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Herr Doktor, Herr Doktor, bist du sadistisch?{obscene + mei}

David crossed the room, leaning over Marcel. He studied him for a moment before placing a very passionate kiss on his pets lips. Both, for the sake of kissing him, and to distract him as he grabbed the piercing gun and carefully aligned it. There was a loud sound as the needle from it quickly shot through the cartilage as Davide pulled away from the kiss. The gun left a rather large gold stud in the reddening skin. "That's for doubting me..." He said as he placed the piercing gun in Marcel's hand and moved it to his own ear after reloading it. "And this..." He paused, a little hesitant to show his affection, "Is to show you you have no reason to." His hands moved to his pet's waist, leaving him to hold the gun. "Do it."
When David loomed over him, Marcel shrunk back, afraid of harsh words or a slap, but was pleasantly surprised when he found that it was just a kiss. He leaned into it eagerly, appreciating this side of David. It was something rare, and precious. The pet gave a muffled moan of pain when he felt his ear become pierced - there would be no doubt that a tag could be used in place of the stud, and he was more than a little surprised when he felt the gun being placed in his own hand. Marcel hesitated, but then pulled the trigger on the piercing gun, a small wince on his own face. "S-sorry." He placed the piercing gun on the table, and wondered if he was to be let off easy tonight.
((I totally forgot he was missing an arm in my last post. XD ))

David didn't acknowledge the pain. Not that it didn't smart, but he was an army man. His training taught him better than that. The gold stud seemed out of place, but his hair covered it most of the time. "You're mine Marcel, don't ever doubt me."

He drew back, moving to retrieve a coiled whip from the bag he'd brought in. "Now, I've spilled my guts, if you keep sulking about I'll leash you to a peg in the yard and you can live like a truly neglected pet for a while. You hear?" He trailed the base of the whip down Marcel's chest. "Now... You were with half a dozen or so others, and from the sound of it, with Jay every chance you got... so for sake of argument we'll round it up to twenty. One lash for every time you let someone other than your master touch you. You're mine and only mine, I never said I would share you with anyone. On the floor, now. Hands and knees, that's an order."
[[xD That's alright.]]

At those words, Marcel cringed slightly. That was true - he never shouldn't doubted him in the first place. First - your master, forever and always. That was simply the way it was, and it would never change. "I. . .Yes, sir," he muttered. He didn't want to be chained out in the front yard - that was far too demeaning.

Shiverng as he felt the handle of the whip trail down his bare chest, and worried his lower lip. Twenty lashes? Well, that wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be. But it was true - every chance he could, he had slept with Jay. And now he would pay for that. "Yes, Master," he murmured, and then slid off the edge of the table and onto the floor, then down onto his hands and knees, head bowed.
He freed the whip from it's coil, letting the soft leather fall lightly on Marcel's back as he gave the shorts a sharp tug to allow a few more inches of that sensitive skin to satisfy the whip. "I want you to count them... and think about what you've done wrong." The whip rose, then fell with a loud crack across Marcel's back, a welt rising almost instantly as he tested the new leather. New and sharp, it was perfect.
There was a slight shiver when the shorts were pulled down, and he felt the leather on his back, making him twitch slightly in anticipation of the pain. Marcel gave a sharp cry when he felt the first bite of the whip into his skin, and managed to choke out a "one", as per David's instructions. He continued to count the lashes, although stutters occasionally found their way into the numbers. For some reason, the pain today was quite a bit worse than normal, and he had to try hard to not let tears slide down his face.
With every strike of the whip, both Jay's words, and Marcel's ran through his head, repeating everything the little slut had done without him. The lashes grew sharper each time until finally he began to draw blood. He went well past twenty, the mumbled reason being for the stammers, although it was purely anger.
As David began to strike past twenty, Marcel's disappointment in himself began to turn more into fear - he could feel blood sliding down his back and sides, and he now stopped counting the lashes. He knew he would have scars from this later, when they finally healed. "Please, Master! Stop, stop, it hurts." It hurt quite a damn bit, too, and the pain was beginning to overwhelm him and he slipped from his position, chest hitting the cold floor. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. . .!" The pain was almost too much, and his vision was dimming slightly - Marcel was close to passing out from the pain.
It wasn't until Marcel was close to passing out that David stepped over him and lifted him by the chin. He gave Marcel's cheek a sharp smack, "Stay with me, if you pass out on me we'll have to start over." He wouldn't admit it, but he'd gone over board. As soon as he was done he'd have to wrap up the wounds with some medication to try and prevent scarring, Marcel's skin was too perfect to sport scars. He caught a drop of blood from Marcel's shoulder and spread it over his pet's bottom lip, "And what is it you're sorry for?" He asked in a calm voice as he licked what remained of the blood from his finger. He let his pet's head rest on his knee as he slid his hand down the bloody mess, feeling over the wounds with a sick appreciation. "You look good in red..."
Start over? Those words certainly got through to Marcel, and he forced himself to not pass out - to stay awake. Although the slap to the cheek probably helped as well, and his cheek was turning red from the blow. He tried not to grimace as his own blood was wiped on his lower lip, and almost immediately licked it away, while trying not to pull a face. Disgusting. "I'm sorry for sleeping with anyone else besides you," he said, and gladly dropped his head to rest on his knee, wincing as he felt the hand run over the open wounds. He had no idea what to say to that, and simply wanted this punishment to be over with quickly.
"These'll scar if we wait much longer... but I'm not done with you either. We'll finish tomorrow." He decided, not willing to sacrifice perfection for temporary satisfaction. He pulled Marcel upright by a fistful of his hair, pressing his blood covered hand against the pale white skin of his chest as he leaned forward to steal a harsh kiss. "Who's you're master?" He asked with a deep purr in his voice, his stained fingers trailing patterns over Marcel's chest as he waited for him to be a bit more with it before trusting him to be able to make it to the bathroom. He was seeing a lot of blood.
"Y-yes. . ." He murmured, then gave a cry of pain as he was pulled up by a handful of his hair, eyes squeezed shut. But he eagerly leaned into the kiss, wanting more - regardless of the pain, regardless of the lack of affection in it. "Nn, you are, you are, you're my Master. . ." He murmured, and leaned gently against the hand that was trailing patterns and fingers over his skin and the touch was just. . .soft, and nice. He closed his eyes, and rested his weight against David's chest, still dizzy from pain and blood loss. He was quite tired already, and would just like to go to bed - blood-covered, or not.
David probably would have been angry at the blood on his uniform, or at least used it as an excuse to punish him worse, but for now he had enough to punish him for and it would wash out. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." Too impatiant to wait for Marcel to recover, he threw him off and stood, then lifted his pet up around the waist. His one arm was enough for Marcel's small frame, and he carried the bloody mess of a pet down the hall. He set him down carefully, not to be kind, but to avoid spilling blood on the rug. "In the tub, cold water." He instructed as he pulled out a few things from the cabinet. "Use the shower."

