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Orient Express OOC Thread


Old Dog, New Tricks
Aug 24, 2013
Main Thread
Orient Express Character Profiles

Map of Europe 1936
1936 Wikipedia
What Happened in 1936
A History of the Orient Express

Schedule (for our purposes)

ArrivalApproximate Travel TimeArrival Time
Strasbourg, France​
4:3600:06 Thursday
Karlsruhe, Germany​
2:1803:54 Thursday
Stuttgart, Germany​
2:1806:12 Thursday
Munich, Germany​
4:3610:18 Thursday
Vienna, Austria​
11:3022:15 Thursday
Budapest, Hungary7:105:25 Friday
Belgrade, Yugoslavia13:0718:32 Friday
Constantinople, Turkey (Istanbul)24:0818:40 Saturday
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I thought they were called Oompa Loompas?

I am hesitant to admit that back when we were kids me and my twin knew all the songs and the choreography to this movie. Yes yes I know.
*Puts on a pointy hat and goes to stand in the corner.*
Someone who was ginchy was sexy back in the thirties. So the ginchiest is the sexiest, heh, heh...

She's kind of hot.
Is it the kind where the one fetus absorbs the other like in that fucking Malignant movie Christ that was so bad

THe kind that ha two sets of DNA and such. Technically that's called a chimera but I suppose it is a kind of twin but like Bond said I was referring to two surviving twins.
I am actually working on it. And also, my sincere apologies for having missed Walsh's apology in your previous post. I was not entirely at full swing it seems.
I appreciate your banter and presence in the OOC! It's always easier to wait when we know how you are doing. Here's some soup and coziness to help you get through your day.

Ooof, sorry I've been so absent OOC here, guys! Just been busy and woke up with a headache, but I'm gonna try to get to everything!!!
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