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Gurenge (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Not a single person attempted to talk to Mitsunari, let alone even look in his direction, treating him like he was the one who had caused such misfortune rather than the demon controlling the town. Was there truly only one demon keeping the town in check? Not that it would be very hard with such dwindled numbers.

What little crops remaining in the fields were scrawny and pitiful, the soil reeking of blood, and it was clear to Akihime that blood indeed had been spilled upon the field, and lots of it. She saw no one in the fields tending to the remains of the crops, only people peering from the houses on the edges of the fields.
Mitsunari continued to walk around, more looking at the surroundings than anything now.

Akihime looked to the homes and gave a disarming smile, "Sumimasen!" She called, "Would it be alright if I spoke with you?"
“You probably shouldn’t be poking around here.” The voice of a young child said, just off to the side of Mitsunari, a young boy, no older than ten sat on one of the market stall countertops, now empty. “There’s a demon here, you know.”

She would see an elderly woman peer out of the doorway, face wrinkled and sad, a heavy frown etched into her features, then she vanished back inside the home again. “No, now leave.” She called back.
Mitsunari stopped and looked at him, scowling a bit more.
"I am aware. I would like to know where it is."

Akihime blinked and frowned.
"How can I help you if I leave?"
The boy stared back at him, face badly burned on one side, but only scars remained. “Why? What are you going to do?” It was a cold question, almost like the child had too fallen into despair; he held no hope with this stranger.

“There is no helping those of us left, me just talking to you now will get me killed.” Yet the old woman was still talking.
"Kill it." Mitsunari answered simply.

Akihime didn't move any closer to the old woman. "You have nothing to fear any more, I promise. You and your village will be free soon enough."
“That’s what the last ones said.” He held the young mans gaze with his own dead one. “They died.”

“Free or not.. there’s no one left, all of our families have been taken, there’s no one left to save.” The old woman sounded tired and sad.
He stared at him for a moment longer before looking to the sky- almost night time. “Maybe.” He hopped down off the counter with a small wobble, then limped off down the abandon alleyway.

“No.” She said firmly. “You don’t understand, the only ones left are the old. We too will simply be gone soon, killed by a demon or not.”
"Oi." Mitsunari called, "Where are you going?"

Akihime frowned, "I cannot simply allow this monster to continue to hold this village in its clutches." She bowed politely, "Arigatou gozaimasu." She said and walked away.
“Home.” The child answered. “If you’re out at dark, he’ll hunt you.” And with that the child was gone, likely retreating to the safety of their home.
Ren could tell the Slayers that had come were strong, but Tadateru was stronger. The last Slayers that showed up were all killed one by one, toyed with and tortured slowly. Returning to his normal form, Ren returned to Tadateru, knowing nothing would change even if he told him of the Slayers progress. The pink haired demon peered into the room, then entered. “Tadateru.. The townspeople haven’t told them anything, they’re still searching for you.”
“They’re stronger than the last ones, much more so; the youngest one seems to be the weakest of the three, and they seem to move well as a team... But they had their guard up, so I couldn’t get much else without raising suspicion.” Ren said.
Ren made a face that showed he was clearly uncomfortable. “I... What about her..?” In all honesty he wanted to avoid her simply due to the fact he was going to participate in helping drag her to her hell, it made him uncomfortable.
Ren looked away, hating the feeling of Tadateru’s eyes on him. “I couldn’t find her... only the other three..” He muttered.
Ren cried out in pain as his head was pressed into the ground, trying immediately to take some of the pressure Tadateru was putting into his skull. “I’m sorry..! I’m sorry!”
Ren looked up with fear in his eyes, but did as he was told, hair growing longer and darker, and his body taking the form of a woman. Now it was Akihime looking back up at him with fear in her eyes.
Ren climbed up off the floor and into Tadateru’s lap as he was commanded, trembling slightly. “A-Akihime.. desu..” He badger when Tadateru made him turn into a woman, it never ended pleasantly for him.
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