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Herr Doktor, Herr Doktor, bist du sadistisch?{obscene + mei}

"Hm? Oh, okay," he said, and nodded up to David's room, letting himself in, and slipping out of the jeans and shirt he wore, and tossed them over the back of a chair in the room. Marcel sighed, and rubbed at his eyes, before moving to the bed and sat on the edge, before pulling down the covers and moved underneath them, lying on his side to avoid putting pressure on the welts. And no, he wasn't simply interested in just sex. . .having an actual relationship would be nice. His lip curled slightly; but that wasn't going to happen, was it?

Ah, well.
It was almost an hour later when David finally slid into bed next to Marcel, smelling faintly of booze. He pulled his per close, nuzzling him for a moment before getting comfortable. "Why do you put up with me?" He asked quietly. "Jay told me you didn't want him to make an offer..."
Drowsy by the time David had returned, Marcel was slow to respond when he was pulled flush against the other man, although he could smell the alcohol. The affection was bothering him slightly - he wasn't used to it, after all. But then again, today was just an incredibly weird day. After all, David had admitted to caring for him. But Marcel flushed in the dark, even though David couldn't see that, and shifted nervously. "Why I put up with you. . ." He murmured. "Should I have asked him to make an offer?" He returned, turning around so he could attempt to see David's face in the dark.
"Don't answer a question with a question." He said with a frown. Jay could offer whatever he wanted, but David had no interest in losing his favorite pet. And while he wouldn't say it, the only way he'd sell would be if he thought Marcel really was miserable with him. The affection was more from a bit too much to drink and a lack of sleep than anything, or so he'd claim, but as Marcel turned around he backed off and rolled over so his back was to Marcel. "Forget I asked if you can't give me a straight answer. Get some sleep." He said gruffly, setting his alarm for morning.
"I'm not unhappy with you. I don't mind being your pet. I just. . .I care for you." The last few words were mumbled, quiet, and it was rather hard to tell what he was saying. Marcel sighed as David had rolled away, showing his back to him. That didn't deter the pet, however, from still cuddling up to the man, pressing his face between the man's shoulder blades. "I'll never leave," he murmured, then sighed and rolled onto his back, and stared up at the ceiling, unable to sleep.
Between the dark, and facing away from his pet, Marcel wouldn't have been able to see David's smile. Marcel could mumble all he wanted, but he wasn't deaf. "I don't think I could have sold you anyway... no matter how much he was willing to offer." he turned over to look at his pet, studying the dark silhouette. "Can't sleep? I could give you something better to do." He said, unmistakable lust in his tone.
There was a small laugh in Marcel's voice when he replied, 'I figured that. . ." He could feel the man's eyes on him, and gave a small smile when he heard that. He turned to face the man as well, eyes glittering in the dark. "And such as. . .?" He gave a low purr, lips curled into a small smirk. So much for not having to do anything tonight - ah well, he wasn't complaining, and he didn't particularly care either way. As long as David was happy, that was good enough, really.
"You have a choice, I told you I wouldn't make you do anything tonight... but it might make tomorrow easier on you if you do." He said as he slid out of the pants he'd been wearing. "Start with your mouth, you haven't done anything to deserve pleasure of your own yet." He said, seeming to be more himself. Rewards were few and far between, but well worth the effort.
Huh, well. That sounded like a fair deal - suck him off, and the punishment would be lessened, even if it was only by slightly. Marcel crept down between David's legs, pulling the pants down, and then the boxers the other man had been wearing before gently taking his cock in hand. He hesitated briefly, then took the head between sensual lips, licking and sucking gently as his hand stroked the rest of the length.
"What happened Marcel...? You used to be so eager..." He asked as his pet hesitated. "Did Jay spoil you....? Or are you just not interested anymore?"
Marcel flushed, and pulled away briefly to shake his head. "N-no! That's not it. Sorry," he whispered, then returned to the task at hand, enthusiasm far more prominent in his actions this time than before, carefully taking even more of the length into his mouth, tongue trailing along the prominent vein in the shaft, before pressing flat against the bottom of the head. Pulling back slightly, Marcel's teeth gently scraped the sensitive skin, sucking only the head for a few brief moments like a rather obscene-looking lollipop, before bobbing his head down on the shaft once more.
David frowned, that hadn't been quite what he meant... what good was enthusiasm if it had to be prompted? Still, Marcel hadn't lost any of his skill, and before long David was panting, his length erect and pulsing in his pet's mouth. He reached down, pulling Marcel down to make him take more in.
It didn't matter what David had meant - not at the moment anyway. And Marcel was pleased to find that it didn't take long for him to have his Master completely and utterly hard in his mouth. He choked slightly as he was tugged down even further, but relaxed once more, and quickened his pace, urging for David to cum in his mouth.
David gave a low moan as he finally came, filling Marcel's throat with it. He relaxed, seeming somehow both satisfied and troubled. "That's enough for tonight." He said, motioning for Marcel to move up next to him.
The pet swallowed, as was usually, and then sat up, briefly wiping his mouth as he eyed David. He knew something was wrong, even if it seemed like there was nothing wrong, but still. . .The pet gave a small sigh, and resumed his place next to David. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked quietly. He knew something was wrong - was it because of his initial hesitation at the beginning?
David shook his head, "You'd know if you'd done something wrong, I'd have done something about it." He leaned over Marcel, "You just don't seem into it."

