Herr Doktor, Herr Doktor, bist du sadistisch?{obscene + mei}

The urge to give a bitter laugh was almost too great, but Marcel managed to stifle it. "Punish me? He's already going to - it doesn't even matter. I'm used to it, really. Unless he has something new, up his sleeve." A pun? Perhaps. But really, David rarely, if ever, resorted to physical punishment with flogs or whips or canes. Usually, he just assembled of group of men and tossed him to them for a certain amount of time - and then that was that. Marcel sat down, and stared at the plate of food for a few seconds before eating.

The look in the pet's eyes were sharp, and derisive. "You? You didn't do anything. It's my own blind loyalty to a man who most likely doesn't care about me." Marcel shrugged. "It's what is expected of me - who am I to go against the norm, Jay?" He gave another noncommittal shrug, and began to eat with more gusto, realizing that he was hungry and barely had anything to eat in the last few days. "Nothing you did wrong," he mumbled finally.
"You could..." Jay said slowly. "If I could talk him into selling, I could buy your freedom... more or less. You could work with me in the clinic to pay back the cost." He offered, "You seem pretty set on saying with him though, I won't offer if you'd really be unhappy with me."
Marcel leaned back in his seat, and eyed the vet. "Don't be stupid - he'd never sell me. Ever. What's his is his, and no one elses - forever and always. That's the way it is." He shrugged, then rubbed at his eyes. "But I'd be happy with you, too. . .It's just. . ." He didn't know how to explain it, and it frustrated the pet. Nine years he had been with David - ever since he was eight. Granted, he hadn't been used for sex at that age - only cleaning, cooking and other typical servant duties. And after being with him for so long, it was just. . .strange. To imagine being owned by anyone else.
"Everyone has their price, and I have plenty to back up a good offer. If you change your mind, just tell me." He said as he finished his plate. He place a light kiss on Marcel's forehead as he took the empty plate to the sink. "You ready to go?"
"Mm." Maybe - it was a tempting offer, to be bought by Jay, and Marcel worried his lower lip as he thought about it. So far, Jay had proved to be someone who could be. . .sweet, and caring. Not like David - or maybe he did care and. . .A light blush colored his cheeks at the kiss, and he looked away. "Yeah, I'm ready," he said, standing up and smoothing his skirt.
((Should David be caring or no? XD He could have a soft spot for his favorite pet. n.n ))

"Just think about it, the offer will always be there." Jay headed for the door, grabbing the medical coat, his ID, and his keys.

Once they reached the clinic Jay was surprised to find two people already waiting, an owner, and a rather ill pet seated against the door. He hurried out of the car, leaving it up to Marcel to either head into the office, or follow him to one of the rooms. The client and his pet were both male and had apparently taken a drug that had been laced with something. The pet's pupils were dilated, and he didn't seem to have any idea where he was, who he was, or how he'd gotten there.
[[Hm. . .Yes, he should have a bit of a soft spot for Marcel. x3 8D]]

He nodded, and as they drove to the clinic, Marcel continued to mull over the idea in his head. It was tempting - so damn tempting to say yes and to leave him. But he just couldn't, and it was ridiculous. He sighed when he saw Jay hurriedly rush to go and treat the other pet, and he made his way towards Jay's office, opening the door and then closing it behind him. A large and comfortable office, with a sofa at one end, and Marcel made his way towards it. He sat down on it, then kicked his shoes off and swung his feet onto the couch before laying down. The day had barely started and he already felt exhausted.
"Drink this..." Jay handed the patient a spoon, "Hold this," A trashcan, "And take these. One a day until they're gone." He said to the owner as the pet began to wretch into the can from the vial medicine, emptying the remaining drugs from his system. He billed the client, got the pet a bottle of water, then hurried back to his office. Not everything that went on in the clinic was fun.

