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The Prince's Gift (Perfection and NaoChan)

Eiravan had been watching, up until the point that his underwear hit the ground. The prince realized he'd been staring and quickly looked down blushing. The call to join was met with a roll of his eyes. He hear the other sitting in the water and looked up, he wasn't really anger but certainly annoyed. "Are you daft?" he demanded. "Or did I just speak to the wind...?" he growled his annoyance. "I'm afraid!" he reminded, clearly embarrassed at having to admit it AGAIN aloud.
Jaedan rolled his eyes right back at the younger male. "What, do you think I am going to drown you? I am not that cruel," he said, shaking his head a little bit. Then, acting like a little boy, he splashed the prince with a handful of cool water. "It feels good. If you hadn't noticed, Syrican is a hot and humid country. Guess what our low is in the winter? A good fifty degrees. High in the summer is hundred and ten. You came at a pretty nice time of the year when it's only eighty degrees but feels like ninety five."
Eira narrowed his eyes, but nothing hateful. Just in reaction to the childish splash. "I'm aware of your climate," he retorted. He had enough years of study to the basics of other kingdoms. Never thought he would actually have to care as much as he did now. What worried him was that most of his clothing was made of long sleeved and pants, the thought of hot weather made him wrinkle his nose.

"Although I wouldn't put it past you, no..." he answered simply standing up and drawing more inward away from the pool and Jaedan's playful splashes. "I'm afraid of the water, not you," he corrected. "There is just...too much," he muttered feeling silly.
"No more than one of the baths in the palace. If you can't get in this, then there's no way you will be able to bathe." Because in Syrican, there wasn't any showers. All bathing required to be submerged in a tub. "And I will not have you not bathe. That's just dirty. And you are a prince. You must be clean. And right now, you are dirty with cum..."
((Silly, he took a shower in one of your first posts. -^____^-))

Eiravan's home didn't have showers either, their bathers were just as big. But the prince had his own. "Then you will just have to accommodate for me or learn to live with my stench," he replied back crossing his arms. Now he was acting like the spoiled child that he was thought and raised to be. The mention of the last bit made him wench slightly. Damn he really hated this man! "Then...I'll just start heading back and see to my own cleaning...MY way."
((my bad! Ignore that then!))

"but why would you do that when you can just bathe right here?" Jaedan asked curiously, raising his eyebrows. You would think that you would just be afraid of large bodies of water. Not this measley little pond," he pointed out. But he didn't really understand why Eiravan was afraid of the water. Or how someone could be afraid of something so small like this little pond. "I do hope you realized that I will continue to pester and tease you until I can get you into this pond, right?" Because Jaedan did not like to give up on something. And this was just too fun.
"I prefer to take my baths alone...and indoors," he replied still heading back the way they came. An excuse that tried to downplay his true reason. Eira looked back rolling his eyes. "You may do so as much as you wish," he offered. "I have a pretty high tolerance to annoyance..." he replied. Jeadan would get tired of it soon he did not worry too much as to just how far his tolerance streatched.
Jaedan laughed a little bit as Eira started To walk away. He liked the way that prince walked. It was so cute and a huge turn on for him. He licked his lips and was determined to have sex with him in this very pain. The boy would be too fun to screw in this water.

(sorry for the shortness. Bed time!))
((Yes...its well past my own >_< No problem, besides I didn't give you much to work with before, my apologies.))

If Eriavan could hear Jaedan's thoughts he would have sat right where he was and refused to move until he rotted away to nothing. Watching him walk?! The poor prince was utterly doomed from keeping the other from jumping him much longer. How he began to dread being alone with the other. Perhaps were was a way to stay with others...he could always try getting lost in the wood inside the palace walls...or maybe get lost in the palace itself.

Eiravan considered and debated as he pulled himself back up on his mount, Skite had followed when Jaedan took him in his own saddle. He already accepted that it was going to happen...and he would not fight him that time. The sooner he got it over with the better. At least then, after having him the older prince wouldn't be so interested. A large price for one's virginity but it was worth it.
Jaedan rolled his eyes a little bit as the younger prince mounted the horse. He stood up, shaking his head some. Not caring that he was wet, he pulled on his pants and followed after the boy. Ah, well. Jaedan could wait to have him. It didn't have to be so soon anyway. He had all the time in the world after all. He didn't have to rush fucking the boy.

