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Once Lost, Now Found (Beauvoir x Birble)

Zolvir smiled at Sage’s excitement. He already was expecting that the boy would need training in proper etiquette, it was nice to see him happy. He frowned slightly at Fausta’s words. “Ah… I suppose that is true. Perhaps you will decide to go down that path when you are older, although it is not something that I would encourage.”

Airyth’s expression twitched at the mention of demons. His mother’s death had been something of a mystery. It was sudden, but there were no traces of poison. She had worked with demons and many theorized that something had gone wrong in that area. “Sage won’t be studying that.” His voice didn’t leave any room for argument.

“Yes, even if I thought it was a good idea I think Airyth might have me assassinated if I allowed it.” The king laughed, trying to calm his eldest son’s nerves.

“I wouldn’t do that…” Airyth frowned. “I don’t want you to get involved in those things either, father.”

“Didn’t you threaten to have me killed if I allowed anyone to court Sage when he returned?” Zolvir was used to making these types of rather grim jokes with Airyth, he didn’t even realize how much it might scare Sage if he thought they might be serious.

“I was kidding.” Airyth let out a soft huff, as if that was the most obvious thing in the world. “Stop trying to embarrass me in front of Sage… Otherwise I might change my mind.” His voice was lighthearted, teasing as if there was nothing strange about the threat.

“I’m shaking in my boots.” The king teased back.
Sage listened to the words of Fausta, frowning a bit. It was a bit disappointing, but the young male couldn't really get with the idea of working with demons either. The young prince had heard tales of mages who worked with demons. It'd never really worked out in their father. Either the demon deceived them into harsh contracts, tricked them, or it all out killed them. Necromancy was another thing, there was a lot more too it, but he didn't suppose it was something he would want to jump right into anyway.

"Well- either way, I bet I could make something just as useful." He smiled. At the mention of Airyth threatening the king he froze for a moment. Joke or not, it was a window into how serious his brother was about their relationship. What would the crown prince do if Sage had ever showed interest in another? As it was, some people seemed attracted to Sage's looks, even if just for the oddball factor. A few people had offered his grandmother a large amount of coin for him. He was just glad that she hadn't been interested in any of those things.

When Airyth was worried about being humiliated in front of him, the younger male giggled. "Embarrassed? In front of me-? Do you forget that I was a peasant for all these years-?" He stopped then, worried that maybe Airyth wouldn't find it so funny- there's no way he'd have forgotten, laying awake every night for all these years. He turned and tried to play it off. Taking a sip of his juice while looking around.

A sparkle caught his eye, and he noticed a set of tools by his dad's tray. Some kind of medical looking knife and an empty crystal glass. It wasn't hard to guess what it was for, if the king wanted fresh blood, but not to bite somebody at the table. Suddenly there was a door opening and an anxious little maid ran out with a rolled up cloth napkin and another crystal glass. She ran up between sage and Airyth, placing the napkin down and the glass. The bundle unrolled revealing another knife of sorts. It occurred to him, that they probably never brought the older brother these things since he never fed from a live source. But now that Sage was back- He swallowed a bit but took another bite of food.

"Can I ask- is it taboo to feed from a source directly during a group meal or, do some Vyres just prefer it- differently?"
Airyth glanced at the knife and then to Sage, his eyes hungry. Although he didn’t ask for blood. He could wait a while longer, and he would prefer if he could drink directly from his brother.

Zolvir frowned as he watched Airyth’s look. He wondered if Sage already knew the reason. “It is considered rather rude… To drink from someone directly is considered a rather intimate act, so to do such a thing at the dinner table would be… Odd…” He glanced at his own knife, normally he would have brought out the woman he currently had for blood. But he worried it might frighten Sage so he had decided to wait.

“Does it bother you..?” The king asked softly. “That we consume blood?” He turned to Sage, his eyes held a certain sadness. “I do not know if Airyth has already explained, but we would never kill for it nor would we force someone to give blood. But I know that humans who were raised away from Vyre still find it… Upsetting…”
Sage listened closely as the king explained a little more about the mannerism about Vyre's feeding habits. It made sense he supposed. It did seem like a pretty intimate act. He had caught his brother's look though and guessed that maybe Airyth didn't want his first feeding from Sage to be from a glass- It made Sage blush a bit as he wondered if feeding directly like that got Vyres. Excited?