"Feeling any better?" He asked Marcel as he took a seat at his desk to file the paperwork from the last customer.
He had dozed off when he heard Jay walk into the office. He raised his head, and glanced at the man. "'M 'fine," he mumbled, and rubbed at his eyes. "Just tired. . ." He rolled onto his side, back turned towards Jay. Was it honestly so hard for David to just take even a few hours off to come and pick him up? It couldn't be that hard, it really couldn't. He sighed, and then curled into a ball. "Do you think he cares for me? Loves me?" He mumbled, turning over to watch Jay work.
"I couldn't say... he doesn't act like it, but who knows." He said as he filed the papers. He glanced up as he heard the bell on the door. "Another busy day? I'm never going to get any real work done am I..." he grumbled as he stood. He didn't have to leave the room though to see who it was, the door of the office swung open and a tired looking David leaned in the doorway, still in uniform, casting a glare at his pet lounging on the couch.
"Mm." So, that was how it was. Marcel closed his eyes again briefly, legs bent so that his skirt slipped down and showed his underwear - but he didn't care. Jay had seen far more than that. However, when the door flew open he opened and eye and immediately jerked up into a sitting position when he saw that it was David. A flash of fear crossed his face, and disappeared, though still prominent in his eyes. "M-master. . ." He stammered, still sitting there, skirt raised up his leg. He couldn't move - it was strange to think that it was actually his owner standing in the doorway. Didn't he say that he wouldn't be coming by till the end of the actual week?
"You didn't give me a decent answer over the phone, so tell me you little shit... What reason could possibly be good enough to make up for the four days of work I'm missing?" He asked his eyed livid with anger. "Did -he- do something to you?" He asked, not even glancing at Jay, although his voice was threatening him. With all he put the poor kid through he knew it had to be something bad for him to actually complain.

(Link to your rh again?)
[ <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://rh.greydawn.net/browse.php?c=azrael">http://rh.greydawn.net/browse.php?c=azrael</a><!-- m --> ]

The poor pet was shrinking, frightened by his anger. For all his experience with the other man - it was still rather frightening, and disturbed him when he got that angry. And what could he say about Jay? He hadn't hurt him, not exactly but. . . "N-not Jay, other. . .clients of his," he said, not able to meet David's gaze. There, that was true, wasn't it? Something he could say to make sure that Jay didn't have to face David's anger - he didn't deserve that, didn't deserve it at all. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, slipping off the edge of the couch and onto his hands and knees.
"And what, he let them?" The words were hissed through his teeth, waiting for a response.

"I wasn't there. They had to offer a good chunk of money to keep from being reported, and the pet was punished appropriately." He said quickly, not wanting to be dragged into it. David crouched by Marcel, pulling him up to eye level by a handful of hair.

"Go get in the car, and don't get up, hands and knees the whole way." He said in a cruel voice, "I want to see those cute panties of yours." He tossed his pet aside, moving to the desk and waiting for Marcel to leave before discussing payment, or more accurately, lack of.
He swallowed nervously, and kept his head bent towards the floor as he heard the two talk. Punishment? What sort of punishment? It didn't matter - he didn't care. He gave a sharp cry of pain when his head was jerked up by his dark hair, and he stared into David's eyes fearfully. "Y-yes, Master," he murmured, pain choking his voice, and there was another sound of pain as he was tossed aside.

