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The Prince's Gift (Perfection and NaoChan)

The first threat was more than enough, he had winced thoughts of avoiding this was made. But then the threat. Eira jaw clenched slightly. He really did not like to be threatened, worse yet was anything too displeasing, no matter how trite, for the prince and his people would suffer. Really, how fair was that?! Eirvan had done nothing overly disobedient since coming here and he still had the nerve to use that against of all times.

He looked up at the other with a very hateful look, his blue-green eyes dark...almost a midnight blue. His lips pressed tightly despite the pain to his swollen bottom lip. Even still he moved when told sitting on the bed between bent knees. Hesitantly, his hands shook slightly as the moved forward as if they reached to pet a sleeping dragon...with three heads. The damn think already looked big by sight along...but when his warm hands fell around the middle he grimaced again...if felt even bigger than it looked.
Jaedan smiled at the look of hate. So he could have done without the second threat, but ah well. It would always work, no matter what. He just shouldn't be using it as often as he had been. He would limit himself with that threat until Eira really deserved it. He would always find other threats that could work. Like getting it up the ass.

When those shaky hands touched his cock, he moaned softly, running his hand through Eira's hair slowly, softly. "Good boy..." he whispered, his eight and a half inch cock throbbing slightly in the boy's hold. "Go on. Stroke it, my prince."
Yes, the first threat was MORE than enough to passify him at the present time...especially after he had the opportunity to hold Jeadan like he was. The prince shut his eyes muttering under his breath in his own language when the other stroked his head and praised him like some common pet. What he said was something in the way of burning alive, dying or whatnot. "Stop calling me that," he growled converting back to Jeadan's language. Even still, his hands slowly moved up..and up...the length. He had fleeting thought about digging his nails into that tender he would have loved to see blood...
"Stop calling you what, my prince?" Jaedan said with a grin in Eira's language. Maybe it would make him feel a little better if he started to use his language a little bit. Even though it was rough and without the proper accent, it was still understandable. "Mm..but I like calling you mine. Because you are all mine..." he whispered, cocking his head to the side, watching Eira stroke him. It felt good.
Eiravan's hands tightened slightly, unknowingly he reacted upon his annoyance. Jaedan's voice in his tongue was not something he fancied much. He wouldn't mind other using it though, it made him less attractive. His voice lost that velvety feel, sounds so flat as it did now made it easier to resist him. "A technicality on paper...nothing more," he growled.

Eira couldn't stand watching him enjoy the younger's touch, his cheeks couldn't flush anymore than they already where anyways.
Jaedan shrugged his shoulders a little bit again. "Ah well. Papers are more official than anything. So you are mine," he said, switching back to his own language, not feeling as seductive or as sexy in Eira's tongue. "Go on and lick it..." he whispered, licking his lips, wanting his cock in his mouth. But, as much as he wanted, he didn't want to rush the boy and have him really hate all of this. Slowly...that was the ticket.
It certainly wasn't the experience that he was hating...more so just Jaedan personally. That wasn't likely to chance, no matter how close they got, how much 'fun' they had...he'd probably always hate him. "Papers are easily burned," he muttered in reply. Of course...not if they were enchanted, he corrected himself. Stupid magic.

The whisper, the return of Jaedan's own tongue, caused him to shiver a little. Eiravan bit his lip a little nervously looking down at the object about to invade his looked menacing. It wasn't likely that half would fit in let alone the whole thing! Shutting his eyes the teen bent over and drew his tongue across the outside of his head. His motion was repeated a few times, his hand still holding firm to the bottom half.
"You like it when I whisper in my own tongue, don't you?" Jaedan whispered down to him, running his hand through his hair slowly and down his back a little bit. "Mm..." he moaned as the tongue licked across the head of his hard head. Watching the boy lick him was a big turn on and his cock throbbed from it. "Put it in your mouth," he whispered, knowing that he was kind of close to an orgasm.
Eriavan shuddered again...indeed Jaeydan's voice had a very unique effect on him. With that one lick he could feel the organ in his hands throb slightly. Taking a light breath parted his lips and slipped his wet, hot mouth over the head fully. He only went so far as he was comfortable with...before pulling back a little and repeating this motion. He copied what he had witnessed on himself.

