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The Immortal Pirates (Lunar & Guardian)

Raelle was just shaking her head a bit before she commented, "Some people.... " There was a sigh passing through her lips before she was commenting that some were going to argue that expulsion was over the top, especially since they only had the proof that it had happened this once. Typically that would result in a suspension for a while.
"then let them complain this isn't the first time he has been in trouble" Bri pulled his file out and it was almost an inch thick with write-ups and suspensions. "we have been lenient because his family donates a large amount to the school but after our last conversation I warned them that if something happened again and he was at fault he was gone form the school"
Raelle was just rolling her eyes before she commented, "I'm not too concerned about the donations. The band has that covered, and you know it." Nope when they had live concerts, the money that they gathered was always donated to the school. With that she was letting out a breath of air before she was commenting once again that it was time to get rid of the kid.
Bri nodded her head did they need the donations no they didn't the girls were each wealthy and then some but they had had over 300 years to earn their wealth
Not that they needed the donations, but the band did it anyways. At least until they found something else to start donating money to, although by the sounds of it.... they had. A local orphanage that had just lost of their funds, and were on the brink of shutting down. "Well the girls found something else to invest in. A local orphanage. Their funding was just pulled and they are on the brink of shutting down. We are going to save it." she was commenting after a moment in time. And it was an actual good orphanage, where the "parents" actually cared for the children that lived there.
Bri looked at her "get me the information maybe we can incorporate it into the school and give them a little more backing and aid" Bri then looked up when the boys parents arrived and motioned for them to sit down Bri then looked at them her face a mask of pure irritation and then she spoke "I am sick of having to call you in here because of your son and today was the last straw after this meeting he will be pulled from his class asked to turn over his books and he will no longer be attending this school"
Raelle was looking over towards the boys parents for a moment in time although as she listened she was jotting down the information about the orphanage. Oh man she wasn't even shocked that the parents were trying to argue about how their son didn't do anything wrong, that it was all a lie. Yet things weren't going to turn into their favor when another student came running in and was apologizing for interrupting. Evidently the boy had caused drama in the nurse's office, thankfully the twins had been in there at the time. They had gone off with one of Estelle's friends, and somebody that the other two trusted, after Estelle had messaged her and asked her to take them for a walk. A good thing since the boy had shown up and actually tried to attack Estelle as well, since she wouldn't let him near his ex, who had started panicking.
Bri looked to Raelle "pleas ego and make sure she is ok and that Estelle is ok as well" Bri then brought up the video of both incidents and showed it to them "you are lucky my own children weren't in there as they enjoy spending time with their aunt otherwise this would be a whole lot worse on him" Bri stared them both down knowing full well this would end with either him leaving or being arrested
Raelle was heading out of the room and headed towards the nurse's office to check on the pair of them. Well Estelle was there although she seemed to be unconscious and.... the male had seemed to disappear, and had dragged his ex-girlfriend off with him it seemed. This had her biting her lip for a moment before she was actually pulling a random kid into the nurses office and telling them to just sit with Estelle for the time being, that she would be right back.

(Can be Eric if you want.)
(I'll be him its not a problem)

Eric nodded his head and went to her side gently picking her up and placing her on the bed before he moved and sat down next to her so that when she woke she would see him
Raelle was heading off quickly after shooting Bri a message to let her know what was going on. That she was headed off campus to find their missing students. Estellise wasn't down for long at all, although she was just putting a hand on her head when she did wake up. Yet again being struck in the head definitely caused pain.
Bri looked at her cell when it dinged and then picked up her office phone and called the cops the boy would leave her school in cuffs for assulting Estelle and his ex she just hoped that Raelle's tracking skills were still up to par

"hold on Ill get you some aspirin" Eric got up and fount some and then got her a bottle of water so that she could take it
Raelle was just making her way through the school, pausing for a couple of moments now and again to listen to others. Yep other students had spotted the pair, and she was being directed to where they had been headed by others. Just as she had suspected, off campus.

Estellise was pushing herself up so that she was sitting up on the bed and was just mumbling a soft thank you.
Eric handed her the pills and water "your welcome" his voice was still the same as it had been all those years ago

Bri talked with the cops and watched his parents as they kept trying to talk her out of pressing charges and offering her more and more money each time
Estellise just found herself taking the pills from him although now that she was actually hearing his voice.... it was the same as so long ago. A thought that actually brought some tears to her eyes for a brief moment.
Estellise was just giving a shake of her head before she was speaking in a soft voice, "N...No I'm okay. Head just really hurts as well."
"then lay back down and rest Ill turn the lights off as they may not make you feel better right now" Eric got up and killed the lights so that she could rest in the dark
Estelle was just giving a small nod of her head although deep down she felt absolutely terrible for lying. And she could believe that.... after so long.... it was actually him.
Estelle was currently laying on her side although it wasn't long before she felt a hand rubbing against her back. A familiar feeling.
No in the end Estelle did find herself fading into sleep, not even noticing her phone going off with the message from Raelle. Hopefully it hadn't been anything important at all.
Eventually Raelle was messaging Bri that she was on her way back. The girl was safe although the boy had fled. But her priority had been to help the eighteen year old female.
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