Doing as David said, Marcel crawled out of the office on his hands and knees, skirt still raised over his smooth ass. He found David's car with no difficulty, and got in, sniffing slightly. Maybe he should've taken up Jay on his offer - anything would've been better than this, right?
Once he'd finished David left the Vet with a black eye for mistreating his pet, then returned to the car. He glanced over at Marcel. "Quit your sniveling, I came and got you right? And I don't even get 'thank you'?" He started the car, "I want to hear everything you did while I was gone. I'll double check it with Jay, so don't bother lying. You're in enough trouble, believe me."
He turned his head, and hastily wiped at his eyes, controlling his breathing until it was normal. As David was a military man, he expected almost instantaneous obeidience, and he was to give it to him. "Thank you, Master," he said quietly. "Very much." Marcel glanced up when he heard that demand though. He swallowed nervously, then looked out the car window. "I slept with Jay - several times. I fucked another woman's pet, and Jay fucked me at the same time. I got raped by another pet - with both his cock and a vibrator. He made me lick up all of my own cum and crawl to Jay's office. I was. . ." He hesitated to use the word 'rape' this time as well. "Fucked again by three guys at the same time in my ass. Jay was one of them." He glanced at David in the rearview mirror. "And then I went home with him last night, slept in his bed and had sex with him again this morning."
It was clear David was pissed, but he kept his temper for now. "Did you enjoy yourself then?" He asked, his voice even. "Did you even miss your master? Take off that disgusting outfit, I don't want you wearing anything he's given you. You won't be allowed clothing for a while."
"I did," Marcel replied truthfully. He couldn't lie to David - how could he? "And I did think of you. That's why I called. I didn't want to. . ." He stopped talking when he heard the command, and gave a small nod before undoing the top and tossing it to one side before the skirt and panties followed. "Yes, Master." He sounded rather resigned and tired. He shifted slightly on the leather seats; he was still sore from taking Azrael, Jay and Neiko at the same time. Ouch.
He frowned, he hadn't seen his precious pet looking so bad off in quite a while. At the next stop light he stared straight forward and his expression changed, "You know I came because I was worried about you, right?" He said, his way of saying he cared, his actions betrayed the fact from time to time. The light changed and he accelerated a bit faster than he normally would have, finally pulling into the driveway of a very expensive home. "Bed, now. You look like shit. You're punishment will begin this evening. He got out of the car, pulling a bag from the back seat. He paused at the door, waiting for Marcel to catch up. "Are you alright?" He asked finally.
He glanced at him, and saw that David no longer looked quite so. . .well, angry. He nodded. "I know," he muttered. He sighed, and leaned his head against the car window as he was driven the rest of the way home. When they got there, Marcel was quite relieved at the order to simply go and rest and sleep until tonight. "Thank you, Master." He slipped out of the car, not embarassed at hsi nudity, and walked torwards the front door, finally catching up with David. There was a look of surprise on his face at the question, and Marcel couldn't help but hug the taller and older man, pressing his face against his chest. "I'm fine, I'm fine. . ." He said, voice slightly muffled against the other man's uniform, before finally pulling away and entering the house. He made his way torwards his own room - it still looked the same, and still without a lock, as per the rules. Since he was already naked, there was no reasn to strip, and Marcel slipped beneath the covers on his bed, and slept.
David returned the hug with one arm, his only arm, although it was a bit awkward. He followed his pet in, and once he was out of sight, he got to work setting up a room for Marcel's punishment. Once he'd finished he headed up to his pets room and quietly entered. He waited, making sure Marcel was asleep, then gently moved the blanked back some to look him over, just making sure he was alright physically. He replaced the blanket, lingering a moment before leaving the room, wondering what it was the doctor had done to have him acting so strangely. The pet was usually so willing, so eager to jump at the slightest command. But now... The only thing he seemed eager for was sleep. Then again, after all the Vet had put the poor kid through, he could understand. He headed to the bottom level of the house where he'd set up a shooting gallery, gun in hand, and spent the rest of the afternoon burning off both his guilt and his worry with some well placed shots to the cardboard cut outs. Finally he set the gun aside and gave the vet a call.
Knowing that David had hugged back was, really, good enough for him. Just a sign of affection - any sign at all, that was really all Marcel had wanted from the older man. Even with the idea of his punishment looming ahead, Marcel was still able to fall quickly and easily into a deep sleep, stirring only when he felt a slight chill when the blanket was pulled back from him, prompting him to curl slightly. "Nn. . ."

By the idea it was early evening, he had awoken, and was wondering if David expected him to already be in the 'punishment' room. Stretching slightly, Marcel made his way towards the door and lingered in the hallway briefly, before making his way towards the usual room where punishment was conducted, dropping to his hands and knees when he was within a couple of feet from the door, and entered.
David was seated in a large chair reading a magazine when Marcel entered. "Have a seat on the table, there's a pair of shorts you can put on if you want them. He set the magazine down. "I had a chat with Jay..." He stood and stretched. "He said he thought your poor mood lately is from doubts as to whether or not I... care about you." He said carefully, "Is that right?"
Marcel hesitated, then put on the shorts before turning and took a seat on top of the table. He tried to not let a look of horror cross his face at that - oh, Goddammit. He knew he should've kept his mouth shut about that. "I. . ." Why lie? It would make things worse. The pet couldn't look at David, and stared at some spot to the side. "Yes," he said, and shifted uncomfortably. Why the hell couldn't that man keep his mouth shut about that? Whatever the hell happened to doctor-patient confidentiality?
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