The prince wimpered slightly around the large cock, it felt even bigger than he thought it was by just touching it. Little did he know those small sounds were sending hundreds of little vibrations over the older prince's throbbing organ. For Eiravan this was far from a personal turn on...but he was surprized by himself that it didn't disgust him as much as he might have thought if one told him about it before hand.
Jaedan groaned as the head of his cock disappeared into the prince's mouth. He smiled, moaning softly as he started to move his head up and down. Those little whimpers were starting to send him over the edge and he had to clench back his orgasm for now. He didn't want to cum so soon.

He continued with watching Eira suck on his cock for a couple more moments, he let out a loud moan of pleasure before filling Eira's mouth and throat with his hot cum. He panted, pulling Eira up so that he could cum on his face. He smiled at the sight of his pet covered in his cum.
Eira continued to do his best to please the other. Least he needed was him dissatisfied and find other ways to get off! He wasn't half bad at it, or so he hoped. The prince was reacting well to his movements his tongue continued to play around as he lips moved up and down a little more. Being his first time he was not expecting the hot seamen to come out so quickly. The taste was bitter...nothing he'd ever tasted before. The quantity and shock caused the prince to gag a little...

He then found himself looking at the other...the hot seed all over his face. Eira closed his eyes and made a horrible face. Mortified, his face turned a dark red. The prince reached up to draw his sleeve across his face, glaring at the other.
Jaedan laughed softly as Eira wiped off his face. "Mm...but you were so hot, covered in my cum," he said with a smirk and cocked his head to the side a little bit, blinking innocently at him. He let go of the poor boy. "Come on. Let's get you all washed up. Then we can have dinner. You can do as you wish while I work on my mineralogy papers." He got off the bed and motioned for the boy to follow him into the bathroom.
Eiravan said nothing. Even still being told this caused the prince to blush that much more. Something about it caused a warmth to wash over him again. He growled inwardly to himself, was he really so weak to fall for somebody he hated so much?

"Does 'doing as I wish,' include slitting your throat or running away, perhaps?" he asked looking much too innocent, his voice perfect sweetness as he spoke. Regardless the prince followed like a lost puppy.The prospect of a cleaning up even surpassed his fear of water and Jaedan together.
Jaedan rolled his eyes a little bit, glad that Eira was following him to the bathroom without the use of force. He motioned the boy to step in the shallow tub so he could wash up. He moved to lean against the wall. "I want to watch you bathe," he said with a smirk. He liked being a huge preverted prince in front of Eira because he liked the fire that lit up in the other's eyes.
Eiravan had not been joking about his question, he was serious about them both actually. Even if it would mean his own death and war on his people the king would be without an heir. Of course the likelihood of getting a knife in his hand was slim let alone getting the blade an inch from Jaedan's neck!

"And I want to go home..." he told simply. The prince was already on his knees beside the bath, dressed. He was washing his face but no more. "You'll just have to stand there all've seen more than enough of me," he said crossing his arms. Clearly he didn't plan to bathe with an audience.
Jaedan watched Eira wash his face and walked over to him, kneeling down next to him. "Whatever am I going to do with you with that mouth of yours?" he asked curiously, raising an eyebrow a little bit at him. He wasn't really looking for an answer though. "But I can't sit around an watch you kneel like this without something naughty happening." His hand reached down and groped Eira's ass, squeezing it in a firm grip. "nice ass."

He laughed before getting up and going back into his bedroom. He set himself at his desk and opened up his books and papers.
Eiravan was about to give a retort when he realised the other was sitting beside him. His eyes watched him closely...but he found himself unable to say anything. Often times Eira forgot how to breath when the other was near him. His heart started to race when he reached out his hand. The younger prince closed his eyes, automatically...not wanting to know what he was going to do. Mistake. He felt those fingers grab behind him and he squeaked loudly in surprise jumping up quickly. There was no hiding his blush, doing so would require him to turn around...again that would have been a mistake.

Err...he hated him. But damn he loved that laugh.

