

Letting out a silent gasp, she stood, keeping balance and then her wrists were taken, her hands raised and her palms pressed against his cheeks.He was strong, firm and very...manly.She moved her hands, trembling a bit as he saw her.Finaly chiseled jaw, high cheeks bones.Straight nose.Gulping, she ran her fingers over his lips, feeling them plump.He must have kissed someone recently she guessed.Running her hands up, she felt his hair, loving the softness of it and he had a lot of hair, though it was cut short it still felt nice, good to hold on to.Tilting her head to the side, she made another swallowing gesture and moved her hands down, hesitating, then nervoulsy touched his neck, then his shoulders, hands slipping under the lapels of his robe it seems and felt how strong he was."A fighter"She mouthed, not knowing whether he could read lips or not.

Continuing with her seeing, she felt his chest, his pecs firm.He worked out it seemed and as she touched his abdomen, she stopped, moving no further.Biting her lip, Yukimo pulled her hands away and signed, trying her best no to fumble or sign to fast."Your have...a strong body.broad and muscular.You feel like a fighter, though your voice is gentle and soft."she said to him
RE: The Maid Manor

Lustfull_Sin said:
She smiled, happy that he understood her dilema.Not pleasing people and not given the chance hurt her and having to dance only made her feel worse.Yes she loved to dance, but her duty was to service and though she took a few patrons who felt only pity, she wanted someone who wanted her for her, not for pity.

Letting out a silent gasp, she stood, keeping balance and then her wrists were taken, her hands raised and her palms pressed against his cheeks.He was strong, firm and very...manly.She moved her hands, trembling a bit as he saw her.Finaly chiseled jaw, high cheeks bones.Straight nose.Gulping, she ran her fingers over his lips, feeling them plump.He must have kissed someone recently she guessed.Running her hands up, she felt his hair, loving the softness of it and he had a lot of hair, though it was cut short it still felt nice, good to hold on to.Tilting her head to the side, she made another swallowing gesture and moved her hands down, hesitating, then nervoulsy touched his neck, then his shoulders, hands slipping under the lapels of his robe it seems and felt how strong he was."A fighter"She mouthed, not knowing whether he could read lips or not.

Continuing with her seeing, she felt his chest, his pecs firm.He worked out it seemed and as she touched his abdomen, she stopped, moving no further.Biting her lip, Yukimo pulled her hands away and signed, trying her best no to fumble or sign to fast."Your have...a strong body.broad and muscular.You feel like a fighter, though your voice is gentle and soft."she said to him

As Yukimo felt her way down his body, Keane smiled a bit and shivered at her touch, enjoying the soft precision of her fingers as they traveled over his skin. Watching her every move intently, he caught the words she mouthed silently, arching his body a bit to accommodate her so she could get a better 'look' at him.

When she pulled her hands away, he felt somewhat disappointed, his own hands still resting on her hips. "You could say I am something like that," he told her in the same gentle tone he had been using. "Don't be afraid," he continued, guiding her hands back to his abdomen. "I want you to see all of me, if you like," he continued. "But only if you want to."
RE: The Maid Manor

Lustfull_Sin said:
She felt tingly and giddy.Light as a feather almost and simpy felt her heart dancing about in her chest.She wasn't tired at all, no, she had more adrenaline than anything actually.Getting back on her feet, she gave Pike a nice hard kiss, running her tongue over his lower lip.When she pulled away she saw his eyes change color."Hmmm...Pike...your eyes>'she said, unable to look away from the beautiful sky blue pupils that were his eyes.

When he spoke, he caught her by surprise."What's it?"She asked and he soon began to explain himself.She quirked a brow and was feeling a bit happier then usual.A man would get tired themselves, more tired then a woman, but it looked like Pike was still in the game like her."Hmm, sounds like mega fun."She smirked, stroking his cheek.Her hornieness never falter, even when the weirdness happened with a patron and her fellow maid Fate.

When her mind started to project images, she heard Pike's voice and blushed, biting her lip at the image.She panted, breathes growing heavy."Oh God...."she said, loving what she saw.She saw her own nipples nicely red, which she assumed Pike was kind enough to pinch and pull without stopping.Her ass was even pink thanks to that yummy looking paddle.Her knees shook and when she saw the next image, Nani was already soaked once again, wanting to have fun."Lets go_Oh Fuck, lets go."she said, taking his hand and pulled him off the chair.She didn't bother with the clothes.Another maid would grab them, wash them and set them aside until Pike needed his back.

As she led her Master out the Tea Room and towards the Grand Stair case,her heart was beating like a drum.She wanted this man again, nice, raw and hard.As they ascended, the watched a few patrons walk by, smiling and she knew they were done for the day and were heading home.She was going to occupy the Peacock Room, since it was one of her favorites.Heading down the long hall, she turned right at the first hallway, and continued until she stopped at a nicely multy green colored door."here we are.This is my favorite room and I'm sure it'll be yours as well."She said opening the door to revealed the many green hued decorations and furnishing.From the bed to the carpet, from the walls to the desk, chairs and tables, everything was a different shade of green.

"My my aren't we excited." Pike replied with amusement and dare he said it a hint of lust. He could practically sense her aura becoming a hot flash of pink as Nani took his hand and guided her through the hallway. To say he was impressed with the rest of the building would be an understatement. With it's long halls and impressive decor, he could honestly say that he was absorbed in the mansions beauty.

He smiled as he saw some of the patrons and their maids pass by. "mmm so much beauty in this place." He mused as he winked at one of the passing maids. "Of course none nearly as hot as you Nani." When they arrived at the room, all he could do was grin in complete anticipation. At the swing of the wooden green door opening he immediatly found himself entranced at the site of the room. "Peacock room has certainly earned it's name."

