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Gurenge (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Ren let out a cry of terror as he was thrown at the Hashira, closing his eyes and bringing his arms up to protect his face. Yukimura scowled as the terrified second demon was suddenly tossed at him, but he steeled himself. In one swift motion, he pierced the belly of the demon with his blade, then removed the blade quickly as he maneuvered around them, chasing after his real target.
Ren collapsed to the ground, his stomach burning from the wound Yukimura left, unable to move from the pain.
Tadateru looked back and was horrified to see Yukimura was still chasing him. There was no way he could defeat this hashira with just one arm, it was impossible. He thought it would be easy, it was just a human after all. But no. This one was terrifying and more powerful than he thought was possible.
It was like death incarnate was coming for Tadateru, a deep burning rage burning in Yukimura’s eyes as he closed in on his prey. With a hard swing, he took the demons head right from his shoulders.
Tadateru's head bounced along the floor as his body kept running a few feet before dropping to the ground.
"She...she was...mine..." He choked.
Yukimura walked over to the head as it rolled to a stop, stepping on it so it stopped completely. “Akihime.. doesn’t belong to anyone..” He said, looking down at Tadateru before running his head through the eye.
He gave a sharp gasp of pain before his head and his body began to disintegrate.
"Yukimura!!" Akihime's voice called, fast approaching footfalls following her voice.
Yukimura turned, pulling his blade from the demon, looking to Akihime to see what was wrong.
Yukimura blushed and nodded, making sure his blade was out of the way of hurting Akihime. “I’m alright..!”

Megohime had stayed up rather late that night, but now she was getting too tired to try and stay up any later, moving about the halls to prepare to go to sleep.
"I had never seen you so angry before!" She said, pulling back to cup his cheeks gently, "Such ferocity...your flame techniques never burned that hot before.."

"Megohime," Masamune was coming out of his room, "calling it quits?"
Yukimura felt a small pang of guilt, sheathing his sword. “His words... the thought of what he wanted..” He shook his head. “The mere thought enraged me..”

Megohime looked to Masamune, clearly having fallen asleep in her day clothes, hair and yukata slightly unkempt. “Ah.. yeah, I don’t think I can stay awake any longer..” She said, managing a smile.
"What he wanted...?" She must not have heard what Tadateru had said to him, it was best she didn't know. She brushed her thumb over his cheekbone gently, frowning gently. He looked so sad.
"This demon over here is still alive." Mitsunari called flatly. Akihime looked back before looking at Yukimura.

"Would you want company?" He asked gently, "Kojurou is out dealing with some riffraff."
The figure at Mitsunari’s feet was gasping and crawling along the ground, steam coming from the single stab wound through his abdomen.

Megohime gave a nod, she never turned him away when he asked, rather enjoying having his company when she went to sleep.
Akihime moved over quickly, frowning heavily.
"Why are you allowing him to suffer?" Akihime asked, glaring at Mitsunari. Mitsunari looked unamused.
"I did not do this." He stated.

"I'll be there in a moment." He assured her, "Why don't you get comfortable?"
Ren looked up at the Hashira that now stood over him, fear in his gold eyes, gnashing his fanged teeth together. Was he really going to die like this? Die such a pathetic death? He did his best to get back onto his feet. “I should’ve finished him off, forgive me Akihime.” Yukimura said as he moved over with his blade drawn.

Megohime nodded. “I’ll just be a minute.” She said, heading off to prepare herself for bed.
"No, wait...!" Akihime held out her hand to stop him, "W-Wait...I don't..." She looked down at Ren, "I don't think he should die..."
"Are you serious?" Mitsunari scowled, "Do you hear yourself?"

Masamune smiled softly before he caught something on the wind. Two demons, and they were either brave enough or dumb enough to approach his home.
“Akihime, it’s a demon, it needs to be killed.” Yukimura said with a soft frown. Shouta scowled deeply.
“Why would you protect a demon?” He demanded.

Either way, the two demons had yet to make any sort of move, but surely they wouldn’t bring anything good.
Megohime moved down the dimly lit hallways to her bedroom, lost in her own thoughts as she walked.
"He had every opportunity to come and help Tadateru, yet he didn't..." She said gently.

A massive hand moved over her mouth and she was pulled against something solid.
"Don't scream." A voice said lowly, "I don't wanna hurt ya."
“Being a coward doesn’t mean they aren’t evil.” Shouta argued with a glare. “They’re a demon!”
“Shouta’s right, Akihime.” Yukimura said with a frown.

Megohime’s eyes went wide, and terror washed over her like icy water, not making a single noise, holding her breath lest it be too loud.
Akihime frowned softly. He looked so sad, so scared.
"He is right..." She muttered, "But this one is an innocent...I can tell. His heart is good..." She looked to Yukimura, conflicted and sad.
"I cannot take the life of an innocent..."

"Thadda girl. Just keep quiet." He said quietly.
Masamune made a noise and moved to head toward Megohime's room, only to stop when he caught movement in his peripherals.
Yukimura looked down at Akihime, a soft frown on his face, then he sheathed his blade with a sigh. “Alright.” He knew she wouldn’t drop the subject if he were to argue it further, even if he didn’t believe in her argument.

Megohime wanted to move, wanted to try and break free and run straight back to Masamune, but she could barely breathe. Never before had she been confronted directly by another demon inside the estate besides Masamune, and this one was restraining her, but why?

Masamune felt the slightest shift in the wind before sharp claws suddenly appeared terrifyingly close to his eyes. Another demon had appeared from the shadows, attacking Masamune without warning, going straight to gouge out his eyes.
"Sanada!" Mitsunari seemed angry, and Akihime moved to help Ren to his feet.
"Buddha's eyes are on you today, young one. Go quickly, while you can." She said kindly.

Masamune caught the demon's wrist easily, not even phased.
"Very bold of you to attack me in my own home."
Ren didn’t waste his chance, running off as fast as he could, not looking back.
“It’s alright, Mitsunari.” Yukimura said, looking to the other Hashira, giving him a look that said what can you do?.

Nana’s eyes widened in shock, staring back at Masamune with wild eyes; she had worked so hard on increasing her speed, even Motochika had been unable to keep up with her, yet Masamune had grabbed her fist so easily.
Megohime flinched when a loud explosion sounded not too far off in the estate, making the entire building shake.
He scowled heavily, "You are a fool, Akihime."
"I will live with the consequences should they arise." She said, "But I feel good in that boy. And should he succumb to his demonic nature, I will dispatch him myself.."

"What the hell was that?" Motochika muttered, and gently pulled Megohime along so they could look.
Megohime stumbled after Motochika, finding a small amount of courage and struggling as they went, but it was like fighting a boulder.
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