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The Immortal Pirates (Lunar & Guardian)

Jaxon was just watching for a moment in time and wasn't at all shocked when Raelle was heading over onto the navy's ship, swinging over from a rope that Estellise was tossing down to her, one that was tied around the mast. And there was one of the navy men being kicked overboard almost instantly as she was grabbing her knife from where it had imbedded itself.
Nope Raelle would definitely have her fun, currently knocking out the navy men rather than killing them. Nope she wasn't going to even worry about dealing a killing blow, not unless they tried to do that to herself first.
Things had been calm at first, although the situation definitely escalated after a while. What set Raelle off was the captain actually firing towards where Estellise was at. The girl probably would have been hit by a bullet, had it not been for the sudden wave that resulted in the captain losing his balance when he was firing. It was still skimming her cheek though, drawing blood. Jaxon was just flinching a bit and ordering their men to grab their weapons and prepare themselves.
"Nope not at all." Jaxon was commenting before he was calling up to Estellise to see if she was alright, which had her popping her head over the edge. "I'm fine. A small scratch and it more startled me than anything."
"Common especially if it is Stel that is threatened. But out of all of us she is the baby of our "family"." Jaxon was commenting after a moment in time before gesturing towards a few of the others, who were trying to keep themselves from just attacking.
Jaxon on the other hand was rather level headed at that point in time, merely watching as the others dealt with the navy people. On both sides people were falling left and right, and eventually he found himself joining into the fray when some navy people managed to get aboard the ship.
The fighting went on for a while although things seemed to only begin getting worse. The navy people were seeming to get more aggressive, and taking to using cheap tactics. Raelle was falling back a couple of steps and wiping a bit of blood from her brow, from where she had been splattered after slitting a man's neck.
Raelle was giving a nod of her head and was pulling another dagger from her boot and just seeming to cut people down with no hesitation at all. No things were fine and swell.... at least until everything took a turn for the worse. Jaxon had seen the blow heading towards Bri from behind him, which had him bolting forward taking the sword stab instead. Straight into the chest, which had him coughing up a bit of blood. Estellise was giving a cry from where she was at when she saw this, although she didn't dare move from the nest.
Bri heard her cry and turned a scream coming from her as well and she cut the man who had hurt him down and then she pulled him to her lap. Nathan looked at them and then turned and protected Raelle only to have his neck cut in the process causing him to make a gurgling sound as he crumpled to the ground. Eric stood his ground and prevented the captain from getting up the mast after Estelle
Raelle found herself turning around at the noise that she heard from behind her, although she didn't even seem to scream. She didn't seem to make a noise as she was falling to her knees next to him, not even caring that she was covered in his blood at all. Jaxon had fallen and was attempting to speak to Bri, but it wasn't going well at all. No about the last thing he did was touch her cheek with a bloodied hand before it was falling to the ground, his last breath being breathed there. "Get out of the way boy, and I won't kill you." the captain was speaking to Eric after a moment in time.
Estellise was just watching for a brief moment in time although she could see the navy captain seem to freeze up for a brief moment. "And what are you going to do about it?" the captain was questioning after a brief moment in time as he was drawing his sword.
"I have been given permission to remove you as captain should i feel that you are no longer doing your duties which you have proved to me" Eric's own sword was out and he was more then ready to kill the male
The captain was just laughing for a moment before he spoke, "You are a single guard against me. You don't stand a chance." And currently it seemed like Bri and Raelle weren't even paying attention to what was going on, which was going to be their downfall if they weren't careful.
"I am not a simple guard I will kill you even if it means my life" Eric knew his duties and he was more then willing to die to protect Estelle
Estellise was just watching for a brief moment before she went to start climbing down from the nest.
Eric motioned for her to stay up there and went to battle with the captain. Eric managed to shove his sword through the male's chest but at the same time he felt a blade pierce his own
Estellise was giving a startled scream when she watched this happen, her hands going to her mouth. It wasn't long before she was actually scrambling down to the deck, one of the other pirates haul the captain away and tossing his dead body into the water. "Eric...." Estellise was sobbing.
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