He walked around the room, gazing at the emerald color decor. He certainly loved the fact that it was his original eye color. His eyes once again traced the lovely red head's body. Something about her in this room matched so perfectly. He walked up to her from behind and gently pressed himself against her, rubbing up and down. He's had her mouth. Now he wanted to see how her pussy can consume his cock. First thing's first though. "mmm how about I dole out that punishment now..." He whispered gently into her ear.

Again, he made us of the connection, projecting an image this time of Pike binding her in chains and slapping the leathery tales of a crop over her chest. Then next image he used was her riding him like a rider rides a savage buck.

"So much time. So many ways to fuck." He spoke inside her head.
RE: The Maid Manor

rage0976 said:
As Yukimo felt her way down his body, Keane smiled a bit and shivered at her touch, enjoying the soft precision of her fingers as they traveled over his skin. Watching her every move intently, he caught the words she mouthed silently, arching his body a bit to accommodate her so she could get a better 'look' at him.

When she pulled her hands away, he felt somewhat disappointed, his own hands still resting on her hips. "You could say I am something like that," he told her in the same gentle tone he had been using. "Don't be afraid," he continued, guiding her hands back to his abdomen. "I want you to see all of me, if you like," he continued. "But only if you want to."

Feeling his hands still firmly placed on her hips, Yukimo looked, well thought she was looking at Keane, her brow raised.If only she could truly see the man before her, then again, they say some men are to beautiful to look at and so far, Master Keane felt really beautiful against her fingers tips.With that same, gentle deep voice he spoke.She wasn't afraid.......ok she was a little.But hey, she rarely got to touch people.She knew how all the maids looked liked even the Mistress, and a few patrons but no one ever let her 'see' them.Hands taken and placed back on his body, Yukimo let out a silents gasp and blushed, nodding her head.

Shakingly, she moved her fingers tips down, feeling a nice six pack, then moving further, she felt his hips, which had a nice dip in the pelvis.Swallowing and biting her lip, her index finger made contact with the top of his dick.She almost pulled her hand back, but instead forced herself to keep going.Brushing lightly, she trailed her fingers down, from base to the tip and she soon felt him growing hard."So.....big..."she breathed, already growing flustered.Dipping her hand further down, she cuped his balls and gently fondled them, weighing them almost as if they were fruit."Oh God."she mouthed, unable to pull her hand away.

MasterOfWhispers said:
"My my aren't we excited." Pike replied with amusement and dare he said it a hint of lust. He could practically sense her aura becoming a hot flash of pink as Nani took his hand and guided her through the hallway. To say he was impressed with the rest of the building would be an understatement. With it's long halls and impressive decor, he could honestly say that he was absorbed in the mansions beauty.

He smiled as he saw some of the patrons and their maids pass by. "mmm so much beauty in this place." He mused as he winked at one of the passing maids. "Of course none nearly as hot as you Nani." When they arrived at the room, all he could do was grin in complete anticipation. At the swing of the wooden green door opening he immediatly found himself entranced at the site of the room. "Peacock room has certainly earned it's name."

He walked around the room, gazing at the emerald color decor. He certainly loved the fact that it was his original eye color. His eyes once again traced the lovely red head's body. Something about her in this room matched so perfectly. He walked up to her from behind and gently pressed himself against her, rubbing up and down. He's had her mouth. Now he wanted to see how her pussy can consume his cock. First thing's first though. "mmm how about I dole out that punishment now..." He whispered gently into her ear.

Again, he made us of the connection, projecting an image this time of Pike binding her in chains and slapping the leathery tales of a crop over her chest. Then next image he used was her riding him like a rider rides a savage buck.

"So much time. So many ways to fuck." He spoke inside her head.

She let him settle himself in the room, letting him get a feel for the place, an idea almost as to what he would do to her.With the doors locked and no one interfering, Nani was his for his own amusement."I'm happy to feel you like this room."She said smiling, then went over to a wall with a draped green curtain."Please, feel free to choose any of the selected toys."She said, pushing the curtain, hearing the hooks rattles as they glided over its pole.The wall was revealed and was covered with racks upon racks of different toys.From canes, to different whips, paddles and gags.Masks and dildoes, some that vibrated some that didn't.Even ropes and chains were seen as well.

Walking away, she gazed at the wall, already growing hot and when she felt him behind her, she almost gave herself and was close to turning around and ride him hard, only to stop and here his voice in her mind as well as see images.The first one had her wet and she wished he was using a fast vibrating dildo on her while he whiped her."Oh Pike..."she whipsered, closing her eyes and arched her body, ass rubbing harder agains this cock.The second image almost had her doing it right then and there.She wanted his big cock burried deep inside her, rubbing her good until she came atleast five or more times.

" up..please"She said, looking over to a wall.If one looked close there were impresion lines along the wall and if you tugged on the black rope that was nailed you brought down a metal beam with hooks on it so one may us it to bind and hand their partners for fun.So many ways to bondage a person.
RE: The Maid Manor

She trembled and writhed on his lap as he fonddled and touched her wings.It felt like tiny little spiders were crawling all over her skin, the hairy legs brushing against her and she loved it.Loved the feel, the erotic gesture and brush.She held onto his shoulders, pushed up with her knees and thrusted her body up and down ontop of him, grinding harder and harder against him."So, good.So fucking good.Oh god, don't stop..don't-"She gritted her teeth and when he licked her antenna, she immidiatly came, hard.Her pussy clamped around his shaft, suqeezing the thing.She rode out atleast three orgasms, but her hips never stopped with the pounding on his cock."S-Suck it.Master, suck my antenna.Please...your tongue.Felt so good."She said, tilting her head in order for him to suck on her long antenna's.Already she felt the tips throbbing, pulsing, waiting to feel the flick of his hot tongue.