As the king asked about his opinion of their need for blood though the young prince took a moment to analyze his own feelings. "Not really- the stories I heard were scary but it wasn't the thought that Vyres had to consume blood that bothered me. I don't really see how it's any more monstrous than humans killing and butchering animals for food- I'm just- well the thing that bugs me is it sounds painful."

After a short while longer Sage had eaten his fill and finished his juice, wondering what was next. He looked at his brother. "So do you have to go to your meeting now-?"
Zolvir gave him a gentle smile, reaching over to pat his head. “I’m glad… I worried that being raised by humans might lead you to dislike your own family…” He admitted. “I have been told that there is a short sting but it is not particularly painful.”

“Some humans even enjoy it…” Airyth pointed out.

“Ah, that is true. It seems to depend on the person.” Zolvir said thoughtfully.

Airyth frowned at the mention of the meeting. “I still have an hour-”

“Which you should spend preparing.” Zolvir reminded him. “And I do not want to hear that you cut the meeting short to check on Sage, he will be safe here.”

Airyth took one last bite of food, his brow furrowing in reluctance. “Fine…” He muttered, rising to his feet. He turned to Sage, his eyes filled with worry. “Just… Promise you will come find me if you need me..?” He lightly touched his brother’s cheek. Just the idea of leaving him made Airyth feel sick.
"No, I think thanfkfully looking so different made me realize you can't just dislike someone for being different." He smiled. At the mention of some humans liking the bite of a Vyre, he wondered. "Hmmm I wonder if I would." He mumbled. As Airyth looked at him with all the worry in his eyes he stood and gave his brother a hug. "Don't worry so much, I'm not going anywhere." He smiled. Whether his brother had been making questionable advances or not, he didn't want him to be sad, anymore now that he was back.

Fausta stood and smiled, going back to an earlier subject. "Worry not, from what i can- and I'm sure the rest of us as well, can smell of your blood. I'm sure one of us will give you the experience soon." She shot Airyth a look knowing full well that the statement would ruffle his feathers. Sage paused for a moment then looked at his father. "So- shall we um, take that tour?" He tried to change the subject.
Airyth didn't hesitate to hug him back, burying his face in Sage's hair and holding him tightly. "I'll stop my meeting if you need me…" He murmured. "Just find me if you don't feel safe…"

His eyes narrowed at Fausta's words and his tail started to lash angrily. He shot her a glare, a low growl emitting from his throat. "If anyone lays a finger on Sage…"

"No one will." Zolvir frowned, giving Fausta a slightly frustrated look. He rose to his feet and patted Airyth's shoulder. "Sage will be with me, he'll be safe." He promised. "Now… Go get ready."

Airyth frowned and gave Sage one more squeeze before reluctantly letting go. He lightly kissed Sage's forehead. "I'll be done by lunchtime… Think about if there's anything in particular you'd like to eat…" He lightly stroked his cheek for a moment before pulling away and leaving the room.

Zolvir waited until Airyth was gone before turning to Fausta. "Didn't I just say you should try to get along with him better?"
Sage stopped as his brother growled. He was glad though when Zolvir was able to stop him from ripping the Sorceress' throat out. He looked back up at his brother. "Airyth, don't worry if anything happens you'll be the first to know." He smiled trying to re-assure his brother. He wasn't happy that Fausta had gotten him all worked up, he didn't want the Vyre to be all distracted and twitchy in his meeting. It sounded important.

As Airyth left, and the king spoke Sage looked at her with a bit of annoyance. "Exactly, i've got to get my jabs out while I still can." He smirked. "Anyway, I must be off. Many things need done before this ball." He smiled before walking off down a different corridor than Airyth had gone. Sage turned back to the king and waited until he was finished, before walking with him.

"F-father... My brother seems quite- obsessed with me- Not to sound vain, but he's been a bit intense- That is one thing that my time with humans- instilled within me... Sometimes his affections- come off as rather- intense-" The young prince spoke quietly with a flush. This didn't seem like a conversation one should have with their dad. But who else would he say it too. "I-Is this, normal here?"
"Just don't come crying to me if you end up exiled... Or worse..." Zolvir muttered. He knew that Airyth was being overprotective... But he didn't exactly find it funny. One of his sons had been traumatised by the kidnapping of his other son. It was extremely painful for him to think about. Zolvir himself felt quite protective of Sage at the moment, the woman who had taken him still hadn’t been found. He was simply better at controlling his worry.

