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Orient Express OOC Thread


Old Dog, New Tricks
Aug 24, 2013
Main Thread
Orient Express Character Profiles

Map of Europe 1936
1936 Wikipedia
What Happened in 1936
A History of the Orient Express

Schedule (for our purposes)

ArrivalApproximate Travel TimeArrival Time
Strasbourg, France​
4:3600:06 Thursday
Karlsruhe, Germany​
2:1803:54 Thursday
Stuttgart, Germany​
2:1806:12 Thursday
Munich, Germany​
4:3610:18 Thursday
Vienna, Austria​
11:3022:15 Thursday
Budapest, Hungary7:105:25 Friday
Belgrade, Yugoslavia13:0718:32 Friday
Constantinople, Turkey (Istanbul)24:0818:40 Saturday
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We might need another lady to get on the train at the next stop, lol!

Well I suppose we must soon hear from @Queen Trish and her character. Perhaps in Strasbourg?
I can also confirm what is listed among the NPC that a young woman will board soon.

Unless there's some swapping going on.

Now wouldn't that be something for Leo and Walsh to bond over indeed and who knows what that might possibly lead to down the line.

I'm just waiting for my character to get stopped at some border and questioned about his last name. :oops:

Well we are approaching Germany. We should be crossing the border shortly after the stop in Strasbourg.
Oh. And I'll hold off on posting until Shiva and Vin has had time to post as well, since for the moment Jane is following them rather than making her way to any sleeping compartment.
Oh. And I'll hold off on posting until Shiva and Vin has had time to post as well, since for the moment Jane is following them rather than making her way to any sleeping compartment.
That sounds fair. After all, if we're not careful we'll jump into different time zones on the train.

So much good stuff to anticipate - so far this Group RP has progressed much better than any other I have been in, so I want to thank all of you for making that happen.
Sorry if that last one's a bit brief folks ( @Vinaein if Aleks drops Estella on the ground I swear to god...). Was out ghost hunting last night and my dog woke me up WAY too early so I am not on my A-game today haha
All these strapping young fellas, I'm going to LMAO if Jane ends up bedding Estelle first!

I've never had more fun reading other peoples posts. You are a great group and I hope I can continue to do justice to your efforts. But I do feel that at times I just need to let you all run with it and stay out of the way.
All these strapping young fellas, I'm going to LMAO if Jane ends up bedding Estelle first!

I've never had more fun reading other peoples posts. You are a great group and I hope I can continue to do justice to your efforts. But I do feel that at times I just need to let you all run with it and stay out of the way.

Oh now you gave the ladies that idea! Not that they might not be thinking along those paths, ha ha!

It really is fun to read all the posts, sort out what my character knows and what I know, or think I know.
Well I don't think any of us wanna play the Krauts, but I could be wrong. You'll probably have a more active role here soon enough, X!
How do you know there aren't multiple characters working for the Krauts already?

Playing the bad guys does have it's benefits, and I look forward to having a bit more of a part to play. But in many cases, I think it is often best to have a GM type who isn't fully into the scenes to provide a bit more impartial and balanced world for everyone to play in. Hopefully it works, seems to be going good so far.
@captain_bond Sorry if I am keeping you waiting but Jane is after all there to gather information about the other passengers. Depending on Shiva's and Vin's next posts Jane will knock on Walsh's door within the next few posts.
How do you know there aren't multiple characters working for the Krauts already?
Very good point. I imagine the contents of Estelle's briefcase were meant for their eyes, of course that's just an OOC guess and a complete lack of knowledge thereof IC. She comes across as an unwitting pawn, at worst. At least to mine own eyes.
No worries @MsBloom he's finding some way to pass the time. After all, it's probably not all that outside the realm of possibility that Estelle slumped into the compartment right next door to Walsh's!!
Not that they might not be thinking along those paths,

The idea has crossed my mind. Not sure about Shiva though.
I think it is often best to have a GM type who isn't fully into the scenes to provide a bit more impartial and balanced world for everyone to play in.

I fully agree with this. A good GM narrates and takes on whatever NPCs are needed, unless they can of course convince other players to play them. ;)

I imagine the contents of Estelle's briefcase were meant for their eyes

I am working along the same OoC assumption.
I'm going to have Leo lay low for a bit while the other four work out where everyone is going to be in the next hour of game play time.
Also, even in RPs, people do need to sleep, though not alone. Of course a good writer should be able to manage a compelling masturbation scene...
Or he could call for ... ummm ... maid service. ;)

Also, even in RPs, people do need to sleep, though not alone. Of course a good writer should be able to manage a compelling masturbation scene...

Y'all skanks just want to see him get off, ha ha! Leonard hasn't been properly aroused to want to relieve any tension yet, but it's coming. (Ahem) give it another day. If he's not laid, I'll write you a masturbation scene worth reading... with one hand. Alone... behind closed doors.

But honestly, he would feel a little like he was taking advantage of his position as a first class passenger if he propositioned the maid. She's working class too, though below him in the stratosphere of their social construct even in 1936 Europe, and he is not the type to use his influence to pressure anyone into sex. 🤔 And he's not paying for it, lol! That's a great way to get crabs. Ugh.

Although seafood does sound good right now...
I was about to actually write that luckily I have a clam taco at hand, luckily I stopped myself but apparently only for a few minutes.
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