"You're such the horny girl... I think I like that," he say as he continues to pound his pulsing member into Myst's tight walls, having her ride out all of her orgasms while getting pounded into. Dante can feel her walls clamp along the shaft of his cock but he continues to push through despite the tightness, the tip eagerly brushing against your cervix as her tight slit takes his full length.

"These antenna are almost like a second and third G-spot for you aren't they..." He comments as he moves on to the other antenna, flickering his tongue over its sensitive tip, the tongue slivering and skimming over it, causing it to become slight damp with his saliva.

"If my tongue makes your orgasm, I wonder what this would do..." He says to himself and he pops your antenna into his mouth, him gently sucking and then pulling back, it popping out with a loud *pop* sound. Then immediately taking in your other antenna and doing the same.
RE: The Maid Manor

Chris nodded and smiled and he encased them both in his wings in a cacoon. Honey I'm about to pull out and it will hurt when you start laying eggs. I will need Mistress Ebony help." Chris groaned when the head of his cock deflated and he pulled out slowly but surely. He asked a maid to get the Mistresses attention and he flew quickly to Fates room and shredded up a few blankets before setting Fate on makeshift nest. ( Now it's time we take this private.)
RE: The Maid Manor

Dark_Knight said:
"You're such the horny girl... I think I like that," he say as he continues to pound his pulsing member into Myst's tight walls, having her ride out all of her orgasms while getting pounded into. Dante can feel her walls clamp along the shaft of his cock but he continues to push through despite the tightness, the tip eagerly brushing against your cervix as her tight slit takes his full length.

"These antenna are almost like a second and third G-spot for you aren't they..." He comments as he moves on to the other antenna, flickering his tongue over its sensitive tip, the tongue slivering and skimming over it, causing it to become slight damp with his saliva.

"If my tongue makes your orgasm, I wonder what this would do..." He says to himself and he pops your antenna into his mouth, him gently sucking and then pulling back, it popping out with a loud *pop* sound. Then immediately taking in your other antenna and doing the same.

She rode him hard and long, grinding her hips into him, taking his cock deeply till it rubbed way passed where one should be rubbing.She was lucid, tranced and in her own little world filled with extreme pleasure." good Master.Your driving me crazy.No one..has ever touched me like this..before."She said kissing him hard for a moment, then pulled away, offering her antennas."Please ,Master.Take my antenna into your mouth.I..i need to feel you-"she stopped, , knees pressing hard against his sides as he licked, then sucked on antenna.She trembled and jolted, bucking onto his lap, then when he popped that one out and licked and sucked on the other until he slipped his mouth and her antenna came out with a little pop, she trembled and kissed him hard, pushing him back onto the bed, her hips rising up, then falling down hard.She did it over and over again, riding him hard like he was a wild bucking stallion and she was the rider trying her best to stay on him.

The word 'fuck' lef ther lips over and over and then she came for the fourth and fifth as well as sixth time.Finally, she stopped, took a breathe and collapsed, though his cock was still nestled deep inside her.
RE: The Maid Manor

Lustfull_Sin said:
Feeling his hands still firmly placed on her hips, Yukimo looked, well thought she was looking at Keane, her brow raised.If only she could truly see the man before her, then again, they say some men are to beautiful to look at and so far, Master Keane felt really beautiful against her fingers tips.With that same, gentle deep voice he spoke.She wasn't afraid.......ok she was a little.But hey, she rarely got to touch people.She knew how all the maids looked liked even the Mistress, and a few patrons but no one ever let her 'see' them.Hands taken and placed back on his body, Yukimo let out a silents gasp and blushed, nodding her head.

Shakingly, she moved her fingers tips down, feeling a nice six pack, then moving further, she felt his hips, which had a nice dip in the pelvis.Swallowing and biting her lip, her index finger made contact with the top of his dick.She almost pulled her hand back, but instead forced herself to keep going.Brushing lightly, she trailed her fingers down, from base to the tip and she soon felt him growing hard."So.....big..."she breathed, already growing flustered.Dipping her hand further down, she cuped his balls and gently fondled them, weighing them almost as if they were fruit."Oh God."she mouthed, unable to pull her hand away.

As Yukimo felt her way down his abdomen and pelvis, Keane let his lips part in the slightest gasp as her touch made it to his cock, growing harder as her hands explored his length until he found himself fully erect in her grasp. Watching her lips as she mouthed silently, he couldn't help but smile. The entire scene was so sensual, and her hyper sensitive touch must have heightened it for her as well. As her lips commented silently on how big he is, a grin of pride formed on his lips as he gave her a soft moan as a reward for her eager exploration.

As she placed her hand under his balls and began to fondle them, he moaned softly once more. He then moved his hand from her hip, letting it glide beneath her kimono to feel her reaction to the stimulation she was so obviously getting through her own sense of touch. Leaning in closer, he whispered to her, his voice soft and sensual as he noted her last silent expression, causing him to smile once more. "It is yours if you like, Yukimo."
RE: The Maid Manor

rage0976 said:
As Yukimo felt her way down his abdomen and pelvis, Keane let his lips part in the slightest gasp as her touch made it to his cock, growing harder as her hands explored his length until he found himself fully erect in her grasp. Watching her lips as she mouthed silently, he couldn't help but smile. The entire scene was so sensual, and her hyper sensitive touch must have heightened it for her as well. As her lips commented silently on how big he is, a grin of pride formed on his lips as he gave her a soft moan as a reward for her eager exploration.

