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Gurenge (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Akihime let out a strangled noise, face flushed a deep red, squirming beneath him and trying to push away from him.
Tadateru was a bit rough when he got too into it, but endured it the best he could, letting out weak moans and soft grunts.
He didn't stop until he was finished and satisfied, even allowed Ren to finish as well. "That was a fun game," he remarked gruffly, "now beat it."
Ren quickly snatched up his yukata from the ground and hurried off like he was ordered to, going off to clean himself up.
Akihime heard running footsteps before a young woman emerged from the darkness of the alleyway, looking distraught and battered. “Someone..! Please help me..!”
“The demon, h-he’s coming after me, showed up out of no where and just told me to start running..!” She said, wiping away tears. “S-Said if I could stay away from him until daybreak he’d let me live..!”
The woman pointed down the alleyway down from where she had come from. “H-He was that way..!”
Yukimura had just met back up with Mitsunari and Shouta, turning to Akihime when he heard her rapidly approaching footsteps. “Akihime?”
"One of the villagers narrowly escaped the demon. She told me where it is, I wanted to find you all first!" She said quickly. Mitsunari gripped the hilt of his blade.
"What are we waiting for, then?" He asked lowly.
Yukimura’s expression hardened and he nodded, brows furrowed. “Show us the way.” He said, placing a hand on the sword at his side.
Shouta followed close behind Yukimura, hand on the hilt of his sword as he followed Akihime.
“This is it?” Shouta asked, covering his nose at the foul smell that hung around the temple, one of death and fear.
"I can only assume so..." Akihime frowned, "It certainly fits the bill."
"It matters not. Let's dispose of this wretch." Mitsunari stated.
Akihime followed close behind him, Mitsunari letting Shouta go before him as they all entered the old temple. It was musky and decrepit, smelling of blood and mold. Tadateru hid but watched them closely, his eyes focusing more on Akihime. He felt his mouth water, fighting the urge to make himself known.
"It's too quiet." Mitsunari said, "That girl must have lied to you."
"Her fear was genuine." Akihime frowned.
“She could’ve been forced to lie- genuine fear doesn’t mean she’s telling the truth.” Shouta said, eyes scanning their surroundings.
"True, if that's the case, then we must not be dealing with an average demon." She said.
"Do you suppose it is one of the Twelve?" Mitsunari asked. Akihime gave a sad smile.
"I would hope no-" A sudden blur cut her short, slamming her hard into the far wall.
Shouta drew his blade and looked around quickly to try and find who it was that had attacked Akihime, while Yukimura hurried to her side to help her back to her feet and make sure she wasn’t hurt too badly.
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