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Thieves (cont.) (Me and Candria)

Jake smiled and dressed himself in the living room before taking two gold bricks with him. Jake went to his buyer and found his ex partner there. 'fuck forgot I showed him this place.' Jake thought but before he had time to turn around the groups of people obviously with his ex partner grabbed him.

"You stole something from me Jake." He spat before pushing his fist into Jake's stomach. Jake coughed roughly after the blow. Right after the cough another blow came hitting Jake in the face. "I warned you when we were partners I didn't like my cut being reduced."

Jake spit out some blood. "It isn't my fault that you kept tripping the alarm to where we had to run before we got the stash. Before Jake could continue with any other statement his one time partner pulled a knife and stabbed him in the arm. A growl of pain came from his lips as the knife was twisted a bit. The beating continued until Jake was unable to talk any more. Once the group left Jake slowly picked himself up to his feet. His buyer came over and offered him a ride back to his hideout to which Jake had no choice but to agree.

Jake pushed the door opened fifteen minute later with his somewhat good arm. "Fucking bastard." he grumbled beneath his breath. "What happened to honor among thieves?" He went into the master bedroom then into the bathroom hooked to it. He tried to stay quiet from Waking Yin but he slipped and fell to the floor in pain. He tried to lift himself up but his other arm wouldn't allow him, not with the stab in his left arm and shoulder.
Upon hearing a rather loud thud and seeing a light on in the bathroom, Yin was roused from her sleep. Slowly she got out of bed and walked toward the room. "Jake, is that you?" she rasped, walking toward the door. When she saw him lying there, she though she was having a nightmare...but she didn't wake up. "What the Hell?! What happened to you?" She asked, kneeling beside him and carefully helping him up. Stay there, she said, going to the medicine cabinet for the first aid kit.
"Freddy." he mused forcing himself up painfully. "He was there with about ten men." Jake explained holding his left arm. "Good thing you weren't there, chances are he would have broke you into giving away information with what he did to me." He wasn't trying to sound as though she was weak but she was the most likely to break between them. "It was my fault this buyer is a loyal one but I had forgotten I introduced him to Freddy a while back. So he waited for me there."
She kissed him softly, unable to stop herself from doing so. "I should have gone with. I could have waited in a car or something." Yin was not reassured by Jake's words. She was near tears as she started to clean him up, anti-bacterial spray working on some of the wounds she had the most access to. Once they were cleaned and cleaned up a bit, she bandaged them. "Well, it doesn't look like we can go back there now." Removing the clothes that were in the way of her first aide efforts, she watched his face. "You're never going without me again." That said she cleaned him up as best she could, her hands working incredibly fast and smoothly, despite her level of panic. "It's a good thing I have first responder training," she said. Immediately, she was glad she'd decided to take the class all those weeks ago.

Some of his wounds needed stitches, and she was able to do those as well. Carefully she got out the materials she needed and cleaned up the skin as best she could. Then, she started to stitch him up. "This will hurt a little. Bear with me, okay?"
Jake gritted his teeth from the pain but wouldn't let a sound from his lips. He knew he should have been more careful but it wasn't like he could walk down a main street carrying his sword. "I think I'm getting to old for this business." He said softly before a hiss came from his lips as she pours alcohol on his stab wounds. "I don't plan on going anywhere without you again, but I'm still glad you weren't there. Freddy would have done worse to you because your a woman."
"Yeah, well, that doesn't mean you're off the hook," she said. Carefully she had begun to stitch his skin back together, minimizing the wounds as much as possible. They would dissolve in a few days, but they would hold him for now. Once she was finished with one wound she would look up at him and ask how he was doing before moving on to the next. "We might have to take you into the hospital if you're not more careful, and they like to ask questions." Yin finished another wound and carefully started at the last. "Once this is done, we'll get you cleaned up and bandaged again and then you have to rest. I'll get you some food. You'll have to eat because I'm sure that you've lost quite a bit of blood."

