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The Immortal Pirates (Lunar & Guardian)

Raelle on the other hand moved through themore slowly, making sure the others followed safely. Estellise was the last to arrive,along sure everybody got through safely.
when the others arrived Bri was standing waist-deep in the water her hair flowing around her as it floated on the surface of the water. the nicks and cuts she had received during the battle were healed or closing up but while the water healed her physical injuries it couldn't touch the pain in her heart
"Go and drink from the waters. Live a undying life. If you decide to not drink keep this a secret." Raelle was speaking in a low voice.
the men looked at each other and then shook their heads all together they would defend the island and the secret til their dying but they wouldn't pick and undying life
Estellise just watched for a moment but until the other two she did make a move towards the water. She more just stared at it for a moment, debating on if it was even worth it.
Bri looked at her with a small smile. she had drank the water already but for the moment she was just trying to figure everythign out
Raelle had as well although Estellise didn't move. "What is the point in loving forever?" She questioned in a low voice.
"maybe one day the gods will take pity on us and bring our loves back to us and give us a second chance" Bri gave her a sad and pained smile hoping that time would dull the edge
"But if not.... We watch all of our other family die around us.... " Estellise was speaking and just shaking her head a bit. Raelle was looking before she was holding out her hands towards her sister, to get her go come into the water.
"The guys are dead.... Have to accept that! " Estellise was just shaking her head a bit, although there were tears falling down her cheeks.
"I know Stel I know oh to weel that they are gone but maybe in two-three hundred years the pain won't hurt and we can move on even if it is for a small-time granted I doubt I will love again" Bri moved to her and held her arms out "come on little sister don't make us live with out you"
Estellise was just giving a small shake of her head although in the end one of the guys was "accidentally" jumping into her, causing her to fall into the water. "Sorry Stel! "
Bri set Estelle on to the shore and sat next to her surprised to see that the guys had left and gone back to the ship but she could still see the ship sails so they hadn't left
This had Raelle nodding and soon enough she was heading back towards the ship. The only one who didn't follow was Estellise.
Bri stayed with her "I know you don't want to I don't either but it is time to go and get our revenge one of the guys said that he was egged on to do as he did by someone else they got the letters proving so"
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