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Behind Closed Doors (1x1 w/ PoisonousIvee)

"O-Oh? You want me to, huh? Have you try to keep it down while I have my cock in your throat for a whole meeting?" He asked.
He nodded quickly, moving faster. They didn't get very many clients since it was just the two of them for now, but he didn't mind.
Everything was too much, the ache was horrible, Morgan's moans were filling his already sensitive ears. Morgan tempted fate, and moved to start forcing Kit to move at his own pace.
That was it. He didn't need to be asked to keep this pace or go faster or slower. He picked it up, fucking himself on Morgan's cock to try and earn his spot over his desk.
He arched and let out a loud moan as he suddenly erupted down Kit's throat, tossing his head back as he gripped the arms of his chair.
His toes were curling, and he let out a ragged gasp. "F-Fuck, fuck..~!! G-Good boy, you really wanna earn this cock, huh~?"
He pulled away and crawled out from under the desk, making quick work of his belt and slacks. He pulled a travel bottle of lube from his pocket and set it on the desk before bending over the surface.
He grinned and poured a generous amount onto his cock before grabbing Kit by the base of the neck, and slowly pushing into him with a rough hiss.
He arched and a grin split his face right away, eyes crossing as his tail stuck straight up. He was always so tight.
"F-Fuck, Kit..~" he hissed, gripping a little tighter. "M-Miss me~?" He asked, suddenly slamming to the base inside him.
"Y-You were fucking daydreaming about this, weren't you?" He asked, pulling back and slamming back in with a low, raspy moan.
"S-Such a nasty little secretary I have~" he grunted, slamming faster and faster into him.
He moaned loudly over and over, loving every hard thrust, "Y-You made me like this~!!" He whined. Not that he minded at all.
"Bullshit~ There's no way I could make someone into this, Kit..~ I appreciate the compliment, but I think you've been like this~"
He blushed darkly before he slumped against the desk, drooling as another grin tugged at his lips, "Yeah~ I'm down bad in Hell for you, Morgan~" He moaned lowly.
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