He frowned at Sage’s question. “Did something in particular happen..?” He asked. He didn’t want to make any assumptions as to how far Airyth had gone.
Sage looked down at his feet. Maybe he shouldn't have brought it up? He simply assumed that maybe Zolvir wouldn't be surprised, since it seemed not so taboo in Morrigan. He thought about how much he could say. "Um, I don't know if it's anything bad, maybe you'll think I'm silly for bringing it up. Just his affections have gotten a bit- well seemingly inappropriate, especially between siblings- but I don't know if that's too be expected or not. I can't imagine how much my leaving must have destroyed him as a kid- I'm really not trying to get my brother in any trouble- I'm just confused... He says he wishes for us to get married, and me to be his queen- raise kids- and everything like that."
“That boy…” Zolvir let out a frustrated sigh. “I told him to wait to bring that up…” He lightly rubbed his eyes, sitting back down in his chair as he tried not to get angry. He hadn't wanted Sage to feel too overwhelmed right away.

“Yes, incestuous relationships between siblings are perfectly acceptable in our culture." He explained. "They are even seen as a positive within the royal family because they keep the royal bloodline strong… I understand that is most likely quite different than what you were taught and may be difficult for you to accept... I tried to explain to Airyth that you may not be open to the idea, especially at first... But he is quite stubborn." He paused for a moment, looking up at Sage.

He reached over and gently took his son's hand, giving a reassuring squeeze. "I do not wish for you to be forced into a relationship with Airyth, which I have made quite clear to him…” He trailed off, he wasn't sure if he should say any more. This was probably as much as Sage was ready to hear.
Sage listened intently, relieved when it seemed at least his father wasn't overly surprised. He stood next to his father though as he sat down and seemed frustrated. So he had expected something like this, but not this soon? Hmmm, in a way this confused him even more, because with it being confirmed he needed to rethink his own beliefs. As his father took his hand and spoke to him. He wondered something. "I mean I can understand where he's coming from, apparently we were quite close, I feel bad that I don't remember...." At the last statement though he looked at his father questioningly. "I feel like there's a "but" coming at the end of that-.
Zolvir hesitated a moment, he didn’t know if Sage would be ready to hear this. But he didn’t want to hide it from the boy either. “Marrying Airyth would be greatly beneficial for our country… “ He finally admitted.

“He always cared for you deeply, but when you were taken…” For a moment he searched for the words, unsure how to describe it. “Something… Broke… Inside him… He became more and more paranoid and obsessed with you. He refused blood which is extremely unhealthy at a young age and caused him to become ill multiple times. He started having violent outbursts anytime someone even implied that you might never be found. For a few years I had him sleep in my room with me because he would wake up screaming from nightmares about you being tortured and would hurt himself if he didn’t have someone to help him calm down…” His voice filled with pain at the memory, the king had never felt so helpless as he did during that time. He had lost one son and was completely unable to help the other. “When we located you there were a few days when we were planning how to recover you. During that time I tried to suggest that he should be prepared for the possibility of you deciding to marry someone else. He told me in no uncertain terms that he would kill anyone who took you from him, if you were married to the prince of another country then he would die in battle trying to get you back if that’s what it took… He didn’t think of it as an act of selfishness, he seems convinced that if you marry someone else you will spend the rest of your life miserable… He refused to even entertain the possibility that you might be happy with another.”

“He could be a great king, when he has been able to focus on his work he shows great potential…” Zolvir shook his head sadly. “But if you are not by his side then I worry he will truly go mad… Even if I were to delay his coronation, he will eventually become king, and that madness could ruin our country.”

“Of course…” He gave Sage’s hand another squeeze, looking up at his son. “I also want you to be happy… And I do think the two of you could be happy together. His obsession might be a bit… Overwhelming at times… But it does come from a place of love. He genuinely believes that you would be safest and happiest with him. And he may be right about the safety… As a prince you would be unable to marry simply out of love, whoever you marry would have to benefit the country in some way. Either by strengthening our bloodline or our foreign relations…”