As she placed her hand under his balls and began to fondle them, he moaned softly once more. He then moved his hand from her hip, letting it glide beneath her kimono to feel her reaction to the stimulation she was so obviously getting through her own sense of touch. Leaning in closer, he whispered to her, his voice soft and sensual as he noted her last silent expression, causing him to smile once more. "It is yours if you like, Yukimo."

Her white fox ears twitched when he moaned.She loved that sound and was happy that she was making him do it with her gentle touch.She fondled still, squeezing gently and next thing she knew, she was letting out a soft, silent moan, her body trembling.Already she was getting tiny little shivers and goosebumps running up her back and arms.Leaning in close, her chest pressing against his, she leaned in and kissed his shoulder, trailing her lips slowly towards his neck, then along his jaw line.She never kissed the patrons lips, for she never ever succefully kissed them in one shot.Instead, she lingered on his chin and mouthed out her silent words."I thank you, Master."She said and licked his chin, trailed her tongue down, along his adams apple and between his colar bone.She didn't pull away, not until her tongue circled around his navel, then her lips kissed his pelvis.

Feeling his cock brush against her cleavage, until she was finally on her knees.Before starting, she undid the silk sash of her kimono, not even know what color it was and felt it slip to the floor, pooling around her.Kimono splitting open, she would leave it on, giving her Master the joy of removing it instead.Hands settling on his thighs, she ran then up, massaging and squeezing, until she grasped his cock with one hand, giving it one pump, and her other hand moved up, her fingers tips slowly skimming along his shaft, feeling his hardness properly.She rubbed the head as well as his slit, then slowly glided her fingers down all along his shaft to the base and then brushed over his sack.She could hear his heavy breathing clearly and was happy to know he was enjoying himself.
RE: The Maid Manor

A mysterious figured made its way the Maid Manor with a smile on her face. It had been quite some time since she had some fun. As the person walked down the streets, she received some catcalls and whistles from the people with each step she took. With the way she dressed, it was understandable from them. Her body was also impressive as the curves it in all the right directions. The night was perfect with the full moon kissing her with its light. Oh fun times she was going to bring in the manor.

After walking for another half-hour minutes, Shyrii made her way to the manor, and greeted the guests with kisses on the cheeks—and sometimes on the lips. Stepping foot to the place, it was a remarkable sight. The sinful succubus hoped that business picks up was well in order. She got deep ties to the place and being friends with the Lady Ebony surely helped matters. The succubus did work on the side in unspecified locations, making sure that maids of all species are top quality in a five-star place where mostly anything goes.

As she entered the manor, all eyes were on her as the maids and guests bowed to her in reverence and respect. Unlike most succubi, Shyrii had different qualities that set her apart—class, grace, good sense of humor and love of life. One of the maids came over to her as she took of her long coat to be put away. She smiled and headed over to the fabled lush tearoom. The atmosphere was perfect, and the maids’ outfits tantalizing sexy as always. Relaxing a bit, she kicked off her uncomfortable shoes and reclined in a cushiony loveseat.

Shyrii stood at 5'5", slim with a curvy figure with size 36D breasts, long red curls and hypnotic purple eyes that were the color of finely aged wine. She looked like a human goddess except for two major differences. First was the pair of fleshy, reddish-purple wings that were typically kept curled up neatly along her spine, with each wing spanning an impressive three feet in length when fully extended. Second was the two-foot long tail that protrudes from right above her firm and shapely ass with a "spade" shaped tip. She wore a black dress halter top dress that barely covered her thighs and tail, black leather boots with a three-inch heel that came to just above her knees.

As she stopped at the center of the area, the succubus looked around the area for some fun.
RE: The Maid Manor

Keane was greatly enjoying the attention that Yukimo was giving him, his breathing indeed growing heavier as the beautiful fox girl handled his member with the precision that only one of her unique nature could offer. She might not have been able to see with her eyes, but her ability to see with her hands and fingers made her touch especially sensual and effective for performing such tasks. "No...thank you, Yukimo," he responded to her silent appreciation as his body responded to her in the most positive of ways. Letting his kimono fall to the floor, Keane watched Yukimo intently, now naked herself as she knelt in front of him and stroked his long, thick cock sensually.

It was then he seemed to feel another presence, one he was familiar with in essence. One of infernal blood could always sense the presence of another, and his eyes fell on the succubus who had walked through the door. He looked very much human currently, but could not hide his aura from another infernal being, though his radiated much more power than the average demon. He was old, very old, and one who had been around during the creation of the world and had fought at the side of the Morningstar after the Fall could not even attempt to hide the power that surrounded him.

He then turned his eyes to Yukimo once more, who deserved his attention more than any at the moment, though he silently filed the appearance of the succubus to the back of his mind. He would have to arrange a conversation later, always one to be suspicious when those of similar nature to himself found themselves in the same place. It wasn't a common thing, after all, and ignoring such a coincidence could prove ill advised.
RE: The Maid Manor

Sinful Bliss said:
A mysterious figured made its way the Maid Manor with a smile on her face. It had been quite some time since she had some fun. As the person walked down the streets, she received some catcalls and whistles from the people with each step she took. With the way she dressed, it was understandable from them. Her body was also impressive as the curves it in all the right directions. The night was perfect with the full moon kissing her with its light. Oh fun times she was going to bring in the manor.