He looked over the gashes he'd made with the smallest pang of guilt, a bit of pride, admiration, and a lovely sense of control. The blood was already starting to clot and dry. "Brace your hands on the wall and hold still."
There was a muffled sound of consent at the idea of being cleaned up, and Marcel was happy to be carried by his waist to the bathroom. His eyes were closed, and he left himself relax in the few brief moments where he wasn't being yelled at, or hit. The pet was settled onto the floor, and then stood up, and moved into the tub, turning on the cold water. He could feel the other man's eyes on his back, examining the welts and cuts from the whip as they laced his back. "Mm? Oh, okay. . ."

Marcel placed his hands flat against the wall, and could already feel himself preparing the flinch against the sting of the ointments, and the press of the bandages. The cold water was still running out of the detachable shower head, and he wanted the dried blood to be rinsed off - could feel them cracking slightly as he moved.
David ran the cool water over the wounds, the temperature more to help slow the bleeding than to be unpleasant, but he'd still enjoy watching Marcel squirm. The water tinted red as it spiraled down the drain, and before long the blood was gone, replaced only by what little still flowed. He pulled a bottle of alcohol from the counter, pouring it over Marcel's back to clean out the wounds without warning. The stuff would sting of course, but he figured Marcel would expect it. Infections weren't pleasant to deal with, and the last thing he wanted was for Marcel to be getting sick. "I managed to get three days leave to come get you, but I've got to go back to work." He said as he rinsed off the stinging liquid before shutting the water off. He pulled the large fluffy white towel from the hanger and carefully dried first Marcel's back, and then the rest of him. "What am I going to do with you then?" He asked as he tightened the towel around Marcel's waist so it would stay. "Out of the tub." He said, gesturing to the mat where he wanted his pet to stand, a jar of ointment in hand. He slid the thick substance over the wounds, his motions not exactly gentle, but exact and careful. "Better?" He asked, turning Marcel so they were facing each other again as he pulled a roll of bandaging from the drawer. "You aren't getting off easy tonight, if you want to eat, you're making dinner, and there are chores still to be done before bed." He said sharply, as if to negate the question of Marcel's comfort.
And he did squirm, as the cold water rushed over the welts. And he gasped and shuddered as he felt the alcohol run down his back, and squeezed his eyes shut. Fuck, that was uncomfortable! And no warning, either. . . Marcel gave a slow nod as he heard that - three days. He gave a small sigh; fine, that'd have to do. He pulled a small face as he was dried off with the towel, still not liking the feel of it against his wounded back. The pet stepped out of the tub, towel hanging low on his hips, and thought about the question. "Leave me here?" He asked hopefully. "I. . .I could just take care of the place," he said, although he knew that was a stupid thing to suggest. He'd have to be sent somewhere.