“I would never allow you to marry someone who I thought would hurt you.” He promised. “But if someone is trying to win your hand they may pretend to love you, and then turn into a cruel monster the moment you are theirs. At the very least I know that Airyth will always try to make you happy… He would never beat you, or be unfaithful… And he would certainly never orchestrate your death. If you were to marry another then there would always be a risk that one of those things could happen… No matter how hard I try to prevent it…”
It filled the younger prince with an inner conflict as his father talked about how he cared about his freedom of choice and his happiness but also couldn't deny the benefits of Sage staying in the kingdom. It sounded as if no matter what he would marry out of both love and business. It was the life of a royal, he supposed it only made sense, but it was kind of sad. It was also true, anybody he could marry may only wish harm or ill will to him or his kingdom. He knew at least with Airyth he would always be protected. The king also looked to be having a great internal struggle. "Generally, a prince at my age would have had his life and spouse planned out for him, correct-?" He thought on it. At the mention of Airyth not beating or cheating on him. "I'm not sure that's what I'm worried about. He flushed. "He seems to view me as a doll, fragile, something he only trusts himself to old, but at the same time he can do whatever he pleases... Not that he's done anything extreme-" He made sure to mention, but averted his father's gaze as memories of the previous night flew through his head.

He walked over and looked out the window at the sky. He'd come so far in just twenty for hours. His life had completely changed and it supposed that more changes were only natural after that. "Father- I'll go with the flow. I guess kind of feel thing out for a while- My life is already a million times better just standing behind these walls. I just feel- cheated out of those years I could've been here instead. I don't really know what my mother was thinking- I could never get her to tell me the truth." He sighed.
Zolvir rose to his feet and followed Sage to the window. "Yes... By this point you would normally have already planned out your future." He frowned slightly at the explanation. "Perhaps Airyth will settle if you give him a bit of time... When he sees that you are safe here it may calm his nerves."

He pulled him into a gentle hug. "Of course... There's no need to make up your mind right now... If Airyth is ever being too pushy then feel free to come to me and I'll speak with him."

He released Sage, although he kept a hand on his shoulder. "I do not know why your mother took you..." He admitted. "I'm simply relieved that you have finally returned to us..."
"Apparently we made silly promises to each other as kids do. But he's taking it rather seriously. I'll just- cope as much as I can until the "newness" of my return has finished washing over him- or if I fall in love I guess." He chuckled lightly. He almost leapt into the hug, reveling in the feeling from a sensation he never thought he'd get. To hug his dad. He couldn't help but let a couple of tears. "And I'm glad to be home. I just hope that I age as gracefully as most Vyres so that I'll get a long enough time to enjoy being here." He smiled. "Now, can we do see that library?"

When Airyth got done with his meeting, he would find Sage curled up on the rug in front of the fire place with a book open halfway beside him. He'd done his best to read, but apparently from a combo of mental exhaustion and the heat from the fire place, the young prince had dozed off for a little nap. In his sleep, his white hair had fanned out on the black fur of the rug, and the ties of his shirt on his upper chest had come undone. The pale porcelain of his beck exposed. He wasn't quite so dim as to not noticed the guards positioning themselves outside of the entrance though.
Airyth struggled to focus on his meeting, but he was able to get it done properly and immediately rushed to the library. He couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Sage’s sleeping form. His brother looked so beautiful… So peaceful and content. Quietly he made his way over to him and sat down on the floor next to him. He lightly touched his cheek before trailing his fingers down to the boy’s neck.

He leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, his own hair tumbling down to brush against Sage’s cheek. It was taking all of his willpower to resist the urge to feed. Being this close to his brother was like torture. He moved to gently kiss Sage’s neck, just breathing in his scent for now.
Sable had been dreaming about what his childhood would've been like had he grown up where he was supposed to. A life full of luxury and responsibility. But he'd have grown up with a family, and all of his needs met easily, and just maybe fallen in love at an early age. Whether it be with Airyth or someone else he didn't know. But he wondered how much happier he would've been. The book by his side had been one of his childhood favorite's; though he barely remembered it. "The Bard's Butterfly" A story of a man whose music lured back a species of rare butterfly, to an otherwise dim country.