A good ten minutes later, she was finished treating him and caring for his wounds. "Okay, Jake. Do you think you can stand?" she asked, not moving.
"Yeah." He groaned sitting himself up. "Let's avoid that hospital." His arm hurt like hell when she pushed the needle trough his skin, but he force himself to hold his tongue. "Yin, after we sell off the last of our stash. I'm cleaning up." He said softly clenching his teeth standing to his feet. "I'm not going to keep doing this to see anything like this happen to you."
"Is that so?" she asked, cleaning the last of the dried on blood from his skin. "So you're telling me that nothing like this has ever happened to you before? Ever?" she asked rather skeptically. Yin somehow doubted that that was the case. Perhaps this was the first time it really scared him, or the first time it had been so bad, but she sincerely doubted that he'd never been attacked before. She shook her head and put the first aide kit away. "Look, if this is about our relationship...forget it. If you're only worried that I'll get hurt, we both knew that that was a possibility when I got into this. If all you're worried about is touched as I am, it'd be stupid to get out now."

She looked into his eyes and touched his cheek gently. "You are my partner. The only person I trust completely. If you say it's too bad out there to continue, I'll listen. But I don't want this to just be about me, okay? You count too. Take some more time to think about it. When you're sure, let me know. We don't have to do anything until you're ready." She smiled softly and looked him over. "You look like Hell. Let's get you to bed, huh?" That said, she took his hand and guided him back to their bed, ready for a good night's sleep.
Jake wanted to protest to her words but pain shot through his system once more. He stopped and listened to her words as she continued and eventually followed her to the bed. He still hand one good arm and he grabbed her right wrist with it. "Yin, I'll think on it but the payment is a kiss beautiful." He didn't know what he wanted to do anymore, he didn't know what he would do if she ever got hurt like this. One thing was sure though, he wasn't going anywhere without his sword anymore.
Yin blinked as he caught her wrist but smiled at his words. "Okay, but don't blame me if you break because you can't take it," she said softly. Her soft form came close to his once more and she slowly wrapped her arms around him, holding lightly against her. She smiled as her brandy-colored eyes stared into his for a moment and she kissed him softly, keeping him right where he was. After a few slow moments crawled by, she let the kiss go and smiled. "Do you think that'll hold you?"
Jake smiled and nodded. The look of her beautiful brown hued eyes drawing him in even more. He laid softly on the bed laying on his right side to avoid the stitches. He rested his left hand on Yin's hip laying closer to her. As long as nothing happened to her he was happy. His arm was in pain but he forced himself to ignore it as he lay there trying to sleep. It wasn't helping much that it was the middle of the day and the blankets were at his waist. He had always laid on his sides before though his body normally determined what side he slept on. Of course now that his left arm was in pain his body wanted him to lay on it to be comfortable. Fifteen minutes had gone by and he still couldn't fall asleep, so with a sigh he just laid there looking at Yin's hair as she lay there.
Yin could feel that he wasn't falling asleep, and as much as she wanted to, she really couldn't knowing that he was lying awake next to her...or behind her. So carefully, she moved away from him and turned around to face her partner. " am I going to fix you?" she asked quietly, kissing his lips. She pulled the blankets up and over him before snuggling closer and wrapping an arm around him. "What can I do to help you, Jake?"
His lips softly kissed her back before his body was covered. Jake could only shake his head. "I don't know." he said softly. His body was in so much pain and he didn't think he was going to need pain pills. "I think we need to go see Derick tomorrow." He mused. He had only told Yin about Derick they never had to actually go. Derick was one person Jake trusted to patch him up, luckily Derick was a doctor as well. He didn't Have to worry about Freddy being there because he never talked about this contact with his ex partner. "Might need more professional help beautiful." He winced as the blanket rubbed against his stitches.
"Poor thing," she said, her eyes drooping closed. She simply couldn't keep them open any longer. "Try to get some sleep. We'll go see him when I can drive you there, okay?" She pulled the blankets down on him just a bit and cuddled close to him. "You can lean on me if you need to. Just keep me warm and I'll do the same."
Jake moved slightly covering her naked upper body with his own, though making sure not to smother her into his chest. He guess she had started training to be a nurse or something of the like before she had gotten into thievery. He only wished he had pain medication right now, albeit he could just turn his sword on and use the heating coils in it to cauterize the wound shut. Chances were that the stitches would be better then a third degree burn, and heal faster no doubt.
A few hours later, Yin's eyes started to open. Feeling fairly rested, she stirred a bit, looking up at the face of her partner. She'd forgotten in her sleep that he'd been beaten that morning. "Mmm, Jake? Are you awake?" she asked, slowly pulling her soft body away from him. "If you give me a few minutes, I'll be ready to take you to Derrick. I'll even help you get dressed."