He mounted his horse and followed after Eiravan. "I wonder. It's not that big, but I can see you getting lost in this little forest. Are you sure you could have gotten back to the palace without me?" he asked curiously, glancing at him from the corner of his eye.
Eiravan was good with directions...if he was paying attention. On the way to the pond the teen was a little distracted but even so, it couldn't be terribly difficult. "We are inside a walled area, are we not? I'm sure it wouldn't be long before I run into it...then all I have to do is follow it until I find an opening or a sentry on duty," he stated with a dismissive wave of his hand. Logical explanation. The direction of the wall was easy for him to tell...he could feel the magic tingle the further he got to it. "Or...if I'm really lucky this horse will get bored and/or hungry and just trot he and myself back to the stables," he added with a quick grin.
"Skite is a smart boy. He would find his way back to the stables eventually," Jaedan murmured, nodding his head a little bit as he reached over to touch the horses side gently. "We're going to brush and feed these two and then go back into the palace. The sun is rising and it's going to get hot."
Eiravan saluted the prince in a mocking manner. "Aye..." he chirped. Hopefully the prince would have duties to attend to and leave HIM alone! Once he was sure of the direction back to the palace he urged Skite into a brisk canter. The young prince smiled as the wind was cool on his heated cheeks. A shame the palace's stables came up so quickly...he had ever urge to turn around and run the other way. But the pool lay in that direction and Skite seemed intent on breakfast. So to the stables they went.
Jaedan watched Eiravan trot off, knowing that if he needed too, he would be able to catch up with him. His horse was a lot faster than Eira's horse. But Jaedan found that he didn't need to do such a thing when they both got to the stables. He got off his horse and lead him into the stall. He brushed him out and fed him some oats and an apple.

Then he remembered he had lessons with an old professor that truly hated him for some stupid reason or another. Probably because Jaedan liked to doze off or not pay attention.
Eiravan was silent as he lead his own charge back to his stall. Skite seemed pleased to be back. While he munched away on his own oats the prince brushed him out with expert hands. It was the first thing any noble male learned to do with his first horse. The chore was very relaxing to him, it was familiar, something he preferred at the moment.

Finished he waited at the entrance of the prince's stall. Eira was still without his shirt, his skin a creamy white without a single mark. He'd had the best treatment as a child, so even those 'foolish' boy stunts that should have left him with scars were easily treated. As for as anything major, like his brother, well he'd yet to turn of age to be put into the military. The only mark on his body was a gold tattoo on his left shoulder. "Do you tend to make my life miserable more, or might I find a bath and change of clothing now?" he asked crossing his arms over his bare chest.
"I intend to make your life miserable," Jaedan said with a small smirk as he walked out of his stall and toward the boy. He admired the gold tattoo against that creamy, soft white skin that just felt so good under his touch. "No, if you can remember where my bedroom is, you may shower in there. As for me, I have lessons," he said as he walked out of the stables and back to the castle, expecting Eiravan to follow him.

"Listen to the people of the castle, Eiravan. A number of them want King Drayke to send troops to Cain. Mind them, listen to them. No smart ass comments. You seem to have the females on your side though."
Eiravan pressed his lips to this comment, well that was certainly a given. But he didn't say anything aloud. Really, he'd only meant for the next hour or two so that he might clean himself up, the thought of not having that didn't make a very happy person. And the way the other approached looking at him caused him to shift nervously. Every look Jaedan gave him made him nervous, his stomach fluttered. It was annoying...hate was so much easier to feel and much easier to understand, why couldn't he feel that?

The mention of lessons made him relax completely. "I remember," he said, perhaps a little too cheerfully for his usual demeanor. So he WAS getting ride of the prince for awhile, perfect. It was the first time Eira was more than content in following the other back inside. The warning wasn't needed however, he didn't plan to speak to anyone for that matter. So with a light blush, to Jaedan's mention of the female servants, he started past in the direction of the stairs that would lead back to the older's room. Clothing and a bath sounded perfect!
Jaedan watched him go before turning toward a door at the left side of the first hallway. That's where his teacher wanted to meet him this afternoon and judging by the sun, he was already a little late. Knowing the teacher wouldn't be too pleased with his attire or his tardiness, Jaedan walked into the room and gave a small smirk to the old man. "I was making Prince Eiravan's life miserable. Do excuse me," he said as politely as he could, even though the man sneered at him.