After walking for another half-hour minutes, Shyrii made her way to the manor, and greeted the guests with kisses on the cheeks—and sometimes on the lips. Stepping foot to the place, it was a remarkable sight. The sinful succubus hoped that business picks up was well in order. She got deep ties to the place and being friends with the Lady Ebony surely helped matters. The succubus did work on the side in unspecified locations, making sure that maids of all species are top quality in a five-star place where mostly anything goes.

As she entered the manor, all eyes were on her as the maids and guests bowed to her in reverence and respect. Unlike most succubi, Shyrii had different qualities that set her apart—class, grace, good sense of humor and love of life. One of the maids came over to her as she took of her long coat to be put away. She smiled and headed over to the fabled lush tearoom. The atmosphere was perfect, and the maids’ outfits tantalizing sexy as always. Relaxing a bit, she kicked off her uncomfortable shoes and reclined in a cushiony loveseat.

Shyrii stood at 5'5", slim with a curvy figure with size 36D breasts, long red curls and hypnotic purple eyes that were the color of finely aged wine. She looked like a human goddess except for two major differences. First was the pair of fleshy, reddish-purple wings that were typically kept curled up neatly along her spine, with each wing spanning an impressive three feet in length when fully extended. Second was the two-foot long tail that protrudes from right above her firm and shapely ass with a "spade" shaped tip. She wore a black dress halter top dress that barely covered her thighs and tail, black leather boots with a three-inch heel that came to just above her knees.

As she stopped at the center of the area, the succubus looked around the area for some fun.

Shade was walking about making sure everyone had a drink before them and that all cups that were empty were filled.At only 6'2, long black, red streaked hair that reached up to his ass as was tied back, Shade looked like he was in charge, but frankly he wasn't.He was in the Tea Room, since he loved being in here, but when ever the Mistress entered, he was nothing more then a servant.He's always been one, since the day of his creation.Being born of Lucifer's body, he was one of millions serving under the ruler of hell was was used to his fun purposes.Being raped and beaten, Shade new nothing more then to serve, but ever since having searched his body, found his balls, he escaped and was rescued.He didn't believe in the good rather, but by His name, he thanks Him for sending Ebony when he appeared in the dense forest that surrounded her manor.

Seeing the other Mistress, Shyrii, he smiled and approached her.He was wearing a traditional white and green, shrine kimono, hair tied with a black ribbon.Stepping before the Shyrii he bowed in respect."Mistress, it is good to see you."he said standing straight.He towered over the succubus, seeming as if he could over power her, but truth be told, he would forever be an underling so this woman and to Ebony."Can I offer you liberations..something to drink."He askllkkjkled, his ruby red eyes flashing, hoping to be asked for service of any kind.

rage0976 said:
Keane was greatly enjoying the attention that Yukimo was giving him, his breathing indeed growing heavier as the beautiful fox girl handled his member with the precision that only one of her unique nature could offer. She might not have been able to see with her eyes, but her ability to see with her hands and fingers made her touch especially sensual and effective for performing such tasks. "No...thank you, Yukimo," he responded to her silent appreciation as his body responded to her in the most positive of ways. Letting his kimono fall to the floor, Keane watched Yukimo intently, now naked herself as she knelt in front of him and stroked his long, thick cock sensually.

It was then he seemed to feel another presence, one he was familiar with in essence. One of infernal blood could always sense the presence of another, and his eyes fell on the succubus who had walked through the door. He looked very much human currently, but could not hide his aura from another infernal being, though his radiated much more power than the average demon. He was old, very old, and one who had been around during the creation of the world and had fought at the side of the Morningstar after the Fall could not even attempt to hide the power that surrounded him.

He then turned his eyes to Yukimo once more, who deserved his attention more than any at the moment, though he silently filed the appearance of the succubus to the back of his mind. He would have to arrange a conversation later, always one to be suspicious when those of similar nature to himself found themselves in the same place. It wasn't a common thing, after all, and ignoring such a coincidence could prove ill advised.

Licking her lips, she leaned in and she hoped that-yes, her tongue brushed against the tip of his cock, tasting the bitterness of the cum he spilled recently.She groaned silently, loving the taste, missing it actually and licked away, smooth tongue running over the bulbous head and then down his shaft.She smelled and tasted two different things and she knew what they were.One was the smell and taste of his cum, the other was the taste and smell of Ebony.She knew Ebony's perfectly and she would soon know Keane's as well.Parting her lips, she took the head between and sucked, tongue pocking and proding at his slit, then she guided her head down, tongue pressing against the underside of his dick.As her mouth worked his cock, her right hand worked his balls, fondling, while the other hands squeezed and rubbed his thigh.

He was big and hard, her mouth being parted nice and wide just to take his size.She was small, so was her mouth and she coudln't take him all the way without gagging, which she was ashamed.She tried, but pulled her head back quickly before she gagged.she was never good at deep throating, so she stuck with nice sucking and licking which was still good.....right?Trying not to worry, she pulled away from his cock, then pressed her cheek against his shaft, nuzzling it.She was happy and she showed it.Turning her head, she kissed the back of his cock, then traveled up, placing kiss after kiss until she reached the tip, lips lingering then her tongue slipped out and flicked his slit.She wanted him to cum.She wanted to taste and swallow that delicious bitter elixir of his.

Sometime during her ministrations, she heard soft foot steps.Though inside the Tea Room, a Shamisen was gently playing and moans were heard being mixed in, she still made out the steps.Then her nose picked up the sent of night time wind and soon Yukimo tingled.Mistress Shyrii was here and she was excited.She hoped the mistress got to see what Yukimo was doing.If she did, then Yukimo would feel extra happy that she was once again servicing.
RE: The Maid Manor

Shyrii smiled at the male servants who had the one of best quality a male could have. In terms of appearance, he was young but gained plenty of experience thanks to his training with Ebony. He wore some white and green, shrine kimono. It probably suggested her that there was something special up for the evening. She was a bit disappointed that her good friend was busy with other matters. The succubus mistress was glad however for the fine gentleman to be of assistance tonight.