It took a long while for him to move, even after the older was lost in his work. But he managed and washed himself thoroughly without setting a toe into the water. When he was finished, dressed in the soft white cotton pants and shirt set that lay in the bath for him, he emerged cautiously from the bathroom. There wasn't really anything to do here, that he knew of. IT was just a little late to go exploring...not that he wanted to. Eira still feared running into Jaedan's father. So, against his better judgment he wandered over to the older prince's desk curious to what he was working on.
Jaedan picked up a bright blue colored stone and looked at it for a moment, his head cocked to the side. He was vaguely aware that Eiravan was behind him as he turned the stone over in his hand, admiring and studying it at the same time. This rock, Serpierite was a sky blue color, kind of transparent. It was more of a crystal than a rock. He picked up a slab of white stone and ran the corner of it down it. The streak it made was a greenish white color.

He set the stone back in the box and glanced up at Eiravan. "Classifying and naming different stones and crystals and rocks," he said, nodding a little bit.
Eiravan stood beside the desk now, against the wall with his arms folded over his chest. He watched the other turn each rock over and examine it. Some were very pretty, he liked the blue transparent one, it matched his eyes ((Gosh, my Geology class required me to do that two years ago! -shudders-)). He met Jaedan's eyes only for a moment before returning to the rocks. Gods, why did he always feel weak in the knees when he caught those eyes....worse was his smiles. "Why do you need to know something like rocks?" he asked curiously. Shouldn't the prince be spending more times in political affairs?
((This is what I am doing now xD ))

Jaedan glanced over at Eiravan for a moment. "Well, a lot of these stones, my father really likes. But he isn't sure if they are strong enough to mess with or weak enough to cut. Not to mention that all of this makes me relax. It clears my head of whatever war is going on, whatever peace treaty we will have. All thoughts of being a prince just float away."

He shrugged his shoulders and gave a small smile. "It's nice. Pretending that you aren't as important as your birthright suggests. I am really interested in this kind of mineral stuff anyway."
Jaedan's part about wanting to just let everything go for awhile and be free to think and do as you wish for just a little while was easily understood. What royal child didn't have those feelings? But rocks...that was something was surprising. Of all the things...animals, games, women, music, writing. Eiravan couldn't help but smile a little. It was so odd and yet refreshingly different. "This one is nice..." he said touching a light milky blue stone, crystal maybe."
"Serpierite," Jaedan said, nodding at the stone Eira was touching. "My father gave my mother an Aventurine Feldspar, or Sunstone. It was a light pink color," he said, his eyes scanning the boxes on his desk before he picked up a gold banded ring with the light pink stone set in it. He turned it slowly this way and that to show that it shown blue in different lights.

"Ah, but the plague got her," Jaedan said, placing the ring back into the box. "It was a long time ago, I don't remember her much. I was only a kid," he said, glancing back up at Eiravan for a moment. "Which is why I am an only child. Well, my father does have children from different women lately, but none of them can be heirs. Because the women he bed are not royalty."
Eiravan watched him pick up the ring, it was a very pretty stone. Most of the jewelry he was used to seeing consisted of peals being so close to the sea. Everything was made of pearl. He had a moment look of sympathy when he spoke of his mother. Cold-hearted bastard he might be, still no child should have to lose their mother. He was lucky to still have both his parents, even if he only saw them two or three times a week growing up.

"The painting in the end of the east hallway..." he said softly, "is that your mother?" He remembered seeing it once or twice now...some reason each time he passed it he couldn't help but admire it.
Jaedan glanced up at him and nodded his head. "That was painted when I was young. I remember the old man that had done it. I think he had a secret crush on my mother," he said with a soft chuckle. "The way he looked at her, it just wasn't an artist eye. It was the eye of someone in love."

He then picked up a bright blue and sea green colored rock. The blue kind of looked fuzzy. "Azurite with Malachite," he said, running his finger over the blue part. "It looks fuzzy, but it's not."
((Are these some of the rocks you get to look at in your class?!))

The teen gave a small smile. "I'm sure he wasn't the only one, your mother was very lovely," he commented. There was no attempts at flattery or anything like that, he was very honest in his reply. A shame their first day couldn't have started out like this, he might have actually liked the older more.

Eira reached out and 'petted' the rock with two fingers as if it might bite. Really he was just wary about the other. "It looks like its sitting under water...or something," he said not really caring much for the rock now with that thought in mind.
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