((Sorry my posts are short... I'm afraid I'm making David too sappy. n.n;; ))
"Mm." That was true - if he had done something wrong, he certainly would have been punished by now. Marcel sighed, trying not to flinch away from the man as he leaned over. "Sorry. I just. . .I don't know." His shoulders hunched slightly, and he clutched at his pillow. He didn't know what to say, honestly. Jay was still. . .so much more affectionate, honest and open with him than David was - or ever could be. And it was simply strange to be back at what was supposed to be home. "I don't know," he repeated.
"What is it you don't know? What's wrong Marcel?" He asked, starting to get frustrated. He hadn't done anything any different from normal, aside from the harsh punishment, and Marcel had thoroughly earned that. Just getting near him, Marcel seemed to struggle not to move away. "You said you'd never leave.... if you want to be here so badly why do you act like you'd rather be anywhere else?"
It wasn't that he wanted to move away from David. . .but he was just afraid of David getting mad at him. Again. "Please. . ." He moved closer to his owner once more, pressing his face into the crook of his neck. "I didn't mean anything like that, alright?" He lifted his arms, and wrapped them around the other man's shoulders, pressing himself against him. "I didn't mean to look so. . .I didn't mean to be hesitant. I'm sorry. And I do want to be here, I really really do. . ." His words were frantic now, and desperate.
"You're good with excuses, but answers? Not so much." He grumbled, pushing Marcel away. "Just go to sleep, I'll with you in the morning." He said as he turned his back again. He had been trying to give Marcel a chance to just tell him if something was wrong, but he wasn't about to beg him to. If all the kid could do was sputter excuses and assurances there wasn't any point in talking to him.
There was a small cry when he was pushed away, and an expression of despair crossed his face. "D-david, no, please. . ." Marcel refused to be pushed away, and clung to him. "Dammit, please!" He pulled David towards him so that he was flat on his back, and climbed onto him, straddling his hips and held down his shoulders, light grey eyes dark. "Because you piss me of sometimes, alright? Because I fucking love you and you push me away for another pet, and it fucking pisses me off! I don't want you to push me away like that." He relaxed his hold on the older man's shoulders, and traced the line of his shoulders, then his collarbone.
Pure shock was probably all that kept David from flinging his pet off the bed as he was turned, straddled, and held down. The urge to react like that faded quickly though as Marcel spoke. "You know he's not competition Marcel, he doesn't even come close to you." He said as his hands moved to Marcel's hips, resting there. "I can't be with him without thinking about you anyway. He's... a pet." He pulled Marcel forward, "I suppose you are too, but you're more than just that. Twice now I've had to assure you of that, I'm not a terribly emotional person. If I love someone I'd much rather show them than tell them." His fingers dragged through Marcel's hair, "And if I didn't love you, you wouldn't be here. You're the only 'pet' I've ever let in my room, much less slept with without lustful intentions." He fell quiet, annoyed that Marcel didn't already know all this. "What do you want me to do? Sell him?" He asked, not understanding why Marcel could be so bothered y another pet.
Marcel scowled as he felt the man's hand rest on his hip, and was pulled forward against the older man. He stiffened when he felt the hand drag through his hair, and then relaxed. He finally nodded. "Yes, sell him." His hands returned to their initial place on David's shoulders. "Sell him - I want to be the only pet you'll ever have. Why have him when you think about me anyway?" he said, voice low. He gave a small sigh, and then dropped down to rest his head on David's chest. He paused, then looked up at him. "Really? About all of that? Didn't know," he mumbled.
((Shoot, I did it again, I keep forgetting. XD))

David didn't like how cocky his pet had suddenly become, but he had a point. He'd been thinking about selling the other pet anyway, he'd fetch a good price and he wasn't terribly useful. Unlike Marcel, sex was about the only thing he could manage, and even that, he didn't do very well. "So what are you willing to do to earn my full attention?" he asked with a sly smile, "I don't plan to give up a perfectly good pet without getting something out of it."
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