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The Immortal Pirates (Lunar & Guardian)

Estellise was watching her leave before she was heading off towards the ship, not really feeling like being around people at that point in time. No she definitely wasn't in that peopley mood at the time. Not even close.
Bri walked to the castle the townspeople whispering about how she was dressed but she didn't care. when she arrived at the castle she was shown to the kings office and once she was inside she slapped the papers on to the kings' desk and told him of what happened
Raelle ended up following after Bri although she merely listened to the conversation, although didn't really say much of anything. Nope she just watched, giving her input now and again as needed. "Your guard fought valiantly as well."
The king nodded his head lightly furry burning in his eyes “if you wish to make a public display of them you have my permission but please leave it till the end of the party and I will ensure the doors are locked”
Bri smiled and then nodded her head leaving the papers with the king as he would guard and protect them. she then headed to where they could buy fabric and get to work on making their dresses
The next week seemed to go by rather quickly and soon enough it was the night of the ball. Estellise was walking towards the palace with that of Bri and Raelle.
Bri dress was a mix of black and Dark blue but the skirt detached and allowed her to move easier. under the skirt, she wore another set of black leather pants. Bri looked at the girls and smiled he sword hidden in the fabric as well
Estellise was wearing a beautiful sapphire blue gown that draped around her form gently, pooling around her feet, yet still easy to move in despite the length. Meanwhile, Raelle was wearing a red and black gown, no hesitation at all about it being long and poofy. Even if that.... she could still fight, she would still fight.
Bri moved with care as she didn't want to risk ripping her dress. when they arrived at the ball she moved over and greeted the king who chuckled seeing their gowns and complimented them on them he then bid them to have a great evening
Raelle and Estellise were entering the ball and just giving small curtsies to the king, before they were heading off so that they could mingle with those that were around them.
Raelle just went to get a drink, although she didn't seem to really speak to anybody at all, merely watched everything. Estellise on the other hand was speaking with various people that were around them, more than likely gathering what information she could gather.
after nearly four hours the ball was winding down to an end and then king had the doors locked so no one could leave. the king then called the two males forward and looked at them both and demanded to know why they thought they could get away with requesting the deaths of two good men and one of his guards
Everybody around them was just whispering and the pair of them were even stating that they had no proof at all that they had been behind it. That anything that had been shown could have easily been fabricated. "I watched as the guard killed the captain that has been harassing us. He died keeping that man from getting to me, because that captain was utterly obsessed with me. Wouldn't take no for an answer, wouldn't accept that a sixteen year old refused to marry his nearly forty year old self. Yet I found something in his pockets.... something I kept from my sisters. A letter that has been signed and sealed by the Lord and the Duke, addressed to the captain." Estellise was speaking as she was walking forward and was presenting the letter to a guard, whom was in turning carrying it up to the king. The king would recognize the stamp on the envelope, the stamp of the Duke. And the stamps weren't easy to replicate at all.
Bri glared at Estelle in annoyance but she understood why did had done as she did. while the guys had gotten buried on the island the captain had been thrown overboard for the sharks to eat as no one had wanted to dig a grave for him. Bri watched as the king read the letter to the captain and he did so out loud which had her blood boiling by the end of the letter
Honestly until now Estellise had forgotten about the letter, despite having grabbed it off the man before he had died. She was a bit startles when one of the men was actually lunging at her infuriated, only to find himself colliding with Raelle, who was all of a sudden there, standing between them. The younger female hadn't even seen her move, it was as though she had teleported or something.
The other Male went for Bri and wasn't expecting her to move out of his reach her skirt flying off and she drew her sword in one fell swoop she took the male's head off as he had come at her with a sword as well. Bri knew Raelle would protect Estelle and deal with the male who had gone after her. Bri then looked at the king and bowed in her silent way of telling him that her work was done there. Bri was done with being in the area and wanted to find new waters as there were too many memories for her to want to remain there.

