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Gurenge (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Ren felt tears forming in his eyes, but the more he tried to fight, the longer it would drag out. He clenched his jaw and shoved as hard as he could, knowing Tadateru wouldn’t let him fall; he liked it better when Ren was in character. “Don’t touch me!” Akihime’s voice was firm, not a single shred of fear in it.
Akihime’s pale face flushed red, Ren having to force himself to stay as calm as he could to stay to character- or at least what Tadateru liked. “Take your hands off me and you’ll find out, demon!” She struggled against his hands, kicking and squirming, but she wasn’t able to escape while straddling his lap.
Her face would only grow more and more red the longer he touched her, her breathing starting to become uneven as he fondled and groped her. “U-Unhand me..!” She she pulled with all her might to try and free her arms, but the more she moved the more she shifted against him, feeling her nether start to throb dully. “Filthy.. fucking demon..!”
Ren felt a jolt of white hot shoot through his body as his tongue slid over her flesh, letting out a strangled noise that sounded like a moan. No matter how he changed his body, certain things never changed. He could feel pain and pleasure alike, none of that would ever change. Akihime clenched her teeth, squeezing her eyes shut tightly and baring her teeth as she tried to silence her noises, sweat starting to form on her skin.
“I-I’m not.. your toy..!” She forced out through clenched teeth, nails digging into the palms of her hands, her breathing heavy now, face flushed red and tears building up in her eyes.
“Yukimura will!” It was only speculation, but to Ren it seemed clear, the way the two looked at each other, the way they wished each other luck, they had to be lovers.
Akihime nodded her head, keeping her eyes off Tadateru. “I’m promised to him! He’s my beloved!”
Her face flushed a deep red when he pulled open the yukata she was wearing, exposing her bare form beneath. “Let go..!” Sue started to struggle hard again, looking anywhere but Tadateru’s face.
Her struggling slowly weakened, letting out faint noises akin to moans. Tears slipped down her cheeks and she begged softly for him to stop.
He ignored her, for obvious reasons, and tugged off her clothes, pinning her to the floor with one set of hands as his others worked on undressing himself.
Ren blinked away tears as he looked up at the ceiling, always finding it a bit humiliating when Tadateru used him in such a way, but as long as he cooperated how he liked, things usually ended quickly and without injury.
Tadateru did his best to arouse Ren as much as he could, not really liking to do it dry. So, once he was undressed, he worked his fingers slowly over the clit to get Ren wet enough for him.
Ren jolted against Tadateru’s touch, Akihime’s face twisting with a look of conflict and embarrassment, steadily becoming wet at his touches.
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