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Gurenge (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Motochika peeked out of the room to see how Nana was doing, only to freeze in horror. Her legs were severely broken, blood pouring from open gashes and wounds as Masamune put his foot down on Nana's chest and ripped off her arm with a firm tug.
Nana let out a mangled cry, throat crushed and blood steadily coming from her mouth and nose; it had to be why she hadn’t called to Motochika for help. Her silver scales scattered the floor around them, and her eyes were plucked clean from her head.
"Hey!!" Masamune looked toward Motochika, only to become physically angry when he saw he had Megohime.
"Let her go, right now, or I turn your pet into a demon."
"You wouldn't have the time before I reached you." Masamune hissed.
Megohime looked terrified, still trying her hardest to pry Motochika’s hand form her wrist. She looked to Masamune, eyes wide and full of fear, a silent beg for his help as tears swelled in her eyes.
“Motochika...” Nana croaked from the ground, words garbled as she tried to speak. “Run..!”
Megohime dropped to her knees with a scream of pain, seeing spots of white in her vision as a searing hot pain radiated down her broken wrist.
Masamune became enraged and turned fully toward Motochika. But Motochika wasn't done yet; he lifted Megohime up by her broken wrist easily, "You want this so bad?" He asked, watching Masamune become alarmed, "then go get it." He threw Megohime with all his might, causing her to crash through one of the estate walls. Masamune rushed after her, giving Motochika the chance to grab Nana and run.
Megohime hit the first wall and immediately she couldn’t breathe, the wind knocked from her lungs, her entire body radiating pain like she had never felt before. She couldn’t scream, couldn’t even move, the force of Motochika throwing her too great to do anything but to sail through the air, slamming through walls and doors.
The familiar smell of her blood reached his nose, Megohime trembling against him hard from shock and fear. She still couldn’t speak, could barely move a finger; her chest heaved as she tried to suck in a breath, but it was wet and ragged. She choked on something hot and it only came back out in a violent cough, splattering blood across Masamune’s chest.
What a horrible time to not have Kojurou. He sat up carefully and held her back gently to look her over. She was dying, he could hear it in how hard her heart beat and how garbled her lungs sounded.
"You're going to be ok..." He told her gently, "Just try and relax, don't force anything..."
Megohime looked back up at him with terrified eyes, struggling desperately to breathe, only able to force more blood from her nose and mouth. She opened her mouth to speak, but only choked. Her ribs had broken and pierced her lung, filling with blood and causing it to collapse; she was drowning in her own blood. Tears slipped down her scraped up face, and she tried desperately to reach out a hand for him. Her mind was racing, panic overwhelming her, was she going to die? She was dying right? Everything hurt so bad, and she could hardly breathe.
He took her hand gently, eyes sad.
"Do you trust me, Megohime...?" He asked quietly. He couldn't even believe he was considering turning her.
Megohime was confused by his question, of course she trusted him, why would he ask such a silly question? She nodded her head the best she could, holding eye contact.
The cut felt like barely a touch with how much pain she was already in, she didn’t even flinch. Megohime stared back at Masamune, watching him as she choked and hacked up more blood, watching and waiting to see what he would do. She didn’t understand what exactly he was doing, but Masamune had asked for her trust, and she would give him every ounce of it.
He pierced his palm with his thumb nail, waiting for a steady stream of blood before he brought it closer to her cut.
"Don't you dare!!" Kojurou yelled, causing Masamune to pull his hand back, "Get away from her!"
"She's dying, Kojurou, it's the only way."
"The hell it is. Do you not realize that you could just hasten her death this way? Not every human is able to withstand the change." Kojurou scolded. Masamune's expression turned almost shameful.
"Don't let her die, Kojurou..."
"I will not. Please leave and allow me to work." Kojurou requested. Masamune reached out and gently touched Megohime's cheek before standing to leave.
Megohime leaned her head against his hand, closing her eyes when he stood. Her body felt heavy, and she was growing tired, light headed from being unable to breathe properly. Could she even be saved? She was coughing up so much blood, surely she’d die regardless of what Kojurou would do.
Kojurou worked tirelessly, not stopping even when the sun started rising and Masamune was forced to sleep, hoping Megohime could be saved.
Megohime seem to be stabilized from Kojurou’s hard work, but she was still just barely hanging on. She had gone to sleep some time ago, breathing shallowly but somewhat steadily, skin pale from losing blood.
Kojurou let out a soft breath; she would be ok for now but he would definitely have to keep an eye on her. He would camp out in her room to make sure she didn't relapse and start to crash.
Megohime wouldn’t wake at all throughout the day, but her health seemed to stay the same.
While asleep in a deep slumber, Megohime dreamt of her life, before the accident, before Masamune. It was the same everyday, tel fortunes and drink blood, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary when a small group of people came to her, only this time, they claimed they were her followers.
It annoyed her parents to have them hovering around the house without paying for her services, just chanting and muttering praises day in and day out.
It made Megohime uncomfortable, but what else was she supposed to do, especially so when they started paying her parents in hefty sums. It would continue on like that for a while, they’d ask for readings on occasion, but soon it drastically changed.
They demanded to be in the same room as her, they wouldn't do anything except watch her. It was incredibly disconcerting, but as long as they paid, her parents allowed them to do what they wanted.
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