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The Immortal Pirates (Lunar & Guardian)

Estellise was giving a slow nod of her head and soon enough she was following after towards the ship, Raelle already seemed to be there.
Bri walked with her and then motioned for Estelle to follow her. both she and Raelle had an outfit that they had worn all the time signaling who they were, well that was before they had met Jaxon and Nathan after that they had worn more feminine clothing and had been happy. before they had met the guys Bri had worked on the design for Estelle for when she began her training with them and she had finished it last week so it seemed right to give it to her now. Bri pulled it out of one of her trunks and then turned and handed it to Estelle after they arrived in her cabin "starting now your sister and I will teach you everything we know about fighting and Bri no longer exists I am once again the bloody princess" when she decided to retire she would go back to being Brianna but until her revenge was fulfilled she wouldn't use her name
Estellise was following her back to the ship and was just looking at the outfit that she was being offered. It seemed like even Raelle had changed into her old clothing. A bit strange to see these old outfits being worn again.... yet the guys weren't in their lives anymore. Happiness no longer existed, at least not at that point in time. Her eyes were going towards her sister once again, who was standing up at the wheel although she could tell that no emotions existed within Raelle anymore. She had gone back to the person that she had been before Nathan had come into the picture.... emotionless until it came to fighting, then there was a faintest hint of a smile on her lips, and a strange glee in her eyes. Yet that was the only time that she ever displayed emotion.
"do not fear Estelle we will still be loving and kind with you and the crew but those outside of this ship need to know that we are not to be messed with" Bri wanted to cry still but she needed to deal with the one who caused her loves and the father of her child's death. while Estele decided if she wanted to change Bri changed into her leather pants peasent top and corset. she ent sat down and put her heeled boots one before grabbing the sword she hadn't wielded since she had met Jaxon
Estellise was just commenting that she wasn't afraid of that at all.... she just didn't want to taint her hands with blood. Throughout the years.... she hadn't needed to worry about anything. Others took care of stuff for her, to the point that she never needed to worry about defending herself. Never had to harm another person to ensure her own safety.
"We won't ask you to Estelle but should we get into a battle your sister and I need to know you can protect yourself we spoke and you won't wield a sword as I do or daggers like your sister but you will wield a whip and a staff these are defensive tools and long-range ones at that" this would allow her to keep those she didn't want near her away.
Estellise was just giving a small nod of her head. No those were something that she could deal with. After that she was just stating that she was wanting to be alone for a bit. Right now they all just needed some time to breath, so she was disappearing down to her cabin so that she could finish something that she had been working on.
Raelle was just watching for a moment although she was stepping away from the wheel, allowing Bri to take over. With that she was making her way towards the front of the ship and just keeping an eye out there.
Bri took over and started calling out directions they wouldn't act without proof and while Estelle wouldn't get vengeance like they would as Eric had killed the one hounding her there was more to their loves deaths then a stupid captain
Tragedy had struck, there was no denying that; and everybody within the Imperial Port seemed to know that things were about to get dangerous as the ship pulled up to dock. Raelle didn't even wait to be docked, she was already swinging across onto the dock and paying the dockmaster that was there, five gold coins to keep silent about their arrival. Nope she was just being put down as a Jane Doe, and it was left at that.
Bri joined her on the dock and then looked at their spy when he walked over and handed them the evidence they needed "everything was confirmed they hid the males mental illness and plotted to get rid of Jaxon and Nathan"
Raelle was just looking for a moment in time before she was questioning, "Who exactly are we talking about? Who exactly was plotting to get rid of them.... and why?" Wasn't that the question of the century.
"Lord Mathews wanted Nathan dead as he wished to take you as i=his fourth wife and Duke Carlton wanted Jaxon dead so he could take Bri and if the captain died while trying t get Estelle he would take her for his oldest son" Bri looked over the papers and smiled "we have what we need"
"So Lord Mathews, and Duke Carlton....." Raelle was speaking although there was that faint smirk on her lips, yet there was no look of glee in her eyes. Not it was something far darker, something more.... demonic and murderous.
"they will be at the Kings birthday ball and that is where we will get our revenge and show the kingdom we are not to be trifled with" Bri looked at her and smiled knowing they would need ball gowns as they had been invited to the ball as well
Raelle was chuckling before she was commenting, "I cannot wait." It was going to be a wonderful time, and her eyes were looking towards that of Estellise as the younger female was finally joining them.
Estellise was taking the papers so that she could look over them as well. Well they were already going to the ball... Perfect change to "run" into those men.
“I’ll go and speak with the king and inform him of what we have learned” Bri knew he wouldn’t stop her from killing the male so she was rather excited
Raelle was giving a nod before she spoke "The ball is in a week though... we have little time to find dresses." Originally they hadn't even planned on going. Planning to be a way with their lovers, a break from everything.
“We can make them we are all skilled with a needle and if we let the guys deal with the ship work we can get them made easily enough besides not you and I need places to hide out weapons” Bri the took the papers from Estelle once she was done looking them over “I’ll go and speak to the king and then meat you at our fabric supplier” they had picked up his requests before they had headed to the island so he wouldn’t have to worry
Estellise was just commenting that she had already somewhat started on her own dress. No she hadn't even thought about Raelle and Bri, yet or would be easiest for them to just take care of their own gowns.
Bri assured her not to worry. with a wave, she headed off knowing full well the king was going to be furious about what happened and he would want to deal with the men as well
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