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Behind Closed Doors (1x1 w/ PoisonousIvee)

He smirked and pressed Kit more firmly into his crotch, loving Kit's breath against his sensitive skin.
He sighed blissfully, eyes glowing faintly with lust, his tongue hanging out slightly as a small sick grin split his face.
He moaned lowly and leaned back to watch Kit. He was loving this, looking down at his secretary with a satisfied grin.
He glanced up at him and held his gaze as he stuffed his fat cock down his throat, grunting and purring around him.
He moved faster, a look of raw euphoria and adoration creeping across his expression. It was kind of cute, if Morgan was honest.
He grunted and took another long drag from his cigar. "F-Fuck yeah, this is the best..~" he moaned, blowing the smoke upward and away.
Morgan leaned back and simply enjoyed this, feeling his orgasm building slowly but surely.
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