367 years later
Bri stood in front of her class and watched as they all filed in she had done as she and Jaxon had said they would do and that was open a school, over the years the school had grown and now went from Kindergarten all the way to a doctorial program in college. on each of the desks was her syllabus for the class and on the projector was the start of the lesson they would be going over. Bri looked over and sitting in the corner was her young daughter and son. for some reason, the fountain had severely slowed her pregnancy as well as how fast her children aged she didn't know why but she was glad while she still severely missed Jaxon having her kids there made things a little easier on her but at the same time harder as they both looked so much like their father. once the students settled in she returned her gaze to them and spoke "welcome class today we are going to be learning about pirates but not your normal pirates no we will be learning about the most prolific and famous female pirates in the world. now I know many of you are probably chuckling and thinking there is no way two females could be good pirates but they were and they were deadly" Bri clicked a button and showed the first of many slides this was a drawing f the ship the girls still owned and had safely stored away "now these two pirates at one time were rumored to be fixing to retire and settle down but that all changed when their loves and life partners were brutally killed. how do we know this the captain of the ship known as the Bloody Princess as well as the Heartless Assassin kept a series of journals and detailed their daily life in them some times it was a simple all is well other times the whole day was written down. the pages detailing the death of her love Jaxon were spotted with tear stains as she cried while writing it down." Bri then moved on detailing both Raelle and Estelle before she moved on to the project the kids had "now I know many of you are going to groan but we have a project I want you to do a family tree and trace it back as far as you can and while I only showed you a sketch of their ship I want you to draw what you think it actually looked like and what these three females would have worn during that time"
367 years later
The dream that they had all discussed, had been accomplished. A school had been opened although at first it had only been a few classes, being taught by the three girls. Yet over the years it had continued to grow, more and more students wishing to become students. More and more people found themselves wanting to work within the school, wanting the pay, and the benefits that they got. No Bri and Raelle took care of their staff, just as well as they took care of their students. For the high school and college aged kids who weren't wanting to live at home, and were old enough to legally move out on their own, they provided dorms for them to live within. Yet there were some moments were exceptions were made if a child was considered a minor, if their was suspicion of abuse; they set them up with a dorm room until the authorities got to the bottom of it, either confirming or denying the charges.
Bri went over the assignment with the class showing them what she meant and once that was done she went back to lecturing on their lives before then while she left things out as she didn't want or need people to know that they were immortal. Bri dismissed them at the end of class and then she walked over and got her children so that they could gor and see Estelle and Raell as the kids adored them
As Bri was teaching her class, Estellise was currently standing in the nurse's office; which is actually where she was mostly fine. Throughout the years she had discovered that she had no talent for teaching at all, and pretending to be a normal sixteen year old was far too difficult. Everything that was being taught, she already knew... so she was doing something else. Working as a school nurse, already holding onto her doctorate at such a young age. But it wasn't unheard of, there were a number of child genius in the world that had graduated from high school and even college at a young age. And to make it even more legit, she had spent her college time away from the school that her sister's ran, she went to a college across the world, so there was no accusations being made that they had just given her those grades.
Raelle wasn't even currently at the school, nope instead she was standing with her bandmates rehearsing for their upcoming show. Not only had she taken to becoming a teacher, but she had a secondary life.... as a popstar. She was the lead singer of an up and rising symphonic metal band that one of her friends had decided to form. Underworld Hearts was what her friend had decided to name the band. Not that Raelle was really sure why but she hadn't argued it all. For a few years they had been nothing more than a band that played at bars whenever they could, yet they had begun to make that rise of fame. And now they were even doing full blown world tours.
Bri walked into the nurses' room and waved at Estelle "hey hun we figured we would drop by and say hi" Bri trusted Estelle in taking care of her kids as no one could know that they were immortal and since her kids aged so slowly it had been easier for her to be their doctor rather than see a normal one. Bri sat the two on one of the beds and then looked around pleased with the work she had done in the office. it was larger them most but it also gave them room to work.

Nathan sat as his desk and sighed his board of directors wanted him to buy out a school that from the looks of it had been in a girls family for centuries and since it was one of the top schools in the country he could see why they wanted it but he also didn't think that they would be able to convince her to sell it either
Estellise was looking over for a brief moment in time as she heard the door open, although saw that it was only Bri and her niece and nephew. Sure she wasn't biologically their aunt, but she would still consider them their aunt. That would never change until Bri herself said otherwise, although she truly didn't think that Bri would do something like that. "Hello. Oh since you are here... " Estellise was speaking before she was going over and closing the door of the nurse's office and speaking to her quietly, telling her about the student that had come in earlier. Black eye, bloody nose. Evidently her boyfriend had ended up getting a little hands on her with after she had disagreed with him about something. "She was afraid to go to class since she has classes with him, but she was also worried about missing classes since she has a few tests today. I personally told her to go to her rooms and that I would handle it from here, I would personally speak to you about the matters." This was something that Estellise would do it is was necessary and then Bri would end up following up on it, and would make sure that this student didn't fall behind, or have her grades docked due to absences.
Bri nodded her head "can you watch the children for me I will pull her classes and get her tests as far as her teachers will know she came here not feeling well and you sent her back to her dorms i'll oversee her taking the exams and then return them to the teacher" Bri would have to see which classes he was in and move him to a different one. Bri did not see a need to remove the girl from the class as she was not the problem
Estellise was just commenting that she had already emailed her teachers about it, about how she hadn't been feeling well. But the matter of the exams, they had even stated that it would have to be discussed over with the headmistress. Which was okay by Estelle, they were just wanting to make sure that their exams were taken. And these were some important exams as well for the class, an overall "see what they knew" type of test, to make sure that they were still a fit for the class. College courses... although more of the advanced courses. The teachers always giving an exam at the end of the month to ensure that the students were retaining the information. If they passed then that was good, if got a lower grade then the teacher would reach out to them to find out what they were needing help with.... but if they were failing; there was a chance they would be kicked out of the class.
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