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Gurenge (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

He felt tears fill his eyes as he looked at the braid, it was all his fault she was dead. He shouldn't have asked her to join with him. He felt so much remorse for her fate.

Yoshitsugu shook his head, "It isn't your fault, boy..."
Would things have been any different if they had been together that day? Would she still be alive? Would their positions be switched? There was no way of knowing. Something in his gut told him though, something screamed to him, that if he didn’t do something, that Megohime would meet a similar fate.

Yukimura shook his head. “Regardless, I apologize for any trouble I have caused you.”
He had to stop this, before Megohime lost her life to Masamune as well. He couldn't bear losing her, too.

"I accept your apology.." Yoshitsugu replied softly, "Mouri was of little help as well..."
Was she beyond convincing? She had already gone to Masamune once, but what other options did he have if she was beyond reasoning?

Yukimura nodded, understanding that Mori probably felt Yukimura had overstepped, but he would consider Akihime’s feelings before all else.
He would have to do the unthinkable. He would only hope she would forgive him.

"I want to marry Yukimura, Otou-san..." Akihime said gently, "I love him and we've been together for so long..."
"I know not what his lineage is..." Yoshitsugu said, "He could be a farmer for all I know." How rude, but he was an incredibly old fashioned man.
Megohime was on a strict regime of medicines to help her combat her ailing state due to her pregnancy. Kojurou was the one who dosed and delivered every medication to her, it wouldn’t be difficult to get to Megohime to do so.

Yukimura frowned softly, not liking speaking of his own family line. “I am from Clan Sanada, second son of Sanada Masayuki. Head of the Clan Sanada.”
With a soft breath, Kojurou moved to Megohime's room to do what he only thought was the right thing.

"...I see..." Yoshitsugu muttered, "I'm very sorry, boy.."
Megohime was awake, but resting in bed when Kojurou came to her. “Is it time already?” She asked as she sat up in bed, dreading the bitter taste of the medicine.

Yukimura bowed his head slightly, a gentle sadness in his eyes. “It was years ago.”
"Hai..." He replied gently, "I'm sorry it's so unbearable.."

Akihime seemed confused, clearly something she didn't know was spoken silently between the two.
"Is...does that make him an eligible suitor...?" She asked. Yoshitsugu made a soft noise.
"It does..." He answered, "But you were already promised to someone.."
"But, Otou-san!" She stopped when he rose his hand, however weak it was.
"I cannot stop you from doing what you want if you both leave again, however..." He told her.
She felt a pang of guilt, knowing that him even seeing her in such a state upset him, glancing away to avoid seeing his expression. “It’s alright.. it’s not so bad..” She said softly.

Yukimura felt a small flicker of hope in his chest, looking to Akihime briefly. He bowed deeply to Yoshitsugu, understanding he was giving his blessing regardless. “Thank you, Otani-dono.”
"You don't have to lie for my sake.." He said as he moved to her medicines, "You won't hurt my feelings.."

Yoshitsugu merely shook his head before he began coughing.
"Is it time for your medicine? Here, let me help.." Akihime moved closer to her father to help him take his medication.
Megohime rubbed her arm gently, feeling an awkward tension, but trying not to let it get in the way of their friendship. “It is pretty bitter..” She said softly. “But it really does help, I feel better, and I haven’t been sick lately.”

Yukimura moved over. “Is there anything I can do to help?” He asked with a soft frown.
His heart hurt, "I'm glad...I do my best to make it as bearable as possible for you.."

"Hai! His temperature always drops pretty low after he takes his medicine, so if you could please get him an extra blanket from the cabinet there?" Akihime requested, pointing to across the room.
Megohime sat and waited as he prepared her medicines, looking out the partially opened window for fresh air. “I really do appreciate it, Kojurou..”

Yukimura nodded, moving and opening the cabinet to retrieve an extra blanket for Yoshitsugu, moving over and carefully spreading it out over the older man.
He nodded numbly and moved over to her when he was done. "You mean so much to me, Megohime-dono...your friendship is important to me.."

"Thank you.." Yoshitsugu said hoarsely, "You're a good lad."
Megohime looked at Kojurou with a gentle expression, one that warmed his heart, but her swollen belly only turned it cold again. “That means a lot to me, Kojurou.. I see you as a dear friend, and you’ve been very kind to me.”

Yukimura gave a soft smile, bowing his head to him. “Thank you very much, Otani-dono.”
He hated what he planned to do. But he needed to. He would march gladly into Hell for this. "Arigatou.."

Akihime made sure Yoshitsugu was comfortable once he had taken his medicine and left with Yukimura to let him sleep.
"I'm glad he wasn't violently angry." She said gently.
Megohime drank her medicine with a small grimace at the taste, but after finishing it all and handing Kojurou back the cup, all he had to do was wait. It didn’t take long for the drugs to start into affect, Megohime taking notice of the odd feeling settling over her.
Her vision started to blur, feeling like the room was starting to sway, looking to Kojurou in confusion, realizing her was still in the room, standing silently and watching. “Kojurou..?” She asked faintly.

Yukimura smiled and nodded in agreement. “I am as well, but I feel that Mori-dono might not hold the same sentiment..”
"Please forgive me..." He said softly, his voice sounding like it was under water.

She frowned softly, "I know...but we won't worry about him for now."
Megohime felt herself slumping back in the bed, eyes fixed on Kojurou. “What are... Why..?” She managed out in a mumble, her limbs heavy and numb, had he put something in her medicine? Had he caused this?
Megohime felt like she was sinking in darkness, parts of her becoming aware of her surroundings, but only to small things; her being laid out, the blanket being pulled off of her, pressure around her wrists, and something being placed in her mouth. Her eyes were open, but her brain lagged behind, taking time to register what she was seeing. She laid out on the bed, watching as Kojurou set out many different surgical tools on the desk across the room from her, hands tied up to the headboard, and a gag in her mouth.
He looked so sad, so broken as he got ready to terminate her child. It may not have been what she wanted but it was best for her. It would keep her alive and that's all he cared about.
Kojurou would hear Megohime shift and let out a muffled moan from her bed, weakly pulling at the restraints around her wrists, watching him and shaking her head the best she could. Tears formed in her eyes, face twisted with fear and disbelief, through her clouded thoughts Megohime able to register what exactly was happening, and what he was about to do.
He glanced at her and looked away immediately, "I'm sorry, Megohime-dono, I'm truly sorry...but I refuse to let this child continue to kill you.."
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