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The Immortal Pirates (Lunar & Guardian)

Bri assured her that her choice was right and then informed the officers of what happened. Bri then stood and headed out to meet Rae so that they could tend to the young woman
Raelle walked up with the clearly shaken up female. "He tried to rape her." Raelle spoke in a rather dark voice. Tried, failed.
"its ok they are here to arrest him one for his assault on Estelle but also and mainly for his attacks on you" Brin had insisted a female officer be present as she had no clue what all the male had done to her
"Oh! Please tell me that Miss Estelle is alright! He hit her pretty hard when she refused to let him anywhere near me." The girl was speaking, suddenly frantic.
"calm down she is fine Raelle assured me of that before she went to find you there is a student sitting with her right now" Bri reassured her that she was fine and not to worry
This had been giving a relieved sign before she was telling the cop everything that has happened. She even spoke of a few other times, times she had hidden.
the female cop nodded her head and took note asking questions to get more details without pushing her to talk to her if she didn't want to
Raelle listened although her eyes were going to the boys parents as one of their phones rang. Their son was calling to seemed.
Nope at that point she was opening, more comforted by Bri and Raelle being there. Her silent support system at the time.
Raelle merely listened and eventually the girl was just going silent. She had told everything she recalled, or perhaps all that she wanted to.
Bri looked at ehr and then at the others and aside from her Raelle, Estelle and the female cop she asked the others to leave so they could talk in private
"ok now what are you not telling us hun your safe here no one here will judge you" Bri knew she needed to say it all or it would eat her alive
This had the girl letting out a breath before she was stating that the boy did this often, that she wasn't the only one. There was another girl outside of the school, who was worse off than her. "I've meet her a few times, and she is so scared of him... She doesn't want to speak to me wven."
Bri looked a tthe officer and nodded her head "who is she hun we can't protect her if we dont know who she is" Bri would offer her a full scholarship to get her in to the dorms and safe from the male
Bri nodded her head and then looked at the cop letting her know she would go with to put the girl at ease with the cops being at her home
"I'll manage thing here." Raelle was cm wrong before she was giving a wave of her hand before she was heading out to speak with the other cop. She states she would direct him to the boys dorm room, since she was certain he would eventually return for his stuff.
Bri nodded her head lightly and then smiled. she took the young girl to her office and handed another teachers all her exams so she could do those while they were working on helping the other girl out
Soon Raelle was disappearing off towards the boys dormitory, all of the students stepping out of the way as she walked inside the building. There were whispers all around, wondering what was happening. Who had gotten into trouble? What had they done?
while she did that Bri spoke with their security team and made it clear to them that the boy was not welcomed on the property but if she showed up while she was gone to let him on as there were officers on site who could handle him. she also told them to keep him away from her office
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