The Immortal Pirates (Lunar & Guardian)

Bri looked at the men and then chuckled they would search but no one would know that the girl's hand found it years ago and smartly bought the island to keep it safe from people. the amount of traps they set was astronomical but they did it anyways
The search for the fountain of youth was something that all of the men were looking forward to doing, and they were currently talking about it as it was. Estellise was currently sitting on the railing on the ship, just gazing off into the distance.
Bri walked over to Estelle and smiled "so dod you and Eric have fun during the storm?" Bri had left it be but she had seen how sore Estelle was coming back
Estellise was just looking over before she spoke, "Yeah we did. We slept on a rock ground for the night." Nope she had been completely honest with Raelle about it, and would be honest with Bri about what happened, but not around the others.
“As long as you know if you end up like me I will expect him to step up” the conversation would seem strange to the others as she had not told anyone else about her pregnancy
Estellise was looking over for a moment in time before she was just shaking her head a bit, to really wanting to get into the conversation. Although she was having to shift a bit on the railing so that she ended up falling onto the deck, and not into the water, when they were hitting a rouge wave.
"Isn't that the worst place to be when the water is rough?" one of the newer crew members was questioning after a moment in time. This had Estellise looking over before she spoke, "Nah not really." With that she was getting the line secured and was swiftly climbing up the mast and up into the Nest.
Bri looked at her "Estelle is our best when she is in the nest we can avoid a lot of damage as she gives us a heads up when rouge waves are coming out way"
Raelle watched from where she was standing at the wheel. "She'll be safe enough. And if anything... She is my sister."
Raelle steered the ship although for the time being it was smooth sailing, a few rogue waves but nothing that they couldn't handle.
"that captain I fear he is going to try something while we are at sea and that we are going to be in trouble" Bri had this sense that something bad was coming their way
Raelle was giving a nod of her head before she was commenting, "We will just have to stay on our toes then."
Raelle was just looking off into the distance and merely continued to maintain the wheel. They had a destination in mind and over the next few days the trip had gone smoothly enough, and the weather had been alright. Although now that they were getting closer to the island, closer to the fountain... the weather was turning sour. Rain was pelting down on them, and Raelle was ordering everybody to get a line on at once. The waves were getting bad and already a few of the newcomers had been thrown overboard. For the most part only veterans were on the ship still and Eric, who had been secured by Jaxon to make sure the young guard wasn't tossed overboard.
"Good thing we decided to share the treasure with our original crew. They are the only ones on board now with the exception of Eric." Raelle was mumbling to Bri before she was looking up towards where Estellise was still up in the Nest. The girl was giving a few hand gestures which had her looking to see that they were entering the dangerous area of the bermuda triangle, which they would need to sail through. A heavy fog surrounded the place, which made it easy to lose ones way. And then there was the sharp rocks that they had to avoid.
All of that on top of these heavy rains and winds!
"yea it was and Eric loves your sister so i doubt that he will betray us" Bri looked over the area and smiled as they would soon be in their favorite place of all the one place where they all could relax and have a good time
Raelle was giving a nod before she spoke, "I know this. Although I think we should probably go and let him know that she is safe up there." He was looking a little intense and watching Estelle with a slightly fearful expression.
"let him worry till we are in the clear waters then we can reassure him that she is ok. this way if she should fall he will be there to catch her." Bri knew she wouldn't but it was better safe then sorry
Raelle was giving a nod and soon enough she was shouting out a few orders, telling everybody to hold tight, that it was going to get bumpy. Crazy waves were going to hit them, waves that sent even the most experiences of sailors to the ground. The winds seemed to get heavier and heavier. Her eyes were going up towards her sister who seemed to have spotted something. One of the sail strings was beginning to come undone; one that they hadn't even thought to check before they had set sail. "Damn it! We didn't check that before we left..." she mumbled. They should have! Especially since the other ones had been checked by Bri herself, and retied as needed. That one they had trusted the word of another.
Bri looked up and snarled and then headed for the poll hollering at her to not go and tie it that she was headed up. Bri climbed up with speed that startled even the veteran sailors Brio got up to where she was and looked at her "next time we set sail remind both your sister and me of this day please"
Estellise was just looking over before she spoke, "I could have gone and tied it off. It wouldn't have taken long at all." And thanks to Bri and Raelle she knew how to tie knots that weren't coming undone easily.
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