Hey everyone,
In my last response, I was thinking that we could jump start a little action, thus my character noticed the scent of a dangerous, bitter herb in the air (I even mentioned that the Empire had eradicated it from their lands, but since we're outside of the border...*cue scary music*). I was thinking that there could be large patches of it in our path, and we would have to maneuver a way around it because it's one that doesn't need to be ingested to cause death.
Sabina mentioned it to the healer, Karin (Sorry about the typo,
@Letrixia. Had you messaged me, I would have just corrected it) to try to spur the conflict along since she is the most knowledgable about such topics. Alas, the idea fizzled, which is fine. My question since I've never group RPed before is,
should I have discussed it with everyone here first to get approval to introduce a conflict like this, or was it okay to write it in? I came up with the idea as I was writing, so I didn't think to plan it with you guys. I realize communication is key, but I honestly thought it was an obvious cue. I was mistaken. I apologize for that.
Any suggestions for how to salvage the conversation?