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The Immortal Pirates (Lunar & Guardian)

Estellise was just blinking a moment in time before she was leaning over the edge of the Nest to see what on earth Bri was even talking about. Her eyes were turning towards something in the distance before she yelled down to Rae that they had rocks coming up. With that she was actually climbing up onto the edge of the Nest, and making up way up a bit higher, using the sails masts as support. No this was one of those situations that being higher up was the best, she could see everything from there.
Estellise didn't seem to budge at all from her spot, even while holding on with one hand, using her other hand to give gestures to her sister to help direct them through the rocky field.
All they needed to do was get through the Bermuda Triangle and then it would be smoothing sailing from there. They just had to get through this weather, which only seemed to get worse and worse. Estelle was retreating back into the Nest although she did end up finding herself collapsing in the Nest. A strong rogue wave was throwing everybody to the ground, Raelle just barely able to keep on her feet and keep ahold of the wheel. Estelle was bashing her head on the mast pretty hard and was collapsing, although at least she wouldn't fall from up there. Actually she was quite safe where she was at, unless the ship flipped.
Raelle was gritting her teeth a bit before she was calling out to everybody else to get down below. This included Nathan, Jaxon, and Eric. Nope the only ones who should be up on deck still were Bri, Raelle, and Estelle. "Stel alright?" Raelle was calling up to Bri.
"no she is out cold I am going to get her rigged up and lower her down the guys need to take her below" Bri then started to get the roped wrapped around her so she could lower her down to the guys in her current state she was at the greatest risk
Raelle was giving a nod before she was stomping loudly on the ground three times. A sign that she was needing some help, and only a few of them were needed to come up. Jaxon was one of the guys that was coming up and looking over questioning, "What's up?" "Stel is unconscious. Bri is going to lower her down, I need her taken in." Raelle was speaking which had Jaxon nodding his head and he was popping his head down to let Nathan know what was going on, since he was nearby.
Nathan nodded and told Eric to stay put and then joined Jaxon as the two would have to work fast. Bri finished getting her rigged up and then she carefully lowered her down to the guys knowing that they would take her in and take care of her
Jaxon was going over to the rope that they had at the base of the mast that was tied off, used for the person below to help. This had been something that had decided on back when they had somebody faint while up there. The person above trying to lower them all by themselves... well it hadn't been pretty at all. So they had decided that there would be two. The one below slowly feeding the rope up to the person above, acting as a secondary counter balance so that if their hands slipped, there was something else stopping the injured party from falling completely. "A little bit more." he was calling up to Bri, keeping an eye on out when Nathan was able to grab the girl. "Brace yourselves!" Raelle was yelling after a moment in time, which had Jaxon swiftly tying off the rope so that he could help Nathan get Estellise down. Nope he was just instantly crouching on the ground next to the girl after they got her laid down, and bracing himself more over her, to stop her from sliding at all. Safer to just put the injured party down fully at that point.
Nathan did the same blocking her from the waves. once they were clear of the water he looked at Jaxon "let's get her below before another wave hits" Nathan then scooped her up and headed for the door to go below. Bri watched from where she was and then she looked at Rae and started giving her directions to get them through
Jaxon was nodding and soon enough they were in the clear to get down below, and into the light. He was grabbing at a towel and pressing it up against Estellise's head for a little bit, just rubbing at her hair lightly. Drawing it away revealed that there wasn't any blood at all, which was a good thing.
"Kiddo just stay sitting for the time being." Jaxon was speaking and he was heading after Nathan so that they could get Estellise laid down, although in a hammock instead of an a bed. Definitely safer since that swayed with the ship and she wasn't going to roll off.
"She will be fine. She is stronger than she looks. Hell half of us men are to chicken to go up into that Nest." Jaxon was commenting, and that was definitely saying something.
Eric nodded his head keeping in mind that she had been doing just fine until the storm worsened. while they all rested and waited Bri directed Rae through the worst of it. after a few hours they made it to calm seas and Bri headed down to the deck so that she could join Rae
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After a number of hours they had finally made it out of the triangle, and Raelle was letting out a breath of air. At last! And there was no more rain! Over the last few hours it had been downpouring like no other, and the guys knew better than to try and come up. So currently they were all in dry clothes, and had been able to dry off. So now the pair could easily go down and get dried off, while leaving the ship to Jaxon and Nathan for the time being.
Bri looked at Rae "lets go and change I don't know about you but I am soaked and would rather not be" Bri twisted her hair and watched as water poured out of it.
Raelle was nodding and soon enough they were heading down below. Instantly Jaxon was heading up to take the wheel, keep them on their path.
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