"I've returned from the place called Las Vegas who billed themselves as Sin City. What happens there stays there. It was a blast for the demoness to have some fun in the conventions. Now that she returned home and felt exhausted, the sinful lady wanted to get something good to drink before sexual activity. "I want something nice and sweet. Do not make it too tangy though," she ordered Shade.

Finding herself in the Tea Room, the Mistress heard very distinctive sounds that she loved the most. Sounds of sex filled her ears completely. She looked over to the side and saw that a male having a good time getting a blowjob. Shyrii knew that someone was doing a good job in pleasing the guest. The Mistress walked over and saw a lovely female sucking on the man's cock hard.

"I see that someone's having a good time down there," she piqued with a smile, not wanting the girl to stop her fun.
RE: The Maid Manor

As Yukimo began to take Keane's cock into her mouth, the fallen angel groaned deeply as his hand moved to grip her hair lightly, following the movements of her head, his eyes rolling back a bit as he bit his bottom lip. She was very good at pleasing a man, and he couldn't help but feel pity for the patrons who were too blind to figure that out. He had decided then and there that this would not be his last time with her, not only because she more than deserved the attention, but because she was already proving that good.

Feeling, more than hearing, the approach of another, he knew instantly who stood beside them, turning his eyes on the succubus as she stopped nearby. It was the first time he had gotten a good look at the gorgeous demoness, and he found her quite pleasing to the eye. But it was hard to ignore what Yukimo was currently doing to him, and the obvious pleasure she was taking in her task. "She's not...the only one enjoying it," he responded to Shyrii's comment, swallowing softly as he steadied himself a bit.

He made a mental note that he should perhaps speak with the demoness later on, but there was no way he was about to rob Yukimo of her chance to please and be pleased right now. Then again, who was to say that the succubus might not simply enjoy having a seat to watch the show? The thought of being observed by one who was obviously another Mistress of the Manor was quite arousing, actually. She might even find herself inspired to sample him as well, just as Ebony had done numerous times over the course of the evening already.

As Yukimo's talented mouth worked on his impressive cock, Keane found himself pulled quickly from his musings. The fox girl was far too skilled for her work to go unnoticed, and his mind was once more focused solely on her. Biting his lip again, another low moan made it past the demon's lips as his body trembled with delight, feeling the rush coming on, and letting Yukimo know her wish to taste his seed would be granted soon enough.
RE: The Maid Manor

Shade could only raise a brow. He heard of this Las Vegas, but never been there.He knew the Mistress Ebony did phone calls there about some business and a few patrons who lived up there, but other then that, he knew nothing more."Well I am pleased that you enjoyed yourself Mistress.Relax and enjoy yourself, I shall return with your drink as requested."he said, bowing from the waist and turned, heading for the large bar to the left.Stepping behind the counter, he grabbed a clear bottle with clear liquid inside.Then bent down, opened a mini fridge and pulled out freshly sliced strawberries swimming inside their own sweet sauce.He grabbed a martini glass and poured the liquor almost to the tip, then with a small spoon, he scooped two small sliced strawberries and sauce and dropped them inside the glass.No stirring, no shaking.She liquor would absorve the sweet flavor of the fruit and thus would the drink be sweet.

Smiling at how simpy such a drink could be made, he grabbed the martini glass and headed back out from behind the counter and to wher Mistress Shyrii was.To his surprise, she was watching the blind Yukimo giving head to Mistress Ebony's recent patrons."Mistress, your drink."He said offering her the glass.Then looked at the master and down to Yukimo.He smiled. He was happy that she was servicing, poor fox derserved it.


Yukimo could head footsteps and then, she smelled the sweet scent of a midnight breeze almost.Her Mistress, Shyrii was standing next to him and when she spoke, she blushed, though didn't stop with her head movement.Soon after she smelled Shade approach and heard him offering Shyrii her drink, but what got her full attention was the fact the her Master was moaning with earnest, his cock twitching and his balls tightening.He was going to cum and Yukimo bobbed her head fast, though she only sucked the head and went as far as the middle of his cock.

She wanted this, wanted his yummy cum.She fonddled his balls even more, rolling them in her hand.Groaning silently, she felt the ribbon around her eyes loosen, and then it fell, draping over Keane's cock.Just before the ribbon fell, she closed her eyes.She had this thing about people looking at her pale, useless green eyes and no matter what, she would never let anyone see.
RE: The Maid Manor

Lustfull_Sin said:
She let him settle himself in the room, letting him get a feel for the place, an idea almost as to what he would do to her.With the doors locked and no one interfering, Nani was his for his own amusement."I'm happy to feel you like this room."She said smiling, then went over to a wall with a draped green curtain."Please, feel free to choose any of the selected toys."She said, pushing the curtain, hearing the hooks rattles as they glided over its pole.The wall was revealed and was covered with racks upon racks of different toys.From canes, to different whips, paddles and gags.Masks and dildoes, some that vibrated some that didn't.Even ropes and chains were seen as well.

Walking away, she gazed at the wall, already growing hot and when she felt him behind her, she almost gave herself and was close to turning around and ride him hard, only to stop and here his voice in her mind as well as see images.The first one had her wet and she wished he was using a fast vibrating dildo on her while he whiped her."Oh Pike..."she whipsered, closing her eyes and arched her body, ass rubbing harder agains this cock.The second image almost had her doing it right then and there.She wanted his big cock burried deep inside her, rubbing her good until she came atleast five or more times.