When Airyth touched his cheek, all Sage did was make a small noise and move slightly, When he felt the kiss, his eyes fluttered gently. Though as he felt the lips on his pulse he began to wake up gently. Like someone who felt safe would wake. He made a soft whimper and adjust his position in a way that would move his pulse along Airyth's lips.
Airyth recognized the book, he wondered if Sage remembered it from his childhood or if he had just happened to pick it from the shelf. He pressed a gentle kiss to Sage’s neck before forcing himself to pull away. “Hello beautiful…” He hummed, lightly stroking Sage’s hair. “Did you have a nice nap?” His eyes were filled with love, but there was also an underlying hunger to his gaze. It was getting harder and harder to hold back… He wasn’t sure how much longer he could last.
Sage let out another soft noise at the gentle kiss before finally his eyes stayed open and he looked up at his brother. "Hi-" He smiled up at Airyth. At the question, he nodded sleepily. "Yeah. I just kept dreaming about how things would've been if I'd been here instead." He gently leaned up onto his elbow. He looked into his brother's eyes. "It was a really happy dream- though it had a fair amount of biting for some reason." He laughed, and suddenly the book caught his eye. "I remember this, the story vaguely. You went out and caught me the prettiest butterfly you could find." He touched his neck gently as he thought about the dream.
Airyth chuckled softly at his brother's words. His fingers moved to brush against Sage's neck. "If you keep saying things like that it's going to get harder and harder to resist you..." He breathed. "It's already taking all of my willpower not to drink from you..."

"You remember that?" He perked up at the memory. The prince had clung to all his memories of his brother, but he knew that Sage had forgotten all of it. "I spent hours searching for one that would be perfect for you... You looked so happy when I showed it to you..." He stroked the man's cheek, closing his eyes for a moment. He could still remember the expression on Sage's face, and the warmth in his chest when he was thanked. He pulled Sage into his arms. "I'm glad you haven't forgotten it completely..."
Sage flushed at as Airyth touched his neck and felt a warmth surround him as the memory seemed to lift Airyth's spirit. It made him glad that even remembering what little he could brought joy to his family. He wrapped his arms around his brother and smiled.

Suddenly he twitched though as another vision shot through him and without really thinking he gripped his brother's hand which would give Airyth the ability to see it with him. They were sitting on a couch, Sage wasn't sure he recognized it. But Sage was sitting on the Vyre's lap as he fed from him. The vision moved down and he felt himself blush as he realized he was running his hand through Airyth's hair while slowly stroking his cock in the vision.

Sage pulled back in reality and his cheeks remained pink. "why have both visions been about feeding and- that stuff-"
Airyth's eyes widened for a moment at the vision, but he quickly closed his eyes to just savor the peek into their future. He found it somewhat reassuring... Sage would be his, and Sage would submit to him. He sighed as he was pulled back to reality. "Perhaps your visions are telling you something..." He leaned in, allowing his fangs to brush against Sage's neck. "That it isn't painful, and you should let me drink..." He breathed against the man's skin. His arm snaked around his waist, holding him close to he couldn't pull away, although he didn't bite.

"Sage... Please... May I just take a bit..?" He wasn't entirely sure he would be able to refuse if Sage said no, it was too tempting.
Sage was still flushed as Airyth seemed to savor the vision as if he were tasting something divine for the first time. He seemed really pleased with what he had seen, though that wasn't exactly surprising. The younger prince held still as his brother moved closer, wondering if he would bite him right there and then. When he felt the teeth ever so gently scrape against his throat, Sage let out a tiny hushed gasp. He could feel his own pulse, as if his blood was trying to reach out to Airyth.

The younger prince let out a smaller noise when Airyth pulled him close and held him tight. He was so conflicted, on one hand he was scared, on the other his brother seemed so hungry and was only willing to feed from him- denying him felt like he was being cruel in some manner. He looked at the ceiling, instinctively craning his head back a bit. He gripped the fabric of the Vyre's shirt. "Big brother- I'm- scared..." He whimpered out. "Will it be a big moment for you- your fangs piercing my skin finally after all these years.- It feels almost like i'm losing my virginity." He didn't say yes, but he didn't say no, he wasn't sure he could trust himself to answer. Maybe if Airyth took control of the situation it would be easier, but he had a feeling he knew how that would end.
Airyth let out a soft whine as he struggled to hold himself back. "It won't hurt..." He promised. "And it will be a big moment for me, but it's not as though I've never drank from you before..." He closed his eyes for a moment. His stomach growled softly, his brother was right here in his arms but he still couldn’t have him… It really did feel like torture.

He tried to hold back, he really did... But when Sage tilted his head back that was just too much for him. "I'm sorry..." He murmured before sinking his fangs into the man's throat. His grip was like steel around Sage's waist, keeping him close as he drank deeply. The emptiness in his stomach which he had felt for the past 15 years finally began to fill.
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