The pet patiently stood on the mat, and sighed as the ointment was slathered all over his back - and to think that he'd have to go through punishment again tomorrow! The thought made him want to groan, but he refrained. Marcel nodded. "Much better," he said, grateful. He was patient once more as he was bandaged up, and nodded once more as he heard that he was to cook for himself, and for chores. "Yes, Master. What chores, specifically?" He asked.
"You know I can't leave you by yourself... I could send you back to the clinic, although I'm not fond of that idea... or... I suppose I could bring you along." He said as he ran a hand over the bandaging to smooth it out. "I like that idea a bit better... although you'd have to earn your keep there, at least I'd know exactly where you are and what you're up to." That, and he simply didn't like being away from his pet. "Same as usual, dishes, floors, put away what ever's out of place... and just the main level. My room's been empty since you last cleaned it, it's just the bathroom, kitchen, dining, and livingroom that'll need it." He ran a hand through Marcel's hair, using it to pull his pet's face closer to his. "And you'll be in my room tonight, understand?"
He thought about it for a few seconds, and then gave a slow nod, shivering as he felt the hand run over the bandages. "I'll go with you," he said finally. "I don't mind earning my keep," he said, giving a small shrug, feeling the bandages stretch as his muscles moved. "Alright," he said. That wouldn't be too bad, he could get most of that stuff done in maybe in a half hour or an hour. Marcel yelped slightly as his face was yanked closer to David's, grey eyes wide slightly with pain. "Y-yes, I will be. . .After I finish everything?"
David nodded, running his hand through Marcel's soft hair. "And don't worry, I won't do anything to you... not tonight." For the moment, his mood was much improved. "If you embarrass me at work it'll be the end of you." He warned, still running his fingers through Marcel's hair, "But if you're on your best behavior... I might reward you." He coaxed in a tone warmer than his usual. Work was important to him, and little else mattered. "You can get dressed, wear what you want, and come get me when dinner's ready." He said as he made to leave the room, planning to wash the bloodstained clothes.
He didn't care if David did anything or not - he was just pleased that he could actually spend the night in David's room. It was. . . a treat, really, to be able to do that. And besides - the man seemed to be in a much better mood now, which was good. Having to deal with an angry David usually wound up with him sore in the mornings. Marcel purred lightly as the hand was run through his hair again and again, but he stayed where he was, not wanting to risk anger again. "Yes, Master." Marcel sighed as the fingers left his hair, and the pet himself left to his room to grab jeans and a shirt. No point in dressing to be cute right now - he was simply sore, and just wanted to be comfortable.

Marcel did his typical tasks, cleaned everything up, and was done making dinner, and had everything set out for David when he returned back upstairs to get the man. Even as a sex 'pet', he still retained full duties as that of a typical servant - Marcel didn't mind, he liked domestic tasks. It was very. . .well, soothing, and didn't have as much stress as having to please David when it came to sex. "Master, dinner's ready," he called, knocking on the man's bedroom door and calling gently.
David stepped out of the room, having changed into a pair of sleep shorts, and nothing else. "What did you fix?" He asked, making his way into the kitchen. He glanced around to be sure Marcel had finished his chores before pulling a beer from the 'fridge. As an after thought, he grabbed a second one and handed it to Marcel. "It'll help with the pain and make you feel good, just drink it." he said as he took seat at the table.
Marcel had made David's favorite, and for himself, a rice bowl. He wasn't particularly hungry, so it would be enough. The pet sighed as he was handed a beer, and shrugged, taking the top off and swigging it anyway. He wasn't particularly fond of alcohol - especially something as uncouth as beer - but it was David, and he insisted that it would take the top layer of pain away. The pet sat down, waiting for David to start eating so he could as well. Honestly, he was feeling much better now that he got a chance to relax and clean and cook, and the welts on his back weren't hurting or throbbing as they were. The pet was finished eating before David was, and simply lounged in his seat, waiting to be dismissed - or rather, waiting to be brought back to David's room.
David didn't bother to hurry or dismiss him, he could wait. Once he was done eating he took his plate to the sink. He moved around behind Marcel, gently pushing him forward. He slid his hand under the shirt, pressing lightly against the wounds before feeling his face, checking for a fever. Satisfied his pet was still healthy he wrapped an arm around Marcel's shoulders and pressed a light kiss to his neck before pulling away. "Come on, bedroom now."
He waited patiently, of course, it wasn't like he could do anything else to really speed the process. He hissed lightly when he felt the hand press against the bandages, and there was a flicker of irritation across his face. However, the irritation turned to one of satisfaction as he felt the arm wrap around his shoulders, and there was the gentle kiss against his pale skin. "Yes," he agreed, and stood to follow David upstairs to the bedroom. Even if there was to be nothing tonight, it would still be nice to be able to, well, spend time with David like he had with Jay that one night. Minus the horrendous sex the next morning - God, he could never have a conversation with David about something like that without getting hurt.
David was a bit torn. He'd been away from his pet, it was only natural that he wanted to be close again, but he just wasn't interested in sex... not when every time he even thought about it all he could think was how many people Marcel had given himself to when he was at the clinic. "Head on up, I'm going to have another drink first." He said, and he moved to the liquor cabinet.
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