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Behind Closed Doors (1x1 w/ PoisonousIvee)

He arched hard and suddenly forced Kit down to the base as he climaxed hard, letting out a loud, low moan as his cock pumped his load down Kit's throat.
He made a noise and relaxed for a second, like his cock wasn't still just about resting on Kit's face.
"Orders.." He nearly moaned, loving the weight and heat of his cock against his face; loving every throb it made.
"Orders~? Oh, Kit..~ I really turned your brain to mush, huh~?" He asked, moving and pressing his face more firmly into his crotch again. This.. was new for Morgan. And more than welcome, really.
"Then be a good boy and suck me off until I say stop." He said. And he added with a grin, "Or until you snap, whichever."
"Well, if you snap, I guess we go from there~" he said. "Either way, I bust a nut~" he said with a wry chuckle.
"Will you fuck me if I snap?" He asked, a little too quickly, "I'll do anything if you'd bend me over your desk again."
He let one slip. One damning, devious smirk. A flash of sharp teeth, a glint in the eye. "Anything?"
"Then suck me off like I fucking asked you." He said, moving to push his cock past Kit's lips again.
"F-Fuck, there we go..~" he grunted. "I should keep you under my desk when a client comes in..~"
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