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The Immortal Pirates (Lunar & Guardian)

Jaxon was looking over for a moment before he spoke "Estelle is alright. Awake now and with Eric. She seems to have e a minor concussipm. "
"Not really considering he wasn't even able to stand up from the ground. He doesn't have his sea legs yet, at all." Jaxon was commenting with a faint chuckle.
Jaxon was just chuckling for a moment before he was gazing off into the distance, spotting the island as it came into view as well. "Captain! Navy spotted! To the East!" yelled down the man that was currently up in the nest.
Bri looked over swearing lightly "how the fuck did they get through the triangle" Bri moved over and Hollard up "name on the ship?"
"I can't tell from here. I've been trying to figure it out but can never see the name clearly." the man hollered down. With that he was looking through the spyglass once again before he was speaking, "Magi something or another." Magistrate, the name of the ship that that vile captain controlled.
Bri then cursed up a storm and immediately sent word below and then went and grabbed her own weapons as she didn't trust the bastards at all
Estellise looked up from where she was sitting on the ground, idly working on patching up some clothes when she heard Bri cursing up a storm, and then there was the announcement that the Magistrate had been spotted. Well that was her cue to stay below although Raelle was commenting that it would probably be safer for her to go up into the nest, knowing that most people wouldn't follow her up there.
Bri was fuming and then had Eric looking at Rae "I am guessing he is going to get his ass kicked today given her current mood" during the time he had been there he had only seen her get pissed when the male had shown up and each time it was worse then the one before
Raelle was just looking over before she spoke, "Things are.... More complicated than you know. I'll leave Estelle to explain everything to you.... Just remember that some things are meant to stay a secret." With that she was grabbing her weapons and heading off up onto deck to join Bri. No she wasn't worried about any of the others listening in, they all knew the secret. They all knew about the island, and the myths. They just didn't know that the girls had truly found the fountain of youth, they just knew that there was a special treasure on the island that they had bought years back.... and that one day, when they proved their undying loyalty, they would get to see what the treasure was.

"Years ago, we had stumbled across an island. It was dark and stormy, we had to stop for the night. The crew stayed on deck while myself and the other two went to explore the island. And we ended up stumbling across something.... Something precious, something we had to protect. We never told the men but we swore to them that when they proved their loyalty, that we would reward them. We would show them what we had found." Estellise was speaking in a soft voice although she was nibbling on her lips a bit. Could she trust Eric not to say anything to anybody? Deep down her gut was telling her that she could which had her letting out a slow breath before she spoke, "We had found the mythical fountain of youth."
Eric looked at her his eyes wide and he was rather stunned but nodded his head "so I am guessing the reason she is so pissed is that he wasn't supposed to be able to follow us here?" Eric could understand her fury and anger over the situation if he had followed them then they couldn 't protect the island easily
"He shouldn't have been able to get through the Bermuda Triangle so easily." Estellise was commenting in a low voice.
"no he shouldn't have it took them a bit to get through and they have done this often I am assuming" Eric then kissed her head and smiled "get to the nest"
"Or had he gone around.... there was no way that he could have known that we were headed in this direction." Estellise was commenting although it wasn't long before she was giving a nod and they were heading up onto the deck. The man that was up in the nest was already headed down and as soon as he was spotting Estellise he was commenting, "Your tower awaits, princess." There was a teasing tone to his voice and she was just giggling before she was getting the rope wrapped around her waist, Raelle coming over to check it before the girl was scurrying up the mast.
Raelle was just watching for a brief moment in time, her eyes narrowing as the ship got closer. "Shocking to see you around these parts of the water. And as usual.... You just can't seem to leave us the hell alone. Can you." she spoke in a rather bland voice. Go figure that almost instantly the navy people would be going to put a plank across the ships so that they could board that way. And of course she was kicking it off into the water without any hesitation at all.
Jaxon just watched for a brief moment in time and just sighed before he spoke, "I seriously wish that this idiot would just learn his lesson already." His arms were crossed over his chest before he looked at Eric speaking, "This is what we deal with on a more normal basis."
"I have seen that and I am starting to wonder why his crew hasn't reported him yet" Eric frowned at this as crews changed three times a year
"Who knows. All I know is that this man wants to get his ass beat." Jaxon spoke before he was cringing at bit at the sudden gunshot and looked to see what had happened. Oh the captain had actually fired a shot at Raelle, hitting the deck in front of her. Yet he was certain that the woman hadn't even flinched at all, more than likely had an emotionless expression on her features. There was however a startled shriek from the captain at the knife that seemed to fly past time, skimming his cheek and inbedding itself into the frame behind him.
"Oh dear.... It seems that I am getting a little bit rusty." Raelle was speaking although Jaxon could hear that dark tone to her voice.... that dark yet almost playful tone. A rather dangerous tone of voice for the woman to have. Things were about to get ugly, and fast. "Hey Bri.... Since something of mine is on their ship... That gives me the okay to board and get it.... right?" Raelle was questioning as she looked towards Bri, a dangerous smile on her lips.
Bri smiled at her with a twin smile of her own "of course you can I wont stop you" Bri was ready to go and have some fun as well. with a bullet in her deck the male had opening up himself to a world of hurt and he would be asking for it as well
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