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Gurenge (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Megohime shook her head. “I’m just glad it’s not yours..” She said gently, making sure none of the blood was left behind.
Megohime nodded. “That’s fine.. So long as you come back, it doesn’t matter..” She said quietly.
Megohime smiled softly and nodded, glad she would never again feel alone, she was grateful to Kojurou for that. “Let’s finish dinner before it gets too cold..”

After resting up enough, the four of them would set out together; Yukimura, Akihime, Mitsunari, and Shouta would all set out in search of their next objective, a larger town already under the control of a demon.
“There hasn’t been much news on anything regarding the town, only that a demon took up residence there and hasn’t left since.” Shouta said, Yukimura giving a slight nod.
“Then it’s safe to assume they’re not your average run-of-the-mill demon.” He agreed.
Akihime placed her hand on her cheek and gave a delighted sigh.
"A real challenge. Finally."
"You should still keep your guard up, Akihime." Mitsunari said.
The hike to the town was uneventful, no signs of humans or demons, but it was clear why as soon as they arrived. The town was nearly empty, mostly elderly or the sickly peered from doorways or windows. No children played in the street, no men or women at the shops, it was a ghost town.
“How awful..” Yukimura frowned heavily, the scent of demon heavy in the air, as if the town was crawling with them - that or the one they were to face was formidable.
“It’s still daylight, so we’ll have time to prepare- we should get as much information out of those remaining to see just exactly has happened here.” Yukimura said, turning to the three. “We’ll split up here and return just before sundown.”
Yukimura gave her a smile, lopsided and bright. “Good luck, Akihime.” He said, then hurried off down the road.

A figure watched from the shadows a soft frown on their face before disappearing behind the buildings. Heading toward the largest house in the town, the person slipped inside and moved through the corridors and hallways before peering into a single room. “Tadateru... More humans showed up- slayers this time by the looks of it. Nichirin blades, all of them..”
The figure flinched at the demons unhappy demeanor, but shook their head. “I swear they’re slayers.. They knew about demons and sunlight too..!”
“H-Hai..” The figure stepped fully into the room, an androgynous looking young man wearing a simple loose yukata. He moved closer to Tadateru, stopping only a few feet away before his form began to change. His flesh seemed to boil and shift, growing taller as his skin and hair changed color to that of a young man with pale skin, mid-length white hair and grey eyes. After a moment his form changed again, one to a taller man with grey-silver hair and dark grey eyes, a heavy scowl on his face; then once more he changed to a man with long brown hair with deep red tips, dark brown-red eyes and wild eyebrows. There seemed to be a slight hesitation before the demon changed once more. This time his form shrunk, his hair extending much further than the three before. The features of his face changed into delicate ones, deep ginger hair that fell to her waist, and light brown eyes like that of a deer. The gentle curves of her breasts were clear from the loose yukata, rounded hips clearly conveying the last was a woman.
The demon that wore the face of Akihime looked uncomfortable, turning his gaze away. “They said they were going to ask the towns remaining residents about you..”
The demon nodded and his form started to change again back to that of his original disguise, form slowly changing to that of a woman’s to a mans.
Ren felt his skin crawl, stomach sinking. “Hai..” He said, then slipped away to keep an eye on the four Slayers.
Mitsunari moved through the town, a lot of the people not daring to look at him as he passed. He scowled softly, this must be a formidable demon if these people were so scared to talk to him.

Akihime moved through the farmland, frowning softly at how little was being grown. How many people were lost to this demon?
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