" up..please"She said, looking over to a wall.If one looked close there were impresion lines along the wall and if you tugged on the black rope that was nailed you brought down a metal beam with hooks on it so one may us it to bind and hand their partners for fun.So many ways to bondage a person.

She was tender, she was almost already for the take. Pike though loved to really beat on the meat before he really sunk his teeth into the meal that is his lovely little maid in. The images he sent into her head were simply a preview of the night to come. Upon hearing her request to tie her up, he felt it simply polite to oblige.

Before that though, Pike decided to inspect some of the toys he'd be using on her soon enough. On the wall he took out a very specific set of tools. Nylon rope, a crimson colored dildo with a vibrating function, a set of shackles and chains, and finally a blind fold. One by one, he would set them on a nearby table. When he finished, he approached the young miko, Blind fold in hands and smirked. "On your knees."

He would the black velvet blindfold around her head, with motions as swift and concise as any professional thief should do. The next step though would be to make use of the psionic link once again.

In her mind he didn't just project an image. He allowed her to fully see what he sees. Like watching a camera record oneself.

He began to use his newly discovered toys in short order. With the nylon rope he weaved a complicated set of ties and nots around her body. Nipples, breasts overall chest area were soon constrained with the ropes durable yet rough texture. With the shackles, he used those to bind her arms. He was rather amused at how the metal meshed with her flesh.

He pulled the black rope down finally revealing the the metal beam. Slowly he used the hooks available and slipped them around the tied up parts of her chest. Slowly he pulled the beam up lifting her up. "Hope you enjoy the site" Pike chuckled as he continued to broadcast his site to the blinded miko's mind. "How about a little reward now for being such a good little pet."

He pulled the crimson dildo and slowly he activated it, the buzzing sound of the vibrator echoing seeming around the emerald room. His hands lifted the dildo up he brushed it against her already soaked clit.
RE: The Maid Manor

MasterOfWhispers said:
She was tender, she was almost already for the take. Pike though loved to really beat on the meat before he really sunk his teeth into the meal that is his lovely little maid in. The images he sent into her head were simply a preview of the night to come. Upon hearing her request to tie her up, he felt it simply polite to oblige.

Before that though, Pike decided to inspect some of the toys he'd be using on her soon enough. On the wall he took out a very specific set of tools. Nylon rope, a crimson colored dildo with a vibrating function, a set of shackles and chains, and finally a blind fold. One by one, he would set them on a nearby table. When he finished, he approached the young miko, Blind fold in hands and smirked. "On your knees."

He would the black velvet blindfold around her head, with motions as swift and concise as any professional thief should do. The next step though would be to make use of the psionic link once again.

In her mind he didn't just project an image. He allowed her to fully see what he sees. Like watching a camera record oneself.

He began to use his newly discovered toys in short order. With the nylon rope he weaved a complicated set of ties and nots around her body. Nipples, breasts overall chest area were soon constrained with the ropes durable yet rough texture. With the shackles, he used those to bind her arms. He was rather amused at how the metal meshed with her flesh.

He pulled the black rope down finally revealing the the metal beam. Slowly he used the hooks available and slipped them around the tied up parts of her chest. Slowly he pulled the beam up lifting her up. "Hope you enjoy the site" Pike chuckled as he continued to broadcast his site to the blinded miko's mind. "How about a little reward now for being such a good little pet."

He pulled the crimson dildo and slowly he activated it, the buzzing sound of the vibrator echoing seeming around the emerald room. His hands lifted the dildo up he brushed it against her already soaked clit.

Her body was humming, her pussy dripping and her nipples hard.Image after image, she grew wetter and wetter, though she wanted to simply lie on the bed, spread her legs and offer herself like a sacraficial lamb, she stayed put and watched as he inspected the toys on the wall.No longer did she see the images, but was now seeing what he was doing.Carefully he picked out a few items and as each were placed on the table, she eyed them, especially the bright red dildo.It was so out of place among the green, but that was the beauty of it.No matter where you were, what room you were in, something was always out of place.

Looking back up, she saw a black blind fold in his hands, and as he that she go on her knees, she did, smiling.She was getting a tingling feeling all over and as her world went black for a moment, she saw something.It was...her.She was looking at herself through the eyes of her Master.She smiled."I do look good in a blindfold."she said, chuckling and then she saw his hands and what he was holding.Biting her lip, she moaned a bit, feeling the nylon rope wrapped around her body tightly to the point it was still comfy. Then came the shackles.She got goosebumps as the cold mesh metal was wrapped around her wrists, keeping her from using her arms as a means of enjoyment.Being moved now, she heard the beam being lowered as well as saw and then she saw his hands work the end piece of rope through the holes.Her body lifted, feet barely dangling, arms placed behind her back.She smiled and saw the lovely red dildo in his hands.

Hearing the vibrations, and seeing it made her wiggle against the restraints."M-Master.."She gasped, then moaned, his body jerking as the heavy vibrating dildo head was pressed against her clit."M-Master...master,please, stick it in.I want it...inside my pussy."She begged, seeing her pussy through his eyes and how soaked it was.
RE: The Maid Manor

"Thank you, Shade." Shyrii took a whiff from the wineglass, closing her eyes to take in all of the flavor that it possessed. Certainly, this was one of her favorites as well as the high-end people of this place. The taste that was on her very nose was exquisite to say the least, making the alcohol sweeter than normal.