"I'm already dressed enough." He said softly. He hadn't gotten any sleep as much as he had tried. "I have pants on already, but you get dressed." Maybe his pants were part of the reason he couldn't sleep but he knew it was mainly because of the wounds. He sat up after she had moved off then bed. Some how he knew that if he was going to get any sleep he was going to have to sit up, chances were the couch was going to be his bed for the next few nights until the pain wet away.
Yin frowned. It wasn't healthy that he was awake after so long. "Don't do too much, okay? And as sexy as you are, Jake, You're going to want something over your chest. Bandages and stitches are kind of a discerning mark." She went to a little trunk and pulled out some clothes for herself before heading into the bathroom. She took care of herself and walked out in a pair of jeans, a nice black shirt, and a pair of sneakers. She took some bandages and wrapped them lightly over his stitches before handing him a shirt. "The irritation from the fabric shouldn't be as much of a problem now. We'll get some food in you after we go see your friend, okay?
Jake slipped the shirt over his left arm first bringing it low so he didn't have to lift his arm much, then put his right arm in. Using his right hand he moved ht shirt over his head and down his body. though only half of it pulled down. Yin looked amazing, not that she didn't any other time, but actually seeing her in the light with clothing like that really helped him admire her figure more. He was careful with his arm locking up the safe. "Derick is of the 75 freeway heading South we want to get off at West point." He explained softly his hands wanting to run down the front of her body as his lips met hers. He was only able to stop his left arm due to the pain when he moved it, but his right ran over the cloth she had covering her torso.
Yin smiled at him and let his hand run down her body as he kissed her. The poor guy deserved a little fun after getting beaten up so badly. "Mmm, don't get used to that. Besides, you shouldn't be starting things you can't finish while you're in pain." She kissed his cheek and then took his right hand in her left, pulling him out the door with her after locking it behind her, not that it would matter much if a real thief wanted to get in. She got into their car and unlocked his side before starting it up. Once he was in and secured, she drove to the specified point. "Where to now, Jake?" she asked, her eyes wandering over to him. Damn it all, he was still cute when he was covered in bandages.
"Right turn and go about fifteen miles, then on Trent turn right again and he's the fifth building on the left." the car ride wasn't very smooth and it jarred his body a few times. He hadn't planned on that being the road had just been redone last time he was in this area of the city. Shortly after the rest of the directions he drifted to sleep, staying up that late wore him out.
Yin followed his directions, glancing over when she noticed a very soft snoring coming from the passenger's seat. She smiled softly as she saw him sleeping there. At least now he was getting rest, despite that rest being terrible for his body's current position. When they arrived a good half hour later, the beautiful thief gently set about waking him. "We're here," she said, gently shaking him from her side. If someone did see them, she didn't want them to see what bad shape he was in. "C'mon Jake, let's go in and get you fixed up."
Jake's eyes shifted slightly before they opened, the natural reflex was for him to put his arm up to block out the sun. Luckily for him he remembered which arm was sore and used the other. The lighting effect from the sun being in his eyes made Yin's beauty show even more, as though she had been sent like an angel for him. "We here already?" He asked softly with a yawn. He hated coming here, the 'nurse' if she could be called that liked him a bit too much. They hadn't ever gone out but had a fling once. Ever since that day she had been obsessive over them being an item well after he said that it wouldn't ever work out.

[HAHA a bit more drama now]
((Oooh, tension is always good. Am I the nurse, or are you?))

Yin smiled down at him and undid his seat belt for him. She watched him carefully and smiled at him. "Come on sunshine. We're here to get you fixed up, remember?" She kissed his lips softly as an incentive to move only after she realized that she should have gotten out of the car first. After a few moments, she pulled away from his kiss and got out of the car before she moved to his side and helped him out. "Come with me. I'll let you kiss me as much as you want..." she cooed. She probably didn't need to convince him to get out of the car seeing as he was probably in pain, but it wouldn't hurt her to give him extra encouragement.
[Which ever you like]

Jake kissed her lips softly before pushing himself up out of the car. The extra incentive was nice but he really did want the pain to stop. He walked up to the door opening it with his good arm waiting for her to go first. Manners had always been one of his things and it annoyed him when other didn't show proper respect when it was deserved. Pushing the elevator button down the hall he leaned against the side of the building waiting for the door to open. The annoying elevator music driving him to become tired once again. "God I hope she doesn't work here any more." he mused slightly beneath his breath.
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