"Tardiness and unacceptable attire is never fit for a king, Prince Jaedan..." Gragian said, glaring down at the prince.

"Good thing I am here, then, no? I have lots to learn," Jaedan said with a small chuckle, though Gragian thought it was not funny at all.
Eiravan would not have minded tagging along with the prince to his lessons, especially if he knew what his teacher was like. How he could have found it absolutely amusing. But for now he settled for the comforts of a standing bath...a bucket or two of water, wash then rinse with another set of buckets. He reminded himself that he'd certainly never cause trouble for the young ladies that helped him accomplish this tidies bathing cycle. They were more than happy to help they insisted.

Cleaned up and in a fresh set of his own clothing, long sleeves and long pants just shy of being see through, he was presented with a light lunch. Exploring did not turn out very well this morning so he didn't feel like doing it again. The sleepless night before caught up to him and he found himself, clean and full, ready for a nap. The bed was inviting but instead he curled up on a chair and fell right to sleep.
Jaedan was glad that his lesson was over. He shook his head some as he walked out of the room and went back up to his bedroom. Like being a king was as hard or strict as that old man made it seem. He ran his hands through his long black hair. Now...where was that pretty little boy? He wanted to made his life more miserable. Those thoughts made him laugh softly.

He walked down the hallway and opened the door to his bedroom. He glanced around a moment before spotting a bundle in a chair. It was a comfy chair, but he didn't see what Eira didn't take the bed. Shaking his head a little bit, he walked over to the young prince and gently lifted him off of the chair. "You will find my bed a lot more comfortable," he whispered softly, carrying him to his bed.
Eira was actually very comfortable. He was use to falling to sleep in odd places, chairs and the floor do to the fact of late night studying. When he took the chair he never meant to fall asleep...and even as he drifted he figured it was only a short nap. But in truth he was out cold, not even becoming aware of his surroundings until he felt suddenly weightless.

How very small and insignificant that could make you feel sometimes, to be lifted like you were nothing more than a small helpless child! It didn't feel like Jeadan put any effort into it at all. Familiar strange chills ran down his back, waking him slightly at that voice. "I'm... comfortable...where" he muttered with a light frown against his sleep half asleep face. But the prince gave no efforts to fight the older, least he wanted to do was be dropped!
Even though Jaedan figured he was comfortable right there, he also figured that the best time to mess with this prince was when he was half asleep. Jaedan just smiled at the boy and laid down next to him in the bed. He pressed himself close and gently, in a soothing manner, rubbed Eira's stomach.

He wouldn't jump in right away this time. He thought he would try a little caressing here and there before going all out and really making Eiravan feel good.
Rubbing his stomach was probably not the best way to passify or keep the prince sleeping. He was rather sensitive there, squirming under the hand. But he wasn't getting protective or defensive of himself...either because he was too groggy as he slowly woke from his disturbed nap or because he just liked it. There was something about Jeadan that was attractive...even he could not deny that to himself.

"Don't you know how to keep your hands to yourself," he muttered pushing the hand away at lastHe. He couldn't help it, any more and he'd be laughing. He rolled over to face the other, still half asleep. He didn't like having his back toward Jeadan...that just wasn't smart.
"Not when I have something so cute and soft to play with," Jaedan said with a small smirk, laying on his side. One arm was propping up his head and the other was now resting on Eira's hip. "Okay. Rubbing Prince Eiravan's stomach is not a way to keep him asleep. Prince Eiravan must be ticklish," he said with a small laugh, running his hand up Eira's shirt and trailed his fingertips over the soft skin.

"I wonder where else he is ticklish..." he whispered softly and leaned in toward Eira's neck and gently, slowly, licked up his neck toward his ear. "Or maybe...where I can touch to get him all fired up."
"I'm not tick..." It was manageable for a while when fabric shielded him, but when Jaedan's hand went up his shirt and ran across his sensitive skin, his eyes shot open and he squeak as he body contorted. The tongue across his neck sent crazy shivers down his body, some laced with fear, most desire and curiosity, and others confusion. He hated why did he...want him? Eyes narrowed. "Really...I can't even take a nap?" he pouted having grabbed a pillow and was now shoving it at the other, creating a blockade. In the same breath he was shifting to his knees on the bed, fully awake now. "I want my own room," he informed.
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