The Immortal Pirates (Lunar & Guardian)

"I will take care of it" Bri kissed the heads of her children and told them to be good for their aunt and that she would be back later to get them. Bri knew that she would have to work fast but she could have her remaining classes covered. her lessons plans were detained and any of the subs they kept on could handle the class. Bri called one and then headed for the girls first class with an exam to get it and then head to the next one
Estellise was just watching before she was looking at her niece and nephew for a brief moment in time. There was a smile on her lips before she questioned, "You guys want to see something cool?" With that she was gesturing for the pair to follow after her into her chemistry lab, which was across the hall from the nurse's office. Yes she had a love for chemistry as well, and had already made a number of rather cool things.
the twins looked at her and squealed and then jumped off the bed and walked with her to see what she had made. while they had fun with their aunt Bri went to work on gathering the tests the few times she passed the male in question he was openly bragging about putting her in her place which Bri was glad was caught on the cameras in the school
Raelle was handing them a couple of things before she was commenting, "I made a volcano. Or I can make one anyways by missing certain things." With that she was giving a faint smile before she was going over and dumping a couple of things into the tube that was in front of her. And soon enough it was erupting up and over.
the twins jumped giggling clapping her hands as she did that they both the scrambled to her and pointed at it babbling in their baby talk but tossed in were a few actual words of want.
Raelle was giving a small smile before she was speaking, "Back behind the red line and I'll show you a few other things." Nope as long as they stayed safe, and while they were young they understood her words. She would show them again, but they needed to back up first.
Estellise was showing them the volcano once again but adding in different chemicals caused a different reaction. This second time it was purple and there seemed to be sparks from the top of it.
both sat down and watched as each reaction was different their eyes wide as she did so.

Nathan leaned back in his chair and then picked up his phone and called his friend wondering if he could tell him about the school that everyone wanted him to buy for some reason
Estellise was giving a small giggle as she showed them a few other things, although it wasn't long before she was hearing somebody call for her. This had her ushering the twins out of the room and was going over to see who had come into the office. Oh it was the girl from earlier, and she seemed absolutely terrified. Her ex-boyfriend had showed up at her dorm room to bother her, since he figured that she wasn't going to go and say anything to anybody. "Stay in here sweetheart. The Headmistress will end up being back soon." Estellise was speaking and ushering her off towards one of the beds.

Jaxon was answering his phone from where he was lounging in a chair, currently watching the news. "Yo.... So I just heard news about that band you like. Underworld Hearts. Guess they are going to be preforming live at some school tonight." Ironically the same school that Nathan's bosses were wanting him to try and buy.
the twins spotted her and knew she needed some comfort so once she was settled they crawled up into the bed with her and hugged her babbling that it would be ok but all they could be able to understand was the word "otay" as the twins couldn't yet pronounce the letter k properly

Bri was headed back to Estelle with the tests in hand and and a frown on her face as she went to work on her phone of contacting the boys parents to meet her at the end of the day.

"dude the board of directors is wanting my to buy the school they are playing at but that school has been held by the same family for centuries" Nathan wanted to go as see it but he didn't dare risk it
Estellise was just looking as the door opened and it seemed like Bri had returned. This had her going over and letting her know that the girl had returned, explaining what had happened. It seemed like the twins were in there trying to comfort her, and assure her that everything was going to be okay. And it did seem to help her calm a bit.

Jaxon just winced before he spoke, "That sucks and.... I think your board of directors is being dumb. They aren't going to get the school. I mean from what I know the lead singer of the band is also one of the owners of the school."
Bri nodded her head and then handed her the tests "please supervise her taking these I will be working on getting him out of the school I have video proof and audio of him bragging he is gone" Brin then walked over to where he children and the young girl were at and she sat down in front of her and waited.

"I know this the school was founded three hundred and sixty years ago and the same family runs and owns it. according to what was given to me three sister currently run the school and the oldest of the three has two children who will take over next" Nathan looked at the photos that they had and chuckled "if i didn't know better man I would say her kids are also yours"
Jaxon was just commenting that he so didn't believe that the kids were his, after all he had never met the woman. Or at least that is what he thought, yet none of his memories from the past had returned. That would still take some time.

Estellise was giving a nod before she spoke, "I can do that. But I'm going to give her a bit of time to try and settle a bit." She was explaining that her ex-boyfriend had stopped by her dorm earlier, which is why she was there.
Nathan took a pick with his cell and text him the pictures of the two "check your texts I just sent you the photos and don't tell that they don't look like you man"

"stay here I will come and get you when you can go back to your dorm ok Estelle will stay with you and so will my little ones as they don't need to be around when I deal with him ok" Bri smiled at her and assured her she had done the right thing by coming to the office
Jaxon was just looking at the pictures before he was speaking, "That is more disturbing than anything." This had him just ignoring the message after that point in time, not wanting to really worry about it. It wasn't important at that point in time, especially considering he didn't have any kids at all. He hadn't slept with anybody, strange for somebody his age... but he was far too busy most of the time. He ran and owned his own mechanic shop, and this just happened to be one of his rare days off.

The girl was giving a small nod before she was just looking at her phone for a moment, spotting a message from one of her best friends. Just a question on if she was alright, which had her assuring her that she was in fact alright.
"you think I don't know that man I know you and if you were to sleep with someone you would be careful and use protection" Nathan leaned back and then rubbed his face muttering how the board was going to drive him to an early grave.

Bri smiled and then ruffled her hair before she stood and headed off once more
"I don't want any kids any time soon." was all Jaxon was commenting before he was just looking over at his door when there was a knock. Oh his pizza had arrived it seemed, which had him getting up.

As Bri was leaving, she found feel her phone vibrate, a message from Raelle stating that she was ready for tonight.
Nathan laughed and agreed with him as kids were rather complicated to take care of.

Bri sent a confirmation text and then said she needed her back at the school asap
Raelle was looking towards the rest of her bandmates before she was speaking, "I've got to get going, have some things to take care of. But I'll see you all later at the school. 6pm." This had them all giving thumbs up and she was heading off out of the building and going over to her motorcycle, and grabbing her helmet.
Bri walked into her office and launched her computer bringing everything up there so that Raelle arrived she could show her. they would have to do a complete review and student assembly to go over this
Soon enough Raelle was arriving at the school, and parking her bike in her normal spot. After that she was heading off inside, a number of the students greeting her. She was walking towards the office, and tapping lightly before walking in.
Raelle was just giving a small groan before she was walking over to look at what Bri had on her monitor. This had her mumbling, "I suspected as much although never had any proof."
"we have it now he beat her on the grounds where one of the cameras was able to catch it and he was bragging and I got the audio" Bri looked at her and then showed her the expulsion papers
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