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The Immortal Pirates (Lunar & Guardian)

The security team was all nodding their heads, understanding the instructions that they had been given.
Once she was certain they knew what to do Bri headed out with the other officer so they could speak to the other girl and make sure he couldn’t hurt her again. After a couple of hours, Bri was returning to the school but along with the other officer she had a female with her whom she was talking to calmly. this girl was the other victim of that male's anger and rage and took keep her safe from him she had given her a full ride to their school as he family wouldn't have to stress about money. Bri had looked into the girl's grades and school activities and smiled knowing full well that if she had applied that she would have one a full-ride, to begin with. once she had the girl settled in a secure dorm she headed down to where her kids were and where the concert would be taking place
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As this was all happening, Raelle had taken to heading to where the concert was going to be held so that she could get stuff set up. Not that there was much else to do at that point in time. The boy hadn't returned back to the school, had actually tried to get a hold of his friends to see if they would get his stuff. Although unfortunately for him, they were smart enough to stay out of it. Yes the call was answered, just to avoid suspicion, and to be polite, but the favor was declined. Excuses were made to avoid it.
Bri walked over with both of her kids hanging on her legs and then smiled at her "everything looks great I know the students are going to love this" Bri looked around smiling lightly and then chuckled as her twins took off to play in the center of the room.
Raelle looked over towards Bri for a moment in time before she was commenting, "I'm not sure if I'm truly prepared to let the world know that one of the Headmistresses of this academy is also an international superstar."
"then we don't the staff knows and only a few students know so with a little work and some make up we can change your features as we have done before" Bri could understand her worry while the staff knew if word got out then the media would start pestering those at the school
Raelle was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was shaking her head before she spoke, "Nah I'm done hiding. It is quite the pain honestly. Besides I can do both jobs easily."
Bri nodded her head "then we will get no trespassing and such signs up after the show to keep the news outfits from pestering the students "Bri made some notes so the work could be done and so that they school wasn't over run
Raelle was just chuckling before she was commenting, "Oh there is no need to worry about the news outfits; that is going to be handled by Nat's boyfriend."
"thank god for that" Bri knew that he would do the work but she still wanted the signs posted so if they did come on to the campus they had grounds to call the cops
Raelle was just giving a chuckle, already knowing that Bri knew that Nat's boyfriend wasn't somebody to be messed with. One of the richest men in the city, and owned quite a number of properties. That influence alone was enough to make even the news companies tremble. And if they did happen to still write an article that he didn't like well.... being suing wasn't something that anybody wanted to deal with.
"we should check on Estel as well before the concert starts." Bri was going to have to move the kids to the back to keep them from losing their hearing or that was what a human mother would do if he kids were going to a concert
Raelle was giving a chuckle before she was commenting that she had just gotten a message from Estellise, who had stated that she was on her way there at that moment.
"good I an gonna keep the kids back towards the door so that way they don't get squished" Bri had promised them that they could watch their aunt perform and that was what she was going to do.
Raelle was looking over before she was commenting, "Perhaps a good idea. I mean or they can sit backstage and watch the show from there as well."
“That may work as well we will have too see” Bri smiled at her and then scooped her daughter up “but I think they need a nap first” while she taught them like normal students they still required naps from time to time
Raella was giving a chuckle before she spoke, "You go and get them to lie down for a bit. I'm going to go and help the others set up."
Bri nodded her head and then guided her kids to her office and to the couch so that they could get some sleep before the concert
As this was happening, Estellise, who had ended up taking that nap in the nurse's office after being attacked by the boy, was one again awake and pushing some hair from her face. She was messaging her sister and letting her know that everything was alright, that she was fine. Sure her head was still aching a bit, although it was more of a headache pain if anything.
Kevin sat next to the bed waiting for her to wake up. While he had seen her wake and message someone he didn’t speak but let her gather her thoughts and compose herself
Estellise was just looking towards him for a moment although she was a bit confused as to why he was there. Oh wait... she did recall her sister talking to somebody briefly. A small breath escaped her lips for a moment and she was just mumbling something under her breath.

Eric looked at her and then nodded his head lightly “how are you feeling” While he figured her head had to hurt he didn’t want to pester her about it either
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