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Gurenge (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

"Ah...daijoubu...!" She assured, "I wasn't really expecting to be tossed like a straw doll.."
"Get away from her." Tadateru growled, coming out of hiding.
Yukimura stood up, drawing his blade and readying himself for an attack. “So you’re the demon terrorizing this town.” He said, a scowl on his face.
Tadateru's eyes moved to Yukimura, and in his left eye the symbol for Lower Rank Four could be seen.
"He's one of the Twelve. Of course." Mitsunari said irately.
"Get away from my new bride." Tadateru hissed. Akihime looked taken aback.
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Yukimura didn’t seem to find the demons little joke funny, his scowl deepening as his grip tightened on his blade. “Akihime is in no such position with you, and I respectfully ask that you take back your words.”
"You must be the one she's promised to. I will fix that." He said and suddenly there were multiples of him, all seeming to shimmer into existence from his own body. One for each of them to fight on their own.
Yukimura shot forward, engaging the real Tadateru as soon as the doubles appeared, wanting to dispose of the foul demon as soon as possible.
Tadateru kept up with him easily while his clones went against the others.
"Shouta, stay close!" Mitsunari ordered, "Remember your breathing."
Yukimura’s sword felt like it had the weight of a boulder behind it, the blade as hot as it was red. “Take back what you said.” He repeated.

“Hai!” Shouta said, staying at Mitsunari’s back, his blade at the ready, preparing his breathing.
"I will not. She will be my new bride. I've already practiced what I plan to do to her after I make her a demon." Tadateru said, grinning sinisterly.

"I haven't eaten Slayer meat in a while. You two will make excellent food!" The Tadateru clone said. Mitsunari scowled heavily.
"We will see."
Yukimura didn’t like what he was implying, but wasn’t entirely sure of what he meant either. “What are you talking about?” He asked, narrowing his eyes.
Tadateru's tongue slid from his mouth as a look of euphoria passed over his face, "I'm gonna rip those pretty little petals from her bud~" Rip the petals from her...? Did he mean to deflower her?
Yukimura’s eyes widened and he drew his blade back, only to swing hard for the demons neck. Flames flickered and burst from the sword, engulfing the both of them, biting so hot the entire room became almost unbearably hot.
The flames dispersed some, exposing that Yukimura was in fact untouched by the flames. “Total concentration, fire breathing, second form: Rising Scorching Sun.” Yukimura swung upwards severing the two arms on Tadateru’s right side with a single strike, the demons flesh searing closed as soon as it was cut.
He cried out in pain and the clone's attention shifted toward Yukimura before they began to move toward him quickly. Akihime panicked and moved quickly, swinging her blade in a V formation back and forth.
"Total concentration, poison breathing, first form: Soft Waves of Wisteria." The air seemed to shimmer a soft lavender shade and the clones began to choke.
"Wh...What the hell...?!"
"M-Make her stop!" The clones moved toward Akihime now and Mitsunari gripped his odachi styled blade over his head with ease.
"Total concentration, sound breathing, first form: Roar." He slammed his blade into the floor with all his might, causing a loud sound of thunder to stop the clones in their tracks, covering their ears in pain.
Yukimura didn’t stop there, aiming for his ankles next, swinging low as he pushed Tadateru back and away from Akihime and Mitsunari. He wasn’t going to allow the original body to meet back up with the clones.
Tadateru was having a rough go at it, with Akihime's poison filling the air and his ears ringing from Mitsunari's sound attack, it was getting a little difficult. Even as one of the Twelve, three hashira were easily overpowering him.
“Total concentration, fifth form: Flame Tiger.” Yukimura moved at breakneck speed, slashing the air multiple times in front of him, the flames of his blade coming together to create a tiger made of flames.
One of the clones had managed to get in between the two, taking the massive attack for Tadateru, giving the original the time to get some distance between him and Yukimura.
Yukimura was unrelenting, chasing after Tadateru with an intensity in his eyes that burned like fire. “Take back your words.” He demanded once more, flames flickering from his sword in preparation of another attack.
"I will not. She'll be mind once I snap you in half!" His cowardice seemed to vanish and he lurched forward, trying to grab for Yukimura.
Another swift swing and Yukimura took off a third arm, leaving the demon with merely one arm, aiming to stab at his throat.
He was barely able to stop in time, cutting his losses and making a run for it. He had to find Ren, if he could get to Ren, he could use him as a scapegoat to flee long enough to recover.
It was as if the gods themselves had blessed Tadateru on that day, for when he turned, pink caught his eye. Ren stood just behind one of the corners, peeking out and watching the brutal beat down. His eyes widened when his gaze met Tadateru’s, a look of terror crossing his face.
Tadateru seemed to have been filled with a renewed vigor, bursting towards Ren and grabbing him, "Defend me!" He yelled before he threw Ren at Yukimura.
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