The demonic lady took a small sip of the drink and was rather pleased with the flavoring. It had the right touch of strawberries, not overdoing the combination. She settled the glass down on the table, looking at the young man very pleased. "This always taste well as if it was the first time I took this drink. At least it won't knock me out for the rest of the night," she said with chuckle while her eyes continued to focus on Yukimo's expert blowjob of Keane's glorious cock. Her purple eyes watched on with interest. It was awesome to witness one of the maids—albeit a blind one—to get some one-on-one action with a handsome master like Keane. May not come to no surprise some of the women took a liking of him right away.

Grinning at the action, she looked up at the male who was enjoying the blowjob from the foxgirl. "Do give her a good reward now," the succubus Mistress told Keane.
RE: The Maid Manor

Keane had hardly noticed Shade approaching them, too focused on Yukimo as she eagerly took his cock into her mouth time and again, his deep groans of pleasure sounding out as his head rolled a bit and his body quivered with delight. He was getting so close, and so fast, pulled in by the skills of the blind fox girl. It seemed she was giving him all of the pent up desire she had managed to build from her lack of patrons, and he hoped they were all watching to witness the pleasure she was giving him now and would want her themselves because of it.

Hearing Shyrii coaxing him on only caused more excitement within him, and her words seemed to be the final catalyst that set him off. He could feel the rush flowing through his hard cock as it began to throb eagerly in Yukimo's hungry mouth, causing him to grip her hair a bit as his legs shook beneath him. "Fuck...Yukimo! Mmm...I'm gonna...cum!"

Soon after he said the words, his promise was delivered as his cock erupted in Yukimo's mouth, twitching with each wave that he released for her. Still moaning deeply as she milked the cum from his quivering member, Keane thought his mind would shut down as he became even more sensitive with each drop that flowed from him. "Oh...fuck! So...good!" It seemed like he just kept cumming for the talented fox, his load finally drained from him after what felt like forever, even though it had only been a few moments.

Looking down at the beautiful fox, he took a deep breath to steady himself as he stroked her hair affectionately. "Yukimo...that was...amazing," he told her sincerely, his body still showing tremors from time to time as aftershocks of delight overcame him. Looking to the succubus who stood beside him, a sly grin formed on his lips. "Was that reward enough to make you tingle with pleasure, dear Mistress?" He had only just seen the woman for the first time, but had managed to piece together the clues of her being a Mistress of the Manor.
RE: The Maid Manor

Yukimo felt the throbbing of his cock as well as hear his heavy breathing.Hearing her Mistress as well made her heart beat faster.He was close, so close.Hair being tugged, Yukimo sat up, letting out a silent squeak and soon, her mouth was being filled, cheeks puffing out.Cum ran down her throat.She swallowed and swallowed as best she could not wanting to let a single drop escape her mouth.She loved it, missed the taste and smell.

It seemed like forever but finally he stopped his convulsions as well as his cum flowing.Pulling away, feeling his cock pop out of her mouth, she licked her lips.She was happy, thrilled actually and Yukimo could tell how happy he was as well.Yukimo's ears twitched a bit and she blushed, hearing...her name.Patrons were asking other maids of who she was and it seemed some were impressed.They fuck off to them for the times being, her attention was set on pleasing the man before her.Looking up, she smiled a happy Chesire smiled.She poked his thigh to get his attention and feeling like she did , she mouthed."Master.I wish to please you fully...with my body if you like.Though..."she blushed, biting her lip and looked at her Mistress."I...I want Mistress Shyrii to join us.To watch me if she would like as well as participate.Though...I..I want it..somewhere privatly, if it will not offend, may I please you somewhere privatly, along with Mistress Shyrii?"
RE: The Maid Manor

She rode him hard and long, grinding her hips into him, taking his cock deeply till it rubbed way passed where one should be rubbing.She was lucid, tranced and in her own little world filled with extreme pleasure." good Master.Your driving me crazy.No one..has ever touched me like this..before."She said kissing him hard for a moment, then pulled away, offering her antennas."Please ,Master.Take my antenna into your mouth.I..i need to feel you-"she stopped, , knees pressing hard against his sides as he licked, then sucked on antenna.She trembled and jolted, bucking onto his lap, then when he popped that one out and licked and sucked on the other until he slipped his mouth and her antenna came out with a little pop, she trembled and kissed him hard, pushing him back onto the bed, her hips rising up, then falling down hard.She did it over and over again, riding him hard like he was a wild bucking stallion and she was the rider trying her best to stay on him.

The word 'fuck' lef ther lips over and over and then she came for the fourth and fifth as well as sixth time.Finally, she stopped, took a breathe and collapsed, though his cock was still nestled deep inside her.

(My internet is back, sorry for the wait.)

"Looks like you're the one that may need that drink you mentioned earlier..." Dante teased, as he mentioned the drink she had talked about earlier, which combined the blood of an incubus and lycan in red wine to increase one's endurance. His hard cock was deeply nuzzled inside Myst's tight slit, it still throbbing much to the beat of his heart as blood flowed through it, while he began to feel the pressure build up inside of it, he was still a bit of a ways from letting out his load for a ...third ...fourth ...fifth time? Honestly he had lost count for the night, having only focused on her and the pleasure she had brought him.

"So..." he continued, as he bent his neck down placing a gentle kiss on each of your antenna before continuing. "... would you like to rest here for to catch your breath for a bit, or do you feel a second wind coming on?" He inquired with a bit of a laugh, remembering her comment on how "cute' a human's physical endurance was, her now in a similar position to the one he himself was in earlier, the irony not escaping him.
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