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The Immortal Pirates (Lunar & Guardian)

Eric took her hand and smiled at her "he won't bother you again" Eric looked at her lightly and then started to cough as his body started to shut down
Estellise was just shaking her head and mumbling no over and over again, tears falling. All she could do was cry and hold him. The other pirates were making to get Bri and Raelle to let go of Nathan and Jaxon so that they could get them back onto their ship. "Lets get to the island, and we can bury our dead there." one of the men spoke and Raelle was climbing to her feet. No Bri was sobbing and had broken down, Estellise wasn't any better. While Raelle wanted to break down.... one of them had to remain calm. She could break down later, so she was soon enough taking command once again.
Bri held Jaxon close and when people tried to take him from her, she snarled at them to get away from them.

"hey don't cry and remeber that I love you and always will" Eric was able to kiss her hand one last time before his life fled him and he went limp in her arms
There was no stopping the tears from Estellise and there was that heartbreaking scream from her as well when he was drawing his last breath, and she just sobbed into his chest. "Bri.... Let them take him. Go to your cabin and get cleaned up some. We are headed to the island, we will bury them all there." Raelle was speaking in a soft voice.
"You aren't the only one who lost somebody, Bri! But right now.... We need to get to the island." Raelle spoke and was soon enough hauling Bri away from Jaxon, allowing the others to carry him onto their ship, while she was wrestling Bri over.
Bri struggled in her arms screaming as she tried to get free of her friends grip.

one of the guys walked over to Estelle and touched her lightly "Stel we need to move him to the boat to take him to shore for burial"
Estellise was just looking up for a moment in time, while she didn't want to let go she was giving a nod of her head and moving so that they could take him. "Then stay here on the ship. And don't help us bury them." Raelle spoke after a moment in time before she was just letting go of her friend, letting her collapse onto the deck. Already the guys had been loaded into the smaller boat so that they could be taken to the shore. After that she was looking towards the others before she spoke, "You are all lucky.... Because now that we have made it here.... You all get to see the treasure that we have been hiding."
Bri sobbed into her hands while they loaded Jaxon up and took him away from her. one of the men walked over to Rae and spoke softly "you should comfort you sister and Bri we will get them to shore and graves dug before we come back for you three so for the time greave ma'am
Raelle was just looking up towards the sky for a moment before she spoke, "There is no comforting anybody at this point in time." No she didn't have tears that fell but it was obviously that she was feeling that pain of loss just like the others. She just died display it in that crying like the others were.... at least not yet she wasn't.
"please they both need you right now we will give the guys honor and will be back soon" the male looked at Estelle and Bri who had found each other and held on
Raelle was just nodding although for the time being she didn't seem to move from where she was. No she was taking those few moments of being alone.
Raelle was just nodding although she didn't say anything at all, not at that point in time. She had no words at all.
Raelle was helping them both up and soon enough they were getting into the boat and headed to shore.
Bri looked at Jaxon's grave tears falling down her face and to the ground. before anyone could stop her Bri turned and walked off into the forest heading for the fountain
"Come along with us. And see this special treasure. You have all earned it." Raelle was speaking in a soft voice and was getting to her feet.
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